The Philosophical Innovation That Is Christianity

Merry Christmas Dear Friends!

It seems to me, today might be a good time to reflect on the goods that Christianity has brought the world, including but not limited to, ending slavery as a matter of course, the Enlightenment, the scientific method, the idea that all people are created equal and our moral code. Those goods have also been perverted. Our empathy has been turned against us with woke ideology, our anti slavery mindset is used against us when we are accused of complicity in slavery, because people who shared our skin color owned slaves a century and a half ago, our pity of the poor is screwed into Marxism, as well as our belief in the scientific method, perverted to worshiping the demi god, the Science. Yet, even with those perversions still plaguing us, our lives today are astounding by any standard.

The Jesus of the Holy Bible, taught us to love one another as we do ourselves, treat others as we would be treated and pick up our cross and carry it without complaint. Love thy neighbor as oneself is an amazing bit of metaphysical innovation. It begs us to step outside ourselves and behold another as our self. Perspective is demanded because without perspective, we cannot even see the other, let alone love them. The Golden Rule is premised on the idea that the best way to judge our actions and what another would like, or dislike, is to query ourselves. Few like to be burned, but many like to be fed, so in the aggregate, no other measure is as accurate. Pick up your cross… we all have burdens, we all carry them in whatever way we do. Some loudly, others quietly and a few, thankfully.

Compassion, reciprocation and servitude were a big part of his message. Compassion was epitomized in Jesus’ plea that we love one another as he has loved us. He loved and loves us so much he was willing to die on a cross to lift the burden of our sins from us. He carried them himself instead so we wouldn’t have to. We don’t deserve it, but we got it, salvation. Jesus gave that to us because he so loved us. All he asked is that we love one another. Have some compassion for what another is going through. Reciprocate when someone does a good deed to you. Most of all however, be a servant to mankind. Most of us would rather be served, than serve, but remember, Jesus himself washed the feet of slaves. The son of God and Mankind, the greatest of us, led by example in serving the lowest.

Jesus didn’t see people as his enemy, he saw principalities and Satan as his foes. People can be deluded, misled and manipulated, by principalities, ideas and Lucifer. Few people are malevolent, most believe, even when they do incredible evils, they are the good guys. Even psychopaths justify their crimes in their own heads. Every single genocide, slaughter and crime against humanity would have been avoided, had the perpetrators listened to Jesus’ words, and followed them. Instead of exploiting other’s belief to evil ends. The Holocaust couldn’t have happened if the Nazis followed the Golden rule. Tamerlane’s slaughter of Hindus wouldn’t have been possible had he loved his neighbor as himself, and Mao would not have been so arrogant had he been a servant, instead of an omelet maker.

It’s hard to believe the birth of a lowly child in a small town, a couple of thousand years ago, would have changed the fate of mankind so dramatically. Had he not been born, or had Herod the great killed him as a child, we would still be riding horses, huddled by fireplaces and eating peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, as our ancestors did of old. Slavery would be the norm. If we were fortunate, a new Roman type empire would have arisen and conquered the known world, and imposed peace. If only through oppression. Because, without the unimaginable philosophical leap that Jesus Christ of Nazareth brought into the world, when he was born, our lives would be unremarkable to someone from the Bronze age. His morality, humanity and godliness has allowed us to live remarkable lives.


John Pepin

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Wrongthink Is Our Enemy

Dear Comrades,

We are ordered to think… wrongthink is extremely dangerous to our oligarchy. Call it what you will, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, or simply thinking for yourself, wrongthink can derail decades of planning and billions of dollars of grifted money. As such, we will need to ratchet up our propaganda against wrongthink. Use our operatives in the mockingbird media, to manipulate people into hating wrongthink, as much as we do, lie when the truth would serve us better and engage in demagoguery at every opportunity. Remember, anyone not in the game is a pigeon. People who engage in wrongthink are not only our enemies, but the enemies of progress, utopia and our totalitarian plans. Therefore we cannot tolerate even a hint of wrongthink… especially in social media.

