Three Kinds Of Justice

Dear Friends ,

It seems to me, there are three kinds of justice, the justice of the barbarian, of the citizen, and of the civilization. Each is supplanted by the next. If the justice of civilization breaks down. The police and courts fail. That leads to citizens becoming vigilantes. An eye for an eye… If that fails, justice will devolve to the justice of the wild. A throat for an eye. Sometimes many throats for a perceived harm. As in Haiti today. Even the most ardent anarchist doesn’t or shouldn’t want the justice of the wild. The least we should seek is the justice of the citizen. Striving for civilizational justice. Which is the best form but the easiest to pervert. Nevertheless, under a system of just civilizational justice, people thrive. While under an eye for an eye, people can live, and in a state of nature, people survive, as best they can.

What’s just civilizational justice? Civilizational justice (CJ) as I envision it, is the justice meted out by the police and courts. Thrasymachus described unjust CJ. When it’s impartial, it meets the definition of just CJ. CJ is simply a means. Like any other tool. The justness of the use of that tool is determined by the project it’s applied to. A chainsaw can be used to house people or cut up people’s houses. The result depends on the use. When the police violate our Constitutional Rights to punish us for a legal infraction, the police themselves are committing a greater infraction, than the criminal. Because their infraction leads to tyranny… while ours to disorder. A biased court system is even worse. The eventual disorder (revolution) that will come is a return to justice of the wild.

The justice of the citizen takes over when CJ fails. If the police and courts are no longer of use, then people take matters into their own hands. Exacting revenge for crimes. Murderers are cut down in the street, rapists are castrated, and thieves get a hand cut off. If the punished aren’t the criminals, oh well, their example will caution the real criminals. Gangs, vigilantes and neighborhood watches will naturally form, to amass power, Enabling them to exploit violence and to protect from aggression. The state, that so failed it led to the citizens taking matters into their own hands to restore order, will act to undermine the good citizens, and empower the bad actors. Leading to warlords. Then the justice of the wild prevails, like in Haiti, Syria and Honduras.

When CJ is actually just, people thrive. History speaks loud and clear on this. Doing business becomes more profitable under a system of fair CJ, evening streets become safe for women to walk, and children can go to the store without fear. The corner store doesn’t need bars on the windows and jobs are plentiful. Driving up wages and benefits to workers. Instead of political favor being the arbiter of who gets what, merit becomes that arbiter. The standard of living must go up. Moreover, nothing drives up hope, like prosperity, safety and opportunity. These are the conditions under which families thrive, individuals become healthy, happy and hale, even as the society itself flourishes. Because the civilization is healthy. Which is why people thrive under just CJ.

The incentive for the elite is to pervert CJ to their own ends. Claiming some need help from the State… setting up political favor to replace merit. Some rise above the law as their gangs riot when they’re subjected to it. Unequal application of the law leads to scoffing. Even as the elite deem themselves above it. Leading us to crime by example. By engaging in things we would land in prison for. Like insider trading, libel, and labor laws for example. Once CJ devolves to citizen justice, you’re already on a slippery slope to barbarism. So it’s best to address issues with CJ before they get out of hand. Apply CJ to elevating merit and crushing political favor. Impeach partial judges, have police enforce laws against violence, instead of thought crimes, and hold the elite to the standard they hold us to.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Contingent Knowledge

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, all knowledge is contingent. Because in a year, a century or a millennia, they’ll discover what we honestly believe is true today… is wrong. That’s why I listen to everyone and believe no one. Which is to say, I have an open mind, but I only really believe those things I have directly experienced. As far as those things that I’ve been told are true, the sun is a ball of fusing plasma, photons can become entangled, and the double slit experiment proves light is both a wave and a particle… I take them at face value, until proven otherwise. Since I have no way of independently verifying those statements. So I accept them contingently. Because knowledge isn’t an edifice that we build upon, it’s a complex system that evolves, even changing in nature every so often.

The sage listen to everyone and sifts through the chatter for the tidbits of wisdom. I was told many decades ago, by a very close friend, that hot water freezes before cold water. I found it hard to believe, but I didn’t push back because… who knows? A more counter intuitive idea can’t be imagined. Yet it’s a scientifically proven theory. Even though cold water doesn’t boil faster than hot water. Why the asymmetry? Maybe you’ve just learned something that you had never suspected before? As we fit new information, especially the absurd truths that are told to us by regular people, our knowledge evolves, it doesn’t simply grow. What makes this insight even more powerful, is that if we only listen to experts, we willingly step into an echo chamber. Allowing that anyone could be right is the exit to that chamber.

