Does The Public Have A Right To Its Opinion?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one of the questions of our time is, who is entitled to guide public opinion… the public, or the deep state? The post modernist experts of the elite, think they are in the best position to make our decisions, form our opinions, and eat our lunch. Just ask them. It’s not like they have fallen for the Dunning Kruger Effect or anything. I mean, they do know it all, don’t they? The other possibility is the traditional Western Enlightened view, the heaven forbid, modernist view… that the individual is entitled to his or her own opinion. Strong arguments on both sides have been made in the past. Hitler, in Mein Kampf, argued the masses are too ignorant and subject to propaganda to make up their own minds. So today’s expert elite are in good intellectual company.

Operation Mockingbird was exposed by the Church Commission. It was a covert means the CIA was using to manipulate the media into spreading deep state propaganda. Back then it was a scandal, today, not so much. In the past, back when the elite paid lip service to our Constitution, they were ashamed they had been caught in such action. That, or they feigned atonement, only to do it again asap. Which clearly has happened. The recent revelations about the FBI and CIA’s role in lying to the American people, the BLS’ BS numbers and the CIA’s role in Kennedy’s assassination… not to mention the open election fraud in Arizona, all serve to highlight the point. Not only did the deep state not stop operation mockingbird, they doubled down. Today it is out in the open and no one seems to care.

The Twitter files proves the point. They exposed the FBI as literally embedding agents within Twitter, making Twitter an arm of the FBI and thus the Democrat National Committee. Just as the Gehime Staazpolici was a functionary of the party and not really an independent State agency. Twitter was not only a passive mouthpiece of the administrative state, like the Mouth of Sauron, but was an active participant in stifling voices, suppressing ideas, pushing lies and promoting propaganda. Mussolini said that fascism is the melding of state and corporation. Heir Goebbels called that merging… corporatism. There can be no better example of this than the Twitter files. Audacious in its invention, unconstitutional in undertaking and criminal in its conduct.

Goebbels (pronounced Gerbls) was the propaganda Reichminister of the Third Reich. He had sipped deeply from the ideas of Edward Bernays. When he un-calculatingly aired a movie of his lavish villa, and was accused of being no better than the people he had vilified before. Goebbels gave a deft retort. He had to have such lavish accommodations, for how was he to entertain the diplomats from America, if the Reich was to be well represented among world leaders. Not unlike the pigs in Orwell’s Animal Farm. How like our leaders today, lavish in their lifestyles, fat as cats, and led by dark forces with dirt on every one of them. If not for the propaganda, pushing lies and silencing facts, the demands for the rest of us to tighten our belts… would enrage the public.

Clearly, the elite believe they are entitled to guide the public’s opinion, since they are so much smarter than us. Despite their perfect track record of failure. The people pulling the strings think they know it all, and have fallen victim to their own propaganda, ie. Dunning Kroger. Thankfully the Twitter files has exposed their crimes. Now we have to see if there is anyone left in the establishment who is not beholden to the pedophile post modernist administrative state. If there are a few, then maybe there can be some justice… but probably not. Because the PPMAS will do to them what it did to John Kennedy, Donald trump and anyone else who stands in their way. Which means, unless we put our thumbs on the scale today, and let our opinions known, tomorrow we may lose our right to have one.


John Pepin

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