Wrongthink leads people to dangerous conclusions. What if the people we are exterminating, okay, ethnically cleansing, conclude that is what we are doing? What a disaster! They might fight back and stop taking the clot shot, sterilizing their children and aborting their babies. Moloch must be fed. If the hoi polloi see the truth, that is the only conclusion they can sanely come to, so it is imperative we hide the truth. Vilify independent thinkers as white supremacists, racists and Russian agents. With ESG we have marshaled the forces of government, corporations and the press, to one goal… whatever the hell we tell them it is. Now it is time to take our corporatocracy to the next level and go global. Wrongthink is the biggest threat to our plans. It must be stopped, else the people might conclude what we are doing!

Wrongthink is only possible where the people are empowered to think for themselves. Our tight censorship of social media has worked wonders in controlling public opinion. The masses have no right to their own opinion anyway… that is the job of experts. That is why we discourage thinking. The education system is designed to keep children from thinking, teach a perverted history and confuse them about the very basic things. Like if they are a boy or girl. Someone who is so confused they cannot see themselves, as they are, are simply not going to see the world, as it is. They will not be a problem when we take our oligarchy global. The threat to our plans are those old people who survived covid, children home schooled and independent thinkers. Wrongthinkers all.

Wrongthink could end our oligarchy if we allow it. We allow it to derail the gravy train when we tolerate wrongthink in any form. Elon Musk is opening up Twitter, our own invention to censor wrongthink, to unlimited wrongthink! This must be stopped! Our own tools of censorship turned against us, and exploited by those populist decentralizers, to let just anyone speak his or her mind! If some janitor points out our lies, how many others would see them too? Imagine if people discovered what we are up to? Twitter’s facilitating wrongthink is just that threat. No one can be allowed to think for themselves. Their ideas are social viruses. To stop such malevolent ideas from becoming contagious, we must stop free thinking, censor and shut down social media if need be.

As all despots, oligarchs and progressives know, the people are stupid and easily manipulated against their own interests. The foolishness of voters is one of the reasons Hitler hated democracy so. That, and the cover democracy gives to a leader for his failures. Even though Hitler, once he had vanquished democracy, and became a despot, correctly blamed the people for his failures. We on the other hand, love “democracy.” With our election fraud mechanisms now in place, “democracy” legitimizes our illegal rule, gives our failures cover and is in and of itself, a Hegelian manipulation. Our only real danger is in wrongthink. As I said above, wrong think can upset the apple cart. If we don’t stop it, it will stop us. So rail against disinformation, misinformation and fake news, in all your propaganda pieces.


Commandant John

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I Am Backlisted

Dear Friends,

If you get a notification that this site has malware it is a mistake…

Four of the ninety two virus listing companies have blacklisted this website as malicious.

I have reached out to them every day for the last week. Only one has responded that since my SSL is outdated they now list me as having malicious content. The others have not yet responded.

I scanned my site, here is a link to the result…

The companies that are censoring me, by maliciously claiming my site has malware are, G-data, CyRadar, bitdefender and CRDF Global.

I will continue reaching out to them, to repair this situation, but I am getting worried they are not legitimate companies. That fear increases every day they refuse to acknowledge my communications and fix their mistake.

Update: I am no longer blacklisted…

God bless…

John Pepin

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Does The Public Have A Right To Its Opinion?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one of the questions of our time is, who is entitled to guide public opinion… the public, or the deep state? The post modernist experts of the elite, think they are in the best position to make our decisions, form our opinions, and eat our lunch. Just ask them. It’s not like they have fallen for the Dunning Kruger Effect or anything. I mean, they do know it all, don’t they? The other possibility is the traditional Western Enlightened view, the heaven forbid, modernist view… that the individual is entitled to his or her own opinion. Strong arguments on both sides have been made in the past. Hitler, in Mein Kampf, argued the masses are too ignorant and subject to propaganda to make up their own minds. So today’s expert elite are in good intellectual company.

Operation Mockingbird was exposed by the Church Commission. It was a covert means the CIA was using to manipulate the media into spreading deep state propaganda. Back then it was a scandal, today, not so much. In the past, back when the elite paid lip service to our Constitution, they were ashamed they had been caught in such action. That, or they feigned atonement, only to do it again asap. Which clearly has happened. The recent revelations about the FBI and CIA’s role in lying to the American people, the BLS’ BS numbers and the CIA’s role in Kennedy’s assassination… not to mention the open election fraud in Arizona, all serve to highlight the point. Not only did the deep state not stop operation mockingbird, they doubled down. Today it is out in the open and no one seems to care.

