The Uber Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the true power in the world wants the people to rise up against our national rulers, because those local rulers were put in place to be sacrificed on the alter of the global administrative state. The real powers believe themselves above the fray. They can set in their bunkers and watch it burn down, so they can emerge, the only people left with money and an army, to rebuild the world as they want. They could care less if all the Pelosis, Bidens and Obamas die like Gaddafi. That is the price the cabal is willing to let others pay. Like Specter, the Cabal deals in extortion, death and chaos. How like Dr No, trying to start a world war from his hollowed out volcano, even as he extorts his erstwhile allies. Who are they? Those who Epstein served and who the FBI is working for now.

Elected leaders, for the most part, are neither elected nor leaders. Considering the level of censorship in the West today, do you honestly think all viewpoints are represented in any democratic vote? Of course not. How many fires start in an oxygen free environment? The point is, democracy is not a means for electing our leaders, it is a means for the elite to legitimize their rule. If they allowed all points of view to be spoken, that would quickly undermine their authority. The libertarian, constitutionalist and traditional liberal seats were taken from the table decades ago,. That we don’t notice is because they have been absent so long. Moreover, they are not leaders in any real sense of the word. They follow their donors, their uber class bosses and trends, like slavish dogs… or stupid chickens.

What would our leaders do differently, than what they are doing now… if they wanted to burn down the world? Shutting off energy by hook and by crook would be a great start to crushing Mankind’s standard of living. Then again famine has always been a great liquidator of humanity. Of course, who could forget disease, one of the Horsemen of the apocalypse. Economic ruin is always desirable… to those who want to see suffering. Inflation corrodes a society’s wealth like nitric acid does limestone. To that end, if spending doesn’t trigger inflation, shutdowns and stimulus will. Mandating a deadly cocktail of experimental poisons is another idea who’s time has come. That the elite have and continue to do all these things, proves either they are too stupid to breathe, else evil beyond imagining.

There is an old Jewish saying, “Don’t poop where you eat.” It appears that those who hold office today never heard that adage, because the elite use their kitchen counter to hold their chamber pots… their fine china. Most people understand the adage innately. I think the elite lack the ability to be repulsed by the gross, the disgusting and the evil. That lack of disgust is why they so regularly use their linen napkins to wipe… both ends. Then again, the elite today are chickens, that think they are dogs. When the time comes, the real powers will wield the ax, and those they oppressed will cheer. Calling the people who ordered our oppression in the first place, heroes. So in the end, it really doesn’t matter that the elite eat where they poop, because they will end up in Dr No’s piranha pond.

We all know why, not a single person on Epstein’s client list of child molesters has been prosecuted… because it would open up a can of worms. The real power in the world was involved. How do we know? Because Epstein was strangled in his prison cell, the cameras were turned off and the guards were bribed else drugged, then the murder covered up as suicide… and there was not a bit of curiosity by the DOJ, FBI or the press. That is real power. Who knows their names? They can be found behind the WEF, the Builderburg society and the creepy Bohemian Grove. Nixon called, “The most faggy thing you have ever seen.” The people that made that happen have built a wicker man, their Judas chickens are leading us into it… and plan on warming themselves by it, once they set it alight.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite are telling us, make the world better for our children… abort yours. The elite have set up a challenge for those that make it past the abortionist’s tongs. It is a gauntlet of mortal contests, before a kid can even think about marriage, let alone a family. Then their children will face the same hurdles to survival and begetting children of their own. The World Economic Forum recently iterated that they don’t need 75% of us. Well, goody for them, we could do without 100% of them… but you don’t see us calling for their extermination, slaughtering their children in the womb or manipulating their kids into self sterilization at 8 years old. They are doing that to us as they tell us they don’t need us. As if their wants set God’s will. Could there be anything more evil, egoistic and arrogant?

