Our Age’s Central Fallacy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, every age of Man has its central fallacy, ours is that science can answer all questions. The ancient Greeks thought, we could discern the truth of any question through rigorous rational inquiry, a priori. In the Dark Ages, people believed all questions could be answered by religion, and now we worship, The Science. The reality is, moral questions require religious to answer them, metaphysical questions require philosophers to answer them, and science requires scientists to answer them. Science is a branch of philosophy as is religion. Asking a scientist to discern the nature of God, or even his existence is a non sequeter. It is no different than, expecting a clergyman to discern the quantum characteristics of an up quark, according to Biblical teachings. Both are absurd.

Science is the guiding philosophy of our age, just as Christianity was that of Middle Ages Europe, and philosophy the ethos of the ancient Greeks. There is no problem when the questions are posed to the correct authorities, problems arise when the wrong authorities issue answers… then edicts. Usually self interested edicts. A potter probably has some pretty good ideas about shoe making, but you don’t go to a potter for shoes. You go to a potter for pots and a shoe maker for shoes. How stupid would it be to have a panel of potters set regulations for shoes? When an age embraces a single facet of philosophy as the wharp and the whoof, that age is elevating a fallacy to an organizing philosophy. Adopting a fallacy as truth can only lead to disaster. History is unambiguous on this fact. Ala… the French Revolution.

The nature of God can be discussed by clergymen, laymen and agnostics all day long and no fallacy has occurred. Let those same clergy change the subject to Cosmology and their authority on the subject breaks down. When I hear a scientist claiming science has proven, God doesn’t exist, or that we no longer need God now we have science. What I hear, are witch doctors discussing how metallurgy is impossible, because the spirits of the rocks would not allow it. We become arrogant when we are told we are smart, educated and wise. That arrogance feeds back into itself making us egoistic, until we believe our own propaganda, that we are infallible like the Pope, but better. People have made that mistake from the dawn of time. Today, we have the perspective to examine it… scientifically.

Now that we have addressed the problem, the solution is close at hand. Simply keep inquiry in the arena suitable for it. Moral questions to the religious, scientific questions to scientists and philosophy to philosophers. Not that everyone shouldn’t have a say in all those areas of inquiry. In fact, unless everyone does have a say in all those areas, things go radically astray, scientists create deadly viruses in labs, religious call for genocide against unbelievers, and politicians justify lowering the population. It is through the cooling affect of popular opinion that craziness is averted. Today the scientists have no such oversight. They investigate whatever they want without a care for the morality. They push their noses into areas they don’t belong, and expect to run the show. After all, they represent, The Science.

Today science is ascendant, in a century, a millennia, or tomorrow, who knows? Eventually, some other branch of philosophy will become ascendant, and they will probably make the same mistakes the Greeks, Dark Ages, and we are making. By turning to that new way of thinking to answer all questions. In doing so they will go down many wrong roads. Unless they keep the experts in their lanes. The Holy Bible has much to say on the human condition, while The Science tells us, boys wanting to be girls and girls boys, is gender affirming. Pragmatically, (another branch of philosophy) the results speak for themselves. One creates happy families, that produce children capable of living prosperous productive lives, versus creating emotional wrecks who commit suicide at 30… our age’s fallacy of, The Science.


John Pepin

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Are The Elite Supernatural… Or Stupid?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite claim to be able to control the weather, yet are unable to control the boarder, say they can create equity, yet all they create is chaos, and they are certain they can make boys girls and girls boys, with the wave of a scalpel, as they fail utterly at making our streets safe? How is it they claim the ability to do the supernatural yet are inept at the natural? Else is it possible they are just stupid and merely think they are adept? Which would mean we are ruled by stupid people who think they are wise. So which is it? Are the elite geniuses, supernaturally gifted but beguiled by misfortune, or are they idiots who think they are gods? Listening to vice president Kamala Harris speak, would suggest they are post turtles. Well, maybe not post turtles, turtles at least are not dangerous.