The Twitter files proves the point. They exposed the FBI as literally embedding agents within Twitter, making Twitter an arm of the FBI and thus the Democrat National Committee. Just as the Gehime Staazpolici was a functionary of the party and not really an independent State agency. Twitter was not only a passive mouthpiece of the administrative state, like the Mouth of Sauron, but was an active participant in stifling voices, suppressing ideas, pushing lies and promoting propaganda. Mussolini said that fascism is the melding of state and corporation. Heir Goebbels called that merging… corporatism. There can be no better example of this than the Twitter files. Audacious in its invention, unconstitutional in undertaking and criminal in its conduct.

Goebbels (pronounced Gerbls) was the propaganda Reichminister of the Third Reich. He had sipped deeply from the ideas of Edward Bernays. When he un-calculatingly aired a movie of his lavish villa, and was accused of being no better than the people he had vilified before. Goebbels gave a deft retort. He had to have such lavish accommodations, for how was he to entertain the diplomats from America, if the Reich was to be well represented among world leaders. Not unlike the pigs in Orwell’s Animal Farm. How like our leaders today, lavish in their lifestyles, fat as cats, and led by dark forces with dirt on every one of them. If not for the propaganda, pushing lies and silencing facts, the demands for the rest of us to tighten our belts… would enrage the public.

Clearly, the elite believe they are entitled to guide the public’s opinion, since they are so much smarter than us. Despite their perfect track record of failure. The people pulling the strings think they know it all, and have fallen victim to their own propaganda, ie. Dunning Kroger. Thankfully the Twitter files has exposed their crimes. Now we have to see if there is anyone left in the establishment who is not beholden to the pedophile post modernist administrative state. If there are a few, then maybe there can be some justice… but probably not. Because the PPMAS will do to them what it did to John Kennedy, Donald trump and anyone else who stands in their way. Which means, unless we put our thumbs on the scale today, and let our opinions known, tomorrow we may lose our right to have one.


John Pepin

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The Tyrant’s Best Friend

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, tyrannical governments like the former Soviet Union and modern day China, would not last a week, without the backing, help and funding of Western elites. When Reagan won the cold war it proved socialism was a failure. The elite melted down over it. So dropped the radioactive pile called post modernism. The US government bureaucracy today supports the CCP instead of Americans. Because the authoritarian Marxist/fascist is the model of government the elite desire for us. Our elite and experts run interference for the CCP, help them to gather intelligence on US citizens, and allow CCP police stations in the US to enforce their oppression here. Western elite so love the CCP model of government, they transferred bio weapons tech to China, resulting the creation of covid in a lab.

Our elite have become demoralized with the idea of the United States. They despise everything the US was founded on. Limited government, free markets and individualism are all anathemas to the elite today. They prefer the fascist model, unlimited government by experts, based on socialism, otherwise called “stakeholder capitalism,” and where wrongthink is strictly controlled. The elite view of the merging of corporations and government, to create a super authority, is wonderful. That way the elite can set the goal and everyone will follow, like Mao during the Great Leap Forward. The top 1% of the population now openly state they don’t need 75% of the rest of us. Making most of us redundant. Yes, the elite have become demoralized with the US, our founding principles and mankind.

The Chinese Communist Party’s greatest ally is the western elite. Every bit of technology they now have was transferred to them by Western elites. Some of course, was stolen, but with the complicity of the elite. The CCPs monopoly in rare earths is also a gift from our elite. Had the elite pulled their unlimited, unequivocal and inhuman support of the CCP, after the Tiananmen square massacre, the CCP would have fallen. Thankfully, Western elites punished the CCP by opening up the world trade organization to them, and giving China “most favored trading” status. Harsh penalties… for the victims of the CCP, rewards to the elite in China that massacred thousands of citizens, for having an opinion. Not only the CCP but any oppressive, totalitarian and despotic regime has a friend in the Western elites.