I think kids should be taught this as early as they’re able to process it. Contingent knowledge is open minded intelligent skepticism. Tell the kids that even the stuff they are taught in science class aren’t necessarily true. Because they aren’t. In my life, many things I was taught are scientifically true, turned out to be false. So accept that which by all appearances, isn’t falsifiable, until it is. Then eject the notion immediately. Because if we seek to have actual knowledge, we have to be ruthless in our weeding out untruths, and allow ourselves to have no attachment to them. Attachment to an idea is adherence to a falsity. It’s a faith. Because even if mostly true, our attachment prevents our knowledge from growing and evolving to better understanding. Making this a valuable lesson for kids.

We all accept without question scientific truths. Out of laziness, gullibility and the drive to go along. While much, if not most of what we accept as scientifically proven today, will be discredited tomorrow. That’s the nature of knowledge. Back in the day, Newtonian physics explained almost everything. The orbit of Mercury didn’t fit in though. Showing they were missing something. Then Einstein came along. Now Einstein’s physics are accepted… but maybe not in another century? Moreover, simply because a theory predicts and explains observed phenomenon, doesn’t mean it’s right. If you’re hiking through a forest without a trail, using a compass and no map, sometimes you come to an impassable cliff, mountain or river. So while the direction appeared to be correct… the real path lay somewhere else.

Holding all information as contingent, or open minded, intelligent skepticism, is the way to proceed. It allows new knowledge to be gained, wrong knowledge to be ejected and thus allow our overall understanding to evolve. Listen to everyone. Truths and knowledge are widely distributed. As Hayek said. Knowledge isn’t as concentrated as many believe. Don’t become attached to an idea. That’s a sure way to close mindedness. It’s faith. Because only those willing to let go of wrongs will move closer to rights. Even science is subject to change. So hold all knowledge contingent on further understanding. Otherwise it’s faith, and the only one we should have faith in, is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. All others and their truths are contingent on fitting observation and not being falsified.


John Pepin

Posted in media, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


There’s a time reason and place for a law,

Not for every nuisance that comes along,

But the truth is mate,

It’s violence by the State,

And it’s overuse dulls it like an old saw.


There once was a communist named Bernie,

Attacking the evil rich throughout his journey,

He shouted at the fawn,

Stay off my lawn,

And went back into his mansion on the inland sea.


There once was a government opaque,

They told starving people to eat cake,

The despot said,

Stay in bed,

As we split up the political take.


No modern woman wants to be a mere wife,

They are told to want a glamorous slut life,

No diapers to change,

Plastic surgery rearrange,

To eventually play Elinor Rigby on the fife.


The execs at Disney must be bumming,

We can hear the head hunter’s drumming,

There’s still a chance,

In the legal dance,

Because you can bet the shredders are humming.


The British elite have always despised the rest,

WWI was a crime against humanity and a test,

The elite failed it bad,

They’re stark raving mad,

And took it out on those of us that were the best.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Mortal Danger

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a government that doesn’t listen to anyone else, is a mortal danger to the citizenry and itself. Moreover, that government will censor to protect it’s echo chamber from disharmony. Making the motivation to censor a way to promote lies, hide truths and defend ignorance. As the Holy Bible says, Satan is the great deceiver. Secondary evils birthed by censorship are hypocrisy, hubris and stupidity. Few are as stupid as those unwilling to listen to others. Because they fence out potential knowledge. In fact, a government that staunchly refuses to listen is one that can only know that which it already knows, and is unable to measure if a thing they think, is true, or not. Making government’s ignorance, enforced by censorship… a mortal danger to the world.

All knowledge comes from other people. This axiom also applies to government. A baby born into a sensory deprivation chamber, and living there for fifty years, will know nothing when he or she emerges. There’s no such thing as a priori knowledge. On what foundation does that child have to base any thought? None. Government that refuses to listen is the same. It might as well be in a sensory deprivation chamber. There’s no knowledge gain, only absurd ideas, set in ever harder concrete. If you refused to listen to anyone else, you would become ever more ignorant. Just as government is. Government becomes ever more ignorant while believing it’s the smartest person in every room. Stupidity abetted by ignorance. Making governments the definition of a fool.

Censorship then keeps not only the people ignorant but governments as well. Which if you think of it, is quite dangerous. Because someone ignorant will act in ways counter to their self interest. Out of a lack of knowledge. Doctors used to think leeches cured disease. Now we know different. If they had refused to listen to Louis Pasteur, they still would be using leeches. As most advanced governments are stuck in the Middle Ages with the rest still in the bronze age. Because the elite think they know it all, and so have no need of input, feedback or new information. It’s redundant and takes away from their unlimited power. So they censor, to maintain the purity of their echo chamber, atop the ivory tower. Which seems smart, to an ignoramus, foolish enough to believe they know it all.