The recently demolished Georgia Guide stones laid out the plan the elite have for us. I suspect that is why the elite allowed it to be destroyed. Eliminate their written plans to give them plausible deniability. Soon, the elite will claim they never existed. Nevertheless, the progressive ten commandments are out there. Number one is reducing the human population from 8 billion to 500 million. A genocide that dwarfs any that have come so far. Mao would be shocked at the audacity of the elite today. He thought he had to move over for them, but turns out, they are moving to a lower level. The horror the elite have expressed at the elimination of the Court’s usurpation, forcing abortion on the people by fiat, pretty much shows they are not big fans of human beings, children and especially babies… except as food.

While the elite tell us the public education system is the most important thing… they send their children to private schools. Apparently, the public schools are more important than our children, but not theirs. How many staunch defenders of the administrative state’s monopoly on the education system refuse to sacrifice their own children on that alter? I bet most. Did Hunter go to a public school, the Obama daughters, what about any of the Bush children, No, they went to the most exclusive private schools. The elite, like the pigs in Animal Farm, would defend their hypocrisy by asking, if we would put their children in danger… from mixing with their lessers? Our children. I propose that there be a law, that forces any lawmaker who votes against education vouchers, to put their kids in public schools.

I hate to go there again, but there is no clearer example of the true, deep and total malevolence of the elite than Covid. They created it, else transferred the technology to the CCP, then they lied about it. They lied about masks and their effectiveness. They denied the victims succor, treatment and basic humanity. The medical experts claimed rioting in the name of Marxism wouldn’t be a vector for covid but attending church services was. They forced an ineffective and counterproductive treatment, ventilators, that killed more than covid, and intentionally made nursing homes a vector. Then, as if that were not enough of a crime against humanity, the elite mandated a shot, that clearly has no effect on stopping or even slowing the spread, while at the same time has deadly side effects.

There are always people who would do without others, be they racists, anti humanists or progressives, then again, I am being redundant. We all probably know someone who says he or she would like to get rid of such and such a group. Of course, almost all of them are just whining, like a dog that wants to go outside but doesn’t need to pee. They will do nothing about it, because at heart they are not bad people, just people who have a distorted view of others. Not the experts though. They take everything to the next level. They have the backbone to do what they need to… to rid themselves of the unwanted element… us. In that they are stronger than us, because we follow the Golden Rule, but in the case of the expert class we may have to consider instead… Reciprocal Attribution.


John Pepin

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Election Integrity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, knowing an election is rigged, but hoping there will be enough votes to overwhelm the corruption… is a sub optimal strategy to get an optimal outcome. It will always fail, because those with the power to engage in systematic vote fraud, without consequence, will do what needs to be done. If you could rob banks without consequence, and you owed a thug a million dollars… what would you do? You would rob as many banks as it took to get the money. They will conjure up as many “votes” as they need to avoid prison for their past crimes. If too many people vote, so there are insufficient uncast ballots, to cast, then the elite will just switch some. Elections are a legitimating mechanism, not a means to choose leaders anymore. We have progressed beyond that.

That strategy failed in 2020, we know it because, why else would the elite have shut down all lawsuits with standing, silenced investigations with social media censorship, and ringed DC with two divisions of military? A guilty person acts like a guilty person. Since the “election” of 2020 the elite have suppressed the reporting about the open, obvious and clear election fraud. From the counting becoming a black box when it appeared Trump had it in the bag, to no signature verification at all, to protect the honesty of the mailed in ballots. Then there was the mailed in ballots. The founders are rolling in their graves at that injustice. Plan on seeing more democracy undermining innovations this November. Like wolves, the elite are not going to go away, just because the crowding sheep vote them gone.

