The Uber Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the true power in the world wants the people to rise up against our national rulers, because those local rulers were put in place to be sacrificed on the alter of the global administrative state. The real powers believe themselves above the fray. They can set in their bunkers and watch it burn down, so they can emerge, the only people left with money and an army, to rebuild the world as they want. They could care less if all the Pelosis, Bidens and Obamas die like Gaddafi. That is the price the cabal is willing to let others pay. Like Specter, the Cabal deals in extortion, death and chaos. How like Dr No, trying to start a world war from his hollowed out volcano, even as he extorts his erstwhile allies. Who are they? Those who Epstein served and who the FBI is working for now.

Elected leaders, for the most part, are neither elected nor leaders. Considering the level of censorship in the West today, do you honestly think all viewpoints are represented in any democratic vote? Of course not. How many fires start in an oxygen free environment? The point is, democracy is not a means for electing our leaders, it is a means for the elite to legitimize their rule. If they allowed all points of view to be spoken, that would quickly undermine their authority. The libertarian, constitutionalist and traditional liberal seats were taken from the table decades ago,. That we don’t notice is because they have been absent so long. Moreover, they are not leaders in any real sense of the word. They follow their donors, their uber class bosses and trends, like slavish dogs… or stupid chickens.

What would our leaders do differently, than what they are doing now… if they wanted to burn down the world? Shutting off energy by hook and by crook would be a great start to crushing Mankind’s standard of living. Then again famine has always been a great liquidator of humanity. Of course, who could forget disease, one of the Horsemen of the apocalypse. Economic ruin is always desirable… to those who want to see suffering. Inflation corrodes a society’s wealth like nitric acid does limestone. To that end, if spending doesn’t trigger inflation, shutdowns and stimulus will. Mandating a deadly cocktail of experimental poisons is another idea who’s time has come. That the elite have and continue to do all these things, proves either they are too stupid to breathe, else evil beyond imagining.

There is an old Jewish saying, “Don’t poop where you eat.” It appears that those who hold office today never heard that adage, because the elite use their kitchen counter to hold their chamber pots… their fine china. Most people understand the adage innately. I think the elite lack the ability to be repulsed by the gross, the disgusting and the evil. That lack of disgust is why they so regularly use their linen napkins to wipe… both ends. Then again, the elite today are chickens, that think they are dogs. When the time comes, the real powers will wield the ax, and those they oppressed will cheer. Calling the people who ordered our oppression in the first place, heroes. So in the end, it really doesn’t matter that the elite eat where they poop, because they will end up in Dr No’s piranha pond.

We all know why, not a single person on Epstein’s client list of child molesters has been prosecuted… because it would open up a can of worms. The real power in the world was involved. How do we know? Because Epstein was strangled in his prison cell, the cameras were turned off and the guards were bribed else drugged, then the murder covered up as suicide… and there was not a bit of curiosity by the DOJ, FBI or the press. That is real power. Who knows their names? They can be found behind the WEF, the Builderburg society and the creepy Bohemian Grove. Nixon called, “The most faggy thing you have ever seen.” The people that made that happen have built a wicker man, their Judas chickens are leading us into it… and plan on warming themselves by it, once they set it alight.


John Pepin

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