How Civilizations Fall

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the more powerful government is, the more important it is to control those with power. If we had a strictly limited government with little power to affect us, we could tolerate the most corrupt people who have ever lived in public office, because they would have no power to harm. In a system where the government has the power ours does, every bureaucrat, politician and judge needs to be a saint, else the whole government becomes a means to organized crime. As ours has. The answer then is to limit the role, scope and power of government, else make sure only saints get power. Anything else and government becomes a “legitimate” Mafia. An unlimited administrative state can do a lot for you, but without saints running it, it is more likely to oppress you, and help themselves.

The less oversight the elite get, the more honest they must be, else they will naturally become corrupt. It is human nature. Then in consequence we will follow and become corrupt ourselves. That is how great civilizations fall. They rise in virtue and fall in corruption. Without feedback, the life of the elite becomes so disconnected from reality, it corrupts them. Their immediate subordinates follow and become criminals. Then the people see the elite crooked, absurd and flourishing… so follow and become corrupt as well. Once the corruption is complete, top to bottom… that civilization must fall. Not only collapse, but apparently, never to rise again. Is Greece a powerhouse nation? Turkey, Italy, India, or Mongolia? Those were all at one time the seats of great civilizations.

People who are corrupt are always liars who claim to be the most honest people that have ever lived. Their crimes become the most transparent honest election in history, and anyone who disagrees, is an insurrectionist enemy of the State. You know the elite have lost their souls when they start telling anti truths. A lie is a bending of the truth to serve the liar. An anti truth is the opposite of the truth. “thalidomide is a safe treatment for morning sickness, eggs are the worse food for your health there is, and the vaccine is safe and effective…” for example. These are anti truths. We have become so used to anti truths we confuse them with mere outright lies. When Biden said it is republicans that defunded the police, that was not a lie, it was not misinformation… it was an anti truth.

A weak government that has little power, is of little consequence, but corrupt people will never tolerate being part of a weak government. That is why the natural evolution of government is always to tyranny and never towards liberty. There is not much advantage to being part of a weak government so psychopaths will go elsewhere for their power fix. Those who do land in a weak government will work diligently to pervert it and make it all powerful. All powerful government is a super magnet, drawing pathological types to it, as if they are iron dust. There are two ways to stop the natural consequence of a powerful and corrupt government, take away its power, or strictly monitor those in charge so they cannot act on their corruption, without being made example of.

What we have now is the worse of both worlds, totalitarian government, pretending to be a Constitutionally limited government, filled with the worse people who ever lived. The bureaucrats labor in the dark we only see the results of that labor when we run afoul of it. The bureaucrats all live in an enclave of elites where reality need never rudely intrude. The echo chamber that gets more absurd by the day, as they flourish, before those the elite want to eat bugs. Telling anti truths, like we are chattel not human beings, they are painting graffiti over a Picasso in oil. The result will be Europe and North America will fall into the same species of nation as Greece. Unless we do something, and do it quick, to control them or rid ourselves of their means to totalitarian power… the bureaucracy.


John Pepin

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