If elections are seen as fraudulent, they have no legitimacy, and the elected lose their authority. That is why the democrats are so adamant the reporting about their crimes be censored. The elite no longer see elections as a mechanism for choosing leaders, but a legitimating means to legitimize their usurpation, by tricking us into thinking the rest of us voted for it. Then backing up the lie with the mockingbird media. The administrative state has no need of the Constitutional government anymore. Except as an increasingly threadbare dress covering their naked tyranny. They need us to believe the elections are not theater else the play loses its punch. You cannot manipulate someone who is in on the game. Unless that is the game. Make us roaster chickens think we are family dogs, until…

Combine election fraud with the suppression of speech, and even thought itself, and you have the recipe for authoritarianism. With the invention of total surveillance, the coming global administrative state will be able to pluck anyone that shows a hint of counter revolutionary thinking, before they can infect others with wrongthink. Then the whole world will forever become Mao’s Great Leap Forward. The reality is, many if not most of the elite believe, they don’t need the vast majority of us. We are just holding them back. With our archaic morals, thinking anyone should be able to speak, and our belief in foolish notions like consent of the governed (or in our case… ruled). If you begrudge most of the people our very lives, why would you allow them to speak, or especially, heavens to Betsy, vote!

People who would engage in such activities deserve three hots and a cot, in a penitentiary, not setting pretty in power for the rest of their lives. They think they will win by cheating again. It has apparently served them well in the past… or has it? Soon it will be obvious their 2020 election fraud was the worse thing the elite could have done to themselves. Epstein, energy, covid and open corruption have exposed them for who they are, and as people realize what the elite have done, getting voted out of office will be the least of their worries. The elite best fear the Robespierres they are building by disenfranchisement. Wouldn’t restoring actual democracy, and a reckoning, be better for us all though? To do that, we must act (demand election integrity) before the election is stolen… again.


John Pepin

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Winning and Losing

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in every interaction, there is a judge, that judge is Jesus Christ. Therefore, no matter how any temporal interaction appears to turn out, the real question of winning or losing, is made by that judge. Moreover, we all have the innate ability to evaluate for ourselves who the ultimate judge will cast his vote for. However, very few of us, if any really, actually engage with that parameter in mind. Instead, we seek to win the temporal at cost to the eternal. If an interaction leaves you bloody and beaten, but in the eyes of Jesus you won, then you won. If a cat excretes on the couch, it thinks it won a great victory, but did it? Instead of always seeking to win in the temporal, like the cat, we should look to win in the eyes of Jesus and God, then our victories will be real.

If someone who has just lost, taunts you that they were cheated, the sun was in their eye and the referees were biased, do you agree and hold your head low? Then beg forgiveness? Of course not. Those are sour grapes. The same applies to someone who has defrauded you, lied to you or stolen from you. Then taunts you. They are like the cat that excreted on the couch. They are too stupid to see that not only have they lost, in the most important of ways… their actions have insured a lower standard of living for themselves in the future. Karma if you will. Liars, frauds and cheats will win often but in each “victory” they will lose slightly more. Exchanging their life satisfaction for a burden. Like a drowning man clutching gold when there is a life preserver within reach.

There are temporary victories and permanent ones. Upon consideration, only the permanent victories count. The temporary wins may give succor in the short term, but if they result in greater losses in the future… they can only be considered as a loss. That is why people don’t count it a good idea to shoot arrows into the air. No matter how many times you win that game, all you need do is lose it once. Which brings us to those who gamble when there is nothing to be gained but great losses to be incurred. No matter how unlikely the loss, such a game is a fool’s errand, nevertheless, we all engage in them from time to time. Passing on a hill, lying when the truth would serve us better, and not chewing our food enough. Where winning is no victory but losing is disaster.

When you watch an interaction between strangers, it is not usually difficult to determine who is acting in a human hearted manner, and who is not. Or is it? If we had perfect knowledge, then I suspect it would be easy, yet that is not available to us. It is only available to Jesus. That is why it is almost always a mistake to get involved in family squabbles. There are dynamics going on that are unknowable to the outside observer. If someone in a police uniform is wrestling with someone in a hoodie, would you step in? What if the guy in the uniform is impersonating an officer and the guy in the hoodie is an undercover cop arresting him? Judging is not as easy as it appears. Because we lack perfect information. Yet we get most of our mental exercise jumping to conclusions.