Children like to play pretend games, where they have supernatural powers, just like the elite today. Believing the mere fact they wield political power allows them to change the forces of nature at will. Like when Obama’s technocrats went to GM demanding electric cars that couldn’t be made. The technicians at GM told the plutocrats their demands violated the laws of thermodynamics, at which point the bureaucrats said, we control the House, the Senate and President, we can change any law. Our autocrats today are childlike in their imaginations, not at all grounded in reality, yet fanciful and full of wonder. In their world, girls can be boys and visa versa, the climate can be controlled by tyranny and democracy means unlimited rule by an unaccountable oligarchy in a far off land.

Many people who are intelligent, educated and traveled… are stupid. Just as many local yokels who are uneducated, and untraveled, are wise. The pivot is, stupid is the antonym of wise… not smart. Smart means intelligent but not wise. Someone wise would know that boys are boys and girls are girls, without knowing the chemical differences between the X and Y chromosomes, or even what the heck they are. A cave man has zero education but could survive in the forest, naked and afraid, while there is not an elite who could last a night. Wisdom is knowing that a child is something special, to be protected and cherished, not a sexual plaything. A psychopath can be a genius but is the epitome of stupid when it comes to humanity. The truly stupid though… “are the most dangerous people on Earth.” – Bonhoeffer.

A post turtle, is a turtle you might come upon in your travels, setting on a post. It’s useless since its legs aren’t touching the ground. It is out of its element. Most importantly, it is not capable of getting there on its own… someone put it there. Kamala and Lets go Brandon are the epitome of post turtles. They didn’t win an election, the administrative state pulled the strings, to make it appear they won the election, then made it illegal for anyone to question their crime. Like a post turtle they were placed there. Neither Biden nor Harris are the least capable. They don’t even know who our allies are or how to get off stage after a speech. Just like a post turtle waving its feet helplessly. Those who put them there however, use the post turtles as distractions, to deflect us from their crimes against humanity… like covid.

After giving the matter careful consideration, I have to conclude, the elite are stupid people who think they are wise. As Bonhoeffer said, they are the most dangerous people on Earth. They are post turtles who imagine they are gods. From their lofty vantage point, atop the fence post, they can survey the entire world and rule it. Waving their legs helplessly in the air, with an air of authority, they run as hard as they can, while the world melts down around them. If only we gave them absolute totalitarian power, they could change the weather, make arid lands green, wet lands arable, and they could raise or lower the oceans at the stroke of a pen. Heaven on Earth would result, as it did in Mao’s China, Stalin’s USSR and Pol Pot’s Cambodia. They were also people so stupid they thought themselves supernatural.


John Pepin

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Democracy Affirming Fraud

Dear Comrades,

It seems to me, Italy needs mail in voting and they need it retroactively, to save democracy! Because, as we all know, there is no greater threat to democracy than elections. Allowing anyone to have a say is absurd. They could ignorantly vote in a populist for heavens sake! Imagine if a populist, like Trump or Meloni, managed to get their pro human policies through! Such people, voted in by the most grounded, would return the US to Constitutional norms, and Italy to prosperity, low crime and insuring individual Rights. Worse than that, those policies will weaken the power of the administrative state, the experts will have less ability to force their ideas on humanity, how could the hoi polloi be so far sighted? Therefore, elections in Europe need to be reigned in, with mail in voting, to protect democracy.

Mail in voting protects the voting Rights of the dead, aliens and the elite. That is why any attempt to do signature verification is a direct threat to democracy. Everyone knows the dead have terrible penmanship. Arbitrarily enforcing the election laws are another way to protect democracy from the voters. Open and honest counting of the votes is a problem, the elite address in the US, by making the counting process a black box. They could use that innovation in Europe as well. All the people need to have is an opportunity to vote, have their voices heard, in the privacy of the voting booth. Clearly, anyone who votes for their self interest instead of the elite’s, shouldn’t have a say anyway. The citizenry of nations have had too much power for too long, the elite can fix that, with election innovations.

