The Progressive Faction’s Monopoly on Education.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, to let progressives have a monopoly on our school system, then be amazed our kids graduate as little brain washed socialists, is absurd. It’s like tossing a white blanket into green dye and acting shocked when it comes out green! Of course progressives are going to teach our children to be good little Marxist cogs. Why shouldn’t they? They believe themselves to be our betters. It is our fault. Since we have allowed, and continue to allow, progressives to have a monopoly on our children’s educations. How many of us say nothing when we learn about common core and do nothing to prevent, let alone forestall, the slide to ignorance our progressive monopoly school system inculcates. So we cannot blame progressives for being who they are, the fault is in us… for letting them do it.

Ask any kid you know if they were taught anything bad about socialism in school. Not one will be able to list a thing. Not the Famines, gulags, killing fields or hyperinflation, the history of socialism has been glossed over to the point of perversion. Even teens in college preparation courses are taught nothing about socialism in modern world history, and certainly not it’s role in the deaths of a hundred million people, in the twentieth century alone. Kids have only been taught the ideals of socialism, without the details. Socialism is sold to our kids… rather than them being taught about it in context. Since our kids are not taught about the evils of socialism… how can we expect our children to know what socialism really is? Moreover, doesn’t it say a lot about people who ignore such atrocities?

On the other hand, ask any kid, “Have you been taught anything bad about capitalism and or the United States?” They can monologue for days listing every atrocity any American has done. From slavery to pollution they know it all. Obviously not in context, because that would undermine the brain washing. Like the fact that slavery was world wide in the late 1800’s and that it was the Christian ethos, “do unto others…” that was the death knell to slavery, or that the worst environmental disasters on the planet are in former socialist countries. Context would dissolve the brain washing and so is not allowed. Moreover, teaching kids that their culture is evil, undermines their self esteem, casts them adrift in the world without a culture to cling to, and subconsciously transmits they themselves are bad.

Ask any graduate of a government monopoly school system, “What good about capitalism and or the United states have you been taught?” They will look at you like you have three heads, and answer, “Capitalism is evil and is based on greed.” They have been mind numbed. Our schools teach them, not to think… but to react emotionally. Like Pavlov’s dogs that drool when they hear a bell, our kids react as they have been programmed to, without having to burn a calorie thinking about it. Obviously, such schooling is great for a people that would be slaves, but wholly worthless to those who would be free men and women. Which is why the progressives are passing laws, limiting the ability of people to get their kids out of the indoctrination centers, where they could get an actually useful education.

When one is taught only the bad about a thing, and none of it’s merits, while being inculcated in the good of it’s opposite, with none of it’s demerits, by someone assuming authority, it is not educating. When those doing the brain washing are our leaders in government, culture and society, we know they have an agenda, to move the people away from self aware, educated, constitutionally informed, individuals… to become cogs in an autocratic state, where the elite are masters and the rest of us are slaves. So we must ask ourselves, “Do we want our children to be trained to be slaves… or free people?” If we want them to be slaves, then do nothing and that will be the result, but if we want our children to be able to think for themselves, be prosperous, productive, educated, free people, we must act… and act soon!


John Pepin

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