If everyone judged for themselves, how Jesus would gauge an interaction, then fought to win, in that context, the world would quickly become heaven on Earth. Don’t worry though. With the examples of our elite, and people follow their leaders… that will never happen. The best we can strive for is to get more people to fight in that arena, knowing they are judged by that judge and with an eye to win, in his eyes. Were we to accomplish that, most of the world’s problems would just vanish. When someone gets the better of you, by hook and by crook, know they lost in the most profound way. They are to be pitied, because that counter effective strategy will only bring them ever increasing misery, until they die and reap their eternal reward. What good is winning a booby prize… and losing your soul?


John Pepin

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Fascists, Crypto Fascists and Patriots

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite have progressed our nation, culture and society so much that now, holding fast the tenets of the US founding documents and ethos, (traditional liberalism) is fascist. Of course, the word fascist has evolved as well. It used to mean a totalitarian philosophy where all aspects of the nation are marshaled into a unified goal. (The WEF’s Stakeholder Capitalism for example) Goebbels called it corporatism. The system that opposed the liberal world order, that didn’t really exist at the time, and communism in the Soviet Union. WWII was the struggle between these three political philosophies. In it, fascism, or totalitarian corporatocracy was defeated militarily, not philosophically. Traditional fascism saved the CCP, is the goal of the new world order, and has become its opposite.

Fascism has become its opposite, because (according to Biden) now holding to traditional values of family, religious morals, liberalism, democracy, constitutional government, equality under the law, and Americanism… all are the epitome of what it is to be a fascist. What used to be defined as fascism, autocratic government, where everyone is the same in appearance, mind and spirit… else is exterminated, is now patriotic. You have to admit the elite are clever at redefining words. It suits them. Why stick to traditional word definitions when progress demands they be redefined to better suit the needs of the elite. Obviously, fascism is not the only word the elite have redefined for us, justice is now social justice, equality under the law is now equality of outcome, and evil is now good.

Since the elite have redefined fascism as traditional liberalism, which makes George Washington a raging fascist, by the modern definition. He was offered unlimited, permanent political power… and turned it down! The fascist! A progressive would have snatched up the reigns of power and ridden that horse to death. Only a fascist would have built a republic where the elite are limited. A government like that of Adolph Hitler is the only government that is not at all fascist, it is progressive, as defined by President Biden. He would know, he was alive at the time. Turns out, all those boys who died defeating Hitlers hordes and the IJA, were fighting for fascism, and against progressivism the whole time. Not in their time, but in our time, the definition being timely.

Today, in their brilliance, the elite have stumbled upon great insight, Hitler was right all along! All they need do is redefine the word fascist, and voila, they can adopt that philosophy and libel their critics as fascists. Non fascists, like Hitler, Goebbels and Goering, all loved black and the color red. So much so they decorated their uniforms with it. Snazzy black outfits with red lettering and a white skull on the collar, very sharp. Not unlike the color scheme used last night when Biden was regaling us with how anyone who believes in Constitutional norms, the rule of law, limited government, the American way and God… is a fascist and should be put in a concentration camp, until a final solution to the problem of our existence can be devised. Possibly using Zyclon B as a reagent in that process.

Lest you think for a second, the government calling a politically disfavored group of its citizens enemies of the State, is the least fascist, remember, what is really fascist, is equality under the law, Constitutionally limited government, belief in God, and individualism. Those people are the fascists and need to be rounded up. Totalitarians, revolutionaries and perverts are the real heroes. Because what used to be fascist is now progressive, what was patriotism is now counter revolutionary disinformation, and what was perversion is now gender affirming, and what was good is now evil and what was evil is now good… very progressive! Fraudulent President Biden and his illegitimate, unpatriotic and arrogant bosses are the avatars of non fascists, anti fascists if you will… just like Hitler, Goebbels and Goering.