How do we know democracy is threatened by voters today? They voted in Trump, twice, and if not for the democracy affirming fraud, he would be in office right now. Then there is Giorgia Meloni in Italy. If she is to be believed, she is a populist, perish the thought! Therefore she has to go. First the elite will vilify her by calling her what they are. Then they will fabricate some criminal charge to throw at her. If that doesn’t stick, criminal charges are as easy to come up with as paper and a pen. Rest assured the elite in Europe will follow the template the elite in the US used against Trump. Meloni will not get elected again, if it takes another worldwide pandemic and open election fraud, to get rid of her. Killing her or Trump would make them martyrs, like it did Kennedy… but I am sure it’s not off the table.

Elitism is rule by the experts, an oligarchy of the smartest, best educated and most omniscient people ever born. We have the surveillance state to thank for our omniscience. Given absolute power in an unlimited global government by an unaccountable administrative state, the experts could create Hell on Earth in no time. While populism is rule by the grazing masses. The most ignorant people who have ever lived. Because of our public stupification system. Taught to be mere worker ants, without a thought to their own well being, or that of their offspring. Not self interested individuals with autonomy and agency. Let alone the franchise. That is why us elite have to censor disinformation, pervert law enforcement and practice election fraud, to save the people from obesity, ideas and salvation.

I am sure the courts in Italy can be relied upon to fix the situation there. They have done a splendid job here in the US. Violating every norm of jurisprudence, constitutional limit and legal precedent to get Trump. Utterly discrediting themselves in the process. Very progressive of them. One fix could be to legislate from the bench, retroactive mail in voting in Italy, for the last election. Then print up the needed votes to get the elitist in, and voila, problem solved. She retroactively lost the election fair and square. In the future, populists must be excluded, as we have done in the past. Merely vilifying them is not working anymore, they need to be excluded altogether, but for now, election affirming fraud will save us from democracy… and us elite, from the consequences for our crimes against humanity.


John Pepin

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The Ultimate Alchemy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one of the biggest differences between a rich person and a poor person, is their knowledge of investing. If a poor person comes into a few hundred bucks, he or she has no idea how to leverage that into more money, so they spend it on frivolities. A new handbag, TV or part for the car, and the rest is spent on having a good time. That can be considered an investment in the good will of their friends. Then the money is gone and the grind goes on. The wealthy person knows how and where to invest the money to turn it into continuing profit. That skill in and of itself is the driver of wealth or poverty. The problem is knowledge… and a financial product that suits the poor. I propose a financial product, that the poor not only would understand, but would love to invest in.

Most people on the lower end of the social stratum are held there by circumstances, lack of opportunity and ignorance. Many are just plain lazy. There are few ladders available to them anyway. Anything that purports to be a ladder is often an anchor. Because a poor person cannot be enriched out of poverty. Why do you think so many people who win the lottery and become overnight millionaires are dead, drug addicted or poor again, inside a year? The lottery is not a ladder but a catapult. Give the average person a ladder and they will climb. It is in our monkey like nature. The monkeys at the top of the tree might not like it, but oh well, suck it up Bonzo. A simple to understand financial product that suits the needs of the poor and working class would quickly become that ladder people need.

Robert Kiyosaki says, the difference is, the poor buy liabilities while the rich buy assets. How many people put hours of labor and money into fixing an old car, only to have to fix it again, next week? If a working person tells you they are going to quit smoking, how many of them then add, “and I’ll be investing the money I am saving in…?” Why? Because there is no financial instrument that suits the poor. None that meets their need for immediate return. Someone struggling to pay the bills today doesn’t need a million in three decades, they need money now. An investment for a poor person, or a working person, needs to show immediate returns to be of any value to them whatsoever. Therefore, a product designed specifically as a ladder for the poor, must have an immediate return.

