Normalizing The Administrative State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Biden is normalizing the idea that the President is merely a figurehead, for the Administrative State. No one thinks Biden is in charge of his own wardrobe let alone the nation. Therefore, someone else is running the country, doing a piss poor job of it I’ll grant you, but someone other than the “elected” President rules. The administrative state. Even using their delegated police powers against the constitutional government. The longer this goes on the more normal it will get. Until eventually, we no longer see the Constitutional government as anything other than a figurehead, a throwback to a more ignorant time… like the British monarchy. However, the monarchy wields far more power, behind the scenes, than the US Constitutional government ever will again.

We are at a crossroads in the evolution of government. Government started as the toughest thugs in a band, to the wisest, to a council of elders, to whoever conquered the land, to kings, democracies and then republics… now we are back to the thugs. Well, thugs like BLM, Antifa and the national security apparatus are the enforcers, shadowy people pull the strings. The macro evolution of government, to this point, has been to empower the people and disempower the State. Like any evolution it has progressed in fits and starts, the advancements surpassing the ebbing. Today, with the advent of computer algorithms to manipulate data, the science of propaganda, total surveillance and soon digital currency, the State is rising supreme. Reversing two thousand years of political advancement.

Today the public servants are taking their rightful place as the public’s rulers. Why should experts serve the commonality? The experts are smarter, wiser, better educated, and well, better people… just ask them. As a farm produces more food per acre than a forest, the experts have to farm the world, else we will starve. While starving, the hoi polloi will pollute the planet, making it less enjoyable for the experts. A farm is not self assembling, it takes a farmer, and that is the role the experts see for themselves. Free Enterprise is chaos, the untrained thinking for themselves, capitalists exploiting workers, any half wit speaking their mind, and worst of all, the experts serve those idiots! Which makes capitalism like a barren jungle and socialism like an fecund farm. So why not exploit figureheads?

The experts agree, government has taken on way too much, to be run by the Constitutional government, the administrative state must take over now, to finish what the elite have started. The final transition to expert rule by means of the administrative state. With the government making every decision for everyone, the sheer magnitude of the responsibility is enormous… and taken seriously by the experts graciously willing to take on the task. Farming the planet, sustainably, and with an eye to pruning the human plant to keep it in check, will be a terrible burden, but a rewarding one. The pain the people are feeling today is only temporary. Because most of the herding eaters will soon be gone. As the expert’s idol Lenin once said, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.”

Biden is the perfect figurehead, he is clearly incompetent and is being manipulated, we all know it, yet no one dare speak the obvious, else be raided by the administrative state’s Gestapo (the FBI) in the early morning hours. So we begrudgingly except it. The longer we accept the unacceptable the more acceptable it will seem. Soon we will not even notice the political dissidents hanging from the gallows as we bicycle to work. Like the Farmer said about losing the farm, “It went slow at first… then all at once.” Losing money every year became normal until he went bankrupt. This is always the path to collapse. Slow at first… then all at once. Starting with begrudgingly accepting the unacceptable until it becomes normal. Like an unlimited administrative state replacing the Constitutional government.


John Pepin

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