John Pepin

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It Can’t Go Wrong… This Time.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the last time the experts got total control, they brought us the Great depression, the Holocaust and World War Two. Before it was World War One, economic stagnation and eugenics. This time they appear to be intent on surpassing those human disasters by a wide margin. I think most of the elite have good intentions. They say good intentions pave the road to Hell. If that is true… the road to Hell is wider and more thickly paved than the Autobahn. They believe this time socialism will work and they will usher in utopia, instead of dystopia, famine and war. This time they have super computers to model the world, total surveillance on everyone, speech codes to control our thoughts and soon they will have CBDCs to control what, how and when we spend our money. It can’t fail this time.

The last few times the expert class wrested total control from the herding masses, the economy got out of control, but that was only because they didn’t have super computers and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). With those means of control and prediction, the central planners can’t miss. The super computers will be able to predict the outcome of every action… so the experts can oppress with confidence. CBDCs will give them the ability to counter any self interested actions of the sea of humanity. With CBDCs and total surveillance, everyone will be forced to eat, live and work as the central planners want. If there is a shortage of food, they can simply program our CBDCs not to buy food, and voila, the shortage is fixed! If there is a glut of 3/8 nuts, they can buy them, for us.

The last few times the elite had unlimited power, they took us down some pretty dark paths, but that was only because they weren’t woke. Robespierre, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, Fidel, etc… all ushered in despotic governments that preyed upon their own citizens, in the name of “the people.” Millions died at their hands, by guillotine, famine, firing squad, bread bag and Zyclon B. Its not the wanton killing that was bad, they just killed the wrong millions, this time they have the right target. Because, none of them understood intersectional bigotry. How could they rule a socialist nation without a clear knowledge of critical race theory? No wonder they were all so racist. This time the people that will be exterminated will be those who deserve it. The workers and middle class.

The last few times the experts had unaccountable power, they brought us world wars, that cannot happen under a global government however. (After the world war to create it of course). Obviously, once the planet is under the benevolent oppression of the expert class, with their tools of ultimate despotism, war will be a thing of the past. Oh, now and then, restive regions may try to rise up, but without weapons, intel and under the scalding light of a total surveillance state, those will be short lived affairs. If a group of people prove themselves unworthy of enlightened totalitarianism, by continual uprisings, then they can be removed from the gene pool as eugenic throwbacks. No war, no crime and no escape, just like the penitentiary system they have modeled their utopia on.

Experts are good at one thing, amassing… power, accolades and fame. All of which make people arrogant, lack empathy and egoistic. Not the ideal attitude to run the world, with unaccountable, unlimited and permanent power. They may have the best of intentions. Seeing the rest of us as too moronic, stupid and foolish to run our own lives, and so we need them to run it for us. How nice of them to offer. Since it has failed every time it has been tried, it is possible that there is a fundamental flaw in the central planning theory itself. So, one has to wonder, even with their enlightened attitude towards sterilizing little boys and girls, their brilliance in allowing the experts to think for them, and lack of morals to get in the way of the hard decisions… perhaps it could go wrong again, even this time?


John Pepin

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The Tip Of Lucifer’s Spear

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the cultural elite have often been the tip of Lucifer’s spear, and at no time or place is that more true, than now. Look at what they are promoting nowadays. Some argue that the reason today’s culture is so perverted is because every generation has to out do its parent generation. Therefore culture will always devolve to perversion. Since this is a new phenomenon, I would argue it cannot be a universal, and therefore has something to do with our society. Moreover, I would continue, the evolution of ever greater perversions, supposedly to “shock,” is in fact a coordinated strategy to move our society from good, to evil. Perhaps not intentionally by the NPCs… but that is the effect. The force doing the moving are clearly the cultural elite, but lacking agency, their actions are not their own.