A sufficiently good (and simple) product would sell itself wouldn’t it? Just tell a poor person about it and they will be interested in trying it, rather than buying a ball of cocaine, next time they come into a few hundred bucks. Once it works for them, they will tell their friends, (who will already be jealous) and the demand will increase exponentially. By word of mouth not expensive ad campaigns with dubious results. A wise financial firm would understand the deep value of tapping into the vast under served wealth of the poor. Helping grow that pool of wealth would not only provide a ladder for the poor, but enrich the firm that had the foresight to offer such a product, terrific wealth for the shareholders, employees and executives. That product is Capitalist Social Security.

Capitalist social security would be a financial instrument that invests only in the safest dividend paying companies and bonds, across industries and nations, an open ended ETF like product, paying a monthly dividend. Nothing shocking eh? The secret sauce is, the dividend will be half of the total dividend per share, the other half always direct reinvested, else all of it reinvested to grow their portion of the fund faster, at the choice of the shareholder. The second catch is, the principle can never be taken out, and is protected from parasites, like JG Wentworth. The perpetually growing dividend paid, for the life of the investor, their heirs, then theirs, and so on. The monthly return on a hundred bucks would be a few dimes, the first month. Added to, in a few decades, it could be the basis for retirement. Most will choose to get an increasing dividend right away… and soon they will grow to like passive income.


John Pepin

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Reciprocal Attribution Is Our Duty

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now that the government has declared in no uncertain terms, that anyone who is anti authoritarian is an enemy of the state, an insurrectionist, and a domestic terrorist… there can be no question, the government has declared itself the enemy of our Constitution, our Founding Principles and the people themselves. There can be no more unpatriotic action for an American government to do, than use the apparatus of law enforcement for political purposes, pervert elections to remain in power, exploit arbitrary rule and use overt censorship to silence their political foes. Never has this been done so openly in America, and with such gusto, making today’s crop of traitorous oligarchs, special. At this point, we have a duty to use the philosophy of… reciprocal attribution.

The elite, judging by their rhetoric, consider the average person… less equal. They don’t feel we are capable of running our own lives without their benevolent help. Don’t get me wrong, they don’t think any less of us, that they consider us less than them, it makes us cute. If we are not even capable of running our own lives, then why should our vote be given a smidgen of credence? It shouldn’t. That is why we need digital voting, to make sure the correct person gets elected, to protect democracy. You can’t allow just anyone to hold public office. What if a janitor won an election. It could happen you know. What an affront to those who know they are better than the people they rule. Why do you think the elite on Martha’s Vineyard had the military detain the few dozen migrants that landed on their front doorstep? You cannot have lessers living among their betters, that would be just… wrong.

The elite have recently been telling us they don’t need 75% of us. Those three quarters of the grazing masses are simply redundant. We eat too much, we demand things like heat in winter, gas for transportation and clean water all the damned time. We all know, the government cannot be anything to most people, because it is too busy being everything to a few. The rest will have to go without. Moreover, those billions of people the elite just don’t need, are a burden on the planet. All that feces, nitrogen fertilizer and, heavens to Betsy, the carbon, won’t anyone think of the carbon! Imagine how the planet will rejoice at the loss of all those feet trampling on it’s sacred face. Instead, a more just state of being would be… a jackboot stomping on the face of humanity, forever. Like Orwell said.

We wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t stumble around and get in the way so often. Manipulating us to act against our self interest is expensive, time consuming and I’ll admit, it can be frustrating. The mulling masses gets out of control. Like when it stampeded and voted Trump into office. That kind of misbehavior cannot ever be tolerated again. The experts had us on the path to Utopia (through chaos) and the Maga people charged the wrong way. They have been dealt with, it took election fraud, weaponizing the instruments of law enforcement, and abandoning the Constitution altogether, as well as any pretense of it. Now they are making great headway in the transformation. Soon, they will have replaced the out dated Constitutional government, with an expert run unlimited administrative state.

The elite have abandoned the Golden Rule, for iron fisted rule. We are obligated then to reciprocate and consider them, stupid, ill educated, unable to run their own lives, criminals, in need of supervision, and redundant. To consider the elite otherwise, does them and us and injustice, a double injustice. Plus, it violates a fundamental tenet of moral philosophy, that of reciprocity. Lacking reciprocity is a form of hypocrisy. Those who do not reciprocate, or worse, return good for evil or evil for good, not only damage their own interests but the interests of mankind. As a result, if we seek justice, human heartedness, and the American way… the elite must get our heartfelt reciprocal attribution.