Without feedback, new information or input of any kind, the elite can only get off track. Like driving a race car blindfolded, deafened, and by wire. The outcome isn’t likely to be optimal. Take for example, the Covid crisis created by government ignorance. The virus was made in a Wuhan lab with American tax dollars. Then released by stupidity or malevolence. A host of vaccines created with untested technology, and rolled out for a species wide implementation. With mandates and vaccine passports to force it into our bloodstreams. Millions are dead and millions more suffer side effects of the untested shots. As this was happening, governments claimed the virus came from a pangolin, and arrested people for walking alone on a beach. Because censorship kept us from true information back then.

When the truth is suppressed and lies are pushed, the result is stupidity. Government that maintains a strict policy of ignorance can’t properly govern. Moreover, sensory deprivation is a poor place to gain knowledge. We have to listen to others, everyone has their story… All knowledge comes from others. Sure, people spout a lot of garbage, but hidden within that garbage, are diamonds, gold and Rolex watches. Talking isn’t listening, but the elite love to talk, and detest listening. So they censor that which they dislike. Shutting off their only source of knowledge. Then go on to do things that kill millions of people. It’s no problem though… because there’s no consequence to the elite for failure. Making their ignorance, defended by censorship, a mortal danger to us all.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Absurdity created by the elite idealist,

Crushing their enemy the pragmatist,

He said as a quip,

We shouldn’t stop it,

Which are the words of an accelerationist.


There once was a dame from Wellington,

With front teeth that gave her distinction,

She ordered with a grin,

You must take this toxin,

But couldn’t reach her front teeth with her tongue.


Democrat fraud may not work this time,

When it did denying an election was a crime,

It was wrong yesterday,

But now the elite say,

If we don’t win we can turn on a dime.


There once was a guy named Maher,

He claimed to be woke and aware,

Pretending to be tough,

Saying I’ll leave in a huff,

But in truth no one really does care.


The British taxpayer will sing joyously,

Knowing their money went across the sea,

To shill for a loser,

A sloppy boozer,

While the boats keep a coming endlessly.


It’s astonishing to regular folks,

It’ll be the brunt of future jokes.

Trump was attacked,

The story was sacked,

Like Russian collusion but not a hoax.



John Pepin

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Win Win And Win Lose

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, elites have an idealist mindset of win lose. The idea of win win is alien to them. When speaking of the Ukraine war, all those with the public’s ear can say is, “Ukraine needs bargaining chips to force concessions from Russia.” Which shows a complete lack of understanding of human nature. There are things Russia wants more than winning a war, that’ll saddle it with responsibilities it doesn’t have the wealth or manpower, to squander on. Our elites however, can only think in a binary way… win lose. No matter how many lives it costs, they must be spent, to get that bargaining chip… so they can win more concessions. Win lose also applies to matters public as well as international. The government must always win and the public must lose in every interaction. Illustrating the weakness of government.

Idealists think in terms of win lose, while pragmatists think in terms of win win. Government however, is an arena where win lose is the norm, and so it draws those with that mindset. Idealists for example. People who are binary in their thinking. There’s an ideal and then there’s everything else. To them, only the ideal is allowable, even if achieving it kills everyone on Earth. The idealist mindset allows one to believe an ideal is worth any atrocity. Meanwhile, a pragmatist seeks to gain, even if the other side gains… and if not gaining at least cut the losses. A pragmatists keeps a foot behind to catch herself if the rope lets go. While an idealist pulls with both feet forward. If the rope breaks or the load suddenly releases, the pragmatist catches herself, while the idealist goes flying.

Elites that have to win at any cost are willing to bleed a nation dry of its youth…while capitalists, who must be pragmatic, cut their losses. The idealists that run our nations have goals that must be met. Whether or not those goals make any sense in the real world. They’re ideals and as such must be striven for. Without hesitation. The goal of socialist equality of outcome is just such an ideal. Equality of outcome, (an ideal) flies in the face of the Pareto distribution, (a law of nature). Making socialism, communism and fascism all idealist dreams, that can never come true in the real world. Instead, their implementation results in human suffering, far exceeding even the state of nature itself. If a lion chases you down and eats you, it’s not personal, but going to a Gulag is.

The win win mindset is a profit based system of thought. It seeks to maximize profit at cost to later losses. While a con may make a ton of money today, it pollutes the well for later interactions, an unaccounted for loss. Even as a good salesman will sweeten the well for later sales. Which means his sales rise over time, while a scammer eventually goes to jail or is beat to death. A swindler maybe an extreme illustration. What about a used car salesman? You buy a jalopy from him and find the odometer has been turned back. How many future sales can he expect from you? That’s the acme of a win lose mindset. What about a different used car salesman, who gives you a good deal, fixes a minor flaw without question or charge, and sends you birthday cards? Would you buy another car from him?

Three kinds of people need to win, idealists, bureaucrats and toddlers. If they don’t win… they throw a fit. Moreover, if you don’t lose, they feel cheated. Idealists are driven by emotion instead of reason. Yet use reason to rationalize their emotionally driven actions. People with a win lose mindset can only succeed in government and monopoly. Every other arena of adventure breaks the idealist. They thrive in government however. Becoming the elites that ruin the world. Win win is utterly foreign to an elite. Like cutting your losses after a bad investment. Idealists go all in. Falling prey to the sunk cost belief. That’s why nations go to war, and we go to court, or cut our losses. We’re pragmatic while nations are idealist. Which is why, pragmatically… government must be limited.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Progressive denial of categories is profound,

Using rationalism and logic that’s unsound,

Saying with a straight face,

Categories have no place,

As the rights of Man they drowned.


It’s not hyperbole heaven knows,

Blind hate and hypocrisy as it goes,

But turn it around,

Reverse the clown,

And the story would be different as history shows.


Elon Musk has made himself quite the villain,

Free speech is hated by those at the pavilion,

Discourse the elite reject,

It’s what we now expect,

When dealing with powerful immature children.


There once was a man who conformed,

Never comfortable and always bored,

He said in some pain,

I stay in my lane,

And off the cliff in his car he roared.


The faction of gaslighting lies and deflection,

Telling us why we must deal with dejection,

With a straight face,

Calling us a disgrace,

Not knowing it’s confession through projection.


Reform and change hour by hour,

Nothing tarnishes the ivory tower,

Only one thing is fit,

Drastically limit it,

Because Government has way too much power.



John Pepin

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Inflation And Deflation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when Trump takes command, even if the Fed were to cut interest rates, there will be deflation, not inflation… as long as he cuts government spending, taxes and regulation at the same time. Think of it like a car. Taxes and regulation are the brakes, while spending lowers the efficiency of the engine. So if you push down hard on the brakes, with taxes and regulation, while at the same time lower the efficiency of the engine, the car will slow and eventually stop. A Keynesian would claim spending is the accelerator, but empirical history proves it lowers efficiency, it doesn’t increase fuel intake. It’s “pushing on a string.” R&D, investment in plant, and innovation are the accelerators. So, to cut inflation, government only needs to cut spending and lift its foot off the brakes.

Because government spending is like cocaine, it only feels good, it doesn’t make anything better. In fact it’s destructive. Why? Because government spending competes with private sector spending, creates inefficiencies, and fosters cronyism. All of which corrodes a nation’s wealth. Though it vastly increases the wealth of those directing the spending. By competing with private sector spending, government largess drives up costs. Monetizing the debt increase inflation. Government needs directs research, instead of consumer needs, making the economy less efficient. Meanwhile, Many firms become established they only rent seek. Becoming specialists in filling out the forms necessary to get free government money. Like coke, it feels good… until it runs out.

Deflation is the normal state of affairs in a free enterprise economy. Wages and costs are directly derived from the efficiency of the operation. If a manufacturer buys a new tool that increases the efficiency of his workers by 20%. He can give them a raise, lower his costs to under cut his competition, and take extra profits for himself. All because of that increase in efficiency. To make it more clear. If a contractor had a carpenter, who can frame a 20 foot wall in 20 minutes with a hammer and nails. Then the contractor buys a nail gun that increases efficiency, so the same carpenter can frame the same wall in 5 minutes, that increase in efficiency translates in to profit, higher wages and a savings to the customer. Making deflation and rising wages the normal state of affairs in a capitalist economy.

The way the government keeps inflation as close to 2% as possible is by printing 2% more money than the economy grows in a single year. Which is tricky because the actual growth is hard to measure,. Especially with flawed metrics. What the elite never want to happen, is to allow natural deflation. Because that leads to rapid increase in wages, the standard of living, and the station of us peons. The argument for keeping inflation above zero is based on flawed logic as well. They claim people will stop spending if they can expect lower prices next year. But if you need a refrigerator, you need it now, not next year. Few who are making gobs of money, are willing to store meat in a cooler for a year, to save a fiver. Making the argument against deflation spurious as it can be.

So if the government can cut spending, regulation and taxes, The federal reserve will be reigned in. Because there will be no need to print money to keep up with the deficit. The debt would be whittled away while our standard of living would increase. Even as the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates to try to cut into the growth. To save the cronies. A wise government that serves the interests of the whole nation, would then cut spending, taxes and regulation to allow the free market the breath, to grow us out of the debt the elite have saddled us with. I suspect the Fed’s plan though is to collapse the currency the debt is denoted in and voila… the debt is inflated away and the elite don’t suffer. Just the economy, citizens and debt mules. Us for the most part.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the climate of our planet is constantly changing. It’s perpetually going into a glacial period or an inter glacial epoch. Of the two, an inter glacial epoch is preferred, for civilization and the ecosystem. If the Earth were to be covered with glaciers again, civilization would go off planet, underground, else die out. So of the two, if we indeed have an effect on the planet, warming it is the ideal situation. Moreover, warming it, and adding plant food to the air at the same time works not only in mankind’s favor, but the entire ecosystem will benefit from the increase in plant productivity. Were we to stop global warming, there’s the chance there would be global cooling, leading to another ice age. Making our increasing CO2 emissions a life expanding act.

An ice age would bring humanity to the edge of extinction again. As it did before. Because when the weather is unpredictable crops can’t be grown. Wild vegetation, the backup for human grown crops, is diminished and wildlife is displaced. The entire ecosystem goes into shock. As ice piles up, the weight changes tectonic action leading to out of place earthquakes, subduction zones and activating formerly dead faults. Our cities would be buried under perhaps a mile think sheet of ice. Then crushed and scraped to the bedrock. Moreover, an ice age could take much more CO2 out of the atmosphere… leading to more global cooling. An ice age could be upon us in a century, should we stop global warming and replace it with a cooling climate. Like some scientists want to do.

A warming climate can only lead to more healthier flora, fauna and farms. Despite the arguments of changing rain patterns, there will always be rain. It simply may fall more at some locations that were dry and less at some that were wet. Meanwhile the USDA zones will rise so that the planet is able to produce more food to sustain more animal life. In my book, more life, is better than less life. So to have my druthers, I would choose global warming, and avoid global cooling. Especially since we’re not that far above ice age temperatures right now. As they acknowledged in the 1970’s global cooling panic. In many times in the past, the Jurassic for example, global temperatures were so much higher than today, there were forests and dinosaurs living at the Arctic circle!

CO2 is aerial plant food. The more of it there is the faster plants grow. The level today is at a near historic low. Making it harder for plants to create carbohydrates from sunlight. Only recently has the level of CO2 increased due to man’s burning carbon based fuels. That small increase has led to substantial increases in forest coverage on the planet, the Sahara desert appears to be greening, and farm productivity has increased, beyond that which would be expected from fertilizer use alone. If the level of CO2 increased to that of the Jurassic, the fecundity of the planet would rise by orders of magnitude. Benefiting plants, animals and Man. So lowering it, or merely stopping new introduction, is an attack on the ecosystem. By suffocating it of CO2, and possibly cooling the planet.

The only reason someone would want to lower CO2 is to harm the ecosystem. Someone who wants there to be less life, lower fecundity and fewer, hungrier people. Because anyone smart enough to understand the role of CO2, is smart enough to know what reducing it would do. The stupid argument doesn’t hold water here. Since the scientists must know the outcome, and to strive for an outcome of less life, is outright malevolent. All good people want there to be more life, healthier life and increasing life. To be anti life is to be a hypocrite in the most evil way. Because what demon that seeks to end the life of others… would freely give up his own? Personally, I don’t believe in anthropogenic climate change, but if I did, I would be firmly on the side of global warming!


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


There once was a faction panda,

They only lived on propaganda,

A pleasant sight,

By warm gaslight,

And organ harvested out on the veranda.


Beware the intellectual caste,

With egos mighty and vast,

Apt rationalism,

Lacking wisdom,

It’s folly that they broadcast.


The insufferable elite are like a Gorgon,

Be silent within their political cordon,

Leftists pretend they’re librarians,

Claiming they’re not totalitarians,

But it’d be easier if they didn’t tyrannize so often.


There once was a bureaucracy called the FAA,

Did nothing but play with themselves all day,

Political hacks,

Inept sad sacks,

And so they frittered the future away.


There once was an outfit called Space X,

A total utter and complete success,

Indeed visionary,

The coal mine’s canary,

And where the world’s John Gaults can apply their genius.


There was a people who turned from God,

Thinking that rationalism was to applaud,

Not empiricism oh no,

A priori they know,

And giving their souls to whatever is mod.



John Pepin

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