Murderers, Liars and Oppressors… The Globalist Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if the elite destroy the world in a nuclear war today, that would make them the most inept, stupid and evil people that have ever held the reigns of power. I would have called them scum, but that would have been a great disservice to scum. The expert class, the same people who created covid from bat guano, failed so miserably in Afghanistan, and have run our economy into the ground, are certain they can engage in a limited nuclear exchange, with only minor global effects. What are a few billion people dead, when the goal is to reduce the population to five hundred million? The elite appear to have an endless supply of stupidity to go with their arrogance. I wrote my representative and senators, with this message, you might want to as well.

Ronald Reagan lifted the curse of nuclear Armageddon from the human race, today’s leaders have lowered it upon us again. One has to question the sanity of a person, who would threaten the very existence of humanity itself, to get ahead in a political conflict. By any measure, what political gain could outweigh the extinction of mankind? How much surplus do our evil overlords need? How much better a life must they have than the grazing masses to make them happy? Apparently their avarice is like a black hole, the more power, wealth and un-accountability they get, the greater their thirst for more. The experts at the time lambasted Reagan as a war monger for lifting the threat of nuclear war from us. They have now solved that problem by lowering it on us again.

How arrogant does someone need to be to threaten every person on the planet to get their way? The most petulant, spoiled, and moronic toddler knows better. Judging by their flippant playing with blowing up the world, today’s elite are the least wise people that have ever lived. We would be better off having Neanderthals as overlords. At least they would have the wisdom of self preservation. Our leaders are a real breath of putrid air. Put it this way, if you were arguing with someone over the amount of crème in a latte, and they threatened to detonate a bomb and kill everyone in the mall over it, would that make you admire them… or consider them evil, selfish and stupid? That is exactly what the globalist elite are doing right now…. acting evil, selfish and stupid.

Murderers, frauds and tyrants are evil. They epitomize evil. Everyone knows this, yet we look at the murderers, liars and oppressors that run the world and fail to see it. Whether it is the pervasive propaganda we are subject to, or that we are too busy with our lives, and perhaps we are panicked of what we might do, if we open our eyes. Now those evil psychopaths are threatening the human race with oblivion if they don’t get to keep their money laundering operation going. Imagine how evil they are to be willing to threaten the human race for profit? SPECTER should be so evil. What argument could excuse them? How are their actions justified in anything but in the worse possible light? Combine intentional crimes with malevolent intent and you have evil actors… pure and simple.

The worthless snake poop that runs the world today are talking about killing your children. They are willing to risk not only your life but the lives of everyone you love. Imagine losing a mother, father, brother, sister, or God forbid… a child? Now magnify that to all of them. THAT is who the elite are threatening today. Your loved ones are the bargaining chips for psychopaths, who demand to run the world, else burn it down. Are they the kind of people that should have power? People who are that stupid, arrogant and evil? Our families are on the line in this insanity the elite are foisting on the world. We can’t say we don’t have a dog in this race because we have everything on it. As Bonhoeffer said, “Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act…” Let the evil psychopaths know what you think.


John Pepin

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