John Pepin

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Normalizing The Administrative State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Biden is normalizing the idea that the President is merely a figurehead, for the Administrative State. No one thinks Biden is in charge of his own wardrobe let alone the nation. Therefore, someone else is running the country, doing a piss poor job of it I’ll grant you, but someone other than the “elected” President rules. The administrative state. Even using their delegated police powers against the constitutional government. The longer this goes on the more normal it will get. Until eventually, we no longer see the Constitutional government as anything other than a figurehead, a throwback to a more ignorant time… like the British monarchy. However, the monarchy wields far more power, behind the scenes, than the US Constitutional government ever will again.

We are at a crossroads in the evolution of government. Government started as the toughest thugs in a band, to the wisest, to a council of elders, to whoever conquered the land, to kings, democracies and then republics… now we are back to the thugs. Well, thugs like BLM, Antifa and the national security apparatus are the enforcers, shadowy people pull the strings. The macro evolution of government, to this point, has been to empower the people and disempower the State. Like any evolution it has progressed in fits and starts, the advancements surpassing the ebbing. Today, with the advent of computer algorithms to manipulate data, the science of propaganda, total surveillance and soon digital currency, the State is rising supreme. Reversing two thousand years of political advancement.

Today the public servants are taking their rightful place as the public’s rulers. Why should experts serve the commonality? The experts are smarter, wiser, better educated, and well, better people… just ask them. As a farm produces more food per acre than a forest, the experts have to farm the world, else we will starve. While starving, the hoi polloi will pollute the planet, making it less enjoyable for the experts. A farm is not self assembling, it takes a farmer, and that is the role the experts see for themselves. Free Enterprise is chaos, the untrained thinking for themselves, capitalists exploiting workers, any half wit speaking their mind, and worst of all, the experts serve those idiots! Which makes capitalism like a barren jungle and socialism like an fecund farm. So why not exploit figureheads?

The experts agree, government has taken on way too much, to be run by the Constitutional government, the administrative state must take over now, to finish what the elite have started. The final transition to expert rule by means of the administrative state. With the government making every decision for everyone, the sheer magnitude of the responsibility is enormous… and taken seriously by the experts graciously willing to take on the task. Farming the planet, sustainably, and with an eye to pruning the human plant to keep it in check, will be a terrible burden, but a rewarding one. The pain the people are feeling today is only temporary. Because most of the herding eaters will soon be gone. As the expert’s idol Lenin once said, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.”

Biden is the perfect figurehead, he is clearly incompetent and is being manipulated, we all know it, yet no one dare speak the obvious, else be raided by the administrative state’s Gestapo (the FBI) in the early morning hours. So we begrudgingly except it. The longer we accept the unacceptable the more acceptable it will seem. Soon we will not even notice the political dissidents hanging from the gallows as we bicycle to work. Like the Farmer said about losing the farm, “It went slow at first… then all at once.” Losing money every year became normal until he went bankrupt. This is always the path to collapse. Slow at first… then all at once. Starting with begrudgingly accepting the unacceptable until it becomes normal. Like an unlimited administrative state replacing the Constitutional government.


John Pepin

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The Innovation Of Hypocrisy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, throughout human history, the ultimate sin, discreditor and the greatest disgrace, was to be a hypocrite, now it is an honor. Hypocrisy is so common among the elite we don’t even notice it. Like when a sanctuary city that demands other states tolerate a tsunami of illegals… gets a single planeload of illegals, then calls in the national guard to oust them. That is hypocrisy writ large, yet is ignored by the media, lauded by the administrative state and defended by their sycophants. In the past, someone who said one thing and did another, like demand others be disarmed in the face of abject crime, while standing behind an army of personal guards, arbitrary rule and the secret state police, the FBI, would be called a scoundrel. Hypocrisy is not at all discrediting today… so why isn’t everyone?