The goal obviously is to destroy the US and the ideas it was founded on. The anti American propaganda in the mockingbird media today is undeniable. Not simply anti American, but anti human, and anti truths. The elite lie when the truth would serve them better. Having become so oblivious to reality, that when they are exposed, as Musk has done with the Twitter files, they are unabashed. Lacking any shame, honesty or morality, the elite work tirelessly toward their end game, liquidate America, and as many Americans that remember the American way, as possible. To make way for the new world order. They are sterilizing our children, poisoning us with the clot shot, and importing millions of replacements. Then bragging… soon we will be an oppressed minority.

All they need do now is trigger the great reset. Klaus, the Varmint Schwab, openly talks about how we will own nothing and be happy. Like Huxley’s Brave New World or Orwell’s 1984. Neither of which is a glowing endorsement of the elite, their plans, or their intelligence. There is a saying, the US will never be destroyed by armies from the outside, it can only fall because of treason on the inside. Our own elite are so stupid they have become sappers against their own country. Believing that a world fascist government is the next logical step in the post modernist revolution against the Enlightenment. Once humanity has thrown off the ragged vestments of equality, individualism and ethics, only then can we mutate, as the elite envision, to the epitome of evolution… grease ants.


John Pepin

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Fighting Inflation With Reverse Keynesianism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite like to use Keynesian economics when in recession, but when in inflation, nothing could be further from their minds. We know this because governments the world over increase spending, when the economy is performing “sub par,” but never cut spending to lower prices. The idea is, if the economy is slow, it must be because aggregate demand is below aggregate supply, so the government can spend money to increase demand, to meet supply. In times of inflation however, instead of the government lowering that superfluous spending, central banks raise interest rates, driving aggregate demand out of the economy, to meet the insufficient supply. Like a pawl, ratcheting the economy out of the hands of the people, and into the clutches of the elite.

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who had a prominent position in all the huge economic decisions of the Twentieth century. His economic theories revolve around aggregate supply and aggregate demand. In opposition to Say, who reckoned supply drives demand, Keynes claimed demand drives supply. Both grasping part of the problem but letting the rest slip away. Keynes reasoned that demand is demand… so in times of recession, the government can simply borrow and spend the economy back into prosperity. Even if it buries the money and allows the market to dig it up. Governments love this theory because it empowers them to spend money. Of course, even Keynes didn’t think government should perpetually borrow and spend, to fight regulation’s drag.

Money is power and no one knows this like the elite. The more money someone has control of the more power they wield. Since our elite today follow the Frankfurt school of thought, and that philosophy includes Nietzsche as a founding notion, the elite therefore embrace Nietzsche’s maxim to seek power not happiness. Keynes economic theory does just that, it gives them ever more power, because it authorizes the elite, in the name of economic prosperity, to spend our money for us. The elite don’t do anything as ridiculous, as bury the trillions they borrow and spend in our names though, of course not, they do much more productive things with it, like create covid in a lab. Every economic downturn then justifies more government borrowing and spending. A pernicious incentive if ever there was one.

Oddly, the idea doesn’t seem to occur to anyone, that Keynesian economics would work in reverse, to drive down inflation as well? I would think there would be economists who would realize this little reverse of the Keynesian equation? If government borrowing and spending can increase demand when demand is needed… wouldn’t a decrease in government spending and paying off government debt then, lower aggregate demand… with zero cost to the people? Well, rent seekers, parasites and sycophants would be harmed, but they are no endangered species. In fact our governments are covered with them. That plan however, lowering government spending to meet lowered supply, has one huge drawback that makes it unthinkable, it lessens the role, scope and power of the government and thus the elite.

We should petition our governments to meet this bout of inflation with reverse Keynesianism. Inflation that is entirely the fault of governments around the world, with their idiotic lock downs. The elite will cry like scalded cats, austerity! No word is as evil to an elitist as austerity, except maybe… populism. Moreover, since the people with the bull horns are the rent seekers, parasites and sycophants, they are the only people we hear from. Nevertheless, if governments used Keynesian economics in reverse to fight inflation, instead of forcing central banks to cut it from our flesh, all of mankind would benefit. The elite would lose ground though, so it is off the table, unless we force the issue. Contact your legislators, parliament, executive and media… demand inflation is fought with reverse Keynesianism.


