Now That “God is Dead” Cults Have Replaced Him

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the hard core environmentalists are part of a cult, but that cult isn’t what you think it is. It is not about the environment, that is how it appears, not what it is. Indeed, they don’t want any environmental problem solved, that would eliminate a impetus they can use to forward their real goal, because they are at heart… anti human. Honest great minds wrestle with the manifestations of extreme environmentalist’s, their attitudes and actions. How their mouth pieces in the media, that calls itself unbiased, are willing to lie and suborn lies to create a sense of fear in the hoi polloi. Very cult like. The thing about cults is, that they are at heart, mobs, and act as such. Mobs are controlled by emotion. Impending disaster, no matter how many times falsely predicted, provides that emotion.

People who take the environmentalists seriously, are at a loss to understand why the hard core environmentalists turn their noses up to actual solutions. If you actually believe greenhouse gas is going to destroy the world, why fly private jets, drive limo suvs and consume a hundred times the norm in energy? Why would you spit on nuclear, especially the safer alternatives like Thorium, (although it has drawbacks), and always push for pie in the sky ideas, that have either been proven ineffective, else is thirty years in the future, and always will be. When we are flaring off gas in the Permian, instead of building a gas generator there and feeding the grid… instead, building the Abilene and Baird wind farms, for example, you have to wonder if the people making the decisions are sane.

Environmentalism has replaced God in the minds of the righteous. As Nietzsche warned in the death of God, that once belief in God was gone, we would take up belief in every sort of absurd, counterproductive and asinine idea that comes along… to fill that void. Some have taken up politics, others the mystic realm of crystals, meditation and homeopathic remedies, still others the environment. Many of the most zealous believe mankind is a pox on mother Earth, (other people… not them). They feel it is their duty, no, their religious calling, to rid the Earth of that pox. They will be Earth’s penicillin. Don’t believe me? Read the Georgia Guide Stones for their ten commandments, check out the UN’s Agenda 21, or the rantings of depopulationists like Bill Gates.

If environmentalism is actually a cult of the Earth, and they don’t want anything to despoil it, therefore the only true solution is mankind’s extinction… that would mesh with the zealot environmentalist’s actions. That is why they refuse to accept actual solutions, calling instead for “solutions” that would result in millions starving around the world. Women and children most effected. I have found in my personal life that you trust someone’s actions… not their words. Meanwhile, our ‘leaders” have proven themselves to be inept, their every action has made our societal problems worse, so why would we entrust them to change the temperature of the planet? In ten years we really would have an environmental disaster. I have often wondered aloud if their ineptness isn’t really something else.

The cult of anti humanism is magnetic to the atheist. It fills the void left by not believing in God, makes him or herself one of the select, and puts them in the position of dictating morality, by saying NO, to everything… validating the two year old within. They say that in Nazi Germany, one third of the population were Nazis, one third were anti Nazi and the inactive one third, irrelevant. People haven’t changed. Oh, we think we are more enlightened then Germans in the 1930’s, but we are cut from the same stock. Not White, Christian or Western stock… but human. Having abandoned a functional, righteous and true belief, we have taken up false gods, idols and magic. So now, instead of, “loving thy neighbor as thyself,” we are tricked into participating in our own genocide… to save the planet.


John Pepin

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