The fact is, hypocrisy is flowing from our leaders to us. Confucius said people follow their leaders into virtue or vice, and ours are leading us into hypocrisy. A virtue today. People follow everything their leaders do. If the leaders wear their hair in a certain way, it’s not long before everyone wears their hair that way. Remember Sara Palin’s shooting glasses? All the women wore them for awhile after she sported them at the Republican convention. We follow our leaders in more than mere fashion. We follow them in attitude, ideas and actions. The cultural elite know this and exploit it to hobble our kids with gang music, a thug’s work ethic, and gang attitude. That’s why its a good thing, that hypocrisy is no longer a bad thing, since we follow our leaders and therefore will soon be raging hypocrites.

The open and obvious hypocrisy of the elite demanding conservative states take on unlimited illegals, with the intent to change the demographics of those states more to the liking of the elite, then freaking out when even a single busload of illegals enters their states, is just the tip of the iceberg of the elite’s hypocrisy today. They even openly call illegals “trash” and get the national guards to take them out! Defunding the police, emptying the prisons most violent onto the streets, refusing to prosecute violent offenses, while focusing on political thought crimes, and all the while disarming the populace, is easy to do from behind a parapet topped wall, swarming with armed guards. If any illegals get within a hundred yards, a sniper can take them out… like the garbage.

Why was hypocrisy considered so bad… back in the dark ages? Well, back then people thought that lies were bad too, and hypocrisy is the most heinous form of lying. It is saying one thing and doing another. No well functioning society can work like that. For a society to function, there must be trust. Trust of the government, the marketplace and each other. Lacking that trust government becomes oppressive, the market becomes exploitative and everyone is at war with everyone else. That was back then though, with the surveillance state, mind control through the states monopoly on education and censorship, coupled with the modern innovation of CBDCs, our elite should be able to buck history, nature and reality. Hypocrisy was bad back then, because it destroys everything, today The Science says it doesn’t.

Hypocrisy used to be a bad thing, but our elite have progressed, evolved or perverted that definition. Now hypocrisy is the standard, honesty, doing as you say and a man’s handshake being his bond, are archaic throwbacks to an ignorant age. Hypocrisy is the new standard set by the elite. Expect others to follow. Soon everyone will be a glorious hypocrite. Those who hold out will be crushed by the hypocrisy of those that don’t. The Science will intercede so that our economy can thrive, even though no one can be trusted, everyone will do the opposite of what they say, and the biggest thieves will call themselves honest. Families will prosper, once husbands and wives can’t be trusted to go to the store, without having a fling. Our new standard will serve us well… the NPCs are sure of it.


John Pepin

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Maga Must Go!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we elite must control all thoughts, emotions and actions, and any opposition is an attack on democracy. That’s why speech must be strictly controlled else information that runs counter to the narrative may escape into the zeitgeist. Those Maga people with their ideas of constitutional norms, hard work and the American way, have to be stopped. Those ideas are racist, homophobic and are unconstitutional, not to mention disinformation. They brag about following truth, evidence and unbiased inquiry… all of them throwbacks to the white patriarchal hegemony. Submission to the experts is true freedom. Only through mass population reduction, and the survivors becoming slaves to an unlimited, unaccountable and uncaring administrative state, can the human race be saved from itself.

Look what thinking for themselves got the Jan 6 insurrectionists. They gathered to petition their government for a redress of grievances. The fools! Itself an act of insurrection. Because any act that runs against the will of the state is by definition… insurrection. There can be no grievance with the state. It is god almighty from which all good things flow. To petition the state is blasphemy. They thought for themselves, and thus committed the worst sin imaginable, having the audacity to ask to have a say. They got what they deserve, jail without trial, bail or sympathy. Even their supposed representatives in the republican party have abandoned them. Because we elite know, those that think for themselves are a mortal threat to the coming world order, and so must be liquidated.