The cultural elite are drawn from creative types. People with less sense of revulsion at the grotesque, more openness to possibilities and less concern about consequences. These are the kind of people that move a society along… as long as their innovations are tempered by conservative types. Society needs them just as society needs liberals. Although societies all falter when one or the other becomes autocratic. There must be a balance. Today the progressive creative types have a hegemony on the new class philosophy. Without the input from conservatives, they are gleefully running off a cliff, like lemmings. Its not their fault. Creative types have their strengths and weaknesses, one of their weaknesses is a lack of disgust. Which is why even today they want to push on with their plan.

“Culture is upstream of politics…” – Andrew Breitbart. If we accept this statement as true, and it has all the trappings of a truth, then we must conclude the cultural elite have tremendous power to change, not only our culture, but our politics, laws, and society itself. By changing the way we look at the world, under our radar so to speak, because it is hidden in the TV we consume, movies we watch and books we read. Every day we are subtly nudged to think the way the cultural elite want us to think. The youth are the most effected since they have the least lived experience to fall back on. So we see the pernicious changes in them most of all. Culture is indeed upstream of politics, and law, philosophy and even science. Because who can study that which we are not allowed to think about?

Why would we be shocked that our kids emulate the people they are shown as the epitome of success? A rapper with ho girlfriends and a few baby mamas, decorated in bling, and a raw nerve when it comes to being disrespected. They don’t need jobs, jobs are for losers. Our culture teaches our kids that there is no future only an ever present today. A now in which we must constantly be the center of attention… and if we are not, then we are nothing and might as well die. Girls have to be pretty little sluts with an attitude. Not a corrosive message to teach boys and girls at all. No wonder there are so many suicides. How many families do you suppose come from that culturally induced mindset? Children naturally look up to their parents, it is human nature, the cultural elite go to great lengths to change that nature.

Who are we investing this terrifying power in? Creative types without a sense of wrong. No way that could go right. Not that creative types are bad, they are simply not equipped to rule. Especially with unlimited power. Their lack of revulsion at evil, makes them the perfect tools, to be manipulated by Lucifer and his ideas. Without a sense of right and wrong, other than their own personal uberman philosophy, no sin is too great, if it ushers in utopia. Invested with terrific power to change not only the culture, but our laws, society and even what is allowed to be thought. Whether or not they know it, they truly are the tip of Satan’s spear. A spear tip has no agency though. It is a tool. It does what its wielder wants, and that spear is now being pushed into our midsection… by the hand of Satan.


John Pepin

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Harassment, Law and Swatting

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the authoritarians have a pretty good plan, pass so many laws and regulations that it becomes impossible not to inadvertently break one, then raid the politically disfavored with the intent to find the crime… brilliant, if evil. The philosophy is a fallback to the idea of, “show me the man and I’ll find you the crime…” Unfortunately, Trump has proven it is often hard to find a crime, so to rectify the situation, the elite are passing so many laws, regulations and ordinances, no one is not a criminal. Everyone exists as long as they don’t draw the eye of law enforcement. Because a nation so filled with laws, everyone must be a criminal, is a nation terrified of its government. Such a system puts a long lever on everyone. The Jan 6 trespassers are the example of what happens to real dissidents.

Back when the elite paid lip service to the law, precedent and our Constitution, there was a concept known as police harassment. It is where the police would harass a politically disfavored individual using law as a weapon. Today that is an outdated notion. Because it is now common practice. Look no further than President Donald Trump. The administrative state’s treatment of him can only be classified as harassment… and the harassment continues with unwarranted raids of his home. Sooner or later, they will get something to stick, and Trump will go to prison. Not for being a bad guy, but for challenging the system. Years ago this strategy would have backfired, because of the overt harassment, now we are inured to the stench of government oppression. Even the Amish are being raided.

Swatting” is a new word that has made it into the lexicon. It means to call the police, and fraudulently report a crime at a politically disfavored person’s home, with the intent to get them killed in a police raid. Very progressive! Margery Tailor Greene was recently swatted twice. As far as I know, not a single person has been arrested for it, yet. They probably will not either. Until someone swats a democrat. If you think of it, swatting is only an extension of exploiting law, as a political weapon. The mechanism is the same as is the goal. Destroy anyone who would oppose the elite by any means possible. So now we have swatting. I wonder how long before the mocking bird media is outraged? That lack of outrage is how we know that swatting is a state sanctioned activity.