John Pepin

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Call Demagogues… Demagogues

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite today have only demagoguery, since any empirical examination of their policies and the results are indefensible. Let’s face it, a demagogue is a demagogue, no matter if he blames Jews, Catholics and Masons for all the world’s ills… or white supremacists, populists and Masons. Because everyone hates the Masons. A demagogue need not point to action, merely being in a handy group to vilify is enough. Hitler didn’t want to hate Jews, hating Jews was his ticket to stardom, so he did. Neither did Lenin want to hate the Kulaks or Biden to hate conservatives. Demagogues are united in their empowering hate. Moreover, a way certain to tell a demagogue is to ask who he or she hates… and they will label several groups of people, not individuals, groups.

To be a demagogue one must not see individuals but groups. To see people as people, individuals with agency and autonomy, is too granular a vision for the dull witted, emotionally unstable and university educated. They lack the processing capacity to see the world with such focus, instead preferring the blurred view of the near sighted demagogue. Who cares if the car careening at you is a Ford or a Chrysler? All the demagogue need see is that a car is careening. This works fine when in the path of an out of control vehicle… but when hunting, the ability to differentiate between a deer and a person, could mean the difference between a nice family supper… and a tragedy. Yes, you can get by with blurred vision, but life is much easier when one has 20/20 eyesight.

The reason demagoguery is bad, is because regardless of the individual merit of any person within the hated group, they are still hated, which is a form of deep injustice. So, in other words, demagoguery is a form of injustice. It does injustice to the groups attacked, it insults the audience and lowers the demagogue. The audience is insulted because we are being manipulated as if we are idiots. As if we too lack the ability to differentiate between people. Talking down down to as if we are too stupid to think for ourselves. The demagogue lowers himself as well. Since, “It is better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” Claiming Jews, Whites or Masons are all evil, is the epitome of opening one’s mouth and removing all doubt…

Demagoguery however has one huge benefit to the demagogue, it takes logic off the table in a political debate, and replaces it with the raw emotion of hate. Logic breaks down in the face of emotion. Tell a man who loves a woman, she is not the one for him, and he will disown you as a friend, tell an addict that gambling is destroying his family and he will bet two to one it isn’t, and tell a demagogue fire burns and water wets and she will call you a racist. Because logic requires mental effort, while emotion pours out of the snake brain, like water from a fire hose. If the demagogue can rile the audience up, sufficient to shut down their mammal brains, the demagogue has won. No amount of rational argument can prevail once emotion has overtaken the audience. Their anger is like a careening Cadillac.

Today’s elite have demagoguery and nothing else. The results of their policies have been a total disaster. Shutting down and even destroying energy infrastructure, has resulted in energy prices spiking, especially in Europe. Their policy of losing foreign wars created the Afghanistan debacle, open boarders has created out of control crime in Europe and the US, over regulating industry and replacing capitalism with cronyism has wiped out small businesses, even as their education system has forsworn teaching children how to succeed in life, replacing education with befuddling the boys into thinking they are girls, and girls into thinking they are boys. These are indefensible positions. The only way to justify them is, blur people into groups, to punish that evil blur… demagoguery.


John Pepin

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What Is Crime?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are two ways to view what is criminal, we can judge the action, or the person. Throughout human history the person has been more important than the action. Only in rare times and places have the actions been more important than the person doing them. In ancient Athens, the birthplace of moral philosophy, a citizen could kill a slave, and no crime had been committed. During the Renaissance, a Lord could beat a peasant yet the peasant could not raise a hand to defend himself, else he would have committed a crime. Just as today, an elite can go to a pedo island and molest children, the FBI fully aware, and no “crime” has happened. Yet in those halcyon times when all men are held to the same standard, created equal, as in the US in the Roaring 1920’s, the sky is the limit.

This extends into the personal sphere as well. We all have a friend who does and says things others couldn’t get away with. A woman will gladly accept an invitation from someone she is attracted to, while thinking the exact same invitation, from someone she is not attracted to, is illegal harassment. In the personal sphere it is annoying and occasionally dangerous, but a double standard becomes truly harmful, when it is systematically done by the established governmental power. When the law treats people differently depending on their political favor, that is when law breaks down and becomes arbitrary rule. Under arbitrary rule, only those who are above the law have a stake in society, everyone else is a slave. As we all know, a slave has no stake in the future of the plantation.

Is the action the crime or does the crime depend on who is doing the action? The most recent example of this is the FTX scandal. FTX stole billions from investors and creditors. They literally pilfered the money from their customer’s accounts, yet no one is going to jail for it. No one is even being investigated by the SEC or DOJ! [(The SEC and DOJ are “investigating” the bankruptcy… like the FBI is investigating the Hunter Biden Laptop).] If I stole one copper coated penny from a bank, the government would move heaven and Earth, spending unlimited money… to make an example of me. A clear double standard. People follow their leaders, and since ours are such scoundrels, if we do follow their lead, and become as corrupt as they are… our civilization would collapse. The elite then, rather than leading by example, use draconian punishments, arbitrary rule and total surveillance… to keep us in line.

When criminality is judged by the person doing the action, not by the action itself, then the elite must become an oligarchy. An oligarchy is the perversion of aristocracy, rule by a select group. The perversion specifically is, the rulers rule for their own selfish benefit, instead of the benefit of the whole of society. You can tell when the aristocracy becomes an oligarchy, by the way it talks to the people it is supposed to benefit. When the elite tell the people we will have to tighten our belts, some of us are innately evil, and/or openly replace the citizenry with people they would rather rule over, for example. This is only made possible when the elite are above the law. Because, if they were subject to the same law as you and I, such actions would be severely punished.

Throughout human history, the person doing the action made the difference, as today, but wouldn’t it be better to judge the action, instead of the person? Government that is held to the same, or better a higher standard than the people, is by definition… limited. The government that is above its own laws and its constitution, on the other hand, is unlimited. In an unlimited government, the elite live like kings, but in a limited government, the people live like kings. Obviously, an oligarchy chooses unlimited government, even as an aristocracy would choose limited government. Once again proving we live in an oligarchy. If we could manage to wrest the law back, and force the DOJ to hold everyone to the same standard, it would smash the oligarchy and our standard of living would skyrocket.


John Pepin

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Misinformation And Disinformation, Call Them What They Are… Wrongthink

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the words, disinformation and misinformation, are modern versions of wrongthink. Censorship is defended today by the elite and their bootlicks as the only way to save people’s lives. Meanwhile, the average citizen is labeled a domestic terrorist, if he or she wants to protect their child from pedophiles. The FBI has a dossier on many of us. If you had the audacity to speak out at a school board meeting, you are on several lists by now. Then there is the mockingbird media, the unanimous voice of the elite, unchecked, unchallenged and untrue. If a truth were to pass their lips, it is a mistake, and someone is fired for it. In a myriad of ways we are being manipulated, blatantly as in calling truths misinformation, subtly when they lie by omission and unconstitutionally.

Wrongthink has been in the English lexicon for decades. Since 1948 anyway, when George Orwell wrote his prodigal book, 1984… yet is not in the spell check. Even as misinformation and disinformation are in the spellcheck but have only been words for several months. That in and of itself says something about the mind control we swim in. The elite stand there, with straight faces and claim free speech is endangered, if they cannot censer us. What is shocking to me is how many dupes fall for the obvious lie. I guess when one is inundated with nothing but lies, compounding lies, and they never emerge from the cave to see the truth, a lie is the only answer to any question, no matter how absurd it is. Misinformation then, is simply another way of saying… wrongthink.

Free speech is now “dangerous” because of the world the elite have built for us to live in. Mark Twain once said, “Those who don’t read are uninformed and those who read the papers are misinformed.” The media was a pack of lying propagandists back then as much as today. Believe a word out of their mouth and you have eaten a feces candy bar. How many times does someone have to be caught red handed in a lie before they lose all credibility? The Boy Who Cried Wolf only needed to be caught three times… the media today, hundreds and counting, without losing a shred of credibility… among the brainwashed. Because those that traffic in lies see truths as dangerous. The danger is to the liar and their machinations however, not society, in fact, society is safeguarded by truth… especially misinformation.