Information is a tool to be used to control the crowding cows. Control of information is what keeps the herd from thinking for itself. Hell forbid if the animals really ran the farm! They are only supposed to think they do… as a way to placate them. The dupes! Information can be a lie or it can be truth, but it has to serve the interests of the movement. Any item that doesn’t serve the movement is heresy and cannot be allowed. Especially truths that undermine our lies! They are like viruses. Our monopoly on legacy media, social media and the mechanism of law enforcement, give us great power to control the message, but some misinformation still slips out. That is why there are still those willing to risk our wrath to think for themselves. If we succeed in shutting down all debate… we win by default.

Everyone knows the American way is like soda… sweet, hopeful and happy. That is why it must be spiked with hopelessness, ignorance and anger. Those who are well educated, hopeful for the future and happy with their lot are the most dangerous people on Earth. They cannot be controlled. They think for themselves, have families willy nilly and worship God. They generally work hard and create order around them. That is why their communities are peaceful, crime free and prosperous. The bastards! Chaos is the path to utopia, their very existence is a threat to that path. Their patriotism, honesty and humanity must be stopped and stopped at all costs. They are the biggest impediment to the new world order there is. Those Maga people with their American way, patriotism and honesty are the real threat.

We consider anyone who believes in the US Constitution, its limits, and the rule of law, to be a domestic terrorist. In fact, it would be disinformation to call them anything else. If we are to control all thought, emotion and action, then they cannot be tolerated. They are a direct threat to democracy! Maga people cannot be trusted to vote because they think for themselves. Our army of NPCs is powerful, but are incapable of debate, because they need us to think for them. Which proves the Maga people must go. Their constantly harping on, “the American way…” undermines the careful, expensive and diabolical programming of our NPC army. Even now some of our most trusted NPCs are waking up and thinking for themselves! We have to nip it… else the Maga people win!


John Pepin

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Central Bank Digital Currencies

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) will not result in the smooth operation of the socialist economy, as the experts think, instead they will trigger ever greater oscillations, until the economy comes apart like a suspension bridge in a tornado. Let’s look at previous examples of when the experts have usurped an economic function. Interest rates is one example. The federal reserve in the US and Central Banks across the planet “control” interest rates. Their track record has been abysmal. Lurching from bubble to recession, the experts have a century of abject failure as the basis for their authority. Then there is fiat money. The experts have used fiat money as a means of obliterating a nation’s wealth multiple times over. So… why would CBDCs be any different?

CBDCs are a form of centralized digital currency, that will be controlled by the experts to insure the economy flows freely, and there are no surpluses, shortages or inflation. The problem this whole time has been the people. Spending their money on things the experts didn’t predict, want and creates problems. Bank runs, deflation and any other possible economic problems can be effectively addressed, with CBDCs. If there is a shortage of food, the price will increase creating inflation, but with CBDCs the experts can decide, who doesn’t need food and can limit their purchases, thus eliminating the shortage/inflation with the flick of a switch. A glut can be solved the same way, force everyone to buy the product and voila, no glut. CBDCs give the experts all the power they need.

There are two things all experts have in common. One is they know they are right, and second, they are always wrong. They have zealous faith in their expertise, and they probably do know almost everything there is to know, about nothing at all, but that is not the same as omniscience. They set monetary policy, interest rates and regulate from their penthouse meeting rooms, as far removed from the consequences of their actions as a whale’s tail to water. No one is more certain of their correctness than an expert. They are the experts after all. They represent The Science. To question them is to question science itself and that is blasphemy of the highest order. Neglecting the fact science is always, by definition, wrong. Else it is done and the scientists can retire. That they don’t proves they know science is not right.

Experts have been seeking to tame the economy for two centuries at least. Every socialist innovation is another attempt to marshal the economic might of a nation to the benefit of a politically favored class. The French tried atheism, socialism and autocracy, which failed. The Bolsheviks added terror and despotism, it failed as well. Many other incarnations added genocide of the unwanted elements, and even with that level of commitment, they failed as well. The experts have tried fiat money, a failure, controlling interest rates, fail, and now they think if they can control when we spend our money, what we spend it on, and what we are not allowed to spend it on, that will be the key to unlocking the Ark of the Covenant of autocrats the world over… efficient totalitarianism.

