My Election Prediction

Dear Friends,

I predict that in every state with mail in voting, on election night republicans will sweep the elections, but after the mail ins are counted, every race will swing democrat. Now that is quite a prediction you have to admit. I am going out on a limb with this one, but listen to my logic, and you might agree. For a criminal thing, like openly stealing an election through vote fraud to happen, the right people have to be in the right places, they have to be corrupt enough with sufficient motivation and security against getting caught, to act. If any one of these things is absent, such criminal acts like vote fraud won’t happen. This year however, judging by past actions, the democrat party has proven itself corrupt enough, motivated and in the have the right people in the right place at the right time, to pull it off.

Mail in voting is rife for fraud. Stories abound about people’s dead cats getting ballots. Now, if those people were sufficiently immoral, they could forge a signature and vote that ballot any way they want. What if someone harvested mail ins for money? While that would be a violation of the Freeman’s Oath, we all know there are those who would gladly sell their vote, for a pack of cigarettes. Mail in voting not only abets this behavior but encourages it. Removing the threat of getting caught once the ballots are mailed in. Moreover, it would be an easy task for a political operative to stash a huge cache of blank ballots, and after the election, (ala Broward County FL) fill in as many as needed to insure a narrow victory, should their candidate lose. Establishing opportunity and means.

Democrats have made no secret of their hate and loathing of Donald Trump, but not of the man, as much as what he stands for, the people. The progressive faction deeply despise the American people. They admit it openly when they call us “Deplorables.” How many important democrats did you hear decry Hillary for calling the American people, despicable? How many pundits in the media that calls itself unbiased called her out? Only the media that admits it’s bias did. Which signals their agreement by their silence. You cannot argue democrats are shriveling violets, they never fail to open their mouths if they are offended, so in this case they were clearly not offended. Again, showing they too think we are deplorable… hated, despised, stupid, ignorant, worthless, below contempt… establishing motive.

History is nothing if not a lesson on the will of democrats to power by whatever means necessary. They have shown themselves willing to rip this nation apart for political power. Remember the War Between the States? It was simply the Democrat party trying to carve out a segment of the US to establish perpetual power. We think it was about state’s rights, or slavery, but it was about political power. That is what war is always about. Political power. Modern examples of democrat corruption, the stories about democrat political bosses busing voters poll to poll are legendary. In Palm Beach County FL the corruption of the election process was astounding. This year so far, mail in voting has accounted for a huge spike in democrat vote fraud, already discovered! Their character is corrupt enough.

We have established means, motive, character and opportunity… so we have to ask ourselves, do we want to live under a tyranny, or remain under a Constitutionally limited democratic republic? If you want to live under a dictatorship in all but name, simply see nothing, do nothing, say nothing and allow it to happen, if not, you have to speak. Contact your elected representatives, state and federal, write your governors, letters to the editor and call in on liberal talk shows. Speak now, else after they have stolen the election, like in California in 2018, your voice will be well and truly silenced. Demand mail in voting not be allowed, if enough of us do, they will have to knuckle under and return to Constitutionally established elections… Do you want your vote struck dumb? Then speak up now.


John Pepin

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