The Oligarch’s Oligarch

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite in the republican party are horrified at the populists gaining ground, like Trump, because they see themselves as the proper managers of the totalitarian state the democrats are building… not as an alternative to it! The republican party started as a progressive party, of the elite, by the elite, for the elite. The Christian coalition, conservatives and others changed the paradigm though. Establishment republicans however, still think the world needs to be run by experts. The time has passed where the common run of man is capable of handling his own life, we need the administrative state the democrats are building, to handle it for us. Once republicans are in control of it. That is why the republican establishment is so fond of big government while it despises populists.

System rat republicans believe in the administrative state, just as much as the most ardent progressive democrat, but they can’t admit it. They have to rely on the votes of people they detest. Mitch despises populists, but he will gleefully take their vote, then stab them in the back. Kevin McCarthy will be happy to become majority leader, as long as he doesn’t have to wrangle a bunch of populists, without levers on them yet. Soon enough the FBI will run an Epsteinesque operation on them. Removing their guts and replacing them with levers. Why else have establishment republicans tamped down all inquiry into that epic scandal? They are either involved as marks or players. The game may be being played on the elite, to get handles on them, but the real flim flam is on the people.

While the establishment sub types believe in the administrative state, they see themselves as the rightful managers of it. The world they envision, is for the democrats to put the trains under the control of the State, then the republicans will get them to run on time. The goal is the same it is the details that differ. All experts believe in the administrative state, at heart. A dominion of unaccountable, unchecked bureaucrats, ruling without consequence, who are expert in their fields, is self evidently the ideal form of government to the scum type. Since they are expert managers, why shouldn’t they run it once it is built? Since they plan on running it once built, why would they tolerate anything that derails it? That is why system rats cannot stand populists ripping up rails.

Those aberrant populist republicans are getting in the way of the elite’s plans. Populists have the archaic notion that the people are capable of spending their own money… since the people are the ones who earned it. Populists even think the common run of man is more moral, capable and wise than echo chamber deafened psychopathic experts. Populists even want to dismantle the apparatus of the administrative state… the bureaucracy. That is why the democrats and systemic republicans are willing to openly violate every code of conduct, they enforce on others, brazenly and without consequence. If the establishment could just get one of the crimes we all know they are guilty of, to stick to a populist, the mockingbird media will bend iron bars to tie all populists to that crime.

Today the elite, (the totality of the democrat party and the establishment goa’uld) have evolved beyond Enlightenment ideals, such as honesty, curiosity and integrity, to realize that lies, closed mindedness and hypocrisy get you more power. To help make people’s lives better. Wielding the unchecked power of the State. Which would make the bureaucrats awesome oligarchs. Why would system rat republicans stand in the way of such a utopia? That would be crazy. It is totalitarianism that appears sane. System rat republicans plan on managing the global autocratic State. Who else could run it better? The idiotic democrats? No. Expert managers managing the experts that manage the world. Making future establishment font republicans… the oligarch’s oligarch.

John Pepin

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