Therefore, if we except the past as a moderately reliable predictor of the future, then from our experience with fiat currency and Federal Reserve driven interest rates, we can expect the experts to fail again. With that much more power their failure will be that much more spectacular. Instead of being a countering force to inflation and unemployment, the Fed has always been a reinforcing mechanism. Because it is always behind the curve. Fiat money is abused by politicians the moment it is politically expedient. CBDCs will be worse. The experts and politicians will exploit it to the point CBDCs become an economic nuclear bomb. A civilization ending nuke in the hands of arrogant semiwits, with an ego measured in parsecs and who utterly lack common sense. What could go wrong?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Uber Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the true power in the world wants the people to rise up against our national rulers, because those local rulers were put in place to be sacrificed on the alter of the global administrative state. The real powers believe themselves above the fray. They can set in their bunkers and watch it burn down, so they can emerge, the only people left with money and an army, to rebuild the world as they want. They could care less if all the Pelosis, Bidens and Obamas die like Gaddafi. That is the price the cabal is willing to let others pay. Like Specter, the Cabal deals in extortion, death and chaos. How like Dr No, trying to start a world war from his hollowed out volcano, even as he extorts his erstwhile allies. Who are they? Those who Epstein served and who the FBI is working for now.

Elected leaders, for the most part, are neither elected nor leaders. Considering the level of censorship in the West today, do you honestly think all viewpoints are represented in any democratic vote? Of course not. How many fires start in an oxygen free environment? The point is, democracy is not a means for electing our leaders, it is a means for the elite to legitimize their rule. If they allowed all points of view to be spoken, that would quickly undermine their authority. The libertarian, constitutionalist and traditional liberal seats were taken from the table decades ago,. That we don’t notice is because they have been absent so long. Moreover, they are not leaders in any real sense of the word. They follow their donors, their uber class bosses and trends, like slavish dogs… or stupid chickens.

What would our leaders do differently, than what they are doing now… if they wanted to burn down the world? Shutting off energy by hook and by crook would be a great start to crushing Mankind’s standard of living. Then again famine has always been a great liquidator of humanity. Of course, who could forget disease, one of the Horsemen of the apocalypse. Economic ruin is always desirable… to those who want to see suffering. Inflation corrodes a society’s wealth like nitric acid does limestone. To that end, if spending doesn’t trigger inflation, shutdowns and stimulus will. Mandating a deadly cocktail of experimental poisons is another idea who’s time has come. That the elite have and continue to do all these things, proves either they are too stupid to breathe, else evil beyond imagining.

There is an old Jewish saying, “Don’t poop where you eat.” It appears that those who hold office today never heard that adage, because the elite use their kitchen counter to hold their chamber pots… their fine china. Most people understand the adage innately. I think the elite lack the ability to be repulsed by the gross, the disgusting and the evil. That lack of disgust is why they so regularly use their linen napkins to wipe… both ends. Then again, the elite today are chickens, that think they are dogs. When the time comes, the real powers will wield the ax, and those they oppressed will cheer. Calling the people who ordered our oppression in the first place, heroes. So in the end, it really doesn’t matter that the elite eat where they poop, because they will end up in Dr No’s piranha pond.

We all know why, not a single person on Epstein’s client list of child molesters has been prosecuted… because it would open up a can of worms. The real power in the world was involved. How do we know? Because Epstein was strangled in his prison cell, the cameras were turned off and the guards were bribed else drugged, then the murder covered up as suicide… and there was not a bit of curiosity by the DOJ, FBI or the press. That is real power. Who knows their names? They can be found behind the WEF, the Builderburg society and the creepy Bohemian Grove. Nixon called, “The most faggy thing you have ever seen.” The people that made that happen have built a wicker man, their Judas chickens are leading us into it… and plan on warming themselves by it, once they set it alight.


John Pepin

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