The Tyrant’s Best Friend

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, tyrannical governments like the former Soviet Union and modern day China, would not last a week, without the backing, help and funding of Western elites. When Reagan won the cold war it proved socialism was a failure. The elite melted down over it. So dropped the radioactive pile called post modernism. The US government bureaucracy today supports the CCP instead of Americans. Because the authoritarian Marxist/fascist is the model of government the elite desire for us. Our elite and experts run interference for the CCP, help them to gather intelligence on US citizens, and allow CCP police stations in the US to enforce their oppression here. Western elite so love the CCP model of government, they transferred bio weapons tech to China, resulting the creation of covid in a lab.

Our elite have become demoralized with the idea of the United States. They despise everything the US was founded on. Limited government, free markets and individualism are all anathemas to the elite today. They prefer the fascist model, unlimited government by experts, based on socialism, otherwise called “stakeholder capitalism,” and where wrongthink is strictly controlled. The elite view of the merging of corporations and government, to create a super authority, is wonderful. That way the elite can set the goal and everyone will follow, like Mao during the Great Leap Forward. The top 1% of the population now openly state they don’t need 75% of the rest of us. Making most of us redundant. Yes, the elite have become demoralized with the US, our founding principles and mankind.

The Chinese Communist Party’s greatest ally is the western elite. Every bit of technology they now have was transferred to them by Western elites. Some of course, was stolen, but with the complicity of the elite. The CCPs monopoly in rare earths is also a gift from our elite. Had the elite pulled their unlimited, unequivocal and inhuman support of the CCP, after the Tiananmen square massacre, the CCP would have fallen. Thankfully, Western elites punished the CCP by opening up the world trade organization to them, and giving China “most favored trading” status. Harsh penalties… for the victims of the CCP, rewards to the elite in China that massacred thousands of citizens, for having an opinion. Not only the CCP but any oppressive, totalitarian and despotic regime has a friend in the Western elites.

The goal obviously is to destroy the US and the ideas it was founded on. The anti American propaganda in the mockingbird media today is undeniable. Not simply anti American, but anti human, and anti truths. The elite lie when the truth would serve them better. Having become so oblivious to reality, that when they are exposed, as Musk has done with the Twitter files, they are unabashed. Lacking any shame, honesty or morality, the elite work tirelessly toward their end game, liquidate America, and as many Americans that remember the American way, as possible. To make way for the new world order. They are sterilizing our children, poisoning us with the clot shot, and importing millions of replacements. Then bragging… soon we will be an oppressed minority.

All they need do now is trigger the great reset. Klaus, the Varmint Schwab, openly talks about how we will own nothing and be happy. Like Huxley’s Brave New World or Orwell’s 1984. Neither of which is a glowing endorsement of the elite, their plans, or their intelligence. There is a saying, the US will never be destroyed by armies from the outside, it can only fall because of treason on the inside. Our own elite are so stupid they have become sappers against their own country. Believing that a world fascist government is the next logical step in the post modernist revolution against the Enlightenment. Once humanity has thrown off the ragged vestments of equality, individualism and ethics, only then can we mutate, as the elite envision, to the epitome of evolution… grease ants.


John Pepin

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