Imagine a nation where the elite keep dossiers on citizens… for disagreeing with the elite that their children should be manipulated into being sterilized. Little girls and little boys having their privates ripped off at prestigious medical facilities. Facilities we pay dearly for in tax dollars. Can you imagine such a world? You certainly can, since that is the world the elite have built. They are so far above the law the rest of us look like ants to them… and who cares if a few ants are mutilated, manipulated or mashed? The unimaginable might of the prestigious FBI being brought to bear, on the mortal danger to the State, of mothers protecting their children from predators. Better that, than to investigate the multitude of firebombings of Christian adoption centers, by pro abortion domestic terrorists.

The idea of thought police today, is not only thinkable, but in practice in several nations across the planet… including the USA. As un-American as the very idea of thought laws are, they are not only being enforced by the bureaucracy, but the courts are backing their implementation. Because the experts think, the average Joe and Cindy are simply not equipped, to think for themselves. The experts are far more qualified. Censorship is the means to that end. Expert censers decide what can be said, and thus thought. If you cannot say a thing, soon it becomes unthinkable as well. That is why we have the Orwellian terms, “Misinformation and Disinformation,” circulating in the blood of the corpus political. Disinformation, misinformation and wrongthink are interchangeable. How bizarre.


John Pepin

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Vigilantism After The Great Reset

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite might be biting off more than they can chew, when it comes to triggering the American people to political violence. They think (hope) conservatives will eventually be set off and shoot random people, blow up a bridge or beat up haphazard black people… when nothing could be further from the case. In this they are projecting their own attitudes, actions and ideas on conservatives. Clearly, Soros, Schwabb and Blofeldt haven’t watched any vigilante movies. Because if they had, their blood would go frigid at the thought of triggering the American people. If, and I pray it doesn’t happen, the elite do manage to make it bad enough to trigger Americans, I suspect conservatives will do targeted killings… of the elite. Leaving the people, infrastructure and civilization unaffected.

Obviously the elite will need to damage the infrastructure, people and civilization, as they are doing today, to blame on the vigilantes. I wasn’t there when it happened but, I firmly believe it was not some angry American conservative lone wolf, who blew up the underwater natural gas pipeline that fed gas from Russia to Europe. A state actor carried out that little bit of terrorism. Were the elite able to somehow pin it on a conservative, or politically disfavored group however, it would have been the crime of the century. Because, as we all now know, if an action is a crime depends on who does it, not the action itself. Burning down a police precinct for example. It would have been a crime against the rule of law, had conservatives done it, rather than BLM under the direction of the elite.

Talk to a progressive and you have talked to every progressive. Group think is what they do. Violate any tenet of the ideology and you are excommunicated. As Ellen DeGeneres and J K Rowling have discovered. Keep to the narrative, no matter what, and even frequent trips to Epstein’s pedo isle are acceptable. That is where the NPC (Non Player Character) meme came from. They are not lone wolves, they are herd animals. They think, act and attack as a pack. To a progressive, the enemy is whatever group they are aimed at. The individuals in that group are therefore, villains, no matter their actions. Mere group affiliation is sufficient. Therefore, a progressive cannot imagine the lone wolf, except as a thought experiment, something arcane and theoretical, not someone who could actually exist.

Progressives at all levels project… it is a quality of their personalities. The NPC in them really shows in this aspect of progressivism. That is why they think conservatives, once the threshold of pain has been reached, will go off and attack groups they have been told by the mockingbird media, are the enemy of the conservative. They understand that their fellow NPCs would take it to heart and dehumanize those in the vilified group. Then set upon the enemy with fury and without remorse. It is unfathomable to a progressive how conservatives think for themselves. Conservatives reason that no man is my enemy, my enemies are principalities, inhuman ideas and the avatars of them. Conservatives judge and punish individuals… while progressives judge and punish groups.

A brainwashed BLM activist is to be pitied not hated. He or she has been manipulated into self harm for the benefit of those who despise them. Just as the elite manipulators have been manipulated into spending their very souls, serving that which detests them and will glorify in their joining it, burning in Hell for all eternity. Me, not so much. I pity them. I don’t hate them. I do however hate their actions. There are those who are not as charitable as I however, more violently disposed and quite a bit smarter too. They are the ones that, once triggered, will target the Schwabbs, Soroses and Rothchilds of the world. If they do, I would not want to be in their blood soaked Louis Vuitton’s. In fact, you could say, I pity the fools. For only a fool would draw the ire of America’s Rambos, Bournes and Chuck Norris.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment