Civilization Is Created By The Civilized

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we need to be more dangerous… not less. We have the misbegotten idea that to be civilized is to be docile, when that is the opposite of what it is to be civilized. A civilized man or woman is a very dangerous animal. Quick to take offense at the absurd, evil and barbaric. Tolerant of ideas but not of malevolent actions. The civilized person is not someone who allows him or herself to be attacked, belittled or dehumanized. A civilized human being is a man or woman, not a child, with all that being a man or woman suggests. That we have become so docile, gullible and weak in the face of violence, shows we are anything but civilized, more like dogs who have been hit too much. That is why a single man with a knife can kill two adults in a mugging… the two refuse to fight back.

Anyplace on Earth, there is a weapon within ten feet that can counter a knife. That no one seems to understand this, instead preferring to get stabbed, or allow their throat to be slit, shows we have become less than civilized human beings. A rock, hurled with accuracy and velocity is a deadly ranged weapon, as a knife is a close combat weapon. Where on Earth are there no rocks, ice chunks or bricks? People run and hide when there is an active shooter today. A civilized person would instead gather a weapon, and wait in ambush for the shooter, then brain him, stab him or scoop out an eye with the thumb. A weakling waits to be rescued, or killed, depending on their luck. A civilized person perseveres… because they persevere. Civilization is as much about enforcing civilization as it is a mindset.

Take the example of a dog. A dog can be out of control, it can be a spirited companion or it can be beat too much to be anything of value. A curr that bites is dangerous, but a dog that is afraid of its own shadow is worthless if you need it, the only dog that is worth its salt is one that is loving, protective, and spirited. A curr is like a barbarian, a selfish, violent egoist. It has no empathy nor does the barbarian. A dog that has been beat too much is like a modern man. They are both so unsure of themselves, their motivations and actions, they follow any order given without thought. Bowing and scraping their way through life, they harbor within them a deep resentment, to the world and humanity. Making them even more dangerous to civilization… but even more worthless for anything else.

People confuse socialization with civilization, they are not synonymous. To be socialized is to be able to interact with other people. Barbarians are not well socialized nor are patsies. A well socialized person, need not be a pushover, in fact, a well socialized person is able to interact in such a way as to get what they need from society, without offending society. That is not the same as being civilized. It is similar but the difference is in the definition. While being socialized is being able to act within society, to be civilized is to create civilization around us. The docile think they are socialized, in fact that is their claim to virtue, in that they are so socialized they are easy marks for swindlers, propaganda and muggings. One must be socialized, and civilized as well, to create a world we want to live in.

Let’s become civilized men and women. Stop being door mats and instead become human beings… dangerous, powerful and cunning. Pretending to be stupid, compliant and pathetic, does nothing to advance the cause of humanity. It only lowers us. Read the news with an eye to seeing if those in it are barbarian, servile or civilized human beings? Most are barbarians preying on the meek. The well socialized person can interact in civilization… while the civilized man or woman creates civilization around them. Any time we do a thing that is outside our comfort zone we become uncomfortable. That discomfort is weakness leaving the body, mind and soul. Take a small step at being more civilized and less tame, small steps lead to big changes over time. Changes our civilization needs.


John Pepin

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