Are Republicans Really Gutless?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason republicans have no problem with open and obvious election fraud, even aimed at them, is because they agree with the premise of it, that democracy gives the hoi polloi too much power. Why did the republicans allow the “inflation reduction act” (that seeks to curb inflation by increased printing and spending) to pass without complaint? They are in on it. The only real fly in the ointment is Trump, Rand Paul and the MAGA movement. Have you noticed that if a “conservative” republican gets the nomination, the establishment republican party undermines them at every turn? As they demand we support the Establishment no matter how many times they stab us in the back? That the elite, in both parties find us deplorable, is the only thing they are honest about.

The elite are the elite and consider themselves different from the rest of us. They are entitled to rule and we are obligated to be ruled. While many elite think everyone is equal, they all believe some, are more equal. They are smarter than us, more educated and by the grace of their birth are our betters. Listening to our whining would be like taking advice from a dog. So why should the elite allow democracy to thwart their plans? Would a farmer allow his cattle to run the farm? Both concepts are absurd. Today the elite are building an “ideal” government that Socrates talked about. An aristocracy of philosopher kings. How could such a system, expanded across the planet so everyone must join the experiment, ever fail? That concept is as foreign to the elite… as that we are as worthy as they.

The republican establishment was the original progressive party and they resent that the democrats have usurped their role. Abraham Lincoln was the first progressive. While his ardent anti slavery policies, in some ways caused the War Between the States, one could make a strong argument it was inevitable in any union with both slave and free states. Nevertheless, Republicans took up the mantle of the saviors of the Blacks. That is a label they held for a century until LBJ used political Jujitsu on them and usurped the role. Since then, republicans have had to represent the very people they so hate and despise, rural Americans. When Barry Goldwater ran in the 1960’s he was called a far right extremist, who had such crazy ideas as, “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice… and let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” – Goldwater.

Both republicans and democrats united in opposition to that message, as they are doing today, in opposition to the make America Great Again movement. Because both are elitist who see the people they rule as less than human, Not much less, I mean, almost human, but no. Many if not most of the elite see us as deplorable. Establishment republican elites most of all. Mitch the bitch, Kevin McCarthy and Lindsey Graham all have a lingering bad taste in their mouths from Goldwater and everything he stood for. They despised Ronald Reagan, and had Reagan not been so well heeled in politics by the time he was President, Establishment types would have gutted him like a fish, as they did Trump. Despite riding on Reagan’s conservative coat tails. Parasites attach to the host by misdirection.

Unless a huge amount of MAGA republicans get elected, despite the establishment republican party undermining their elections, don’t expect the rinos to do anything meaningful. They will play out the clock (like last time) until the democrats get back in, to move us further to the goal of a global oligarchy, of the self serving, egoistic and stupid. Oh, they will make some noise, like thunder in the distance, with the same effect. The republican establishment is in on it. Because the uniparty is progressive. Unless we manage to get more Margery Tailor Greene’s elected and seated, (despite the open election fraud) the republicans (and NDP) will forever remain controlled opposition. Very progressive.


John Pepin

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