Call Demagogues… Demagogues

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite today have only demagoguery, since any empirical examination of their policies and the results are indefensible. Let’s face it, a demagogue is a demagogue, no matter if he blames Jews, Catholics and Masons for all the world’s ills… or white supremacists, populists and Masons. Because everyone hates the Masons. A demagogue need not point to action, merely being in a handy group to vilify is enough. Hitler didn’t want to hate Jews, hating Jews was his ticket to stardom, so he did. Neither did Lenin want to hate the Kulaks or Biden to hate conservatives. Demagogues are united in their empowering hate. Moreover, a way certain to tell a demagogue is to ask who he or she hates… and they will label several groups of people, not individuals, groups.

To be a demagogue one must not see individuals but groups. To see people as people, individuals with agency and autonomy, is too granular a vision for the dull witted, emotionally unstable and university educated. They lack the processing capacity to see the world with such focus, instead preferring the blurred view of the near sighted demagogue. Who cares if the car careening at you is a Ford or a Chrysler? All the demagogue need see is that a car is careening. This works fine when in the path of an out of control vehicle… but when hunting, the ability to differentiate between a deer and a person, could mean the difference between a nice family supper… and a tragedy. Yes, you can get by with blurred vision, but life is much easier when one has 20/20 eyesight.

The reason demagoguery is bad, is because regardless of the individual merit of any person within the hated group, they are still hated, which is a form of deep injustice. So, in other words, demagoguery is a form of injustice. It does injustice to the groups attacked, it insults the audience and lowers the demagogue. The audience is insulted because we are being manipulated as if we are idiots. As if we too lack the ability to differentiate between people. Talking down down to as if we are too stupid to think for ourselves. The demagogue lowers himself as well. Since, “It is better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” Claiming Jews, Whites or Masons are all evil, is the epitome of opening one’s mouth and removing all doubt…

Demagoguery however has one huge benefit to the demagogue, it takes logic off the table in a political debate, and replaces it with the raw emotion of hate. Logic breaks down in the face of emotion. Tell a man who loves a woman, she is not the one for him, and he will disown you as a friend, tell an addict that gambling is destroying his family and he will bet two to one it isn’t, and tell a demagogue fire burns and water wets and she will call you a racist. Because logic requires mental effort, while emotion pours out of the snake brain, like water from a fire hose. If the demagogue can rile the audience up, sufficient to shut down their mammal brains, the demagogue has won. No amount of rational argument can prevail once emotion has overtaken the audience. Their anger is like a careening Cadillac.

Today’s elite have demagoguery and nothing else. The results of their policies have been a total disaster. Shutting down and even destroying energy infrastructure, has resulted in energy prices spiking, especially in Europe. Their policy of losing foreign wars created the Afghanistan debacle, open boarders has created out of control crime in Europe and the US, over regulating industry and replacing capitalism with cronyism has wiped out small businesses, even as their education system has forsworn teaching children how to succeed in life, replacing education with befuddling the boys into thinking they are girls, and girls into thinking they are boys. These are indefensible positions. The only way to justify them is, blur people into groups, to punish that evil blur… demagoguery.


John Pepin

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