Sooner or later, even with a mocking bird media clucking whatever lie suits the elite, the people will wake up. We will realize that law is arbitrarily written, applied and prosecuted. That law is only a means to control the herding masses, not insure a stable society, facilitate commerce or protect the individual, but as a projection of power. Once that happens, then no one will respect the law as anything but something to be feared, like a wasp nest, and to be obliterated as soon as possible, like a wasp nest. No sane person allows something so dangerous to live. There are almost no mountain lions in North America because they were dangerous and so were exterminated. The elite should take a lesson from the experience of mountain lions, small pox and wolves.

Nevertheless, this strategy is working for them, for now. Passing so many laws everyone is a criminal, and exists at the suffrage of the state, not the other way around. This tactic is bolstered by arbitrarily applying the law. With the innovations of swatting political dissidents and unwarranted raids, the elite have taken their usurpation up a notch. They have proven themselves to be a real danger to us. A much greater threat than lions, wolves or disease. For they consume us like lions, gather in packs like wolves and carry disease like vermin. What happens next depends on how well they have cowed us. Will we accept oppression, as a matter of doing business, or will we stand? Few strive, most bend the knee, to their political iconography, so I suspect we will cede, (if we haven’t already) and let them eat us alive.


John Pepin

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How Is The IRS And A Plague Of Locusts Different? Locusts Have Souls.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the administrative state’s hiring 87,000 new armed IRS agents, shows it is aiming to wipe out small businesses. Those small firms that make it past the inflation, regulations and subsidized corporate competition… that is. If you own a small business, plan to be audited. Those “fortunate” enough to be audited by the most corrupt, may be able to bribe their way to solvency, the rest will burn. We all know this is the case. We just hate so very much to admit such an ugly truth. Bureaucrats crowded together like that must turn into locusts. Once they are done feeding on our mom and pop stores they will turn on the middle class. Once the middle class has been stripped bare, they will turn on the poor. Eventually starving themselves, and everyone else out, as is always the case with locusts.

Our farmers have been under assault for over a year with the elite’s multiple wars, on nitrogen fertilizer, carbon dioxide and cow farts. They can now expect to be audited for every grain of corn they feed their livestock, pellet of 10-10-10 they put on their garden, and inch of wire fence. If the elite could regulate the weather, the elite would create floods and drought, rather than moderate weather. Corporate farms will not be under the same pressure though. Having political favor, they will be exempt from the draconian oversight those despicable Amish will have to face. With their organic farming and refusal to adopt the trans movement for their children. Many corporations are proving their loyalty to the movement, by offering “free” (paid for by the corporation) abortion junkets to pregnant employees.

Our mom and pop stores have had it too good for too long. Those that haven’t been pushed out of business by Walmart and their anti life policies that is. Don’t expect any small business to escape Sauron’s eye. Especially the successful ones. That is where the money will be, for awhile, until the IRS has eaten them to the ground. By then the financially challenged small firms will have gone under, due to reluctance to take honest tax deductions, for fear of Sauron’s eye. Imagine going back in time and telling Adam Smith that there would be rulers that liquidate their nation’s wealth? He would call you crazy. No elite would be that stupid, that malevolent or that self destructive. Yet ours are. Proven by their hiring 87,000 IRS locusts to wipe small business from the face of the nation.

Our private contractors are out of control. Imagine, some thinking they should get reimbursed from our corporate overlords, for extra costs incurred because of corporate policy? Where do they get off? Don’t worry, when the IRS cloud of locusts descend on them, no one will be left standing. The corporations will have to find other ways to exploit the grazing masses, but rest assured, the government will move heaven and Earth to make it happen for them. Heck, they have 87,000 new armed expert bureaucrats, for it. Wearing 2 masks, having taken so many clot shots they are addicted to aspirin and nitro glycerin, they will be the happy tool of the administrative state, to visit their wrath on the hoi polloi. Contractors have way too much independence anyway. Best to quash such notions as soon as possible.

The administrative state’s war on us will kick into high gear, once the locusts arrive. Leaving aside the question of the dire need for 87,000 new armed bureaucrats. One has to wonder why the elite are so intent on destroying the nation’s wealth? If we take what they say seriously (and who would, considering the insane rantings of the elite today) we could conclude, they seek a global corporatist government, per the UN, Open Boarders and WEF’s stated policy. They believe it would be an “aristocracy” of philosopher kings that would visit utopia on the undeserving herd. All they need do is wipe out small business, make everyone work for a corporation, then one night, the government buys all the stock, (ala Schumpeter) and in the morning we wake up to full socialism.


John Pepin

Posted in business, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Are Republicans Really Gutless?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason republicans have no problem with open and obvious election fraud, even aimed at them, is because they agree with the premise of it, that democracy gives the hoi polloi too much power. Why did the republicans allow the “inflation reduction act” (that seeks to curb inflation by increased printing and spending) to pass without complaint? They are in on it. The only real fly in the ointment is Trump, Rand Paul and the MAGA movement. Have you noticed that if a “conservative” republican gets the nomination, the establishment republican party undermines them at every turn? As they demand we support the Establishment no matter how many times they stab us in the back? That the elite, in both parties find us deplorable, is the only thing they are honest about.

The elite are the elite and consider themselves different from the rest of us. They are entitled to rule and we are obligated to be ruled. While many elite think everyone is equal, they all believe some, are more equal. They are smarter than us, more educated and by the grace of their birth are our betters. Listening to our whining would be like taking advice from a dog. So why should the elite allow democracy to thwart their plans? Would a farmer allow his cattle to run the farm? Both concepts are absurd. Today the elite are building an “ideal” government that Socrates talked about. An aristocracy of philosopher kings. How could such a system, expanded across the planet so everyone must join the experiment, ever fail? That concept is as foreign to the elite… as that we are as worthy as they.

The republican establishment was the original progressive party and they resent that the democrats have usurped their role. Abraham Lincoln was the first progressive. While his ardent anti slavery policies, in some ways caused the War Between the States, one could make a strong argument it was inevitable in any union with both slave and free states. Nevertheless, Republicans took up the mantle of the saviors of the Blacks. That is a label they held for a century until LBJ used political Jujitsu on them and usurped the role. Since then, republicans have had to represent the very people they so hate and despise, rural Americans. When Barry Goldwater ran in the 1960’s he was called a far right extremist, who had such crazy ideas as, “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice… and let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” – Goldwater.

Both republicans and democrats united in opposition to that message, as they are doing today, in opposition to the make America Great Again movement. Because both are elitist who see the people they rule as less than human, Not much less, I mean, almost human, but no. Many if not most of the elite see us as deplorable. Establishment republican elites most of all. Mitch the bitch, Kevin McCarthy and Lindsey Graham all have a lingering bad taste in their mouths from Goldwater and everything he stood for. They despised Ronald Reagan, and had Reagan not been so well heeled in politics by the time he was President, Establishment types would have gutted him like a fish, as they did Trump. Despite riding on Reagan’s conservative coat tails. Parasites attach to the host by misdirection.

Unless a huge amount of MAGA republicans get elected, despite the establishment republican party undermining their elections, don’t expect the rinos to do anything meaningful. They will play out the clock (like last time) until the democrats get back in, to move us further to the goal of a global oligarchy, of the self serving, egoistic and stupid. Oh, they will make some noise, like thunder in the distance, with the same effect. The republican establishment is in on it. Because the uniparty is progressive. Unless we manage to get more Margery Tailor Greene’s elected and seated, (despite the open election fraud) the republicans (and NDP) will forever remain controlled opposition. Very progressive.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment