How Civilizations Fall

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the more powerful government is, the more important it is to control those with power. If we had a strictly limited government with little power to affect us, we could tolerate the most corrupt people who have ever lived in public office, because they would have no power to harm. In a system where the government has the power ours does, every bureaucrat, politician and judge needs to be a saint, else the whole government becomes a means to organized crime. As ours has. The answer then is to limit the role, scope and power of government, else make sure only saints get power. Anything else and government becomes a “legitimate” Mafia. An unlimited administrative state can do a lot for you, but without saints running it, it is more likely to oppress you, and help themselves.

The less oversight the elite get, the more honest they must be, else they will naturally become corrupt. It is human nature. Then in consequence we will follow and become corrupt ourselves. That is how great civilizations fall. They rise in virtue and fall in corruption. Without feedback, the life of the elite becomes so disconnected from reality, it corrupts them. Their immediate subordinates follow and become criminals. Then the people see the elite crooked, absurd and flourishing… so follow and become corrupt as well. Once the corruption is complete, top to bottom… that civilization must fall. Not only collapse, but apparently, never to rise again. Is Greece a powerhouse nation? Turkey, Italy, India, or Mongolia? Those were all at one time the seats of great civilizations.

People who are corrupt are always liars who claim to be the most honest people that have ever lived. Their crimes become the most transparent honest election in history, and anyone who disagrees, is an insurrectionist enemy of the State. You know the elite have lost their souls when they start telling anti truths. A lie is a bending of the truth to serve the liar. An anti truth is the opposite of the truth. “thalidomide is a safe treatment for morning sickness, eggs are the worse food for your health there is, and the vaccine is safe and effective…” for example. These are anti truths. We have become so used to anti truths we confuse them with mere outright lies. When Biden said it is republicans that defunded the police, that was not a lie, it was not misinformation… it was an anti truth.

A weak government that has little power, is of little consequence, but corrupt people will never tolerate being part of a weak government. That is why the natural evolution of government is always to tyranny and never towards liberty. There is not much advantage to being part of a weak government so psychopaths will go elsewhere for their power fix. Those who do land in a weak government will work diligently to pervert it and make it all powerful. All powerful government is a super magnet, drawing pathological types to it, as if they are iron dust. There are two ways to stop the natural consequence of a powerful and corrupt government, take away its power, or strictly monitor those in charge so they cannot act on their corruption, without being made example of.

What we have now is the worse of both worlds, totalitarian government, pretending to be a Constitutionally limited government, filled with the worse people who ever lived. The bureaucrats labor in the dark we only see the results of that labor when we run afoul of it. The bureaucrats all live in an enclave of elites where reality need never rudely intrude. The echo chamber that gets more absurd by the day, as they flourish, before those the elite want to eat bugs. Telling anti truths, like we are chattel not human beings, they are painting graffiti over a Picasso in oil. The result will be Europe and North America will fall into the same species of nation as Greece. Unless we do something, and do it quick, to control them or rid ourselves of their means to totalitarian power… the bureaucracy.


John Pepin

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Oppression By Bureaucracy

Dear Friends,

It seems amazing to me, how often the experts are wrong, and alternatively, how rarely they are right. Let me unpack that statement a bit. In areas the experts have total control, they can predict what they will do, with near 100% accuracy. The results of those actions however, are seldom what the experts think they will be. The climate experts have been utterly wrong about every prediction since forever, and yet they demand we turn over our Rights, money and agency to them, or else. I’m sorry, being perpetually wrong is not a resume enhancer, it is profoundly discrediting. Only someone stupid, foolish and lacking self awareness would think otherwise. Experts are supposed to know what they are talking about, but in my experience, they never do, they bluster instead of discourse.

The god of the experts, The Science, is always wrong, yet worshiped and given authority, as if that phantasm was actually omniscient. When someone tells you The Science has declared a thing, ask for a citation to the double blind placebo controlled studies that confirm it. They will inevitably give you a strange look and change the subject. Because The Science is a deity… not the scientific method. The Science is confused with the scientific method but is far more evolved. Starting as a few scientifically ignorant people, who wanted to sound smart, it has now grown into a diabolical cult. Those who worship The Science need no studies, tests or research, The Science has so ordered it! All its believers need do is speak the name and mundanes beat the ground with their foreheads.

In the canon of the Catholic church, if a prophet is proven wrong once, he is no longer considered a prophet, he is considered something less. A sage, wise man or saint perhaps, but not a prophet. Why? Because Christianity holds it’s prophets to a higher standard than The Science. The Science has many prophets and they are wrong all the time, yet are not discredited, they are lauded for their paradigm breaking failures. The bravery of the prophets of The Science is amazing. No shame, no self respect and no morality, they forge on. Normals would feel shame at being discredited over and over. Indeed, that would weigh heavily on most. Because most people have a conscience. If we ran over a child, we couldn’t sleep at night, yet the prophets of The Science have killed millions and sleep like fallen angels.

Experts are like novices who have a little knowledge, and think they know it all, and so act outside their ability. The disastrous response to the elite’s creation of covid in a biolab, a supply crushing shut down and spending the US to oblivion. The trans movement. Invented by our Sodomite elite. Is that sane? Do rational people sterilize their children? When the experts took over the war in Afghanistan, they showed us how to lose a war, sporting fashionable egg masks. These are not only failures of planning, foresight and execution, but of basic morality as well. Do qualified, intelligent and serious people fail this often? How lacking in self awareness does one have to be, to be responsible for 17,000,000 deaths, and yet demand more power? So they can fail more magnificently next time?

Rule by the experts sounds smart, they are after all the experts, just ask them, but why would any sane person agree to be ruled by unaccountable distant bureaucrats, with unlimited power… who are always wrong about everything? How could that go right? Are not the times we are in, visited upon us by the experts following the State religion of The Science, sufficient to prove the point? The administrative state, rule by the experts, has to go. The energy department drives up the cost of energy, while the education department drives down the quality of education and the DOJ is an anti justice league… in the name of The Science. The founding fathers had a pretty good plan for Constitutionally limited government. Maybe its time to return to it… abandoning the progressive innovation of, oppression by bureaucrat?


John Pepin

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Perverting Democracy To Save It Is Un-American

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the strategy of overwhelming election fraud, with turnout, didn’t work. Apparently, someone at a keyboard can change votes faster than people can place them, who would have thought it? Oh yea, I did. I predicted this very outcome months ago. No matter how many people vote for a thing, the people who count the votes decide the outcome. Given the outcome of the “election,” the Amerikan people want more inflation, more lost foreign wars, more illegal immigration, more crime, more political oppression and more trans kids. That is always a possibility, but I suspect most people at this time, even with the state controlled press, social media manipulators and innovative thought laws, understand what is happening. That once again the elite saved “democracy” from the voters.

All day long the conservative media was filled with reports of machines not working, tabulators counting wrong, irregularities, bomb threats and other miscellaneous election shenanigans. Not that smoke, heat and orange flames indicates fire, but sane people run from such occurrences. I wonder if a single mailed in ballot will get a signature verification? Probably not, that would be a great injustice, by disenfranchising the comatose, senile and dead. They have terrible handwriting. Nevertheless, if these reports turn out to be true or not, they will not be followed up on by the press. The administrative state, tasked with investigating and punishing crime, will not investigate or punish their own crimes. That would be anti democratic, racist and homophobic. Even if election crimes are anti American.

Several decades ago someone said, “If they digitize elections we will find out who the hackers want in office…” Now we do. The experts want the experts to run everything. The once ne’er-do-well anti social types have become the establishment. Putting our elections on computers has been a watershed moment for our republic. It has utterly nullified the democratic element of that republic and replaced it with the arbitrary will of the elite. Today, if every single voter voted against the will of the elite, the elite would eke out a narrow victory, after “all” the votes were counted. Because votes are now digital, they are ephemeral, ones and zeros represented in the charged state of millions of capacitors, that have to be recharged constantly, lest they forget. Charges that can be manipulated easily by people with access.

Once the dust clears, and democrats have not only held ground but gained seats in this mid term, expect everything we supposedly voted for, to accelerate. Oil drilling in the US, even on private land, will be curtailed and no more energy infrastructure, which will drive energy to the sky. The open boarders will open wide. We will follow our criminal leaders and become criminals. Crime will become so common it will become the custom. The foreign policy “blunders” will continue unabated. Once the spring tides flow in the right direction, the CCP will invade Taiwan, and the chip manufacturing infrastructure will be given to them as a reward. Possibly staggering into a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia or China. Many will not have to suffer though, vaccine side effects will have culled them first.

The elite appear to have won another round against the electoral process. Closing all the valves and piling coal on the fire under the engine will have consequences though. I suspect the elite want the people to rise up, so the top can come down, and in doing so make a total break from all Constitutional pretense. The elite despise our Constitution as demonstrated by their actions. Corrupting democracy for political gain is as anti American as it gets. I pray the election fraud is exposed, soon enough to change the course, but if the democrats hold the House and Senate, the Republic is doomed. Perhaps the world, if they stupidly start a nuclear war. Today, the most unwise, stupid and self important people that have ever lived, have total power… the next few years will tell if the world survives it.


John Pepin

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Populism Is To Capitalism As Elitism Is To Socialism.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, capitalism and populism are synonymous, as elitism and socialism are. Capitalism is individual freedom of economic activity, and populism is a philosophy of individual autonomy and as the atom of political power… versus socialism’s group as the locus of economic and political power. A populist then favors the free market, of free people, while an elitist would prefer the centralized economy, run by expert elites. Making elitism and socialism synonymous. Once we think of them in this way the actions of the elite come into focus. Politicians, judges, and bureaucrats, elites, that use regulation to bring every facet of human endeavor under their hand, are by definition, elitists, whether or not they claim to rule in the name of the people. It is rule by expert elites.. like the CCP.

The Soviet Union epitomized this paradigm. It vacillated between a tyranny and oligarchy its whole existence. No matter the hand or hands that wielded the power, it was the bureaucracy that got it done. Stalin couldn’t have murdered the millions he is credited for, without the bureaucracy to do it, in Stalin’s name. Just as Mao needed the bureaucracy to do his dirty work. Hitler had the SS to do the wet work as well. They are bureaucracies with a license to kill. Such agencies can only exist in an elitist culture, society and government. They must be wielded by an elite. Being wholly unsuited to be wielded by populists. Because the FBI is a means to centralize authority, not decentralize it. Just as the Stazi, Gestapo and the Red Guard were. Elitists centralize authority while populists decentralize it.

Compare the post war economy of Wilson and Truman. Both were democrats, but Truman was a populist and Wilson was an elitist. Wilson’s post war economy was a disaster. So much so it led to the election of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge… who’s free market reforms led directly to the roaring Twenties. Truman was despised by the elite for being a populist. Had Truman followed Wilson’s lead, and usurped every power he could get his grubby hands on, the post war golden age would never have happened, until another Harding/ Coolidge was elected to replace him too. Instead, Truman’s human heartedness led to the establishment of Israel, the post war expansion, the Marshal plan and had the elitist MacArthur followed orders, China wouldn’t have entered the Korean war.

Do you ever wonder why every dystopian movie is set in a socialist police state? Probably not, because we all know that socialism leads to dystopia, like rivers do the sea. Isn’t it odd then, that we don’t put two and two together and get four? Since elitism and socialism are synonymous, and socialism leads to dystopia, then why would we allow elitists to have unlimited power? Isn’t that putting us on a ski jump to dystopia? The language of socialism is the tongue we speak. We sort our fellows by their class, allow justice to be modified by an adverb, and our minds go blank in the face of appeal to authority, especially of The Science. Nevertheless, the elite barge ahead, knowing in their hearts where they are leading us. The elite figure, if dystopia is our future, in a century or so humanity will recover.

In the face of such overwhelming pragmatic evidence, self interested people and indeed wise elites, would embrace populism and turn away from elitism. Why put your children on the road to dystopia? Only a stupid fool would do that… and we are not stupid fools, are we? You can’t blame the elite, they are captured by their own propaganda and live in an echo chamber. Their god, The Science, demands human sacrifice, and with abortion, the trans movement, climate change fear mongering, wars, and gain of function… it is well fed today. The elite need the bureaucracy though. It does their dirty work. An unaccountable administrative state is necessary for the next Hitler, Mao, Lenin or Pol Pot to come to power. And the elite will get away with it too, unless those meddling populists get in the way.


John Pepin

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End Gain Of Function

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the human race needs to stand and demand, an end to all gain of function research. To date over 17,000,000 people have died from the bat flu gain of function research. Who knows how many will die of the next “escapee” from the world’s dark biolabs? In what universe does it make sense to let psychopaths play with deadly diseases? Why not allow any Billy Bob to cook meth in his backyard then? Even if everyone so inclined to cook meth on the front porch, did so, and ignorantly released clouds of deadly gas, no where near 17,000,000 people would be killed. Now their apologists are claiming the criminals responsible for killing 17,000,000 people should get amnesty? Yea, when they give every Sally May and Ethan Hick a pass for cooking meth… and a lifetime of free dental work.

It is not like gain of function is an unknown threat. We all know its effects first hand. I personally know of two people who died of covid, one suicide from the lockdown and several people who have died since from what appears to be vaccine related side effects… and I am an uber introvert. I suspect you know many more who died for the same reasons. We have personal knowledge of the evils of gain of function. If we don’t stop it, who will? Our collective memory is short and malleable. In a few years the enemedia will have convinced many of us it never happened. There was no covid, no vaccine and no mandates. Just as they manipulated many into thinking, it is evil for the super rich to be burdened with illegals, even if they voted theirs a sanctuary city. The damage is known to us first hand, now.

After the Second World War, the Nazis were tried for their crimes against humanity. Crimes including, eugenics (ethnic cleansing) and war crimes. Many former Nazis argued at the Nuremberg trials, that everything they had done was legal in the United States, under the Supreme Court rulings of Buck v Bell and Korematsu. Yes, they had sterilized people against their will, yes they used people as test subjects and yes, they had ethnically cleansed areas… but all those things are legal in the US… so how could US officials stand in judgment of them? That would make the US a hypocrite nation. (Unless the Supreme Court overthrew Buck v Bell and Korematsu, which they haven’t to this day). Their pleas landed on uncaring ears and many twitched at the end of a rope. Woven by Oliver Wendell Homes.

Human beings are more than cattle, to be used by the elite as they wish, we are individuals, with sovereignty and agency. The elite whether they be oligarchs, tyrants or bureaucrats, derive their sovereignty, and agency from the people. Cows don’t have sovereignty to delegate. We assign that authority, whether willingly or at the point of a gun, to them. Then they offhandedly play with plagues. Toying with our lives without our consent. What good is all the flowery verbiage in the world “giving” us rights and privileges, if we are dead, from a gain of function created pathogen? Our agency is taken away when we are dying of a disease, whether created in a lab or natural. Our sovereignty and individualism are destroyed once we die of that disease cobbled together by mad scientists.

If we are sane we will demand from our representatives, senators, parliaments and courts that gain of function be outlawed… across the planet… with lifetime sentences for any bureaucrat, scientist or politician found to be engaged in that illegal, inhuman and morally corrupt behavior. We know first hand how evil it is. Don’t be fooled by the mockingbird media. Those responsible for covid need to be brought to task. They must be investigated, openly in the full light of public scrutiny, then charged, tried and if found guilty, sentenced to life in a super max prison. The one Julian Assange is in, Belmarsh, will do. Nothing less can be tolerated by sane people. Making this a test of our sanity. So, I ask you, are you going to contact your government and demand an end to gain of function… or not?


John Pepin

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The Oligarch’s Oligarch

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite in the republican party are horrified at the populists gaining ground, like Trump, because they see themselves as the proper managers of the totalitarian state the democrats are building… not as an alternative to it! The republican party started as a progressive party, of the elite, by the elite, for the elite. The Christian coalition, conservatives and others changed the paradigm though. Establishment republicans however, still think the world needs to be run by experts. The time has passed where the common run of man is capable of handling his own life, we need the administrative state the democrats are building, to handle it for us. Once republicans are in control of it. That is why the republican establishment is so fond of big government while it despises populists.

System rat republicans believe in the administrative state, just as much as the most ardent progressive democrat, but they can’t admit it. They have to rely on the votes of people they detest. Mitch despises populists, but he will gleefully take their vote, then stab them in the back. Kevin McCarthy will be happy to become majority leader, as long as he doesn’t have to wrangle a bunch of populists, without levers on them yet. Soon enough the FBI will run an Epsteinesque operation on them. Removing their guts and replacing them with levers. Why else have establishment republicans tamped down all inquiry into that epic scandal? They are either involved as marks or players. The game may be being played on the elite, to get handles on them, but the real flim flam is on the people.

While the establishment sub types believe in the administrative state, they see themselves as the rightful managers of it. The world they envision, is for the democrats to put the trains under the control of the State, then the republicans will get them to run on time. The goal is the same it is the details that differ. All experts believe in the administrative state, at heart. A dominion of unaccountable, unchecked bureaucrats, ruling without consequence, who are expert in their fields, is self evidently the ideal form of government to the scum type. Since they are expert managers, why shouldn’t they run it once it is built? Since they plan on running it once built, why would they tolerate anything that derails it? That is why system rats cannot stand populists ripping up rails.

Those aberrant populist republicans are getting in the way of the elite’s plans. Populists have the archaic notion that the people are capable of spending their own money… since the people are the ones who earned it. Populists even think the common run of man is more moral, capable and wise than echo chamber deafened psychopathic experts. Populists even want to dismantle the apparatus of the administrative state… the bureaucracy. That is why the democrats and systemic republicans are willing to openly violate every code of conduct, they enforce on others, brazenly and without consequence. If the establishment could just get one of the crimes we all know they are guilty of, to stick to a populist, the mockingbird media will bend iron bars to tie all populists to that crime.

Today the elite, (the totality of the democrat party and the establishment goa’uld) have evolved beyond Enlightenment ideals, such as honesty, curiosity and integrity, to realize that lies, closed mindedness and hypocrisy get you more power. To help make people’s lives better. Wielding the unchecked power of the State. Which would make the bureaucrats awesome oligarchs. Why would system rat republicans stand in the way of such a utopia? That would be crazy. It is totalitarianism that appears sane. System rat republicans plan on managing the global autocratic State. Who else could run it better? The idiotic democrats? No. Expert managers managing the experts that manage the world. Making future establishment font republicans… the oligarch’s oligarch.

John Pepin

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Rule By Experts Or The Constitution, The Choice Is Yours

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are witnessing in real time, the transfer of power from the constitutional government, to an administrative state. To that end, we are being manipulated in a myriad of ways. The John Fetterman candidacy is one example. He is clearly cognitively impaired yet continues to run, and more importantly, people will still vote for him. Why? Because he will be a reliable democrat vote. That is all. No one’s voting for him because they love his garbled message, limited wit or goiter. Moreover, the democrat party isn’t choosing the best man for the job, because the job wields a rubber stamp, the administrative state does the governing… via the delegated authority of the constitutional government. Soon the President, House, Senate and even courts will be relics, like the monarchy.

When the administrative state raided a former President, they were and are, claiming superiority to determine what is classified… over the authority from which they derive their power. Absurd on its face yet it is being done right in front of ours. The bureaucracy is directly involving itself in our elections, in self interested ways, which makes the bureaucracy itself a direct threat to the democratic element of our Republic. Moreover, the entire edifice of the administrative state, the bureaucracy, is based on Wickard v Filbern, a Supreme court ruling, not the Constitution. The thousands of bureaucrats, billions of dollars and absurd regulation… is all based on what a few unelected men ordered. Which means the very premise of the administrative state’s power is based on flawed logic.

The permanent government, the bureaucracy, is the real power behind the throne, as the praetorian guard was in Rome. They consider themselves an aristocracy of experts. Why shouldn’t the smartest people in the room lead? They are the smartest after all. Just look at their credentials. If you could take the most well trained people to regulate the world, the world would run like a Swiss watch, built in China. Why wouldn’t the bureaucrats believe themselves the best suited to rule? They have the degrees, the institutional memory and the pathology. Arrogance is a primary attribute of the administrative state however, and arrogance always leads to self serving, which leads an aristocracy to become an oligarchy. Especially those without oversight, limit or consequence.

Let’s face it, the role, scope and reach of government has grown far too much, to be administered by anything approaching the constitutional government, laid out in the US Constitution and supporting documents. That is why we need the administrative state to take over. Well… that, else return to Constitutional rule. That would entail ridding ourselves of huge swaths of government. Who would destroy energy without the energy department, education could flourish without the malevolent oversight of bureaucracy, and who would do the false flag terrorist attacks without the FBI? History shows, we can’t count on a group vilified for political leverage, to do their own terrorist attacks. We need the FBI, CIA and MIC for that. An administrative state is incompatible with the Constitution.

The elite don’t want us to have a choice. They see the administrative state as the inevitable successor to constitutionalism. Unlimited global rule by experts, they see their utopian vision as the culmination of Socrates Philosopher kings, but in the form of an aristocracy of experts. Being so much better than the common run of Man, they are certain that absolute power will not corrupt them absolutely, only a little. We should have a choice though. We represent humanity, not 1% of the 1%. Our voice has power. So… do you want the administrative state to be the real government and start down the slippery slope to global oligarchy? That might be a step too far for some people. Else, is a return to constitutionally limited representative government, preferable? The choice really is yours… not theirs.


John Pepin

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The Phantasm Of Fascism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite have re-imagined politics, so that populism is the new fascism, and fascism is the new democracy. This innovation they believe will serve them well. There are a few flies in the ointment though. In order to enforce such mind bending notions, truths that lead to the “wrong” conclusions (misinformation) must be suppressed, so that the lies that bend minds can flourish. If those truths are allowed to escape into the zeitgeist who knows what chaos could ensue? People are self interested and shown clear evidence they are being manipulated, to save the planet, they might ignorantly balk at being cleansed from it. Now we have Elon Musk buying Twitter, the platform the elite have spent billions building, and it could become their worse nightmare, a free speech platform!

The elite have re-imagined democracy, so that the people having a voice is fascist, and the elite suppressing speech is, democracy affirming. The whole thing depends on what you mean by “democracy.” As the word “is” can have a multitude of meanings, given the right political exigency, the word democracy can be as malleable. Because, if democracy is where the lowliest have a say, equal to that of the smartest people in the room, (the progressive experts) then it is fundamentally flawed, and needs to be fundamentally changed. Like a change in definition. Therefore, nowadays, fascism is where everyone has a say, equal voice and agency, and democracy is where only the experts have a say, people do as they are told, and where the top does all the thinking… much more efficient.

Someone who openly admits they cannot tell the difference between a boy and a girl is probably not the wisest person. They are likely someone who also cannot reliably tell the difference between, right from wrong, truth from lies and water from solid ground… and so might not be the most qualified to lead us through a land of quicksand, by fact checking the voices of everyone. To maintain such an absurd paradigm, the least wise cannot stand competition from the real world. Fantasy always vanishes like a smoke ring when it hits a gust of reality. Thus those who claim the mantle of fact checkers, while admitting in court they are propagandists, must control what is said. How can they efficiently lower the human population, to save the planet, if their smoke rings are faced with a hurricane of voices?

Imagine the damage to the US court system, should the information about how they suppressed the law when it came to voting, used standing and latches to deny the American people a hearing on the fraud, and the blatant violations of Alex Jones and Julian Assange Constitutional Rights, to make an example of them? The NIH and CDC have lied to us abut very significant things. Lies that have cost lives. The death toll of the vaccine that isn’t, a lie within a lie, have yet to be accounted for. Yet the CDC demands children, who have zero danger from the man made virus, get the clot shot. Furthering the harm… to children! These two foundational edifices of our society have a great interest in silencing the truth. They have so damaged themselves, if it gets out, their reputations will never recover.

We do indeed live in fantastic times. The courts hold themselves in contempt, the medical community promotes ill health, the energy department eliminates energy, social media is a means of manipulating the masses, and people who cannot tell the difference between a boy and girl run the clown show. No wonder they are panicked that Twitter might become a free speech platform. Even a glint of reflected light is deadly to mold. Imagine the full sunlight of free speech? Like the sheep cannot vote the wolves away, the mold will not willingly allow cleansing light in its presence, so I expect something drastic to be done to stop it. Else, how will the elite get us to believe the phantasm of fascism, redefining fascism as democracy, and democracy as fascism?


John Pepin

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When Crazy Reigns

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if you play along with the insane, sanity will eventually appear crazy, and crazy will appear sane. The echo chamber resounds, with the sound of the clowns, crazy gets louder, while sanity is shouted down. Then crazy reigns. The elite live in echo chambers, and never venture out, lest they get exposed to wrongthink, and their sanity found out. Then they would be discredited, should they mention those plans, in the ivory towers they reside, deep in crazy land. Participating in their own brain washing, as if they are mad, the elite now believe, it is the American way that is bad. Families, temperance, charity and freedom are now called evil, in today’s crazy town, so the experts promote the opposite… from their moral high ground.

Just look at all the absurdities, we take for granted now. Not long ago if we compare, mutilating children’s genitals, would not have been allowed, today it is called, gender affirming care. That the government would imprison a journalist, for telling the truth, as in the days of Woodward and Bernstein, would have been like a sore tooth. Can you imagine Nixon, raiding Woodward’s home, at 6am with SWAT, rival journalists and good little robots? Now we don’t bat an eye. Imagine if in 1969, a man was arrested pimping children to the elite… then died in custody and it was called suicide? The people would have freaked, and the elite would have to come clean. Today it is shocking all that we allow, because what was crazy only last week, is normal now.

The old Soviet Union, planned to create a new cult, demoralize America, the post modernists are the result. The program was to convince us, the American way is morally without. Unjust, immoral and oppressive, the schools are the way, today’s high school graduates have no idea, what happened even yesterday. They hate America for slavery and greed, yet love those systems, that still have bondage and need. They see the US as an oppressive regime, one that has to go, they have even been taught children to forgo. We will die barren, without advocate and alone… so the elite can add to their surpluses, from grinding our bones. From what they have achieved, demoralization has worked amazingly well, the crazy we readily believe, is how we can tell.

No matter how absurd are their gods, or how insane is crazy land, the experts will applaud, until they see them first hand. No place has the demoralization, been more effective, than the expert class, because the system has had more time, to reprogram them en mass. The administrative state’s monopoly school system, is an echo chamber crass, while the state taught ideas, are foolishly comic. No learning of math, nor reading, and writing, or, Lucifer forbid… economics! Crazy is taught by well indoctrinated teachers, not as a bug, but as an innovative feature. They teach that individualism is selfish, and socialism altruistic, because we all know the humane characteristics, of the great socialists so well, like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Fidel.

Today, with the demoralized, leading us into the land of the insane, and sanity criticized, the last part of that program is in play. When the communists have routed freedom, root and stem, the useful idiots would be rounded up, and slaughtered to a man. Otherwise they would be problems to the sharks, once they realized, they had been pigeons, suckers and marks. Best to nip it on the spot. I suspect the final phase is underway, since the expert class has embraced the clot shot. As the enlarged hearts, cascading cancers and strokes pass through the expert class, like a zephyr in a room, with a shudder they will pass, never knowing that they, were the instruments of their own doom. Believing crazy has consequences, no matter how smart you think you are, for all of us, everyone, both near and far.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Murderers, Liars and Oppressors… The Globalist Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if the elite destroy the world in a nuclear war today, that would make them the most inept, stupid and evil people that have ever held the reigns of power. I would have called them scum, but that would have been a great disservice to scum. The expert class, the same people who created covid from bat guano, failed so miserably in Afghanistan, and have run our economy into the ground, are certain they can engage in a limited nuclear exchange, with only minor global effects. What are a few billion people dead, when the goal is to reduce the population to five hundred million? The elite appear to have an endless supply of stupidity to go with their arrogance. I wrote my representative and senators, with this message, you might want to as well.

Ronald Reagan lifted the curse of nuclear Armageddon from the human race, today’s leaders have lowered it upon us again. One has to question the sanity of a person, who would threaten the very existence of humanity itself, to get ahead in a political conflict. By any measure, what political gain could outweigh the extinction of mankind? How much surplus do our evil overlords need? How much better a life must they have than the grazing masses to make them happy? Apparently their avarice is like a black hole, the more power, wealth and un-accountability they get, the greater their thirst for more. The experts at the time lambasted Reagan as a war monger for lifting the threat of nuclear war from us. They have now solved that problem by lowering it on us again.

How arrogant does someone need to be to threaten every person on the planet to get their way? The most petulant, spoiled, and moronic toddler knows better. Judging by their flippant playing with blowing up the world, today’s elite are the least wise people that have ever lived. We would be better off having Neanderthals as overlords. At least they would have the wisdom of self preservation. Our leaders are a real breath of putrid air. Put it this way, if you were arguing with someone over the amount of crème in a latte, and they threatened to detonate a bomb and kill everyone in the mall over it, would that make you admire them… or consider them evil, selfish and stupid? That is exactly what the globalist elite are doing right now…. acting evil, selfish and stupid.

Murderers, frauds and tyrants are evil. They epitomize evil. Everyone knows this, yet we look at the murderers, liars and oppressors that run the world and fail to see it. Whether it is the pervasive propaganda we are subject to, or that we are too busy with our lives, and perhaps we are panicked of what we might do, if we open our eyes. Now those evil psychopaths are threatening the human race with oblivion if they don’t get to keep their money laundering operation going. Imagine how evil they are to be willing to threaten the human race for profit? SPECTER should be so evil. What argument could excuse them? How are their actions justified in anything but in the worse possible light? Combine intentional crimes with malevolent intent and you have evil actors… pure and simple.

The worthless snake poop that runs the world today are talking about killing your children. They are willing to risk not only your life but the lives of everyone you love. Imagine losing a mother, father, brother, sister, or God forbid… a child? Now magnify that to all of them. THAT is who the elite are threatening today. Your loved ones are the bargaining chips for psychopaths, who demand to run the world, else burn it down. Are they the kind of people that should have power? People who are that stupid, arrogant and evil? Our families are on the line in this insanity the elite are foisting on the world. We can’t say we don’t have a dog in this race because we have everything on it. As Bonhoeffer said, “Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act…” Let the evil psychopaths know what you think.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment