
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, by smashing down the guardrails, the progressive faction has opened us up to innumerable potential disasters. Now the progressive globalist faction is on the ropes, the unlimited power they’ve amassed around the world, could fall into the hands of anyone. We hope the leaders we elect will be centrist, in an Enlightenment way, but until we have a taste of them, we can’t know. Especially since everyone not to the left of Mao is called far right. Skewing the metric we use to determine a person’s political stance, and hollowing out the middle, to add to the ends. Which empowers radical factions at cost to sanity. That’s why we must limit governmental power, erode the administrative state, and put the guardrails back up.

The swing from the far left, rightward, is a good thing. However, such movements can gain momentum such that they overshoot the ideal… by a long way. An out of balance wheel will wear no matter if it’s tipped to the right or left. The trouble is, we’ve worn down to the steel belts on the left side of the tire. So if we want to stave off a blowout, we need to balance more to the right… but not too far. As is the tendency of people to do. Movements build inertia. That inertia gains as the movements speeds up and grows in mass. Plus, people hang on way past their comfort zone, as we’ve seen with the progressive faction. Eventually rejecting that ideology altogether. So we must control ourselves and insure we don’t let our emotions run away with us. Else the globalists might seize control again.

The repulsive corruption of the progressive globalist faction has only impelled the swing faster. As the scales fall from people’s eyes, and they see the horror that is the globalist vision of the world, and humanity, they flee it as fast as possible. Because once you understand what they mean by, “You will own nothing and be happy…” your blood will run cold. That emotional reaction to astonishing evil is natural but makes people less rational. Running in terror, while screaming and carrying scissors, through a junkyard… is a sub optimal strategy to escape to safety. Which is the natural reaction to a monster in the dark. Once you have some distance though, it’s best to hide and weapon up. In the case of the leftist beast system, our weapons are our voices, just law and public opinion.

No guardrails means no bounds. If we pick up the weapons of the foe, lawfare, fraud and propaganda, then we’ve become unbalanced too. We need to eliminate those things. You get rid of lawfare by charging the criminals, with denial of Constitutional rights under color of law, then try, and if guilty, made examples of. Root out election fraud. By voter ID, paper ballots and same day counting. If an election takes more than 24 hours to count, there are too many anomalies, and it needs to be redone. Mail in voting must be abolished. Then there’s propaganda. Edward Bernays would be astounded at how effective his tool of mass control has become. Pass laws to forbid government propaganda against citizens. Then there’s the administrative state.

Now that people with demonstrated sanity, might be in charge, it’s time to put some guardrails back up. Pare the government back to some semblance of constitutionality. Debate Constitutional changes to get rid of abominations like Wickard v Filburn, Korematsu and Buck v Bell, to name a few. Get a handle on election fraud. Make examples of those who abuse their power, and put the guardrails back up, to prevent it in the future. Remember, the faction in power today, will not be in power tomorrow. It’s up to us then to insure that tomorrow’s ruler’s stay on the road. So they can’t engage in open election fraud, forced medical procedures, or other usurpations of human Rights. But don’t go crazy, going off road on the trail the left cut… and become the faction we’re fighting. Limit government power… don’t expand it.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


As Ukraine fights a now unwinnable war,

600,000 dead and the globalists want more,

Elites thirsting for blood,

Boys face down in mud,

And a nuclear exchange could be next in store.


At the polling place read the instruction,

They are in languages not of our nation,

Helping foreigners to vote,

Another thing to note,

Election’s are theater is the communication.


There once was a man certain he was right,

Willing at a moment’s notice to engage in fight,

He said with face long,

I’m just never wrong,

And in proving it he accidentally set himself alight.


How to reign in corruption and such,

When the elite are so out of touch,

The elite think it’s bats,

You needn’t the bureaucrats,

If your government doesn’t do as much.


If the people are sovereign truly,

We shall not be burdened by law unduly,

A jury can thaw,

Usurpation by law,

Until judges take it away rudely.


Democrats can’t count the votes on election night,

To do so would be unfair and would start a fight,

So they’ll wait and see,

How many votes they need,

To get their candidate to the highest height.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Appeal To Popularity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the most pernicious fallacy, is appeal to popularity. Edward Bernays liked to exploit that little trick to manipulate people. He used it to con women into smoking, and wearing bras. Even as the new propagandists have manipulated women into eschewing families, and loving abortion. The Covid vaccine is pushed by appeal to popularity. Appeal to popularity is so powerful since we’re social animals. Being social we want to fit in. So if we detect the crowd is going a certain way, we follow, else risk being left behind. This is so ingrained that we are manipulated by it… and we are. Being undetected and effective it’s pernicious. So it’s not likely to go anywhere soon. Making it important for us to become immune to the fallacy of appeal to popularity.

