They Fit Together Like a Hand in a Glove

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, globalism and Marxism go together, like peanut putter and jelly, Laurel and Hardy, as well as stink and garbage. Have you ever heard a avowed globalist talking about the virtues of the free market, the Enlightenment or any of it’s derivative philosophies, like individualism, objectivism, or rejection of appeal to authority? No, you never hear a globalist talking about any of these things in anything but the most contemptuous way. On the other hand, when was the last time you listened to a Marxist tell you about the virtues of nationalism? You haven’t, a nationalist Marxist is a Nazi. That is the only difference between their ideologies. Which is why all Marxists are Globalists and all Globalists are Marxists. This is very informative about our fate should they achieve their goal.

Marxism is a supremacist ideology. To be a Marxist, (or progressive, since they are two peas from the same pod), one must hold that his or her fellows are less visionary, less intelligent, less civilized and well… just less. Otherwise why would the Marxist have such a strong need to regulate even the thoughts of others? If they considered us as their equals, they wouldn’t have the arrogance and hubris to regulate our every action. You don’t control equals, you control underlings, and underlings don’t get a say. To believe the core beliefs of a Marxist or progressive… in a centrally controlled economy, limited information, unlimited government, groupism, and the evolution of the people to socialist man, requires one to think him or herself superior to the rest… the definition of a supremacist.

Globalism is also a supremacist ideology. Instead of just considering other individuals, as subhuman, Globalists consider whole nations to be untermenschen. They view all civilizations as equally detestable, to be supplanted by their superior vision of a Utopian future, where the world is marshaled under their banner, their ability to enhance our pathetic little lives would be unlimited, but most importantly… there would be no place to escape to, they would control the globe. We would have no example of anything different, even historically, once history is erased. Now think about it for at least a second. What kind of person thinks this stuff? Really? Someone who considers others their equal or someone who considers others and our civilizations less? Isn’t that supremacist?

The two supremacist ideologies fit together like a hand in a glove, the one protects the other and the other gives them agency. Globalism gives the Marxist everything they dream about, unlimited government, a cage for the lab rats, control of the whole world’s economy, and even hold the fate of Mankind in their inhumanly psychopathic fingers. Marxism gives the Globalist a way to grasp such awesome power. Because it is not only a totalitarian ideology… it is a totalizing philosophy. It covers all the exits, no thinking necessary, just input any information and out comes pre-scripted drama. Giving up class struggle as their raison d’etra, for the struggle of the “oppressed,” has opened up new groups to be manipulated. We need to be controlled by them for our own good… or so the supremacists believe.

When someone thinks himself above the common run of Man, a supremacist, he will treat the common run of Man appropriately… like subhumans and animals. The very human power of empathy is lost on such a person. The supremacist doesn’t give the subhuman the same consideration they would an equal. Do you treat a wild opossum as well as you do your brother? Now extend that thinking to those in power over you… do you want someone who considers you to be equal to a wild opossum, ruling you and your children, with unlimited power, with no place to escape, your ability to think for yourself eroded by tech oligarchy enforced ignorance, while they destroy your cultural foundation? That is who Globalists/Progressives are. They are demons who would rule us as gods.


John Pepin

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