
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite are telling us, make the world better for our children… abort yours. The elite have set up a challenge for those that make it past the abortionist’s tongs. It is a gauntlet of mortal contests, before a kid can even think about marriage, let alone a family. Then their children will face the same hurdles to survival and begetting children of their own. The World Economic Forum recently iterated that they don’t need 75% of us. Well, goody for them, we could do without 100% of them… but you don’t see us calling for their extermination, slaughtering their children in the womb or manipulating their kids into self sterilization at 8 years old. They are doing that to us as they tell us they don’t need us. As if their wants set God’s will. Could there be anything more evil, egoistic and arrogant?

The recently demolished Georgia Guide stones laid out the plan the elite have for us. I suspect that is why the elite allowed it to be destroyed. Eliminate their written plans to give them plausible deniability. Soon, the elite will claim they never existed. Nevertheless, the progressive ten commandments are out there. Number one is reducing the human population from 8 billion to 500 million. A genocide that dwarfs any that have come so far. Mao would be shocked at the audacity of the elite today. He thought he had to move over for them, but turns out, they are moving to a lower level. The horror the elite have expressed at the elimination of the Court’s usurpation, forcing abortion on the people by fiat, pretty much shows they are not big fans of human beings, children and especially babies… except as food.

While the elite tell us the public education system is the most important thing… they send their children to private schools. Apparently, the public schools are more important than our children, but not theirs. How many staunch defenders of the administrative state’s monopoly on the education system refuse to sacrifice their own children on that alter? I bet most. Did Hunter go to a public school, the Obama daughters, what about any of the Bush children, No, they went to the most exclusive private schools. The elite, like the pigs in Animal Farm, would defend their hypocrisy by asking, if we would put their children in danger… from mixing with their lessers? Our children. I propose that there be a law, that forces any lawmaker who votes against education vouchers, to put their kids in public schools.

I hate to go there again, but there is no clearer example of the true, deep and total malevolence of the elite than Covid. They created it, else transferred the technology to the CCP, then they lied about it. They lied about masks and their effectiveness. They denied the victims succor, treatment and basic humanity. The medical experts claimed rioting in the name of Marxism wouldn’t be a vector for covid but attending church services was. They forced an ineffective and counterproductive treatment, ventilators, that killed more than covid, and intentionally made nursing homes a vector. Then, as if that were not enough of a crime against humanity, the elite mandated a shot, that clearly has no effect on stopping or even slowing the spread, while at the same time has deadly side effects.

There are always people who would do without others, be they racists, anti humanists or progressives, then again, I am being redundant. We all probably know someone who says he or she would like to get rid of such and such a group. Of course, almost all of them are just whining, like a dog that wants to go outside but doesn’t need to pee. They will do nothing about it, because at heart they are not bad people, just people who have a distorted view of others. Not the experts though. They take everything to the next level. They have the backbone to do what they need to… to rid themselves of the unwanted element… us. In that they are stronger than us, because we follow the Golden Rule, but in the case of the expert class we may have to consider instead… Reciprocal Attribution.


John Pepin

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