When a thing is pernicious, it’s hard to get rid of. Long Covid could be called pernicious Covid. Another example is Herpes, which is a pernicious disease, as is appeal to popularity. They’re all hard to get rid of. Appeal to popularity is probably the worst. Because herpes dies with the patient, and long Covid eventually goes away, but appeal to popularity will outlast us all. Because it’s used by us all and will be used until time ends. Being so effective and so often hidden. Knowledge is defense. Realize that the popular thing may not be the right thing nor the most profitable means. Like smoking, just because everyone does it, doesn’t make it smart. The answer then, is to inure oneself to appeal to popularity, so we aren’t as effected by it. Dulling its teeth.

Appeal to popularity was used to glamorize smoking in the 1930s, and to discourage smoking in the 1980s. When the popular girls all smoked, all the girls smoked, and when the popular girls stopped, all the girls stopped. Because we often act as a herd. Not everyone. Some are more like cats than dogs or cows. The highly independent, disagreeable and hermit types, tend to go the opposite direction from the crowd. They think for themselves… for better or worse. Because, while appeal to popularity is a fallacy, there is safety in numbers. Even a wrong decision that kills a bunch of people, probably won’t kill you, if the crowd is big enough. Individualists like Dick Proenneke are rare people. Their risks are their own as are the rewards and dangers. Had nuclear war broken out… he would have barely noticed.

There’s safety in fitting in too. Scientists were studying zebras back in the day. The trouble is, they couldn’t identify one long enough to get meaningful data… so they painted one. Then the lions ate it. So they marked another… which the lions immediately ate. Eventually, the scientists figured out individual zebras must blend in to the crowd, so lions cant pick one out. Marking them so one stood out was a death sentence. In some ways we’re like zebras. There are innumerable adages about how high nails are pounded down, the dangers of sticking your neck out, and rocking boats. Even as others urge us not to follow crowds, think for ourselves, and the dangers of jumping off bridges, just because everyone else is. Which means, we need to be zebras sometimes and John Gault others.

Wisdom is recognizing when we should be Dick Proenneke, and head out alone into the wilderness, and when we should blend into the crowd. Though at no time should we allow ourselves to be manipulated by appeal to popularity. No one manipulates us for our good, they manipulate us for their good. That’s as close to the kind of universal the Taoists hate as is possible. The way to do that is by keeping perspective. Try to take a bird’s eye view of the dialogue in the media, the marketplace and at work. There’s always manipulation. Practice looking for it is a good exercise in recognizing it. So we don’t get manipulated. Because cons only work when the Mark is unaware. Learn to be aware and the swindle of appeal to popularity won’t work on you. Be a zebra or a John Gault when it serves you.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, media, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Dear Friends,


Giving thanks shows humility wisdom and cheer,

Thanking almighty God for what we hold dear,

But what a way to celebrate,

Eating turkey wine and cake,

Then watching the big game as we drink beer.



John  Pepin

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A Better Way To Calculate GDP

Dear friends,

It seems to me, for a myriad of reasons, government spending should be subtracted from any GDP calculation. Because every penny of government spending, be it from taxes, borrowing or printing, comes out of the pockets of someone else. Therefore, government spending doesn’t add to the cumulative output, it subtracts from it. So, by adding a subtraction to the sum, you get a wildly skewed number. One that benefits the elite, by rationalizing their profligate spending… as an addition to Gross Domestic Product. A pure con. Nevertheless, in every calculation of GDP, government spending is at the top of the list. Which makes me believe that economists don’t want the real numbers known. Making GDP and all the numbers derived from it… swindles.

Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, is a calculation of the total output of a nation’s economy. It’s done by adding up adding spending by government, investment by government, spending in the private sector, investment in the private sector, and exports, minus imports to equal GDP. The figure is used to determine if the economy is growing or contracting, the rate of growth, as well as many other economic calculations. Those then inform public policy if its on the right of wrong track… judged by economic growth, as measured by GDP. If that number is skewed somehow, then all those subsequent calculations are also skewed. Being based on wrong data. So, you can see that by adding something that should be subtracted, creates a cascading effect.

There are assets and liabilities. A liability is something that costs you to own it, and returns a marginal profit at sale, or even loses money. Like a car. An asset is something that pays you to own it… like a rental unit. Which shows calling any government spending an investment is a lie. Bureaucracies don’t buy assets, they buy liabilities… call them “assets,” and sell them for pennies on the dollar. Making any talk of government investment absurd. A million dollar vehicle sells for a grand at government auction. In reality, government never invests in assets, it only buys liabilities. Calling a liability an asset is a sure way to poverty. Unless you have unlimited funds. Like government. Nevertheless, adding government investment to GDP, is adding something that should be subtracted.

Government spending doesn’t add to GDP, as the expert class would like you to think… it subtracts from it. Because all those highly paid bureaucrat’s are paid out of someone else pockets. They don’t produce anything anyone wants. What the deep state produces is friction to the economy and burdens to the people. At cost to the victims. Their pay doesn’t come from profits, it comes from taxes, money printing and borrowing… all of which subtracts from the money available for the real economy to spend and invest. While the negative effects of taxes are pretty obvious, the effects of borrowing and printing are less obvious, though more destructive, because of it. They’re manifested by inflation. Making both the spending itself a subtraction, and government’s output, an unaccounted for subtraction.

By adding that which should be subtracted, (government spending and investment), the elite are conning us. That scam is premised on the notion that the roof can support the floor. Take two economies. One is 100% private sector spending, investment, import and export, while the other is 100% government spending, import and export. Which economy do you think would provide the most prosperity, safety, liberty and least wars? North Korea Versus Singapore for example. By adding a subtraction, government spending is rationalized. Even as it diminishes instead of increases the national output. An honest economist would come out with GDP figures that subtract government spending from output, instead of adding it… so we can see the truth. The truth will set you free.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Starship Rocket System

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it would be a disaster for mankind, should the US administrative state seize control of Space X’s Starship rocket system. The brainiacs in the bureaucracy have claimed it’s impossible to build an orbital class reusable rocket for decades. The Falcon 9 has proven the concept and now the Starship program is expanding the idea, to make a rapidly reusable orbital rocket. With the added capability of delivering almost 200 tons to anywhere on Earth in less than an hour. That’s what’s caught the eye of Sauron. Now the DOD is talking about taking over the Starship program as a matter of national security. Which would make the Starship program into an exercise in futility. Because innovation and outside the box thinking is verboten in bureaucracy.

Boeing is the acme of a company that’s gone from stellar to quotidian. Innovation, quality and safety have taken a back seat to politics. As is always the case in bureaucracies. High nails get hammered down. If we accept this logic, once the administrative state usurps the Starship program, we can expect a series of failures, culminating in the end of the program… due to the experts deeming it impossible. Because it is impossible… for people who think math is racist, showing up to work on time is white supremacist and working hard is a form of tyranny. That’s why the administrative state hasn’t delivered a reusable orbital class rocket, let alone a paradigm shattering innovation, like Starship. Their hands in it, would destroy the program, not just slow it.

One reason Space X is able to do the seemingly impossible… is because it’s filled with the John Gaults of the world. The twenty percent that do fifty percent of the work. By their nature they think outside the box, are high nails and are independent. They would flee a typical bureaucracy or be ushered to the door, for putting a staple in the wrong corner, and forgetting the 3 paper clips denoting 3 copies… too often. Such people deliver innovation, complete tasks on time and work diligently… the white supremacists. They’re not ants, being more like cats. As hard to satisfy and they are to self satisfy. The John Gaults of the world change shape so don’t ever fit in anywhere for very long. Bureaucracy requires square pegs only however. So dynamic shapes that morph into and out of toroids don’t fit.

Have you ever noticed that the most inept, lazy and stupid, think they know better than those who build things? I have. You see it when a new hire doesn’t work, but instead complains with arms crossed, how the whole system is set up ass backwards. A system he has no idea about since he was just hired. Give that lout control and he’ll run that business into the ground. Because he couldn’t have built it, since he didn’t. It’s easy to be flippant when you don’t have skin in the game. If there’s a loss here or there, oh well, just raise taxes to cover it. Not in the real world though. Here, a loss needs to be made up out of profit. A failure has costs and stagnation has costs as well. The lazy, inept and stupid couldn’t care less.

When self assured half wits seize the work of another, they reliably run it into the ground, as would happen to the Starship program. They have no skin in the game, are inept and couldn’t have created the program in the first place. With plenty of hubris they feel they can do a much better job than the guy who invented it. So given sufficient political power, they’ll take it over. Then run it into the ground. Emerging with much more wealth, power and prestige than before they ruined a great idea. So the only down side to the egoist opportunity lost. That’s why I say it would be a disaster for the deep state to seize control of the Starship program. A disaster for space X to be sure, and for the administrative state in lost opportunity.. but a bigger disaster for mankind.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Filthy perverts atop a white horse,

Charging down unwanted discourse,

Confession through projection,

Showing kids too much affection,

And be careful not to expose those syphilis sores.


I thought this was a debunked conspiracy theory,

It now makes me suspicious tense and leery,

If they lied about this,

What else is amiss,

And what other debunked ideas must now see inquiry?


Factions who think censorship is cool,

Are clearly seeking unlimited rule,

Cede your right,

With hair alight,

And they’ll reduce you to a mindless tax mule.


There was an agency to facilitate innovation,

Instead it practiced politics and created division,

They said with good cheer,

Here hold my beer,

As they smothered America’s best shot at a sci fi vision.


If you’re wise you’ll watch yourself,

Doing good things like a little elf,

Those who do bad,

Will end up sad,

Because evil always destroys itself.


Of ethics morals and empathy they are bereft,

In matters of politics though they carry heft,

January to December,

One thing to remember,

Always beware the authoritarian left.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Judicial Sysytem, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Middle East

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind has been squandered, because of stupidity. What opportunity? The opportunity that oil wealth gave the Middle East. The rulers of those countries have spilled trillions in wealth preparing for and waging wars, on opulence, and in political intrigue across the world. Had they been smart and human hearted, they would have invested in infrastructure, educated their youth, created incentives to entrepreneurship, instilled a strong work ethic, greened the desert, put money aside for the future, built lakes to store water… but never give money to the people. That’s a sure way to obliterate a work ethic. History is unambiguous on that point. Moreover, people without gumption are soon poor… which is what the elite have made.

Imagine the trillions wasted on wars in the Middle East? Because of an unending hatred abetted by wealth. Compiling the numbers of tanks, aircraft and other military equipment is pretty simple and amounts to trillions in today’s dollars… but the cost in lost productivity of the boys killed, is incalculable. Plus, that loss in productivity extends to the end of time. I have to wonder how many Fords, Musks and Teslas have died face down in blood soaked mud? Not to mention the suffering their loss meant to their families. Nevertheless, the rulers in the Middle East seem to have an unquenchable thirst for blood. At cost to the future, to be sure, but unquenchable is unquenchable. Such a thirst must cost dearly, especially when there’s plenty of largess, to insure the cup is always filled.

Had the oil revenue been spent on education, creating incentives to innovate, and built a strong work ethic… the nations of the Middle East would be economic powerhouses now… instead of basket cases needing foreign welfare. The cost of establishing an international level university pales in comparison to starting a war. Setting up a reward system for innovation would be cheap and could be self sustaining with a grant. A work ethic can be inculcated through the culture. By propaganda, incentives and leading by example, the leaders of a nation can instill a strong work ethic in a people. The most effective way to create national wealth, outside resource wealth, is by becoming a meritocracy. That in and of itself is a certain path to national prosperity.

The nations of the Middle East could have been transformed, the deserts made green, lakes built and forests planted. All for the cost of a few T 55 tanks and a Mig jet or two. By building swales in the desert, pumping desalinated water to upland man made lakes, and clever use of that water. The entire ecosystem of the Middle East could have been transformed into fertile lands again. Yet, though soaked in oil, they can’t even get it out of the ground. All the work is done by foreign workers. Because, the rulers used some of their oil money to pay off the people, instead of helping them up. Destroying their work ethic in the process. Lazy entitled and dependent people aren’t safe though. They’re volatile. Alternatively, hard working industrious and innovative people are safe… and generate wealth.

If Iran was allowed to sell its oil on the international market, but the US stopped shipping pallets of money to them, they’d have a much harder time funding terrorism and war. Because the technology to get that oil out of the ground is nearly lost to them, and innovation, well, that’s a racist western thing. Just ask a progressive. Which is the result of the Middle East’s ruler’s choices. They chose to invest in war, opulence and pushing their failed philosophy into the world. Now they and the people of the Middle East are reaping the results. Had they invested in education, innovation and becoming a meritocracy, they wouldn’t need oil money anymore. They would be creating enough wealth to make it redundant. But they didn’t and so they aren’t. Do you think it’s too late to change… or is it?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Some say what’s in our imagination,

In reality we’ll see a manifestation,

If our thoughts are clear,

We can bring them here,

And in doing so bring us illumination.

Administrative states are bottomless fens,

And Bobby Kennedy Jr. is a dozer driving pins,

But in a mortal fight

For justice and right,

It’s the swamp that usually wins.


Of hate gall and guile the left is blessed,

They ply it to society to create distress,

Hegel is proud,

They say it aloud,

And to blatant hypocrisy they do confess.


There once was a crazy cat lady,

Her political ideas were a bit shady,

She sat all alone all day,

Watching children play,

I’ve nothing else to do since I aborted my baby.


There’s always good justification to censor,

Always an expedient and never a pleasure,

They do what they do,

The omniscient few,

Saving us from ourselves as a preventative measure.


The FBI’s become corruption dot com,

Their the deep state’s ribbed condom,

Oaths they forsake,

But for heaven’s sake,

It looks like they planted the January 6th pipe bomb.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Transparency, Accountability and Consequences

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a novel concept of governance is, to increase transparency, accountability and consequences on people, depending on their ability to harm the nation, society and the culture. While at the same time lowering surveillance on people with low ability to harm. Which is the opposite of the way things are done today. The elite argue that they need total surveillance to protect us from each other. While they don’t need any oversight or limitation. Because they’re such great people. So the paradigm we live under is, the more power to harm, the less surveillance, accountability and consequences applied, while the smaller someone is, the greater the surveillance, accountability and consequences for actions. The jack boot that kicks the little guy… protects the big guy’s foot.

“Above the law,” isn’t a saying, as much as a way of life for the elite. One could fill tomes with examples of the elite getting away with things that little people are spending decades in prison for. How many people are in prison for cocaine? Even as it’s freely passed around the Biden White house. When Hillary was let off Scot free for an illegal email server, with top secret information on it, that she destroyed, a measly sailor went to prison, for emailing a picture to his girlfriend of himself, onboard a nuclear submarine. He may still be in prison. Who could forget the tsunami of lies from the mouths of bureaucrats, even as those same functionaries demanded General Flynn, Roger Stone and Scooter Libby go to prison for a decade on a perjury frame? Then there’s the Epstein cover up.

Being above the law is abetted by working in the dark. The lack of transparency is claimed due to “national security,” to protect the elite that are undermining our security, is a handy tool. Allowing anyone to see what their government is doing, on their behalf, is a clear danger to national security. Since the security of the elite depends on us not knowing the crimes they’re up to. The freedom of information act was a needed reform, but the default should be transparency. Rather than requiring reams of paperwork to get access to what the government is doing. Moreover, many governments don’t even have a freedom of information law. Keeping the workings of those governments black boxes. The only thing that grows in darkness, is corruption… and we have a bumper crop of that.

Transparency needs to be the default. If we’re paying for government in taxes, inflation and lost opportunity due to regulation, then we’re entitled to know what’s going on. Everything government does has to be transparent, else it’s underhanded. Because people are people. If a bank teller, on dozens of cameras and computers monitoring their drawers, can’t be trusted… how much less people who work in the dark, and are above the law when caught? When a congressperson is getting a kickback from a corporation we should know about it. If a representative is using inside information, to make insider trades, that’s proof we need transparency… to eliminate inside information. Moreover, the quality of laws and regulations would improve, if those making them were accountable for the results.

The solution is transparency, accountability and consequences. If everything government does is transparent, there will be no insider information to trade on. Nor will there be back room deals for cronies. People used to working in the dark will recoil at the light. It’ll blind their eyes, burn their skin, and sere their mouths. Add accountability to that torture and the elite will scream, “unfair!” Add to that, holding them to their own laws, will make any elite consider getting a real job. Until they realize real jobs have inescapable accountability, transparency and consequences. So, despite the elite calling us ruthless, vindictive and haters, for holding them to their own laws, we have to do it. Not only for our own good, the good of our loved ones, and our nations, but for the elite’s own eternal good as well.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment