
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Zelensky is not a villain, nor is Putin, they are chumps, being manipulated into fighting by the villainous globalist elites. Zelensky tried to reach out to Trump but Trump was impeached to keep the cat in the bag. I am sure when Zelensky saw just how much power those evil subhumans have, he decided to toe the line. Let’s just say, when dealing with Toni Soprano, it is best to stay on his good side… and the globalist elite make mobsters look like saints. Like all criminal enterprises, they needed a laundromat. Now that WWIII is going on the amount of grift going through Ukraine has become a tsunami. Nevertheless, with the inverted demographics of the world, squandering those precious lives seems a poor choice to me. Let alone our own beloved kids if it goes nuclear. What do you think?

At the fall of communism, at the end of the Cold War, NATO ceased to have a function. The Warsaw Pact had dissolved, Russia had dropped communism, which permanently discredited it as an economic system. Like all government programs however, NATO is immortal. It needed something to do. So it took up it’s old goal, conquer the Soviet Union, but the USSR was gone, so instead NATO absorbed former Warsaw Pact nations, until it was knocking on Russia’s door. A CIA sponsored color revolution coup in Ukraine put a US puppet government in power and the stage for WWIII was set. NATO’s titular supreme commander, George Soros, wrote the game plan. Use Ukrainians as cannon fodder. Feed the patsies NATO weapons and let them sap Russia until NATO can step in and take over.

When Trump was elected, the globalist elites needed a villain to point at, to justify their outrage that a non insider got power. So they used politically isolated Russia. Since the fall of Putin, and Russia’s becoming a vassal state of the new world order was always the goal, that scheme worked perfectly. The trouble was, Trump stumbled in the way by talking to Zelinsky. So the progressive faction immediately impeached him. To keep him away from their laundromat. It worked perfectly. The mockingbird media dutifully misdirected the public’s attention, to Trump having the audacity to talk to a foreign leader, and away from why is the deep state so upset that Trump was talking to that world leader? Now we know, they had a profitable business going there, and Trump might have messed it up.

Billions of dollars have been laundered through the laundromat that is Ukraine. Over a hundred billion is in cue to go through. The calls for audits will almost certainly go unheeded. There are too many rent seekers, politicians and the military industrial complex, folding the clothes, to let an audit go anywhere. If you think different, how many of Epstein’s pedophile clients have been arrested, or even pointed out? Other than Prince Andrew? The Soros’ of the world have the power to stop just about anything. With the tens of billions flowing into their greedy pockets, the war propaganda and their capture of the entire judicial systems of the world… that power is magnified tenfold. With every death, their share of the world’s fortune goes up, making this war a win win, for the globalist elites.

The boys being killed, on both sides, are victims of psychopaths who are willing to break a few eggs to get the omelet they desire. The world lacks youth, the demographic curve is inverted throughout the world, and the elite’s solution is to kill those we do have, in a pointless war of conquest… to satiate their greed for power, money and fame. So, what if Putin is felled, what then? Would the US go in like in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya and force a vassal government on the Russian people? Isn’t that likely to turn out the same way the others did? Which makes me wonder if the killing isn’t the point? When us old people die, with no children to replace us, the human species will as a consequence, experience an explosive drop in population. Perhaps that is the point of this exercise in inhumanity?


John Pepin

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Empathic Perspective, Situational Awareness And Stupidity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if Bonhoeffer is right and stupidity is more damaging than malevolence, then it would only make sense to teach kids in school, not to be stupid. First of all, what does he mean by stupid? Bonhoeffer said stupid people do stupid actions. A stupid action is something that harms both the actor and the public. Stopping in an intersection to look at a map and getting in an accident for example. Stupid actions always have a component of a lack of empathy. Not in feeling but perspective. Stupid people don’t do stupid things, to be mean, but because they don’t know any better. Since stupidity is based on ignorance then, it can be rectified, in all but the most innately stupid. So, it only makes sense to teach children how to see things from other people’s perspective, teach empathic perspective.

Education is probably the most important and blessed thing that can be done. It is a deep and profound responsibility. Other people’s lives rest on the quality of that education. To take it lightly or use it to lower the life outcomes of the students, to facilitate some other agenda, is pure evil. Not only the personal life outcomes of the kids hang in the balance but the future of our society, culture and species as well. Those kids will be the next leaders, lone wolves and followers, because humanity is a reflection of us. Poorly educated, angry and resentful people cast a dark reflection, while well educated, fulfilled and thankful people cast a brilliant reflection. Education should build children into smart, independent and resourceful individuals… not blind manipulable workers.

Teaching empathic perspective must protect the child’s self esteem. Those who would teach a child he or she is innately evil, because someone who looked like them did a bad thing a few centuries ago, is counter productive. It is transferring original sin from, the race, to a race. Such training will only harden resentment, mutating into hate in the hearts of the kids, once grown. Creating a generation of problems. Education must only give positive lessons, else it is not education, it is something else, something dark. Instead of teaching empathic perspective, inculcating shame based on race, ethnicity or religion closes the door to empathy, opening the door to the idea all relations are a power dynamic. Once everything is about power, there is no need for empathy, or perspective.

Perhaps a good lesson might be to have the kids watch a short video with no names, only letters denoting the actors and actresses. Then have the children write one paragraph about the perspective of each character in the play. Person A was angry because… For example. Each try opening up a child’s empathic perspective. The next thing that needs to be instilled is situational awareness. Teach kids to be aware of what is going on around them. How would this stop people from being stupid? Because to be stupid one has to lack empathy, perspective and awareness. Empathic perspective would give awareness of what others are seeing without having to be in their shoes. If someone is aware of the perspective of others, they are less likely to do stupid things that get people hurt.

If the number of stupid acts could be lowered by even a fraction, and if Bonhoeffer was right, that stupidity is the most destructive thing we do, then the benefit to mankind would be enormous. By every metric our lives would be better. Empathic perspective would be easy to teach. Inculcating situational awareness could be openly stated as a goal of physical education. These two things alone could dramatically lower the number of stupid people out there. It must never be used to denigrate a child though. Such teaching is counter productive. Education is one of our most important responsibilities. It must be used to elevate the student and make their lives better by improving their life outcomes. Since stupidity is such a hindrance to humanity, isn’t it time to teach it away?


John Pepin

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The Pathology Of Post Modernism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the same people who promote pedophilia, the “trans” movement, open boarders, are unimaginably greedy, punish patriots, are unAmerican, hold political prisoners, censor thought, lie constantly, demand we believe global warming is cooling the planet, are the acme of hypocrisy, filled with envy, claim the US is based on racism, hate white people, have frequent flier miles to pedo isle, love abortion, institutionalize systematic racism, flood our streets with fentanyl, are holier than thou and openly worship Satan… also want an unlimited unaccountable global administrative state. Western elites have embraced post modernism. Which loves all things evil, eschews all things good and justifies it’s pathology by the self interested lie, all human interaction is based on a power dynamic.

The post modernist philosophy is pathological at its core. Hearkening back to Hitler’s Mein Kompf, they believe violence is the natural state of affairs. So they are quick to use violence ruthlessly, as did Hitler, to get what they want. Like the Fascist’s of old today’s post modernist’s philosophy is similar to Heidegger’s but more simplistic. Replacing a German conquest of other races, for Lebensraum, with the post modernist politically favored races replacing the “evil” race. In other words… Ethnic cleansing. Comparing it to fascism is all well and good but what makes it pathological? The denial of the Rights of others. Post modernists don’t believe in innate rights they believe in a power dynamic. No different than a corporatist of the 1930’s. Any philosophy that denies the rights of others is pathological.

Those who favor a global totalitarian administrative state, from which there is no escape, must remove all obstacles, and the US is a big one. That is probably why the globalist Satan worshiping pedophiles, take on every cause that undermines the sovereignty, security and citizenry of the US? Being monsters in all but appearance, there is not a bridge they would not cross then turn and burn, to get where they want to go. The news today highlights this fact. The post modernists are burning the US to the ground. With controlled fires of chemicals in our breadbasket, sterilization of our youth, open systemic racism against people of European descent, to stop systemic racism, and flooding our streets with fentanyl to lower the surplus population. Out of the chaos they create their thousand year Reich will coalesce.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) openly said the globalist elite don’t need 75% of the rest of us, and they are doing everything in their power to rid themselves of us. With their gain of function, now called directed evolution soon to be rebranded again to minimize the outrage, the Satanist pedophile globalist elites have literally killed millions. Plus, providing the elites with an excuse to further oppress us, for our own good. The WEF, the Davos crowd and the Bilderbergers all seek totalitarian power over all of humanity. That they are so inhuman hearted is both alarming and proof they will do whatever it takes to get absolute power. People like that don’t deny themselves anything. No matter the cost to others. Even if it brings on the end of the world… they are just that important, to themselves.

Those who find themselves on the same side as pedophile Satan worshipers, should probably rethink their ideology. The hope of all Satan worshipers is that Lucifer is the good guy and God is the bad one. That, else there is no Heaven or Hell as a reward for a person’s actions. The definition of a bad person is someone who does bad things. Their evil is magnified when the bad person has no conscience. No one can argue that ruining a child, killing millions of people with a bioweapon, and ethnic cleansing, are good things. We all know they are evil and yet, when these things are applied to us, we balk at belief. Because to believe such a thing, one must first realize the elite are human beings, some good and some bad, and that the evil ones will do such things and lie about it, without remorse.


John Pepin

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The Immorality Of Central Planning

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, regardless if central planning actually yielded a benefit to society, the economy or humanity, which it demonstrably has not, does not and will not… it would still be wrong to implement, because at its core, central planning is immoral. It is immoral because it takes agency from individuals and gives it to the elite. The presumption is, the elite are so much smarter, wiser and, gosh darn it, well, just better people than the rest of us. However, even if only saints and angels ruled under a central planning regime, it would still be morally wrong and yield catastrophe. All central planners must have one attribute, presumption. They presume to be better than everyone else. That presumption leads to pride, arrogance and envy… which brings oppression upon the people, always a wrong.

When a person takes agency from another it is a form of slavery. The act itself presupposes some innate superiority of the one over the other. Not only is the one assumed to be better than the other, but that superiority is so vast, the second has no right to his or her own life. Like the difference between a human being and a chicken. The chicken has no agency, freedom or even a right to life. We could therefore reckon that anything that is not afforded the right to life, would amount to a chicken, on the ethic metric. If that is the case, then it would be up to those assuming power over the other, to demonstrate that superiority. Which should be a simple act, if they are indeed so above us, we are like chickens to them. Making us the livestock of the worthless elite. Is that moral?

Morality is not ethereal, it is pretty obvious, those who want to do immoral things however claim it is nebulous. Posers have a thousand ways of saying nothing but sounding erudite. Once painted into a corner they lash out with ad homonym attacks. Lets face it, we all justify things in our own minds, and we do it all the time. Then we deal with the cognitive dissonance as best we can. Nevertheless, we all know what is moral and what is not, in our hearts. Those of us with hearts at least. If someone needs to wax poetic for hours, to justify a thing you know in your heart is wrong, then they are justifying evil. Defending a bad act that they want to do but need to twist logic to make it sound like a good thing. Because, most people want to think themselves good, while they commit despicable acts.

If some people really are better than others, then they could prove it under a regime of meritocracy. That they detest meritocracy shows, in their hearts, the elite know they are not better then us… they are less. Have you noticed the desire of someone to rule scales with their ineptitude? The more inept someone is the more they feel they are made to rule. Ruling others is their forte. Court clingers politic their way up the ladder instead of merit it with their work. When this happens in a corporate setting they become a drag on the company, when it happens in the bureaucracy they create friction for the economy, when it happens in public office, they scuttle a nation. How can we tell the court clingers from those with merit? You can reliably discern Court clingers by the disasters that trail behind them.

Central planning is immoral then, even if it did yield a benefit, which history proves… it doesn’t. The inept court clingers however understand they are not useful in any other capacity, so in their egoistic envy, they seek to rule. They are the kind of people who get political assistance from Communist agents, have a foreign spy as a driver for decades, leave the city they led on proverbial fire, have disturbing “art” in their homes, lie constantly and have a history of corruption and ineptitude. Pragmatism, if it were applied, would point them out quickly. Central planning, while immoral and yielding catastrophe, is coveted by the inept elite. People with advanced university degrees, who are utterly useless and stupid, need central planning to give their inept immoral empty lives, meaning.


John Pepin

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Dependency or Self Sufficiency?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have been carefully programmed to turn to government to solve problems, and away from self sufficiency. Since the Garden, or the first human was born, the paradigm has been that of self sufficiency. The industrial revolution and the surpluses it was capable of creating gave the egoists the idea of central planning. Those newly minted central planners thought they could marshal the economy far better than individuals ever could. History however is a harsh mistress, and not only did central planning fail, but it failed spectacularly, every time it has been tried. Nevertheless, the egoists did not give up, far from it, they invested in education. So that everyone would be carefully taught to seek help from the government, worship government, be dependent… and eschew selfish self sufficiency.

There are lots of “reasons” why we are told self sufficiency is not important, one is because the world is too complex now, even though no greater lie could be told. Because, the more complex the world is, the lower decisions need to be made. As Mises explained, there is too much information for any central planner to digest, so rational decisions are impossible. Take the example of a shoe store, every month the owner has to decide the number, size and styles shoes to buy. If he or she is wrong there are real consequences. The bureaucrat however, not only has no skin in the game, but will take the path of least resistance and buy the average shoe size and style. No matter how expert the expert, the world is too complex, and getting more complex by the moment, for government to solve our problems.

Government “solutions” are “easier.” Just increase government spending to solve all the problems. The trouble with that “solution,” is that government never solves any problems, they only make them worse. It simply is not in the interests of a bureaucrat to solve a problem. Their job is at stake. The rural electrification program is going at full steam. Even though the US was fully electrified before I was born, and I’m such an old fart, I don’t even stink anymore. Government solutions then are not only immortal but impotent. That same program was the example to the rest of government, never to complete its assignment. There will always be more to do. More means more, money, power and surveillance. Easy peasy, just pay more to get less, as the solution generates worse problems.

A venus fly trap looks like a treat, to a fly… as does any government “hand out,” to a chump. We have all heard of generational poverty. The welfare system is the venus flytrap that captures families in poverty generation after generation. It allows the elite to look upon the poor as less than human, a pet, to be cared for because we all know, it could never fend for itself! This mindset putrefies and mutates into three generations of punishment for a political infraction. The truth is, the more the people depend on government, the more oppressed, impoverished and discontent they will be. Only those who stand on their own two feet become wealthy, free and satisfied. The wise fly then stays away from the free treat and fends for himself. Government is far more voracious of chumps than any carnivorous plant.

Maybe we should try to reprogram ourselves, our kids and our neighbors to be more self sufficient and less dependent on government. Regaining control of education is the first step. The bureaucratic monopoly public school system is a progressive experiment, that has failed. It is time to move to the free enterprise model. This can be accomplished with a minimum of disruption with a voucher system. Once you see the bars of the cage, the cage becomes visible, and only then is it possible to escape it. Recognize the government for what it is, a trap, not only for you but your children as well. Self sufficiency built America, and dependence is tearing it down. Participate in building it, and indeed the world up… by practicing self sufficiency, in everything and everywhere.


John Pepin

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Why Are The Elite Creating Chaos?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, wise people should ask themselves, why are the elite introducing so much chaos into the world? Some might be doing it because they are the acme of “liberal” and see chaos as a good thing. They believe chaos is an end. Others may see chaos as a destabilizing force that opens the door to something else. They see chaos as a means. Most people however, see chaos as an evil, to be avoided at all costs. Because it costs so much. Conservatives epitomize the last category… those who see chaos as too expensive, in crime, wealth and suffering, to be an end or a means. Conservatives see chaos as a thing to be avoided. No matter where on this spectrum the elite fall, it is patently obvious they are introducing chaos, yet have the most to lose, unless they have a plan that is not obvious?

The “liberal” personality type is one that is high in openness to new experience, low in disgust and disorderly. In a well functioning culture and society their place is to encourage growth. Chaos is their wheelhouse. The “conservative” personality is typified by orderliness, limited new experiences and pretty high in disgust. Their place in a well functioning culture and society is to keep the train on the rails. Order is their wheelhouse. Logically, we should all want the optimum culture, society and economy, to foster our personal, filial and species wide well being. Pragmatically, the only means to that end, history provides… is when personal liberty to introduce chaos into our own lives is protected, and the elite are barred from introducing chaos into society, such as the US model, meets this criteria.

The wise seek balance. Machiavelli once said that a stable tyranny is better for the people than an unstable democracy. Because in an unstable democracy business cannot be done. People starve. While in a stable tyranny business works fine. His point was that political representation is less important than stability for the economy. That is why the CCP was able to pull in so much industry. They were a stable tyranny. The elite today, have taken away our political representation at the ballot box with mail in fraud, they have kicked the legs out from our economic table, they have flooded our streets with thieves from foreign lands and made a mockery of our most treasured liberties. We have neither stable tyranny, nor unstable democracy, we have something else… unstable oligarchy.

Firebombing the ground floor of a building from the penthouse is typically a bad idea. Unless those doing the firebombing have a helicopter waiting to get them to safety. Before the edifice collapses in a cloud of flame and smoke. Taking everyone else with it. This is an apt illustration of what the elite are doing today though. From the penthouse, they are lobbing Molotov cocktails down at the ground floor. So again… why? They may be liberal and just want chaos… but that would make them stupid (which indubitably some are). They are clearly not conservatives who seek order above all else. That leaves us with the conclusion the elite must be creating chaos, as a means to an end. The chaos they are fostering must be a force to open a door that otherwise would remain closed to them.

If we listen to their own words, the speeches of the World Economic Forum, the would be global fascist oligarchy, they seek to lower the human population to a more manageable number. The WEF has mentioned they don’t need 70% of us. Eugenics has always been a fascination of the central planners. From Woodrow Wilson and William Jennings Bryant to Adolph Hitler, eugenics has been and stays on the table. Most of all, global, unlimited, and unaccountable power is what they seek. How do I know this? Because if their plans were benevolent or beneficent, they would not have to use chaos and subterfuge to implement them. Since chaos, with all its dangers to the elite, is the only force capable of opening that door… screams to me that oppression, darkness and evil are on the other side.


John Pepin

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Philosophy Enlightens While Propaganda Darkens

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, modern philosophy is done to hide reality, not to illustrate it. Maxims that box the mind in, are not freeing, no matter what the manipulators that use them claim. Jargon like, equity, social justice and climate change, discourage thinking, because they create a structure to prevent it. Thought is discouraged with manipulations like, “The science is settled.” Correct philosophies create a framework to expand thought just as language does. Incorrect philosophies lock thought in a prison. All of post modernist philosophy is a well crafted gilded cage for those foolish enough to enter. Channeling all thought in the direction the swindlers want. When that NPC brain jail is backed by the power of the State, corporations and courts, it is a vector for cultural leprosy of the psyche.

Much of philosophy is merely putting into words, something the wise knew all along, but didn’t or couldn’t say. Grammar itself is a form of philosophy. It orders language so that ideas can be better transmitted across space and time. Adages like the Golden Rule provide a consistent, rational and objective measure for moral action. Even as things that are not so obvious, like Carneades conflicting arguments for and against law in the Forum, enlighten. Philosophy then is a way to manifest ideas that otherwise would remain hidden. Then there is jargon. Quips that trick the mind into thinking they have measure. Jingles like, “White Supremacists are the biggest threat,” are demagoguery that limits thought and “Socialized medicine is fair…” while proven false, use our inner compassion to do us harm.

Philosophy can open our minds to new possibilities, or empty jargon can close them, which it does depends on what is the intent. Orwell tried to illustrate the effects of group think enforcing jargon in his book 1984. The inventor of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays, explained how simple phrases that capture the mind can be used to get people to do just about anything. He famously made cigarette smoking fashionable for women. Goebbels used propaganda to move the German people to become bat poop crazy. Today our modern Goebbels are using propaganda, fashioned into catch phrases, to build a brave new world. That is why Social justice means, the elite must have arbitrary rule, misinformation means, wrongthink and wrongspeak, while insurrectionist now means, patriot.

Post modernist philosophy is an example of a philosophy that limits rather than expands. During the 2020 summer of love, when BLM rioters were ripping down statues of Abraham Lincoln in the name of racial justice, and the elite en masse, cajoled anyone who disagreed with the moniker, racist… the elite in the medical bureaucracy assured us, going to church would be deadly, but drunken rioting was not a vector. Obviously absurd, yet churches were shut down, liquor stores stayed open and riots were encouraged. All one need do to understand the power of group think enforcing phrases, is to look at the outrage so many people had, at the dumping of a few illegal aliens on Nantucket. Who were removed from that sanctuary city immediately. To the cheers of crime victims of illegals across the nation.

Philosophy is supposed to enlighten not darken. It’s alarming that the entire elite have fallen under the spell of a darkening philosophy. While a cage limits one’s ability to think outside it, the space within becomes well trod. Leaving the prisoners thinking they know it all. Outside thoughts turn into alien dangers to be avoided. Ideas like the Golden rule. How can we treat others as we would be treated, if we have to kill them to control population, impoverish them for global warming, and open boarders destroy their lives? Darkening jargon is comfortable for the caged. Though it leads to superstition, poverty and oligarchy. Even as enlightening philosophies have resulted in science, freedom and prosperity. The trick is, thinking outside the box, and distinguishing between the light and dark.


John Pepin

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Can You Smell That?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have become so inured to the notion that the strong should be able to oppress the weak, with impunity, that it falls under the heading, that which we don’t know, we don’t know. Just as someone who lives in a sewer doesn’t smell it. Examples abound. If you reached over a bank counter and took a quarter, the government would send you to a supermax. Meanwhile, if that bank steals money directly from your account, as Wells Fargo has been convicted of multiple times, no executive responsible goes to jail, the innocent shareholders get fined. Rosanne Barr ridiculed the wrong person and was ostracized for it. That is an epic imbalance of power. Imagine what they could do to you or I if they can do that to her? How can a society remain upright with such an imbalance of power?

Imagine if you told your father a few decades ago, that the courts would force children to undergo hysterectomies and castration, for their own good? That hospitals would be cutting off the breasts of pubescent girls and those who are offended would be called haters? Sometimes the sheer absurdity of what the elite are doing is so great one cannot really comprehend it. It is like something we would see in a comic book done by a super villain. Reading it is exciting but when we close the cover, we are glad not to live in a place where such evil can exist… but we do. This is not a comic book… it is real. The elite really are that evil, and they really are cutting the vaginas out of teen age girls. Like some psycho killer in a horror movie. If that is not oppression, with impunity, I don’t know what is.

The rich, politically connected and government grifters will always have more power than the average person at large, but if this imbalance is too great, it will tip over the society. In all cultures, the people have power and matches the elite’s power. The power of the people, according to Machiavelli, is greater than the elite but is diffuse and hard to marshal. The power of the elite however is concentrated and so usually able to over match the people. When the power of the people is so diminished, through censorship, unwarranted surveillance and political courts, that the elite can order us to take a clot shot, knowingly and with malice… that society is not long for this world. The balance of power is tipped too much to the elite, and so the society can only capsize and sink, from such onerous oppression.

Clearly it is morally wrong for anyone to steal. Moreover, it could be argued that it is a greater moral infraction, for the rich to steal from the poor, than from the poor to steal from the rich. Because the one is taking from the surplus of the other while the other is taking meat from the table. When we are not secure in our property, we do not secure the property rights of others, everyone becomes a thief and therefore, capital is channeled away from profit making enterprises, to security. To protect the property of those wealthy enough to buy security. Increasingly, as that society crumbles into corruption, capital will be used exclusively to protect itself, until those who are paid to protect it conclude, why protect it and get a pittance, when they only need turn around and take it all. As the Huns did to ancient Rome.

Which makes me think our society is nearing a collapse like Rome, for the same reasons, the arrogance, stupidity and the elite’s oppression of the weak. The strong can steal from the weak, and instead of enforcing the law and charging the criminals… the government abets the crime. The elite are so powerful they can reach down and destroy the lives of any one of us, should we come onto their radar. Then there is the fact we have become less than human. Because no one would rip the vagina from a little girl, that is something so terrible, it could only be done to a lab rat… not a human being. This is proof the elite have grown too powerful. That galactic imbalance of power is tipping our culture, society and governments over. Do you smell it now?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Portents, Omens and the News

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, even a quick scanning of the news today, can only leave one with the feeling that the End Times are approaching. The elite are openly calling to legalize pedophilia, the US government is now a terrorist state and the Canadian government offers suicide, instead of medical treatment. Ask yourself, “Is this normal?” Do normal people think molesting children and ruining their lives is a good thing? Do normal people want to castrate little boys and cut out little girl’s uterus’s? Is it normal that the US government is blowing up undersea natural gas pipelines? How about encouraging suicide to save money on health care? Would you have called these things normal twenty years ago? Each story part of a trilogy of the Beast system’s creation… one crime against humanity at a time.

Those who find they agree with pedophilia might want to rethink their positions. How can we be outraged at the genital mutilation of little girls in the Arab countries, and not only allow, but pay for the ripping out of little boys and girls genitals here? Is that not hypocrisy writ large? Then we have the Epstein pedophile pimp to the stars, murdered in prison to silence him, and not one client is charged. Almost like the murder was done to keep the powerful pedophiles out of the limelight? Even as our supposedly great institutions of medicine are sterilizing children for fun and profit. Now there are stories in the news about how the elite think pedophilia would be a good thing for our society. Because, there is nothing like ruining the life of an innocent child, to create a broken person to serve Satan.

In what universe does it make sense for the US government to blow up an undersea natural gas pipeline, creating the largest ecological disaster ever, in the process? If they believed in global warming they would never have pumped millions of cubic feet of methane, one of the most potent greenhouse gasses there is, into the atmosphere… to cut off energy to citizens of Western Europe. Who does such a thing? The US deep state apparently. How many people are dead today that would still be alive, had the US and NATO not advanced on Russia, blown up energy infrastructure and salted the regional politics with poison? Then there is covid. People who ruin the lives of others are not good people, they are evil scum, proven worthless because their actions reflect their inner lack of humanity.

Health care is expensive, I’ll grant you that, and nothing increases the cost and lowers quality more than government regulation. For example, the Canadian socialized healthcare system is the most costly, and of the lowest quality. Since government programs cannot be cut, the only way to lower costs is to cut the number of users of medical services. The Canadian experts solution is, convince people to commit suicide, rather than get expensive medical treatments for things like, depression, gout, and hang nail. Suicide is much cheaper and eliminates the gullible from the gene pool. Imagine if an insurance company encouraged suicide instead of care? Would that be equally acceptable? No, because the elite make our minds up for us, and are using health care to build something… Beastly.

What we call the End Times, is not an end at all, it is really a transition. A transition from the present age to a different age. All transitions are painful, this one, especially if it is the End Times… is unlikely to be comfortable. Many will be killed by the Beast system. As I recall, the Beast system will have something like CBDCs to control who can buy or sell, it will behead counter revolutionaries and we will be forced to bow down before an almighty AI. Then it will go off the rails in the most spectacular of ways. First, obviously, the Beast system needs to be built. If the news today is not a sign of its creation I don’t know what would be. Yes, the elite are worthless liars, and the future now appears bleak, but when all is said and done, their reward will be eternity… in a lake of boiling fire.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

We Don’t Have To Eat A Mushroom Cloud

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now that we are in World War III, as admitted by both Biden and the German NATO representative, it is time to ready ourselves for the nukes to fly. Prepare for the worse and pray for the best. Nonetheless, our oligarchs are determined to blow up the planet, if they can’t rule it. They are much smarter than I, but I would imagine detonating hundreds or thousands of nuclear warheads distributed across the planet, might, just might, do more harm to the environment than belching plant food into the atmosphere. Clearly, that is a conspiracy theory. NATO is now sending main battle tanks to Ukraine to further the killing, which is proof positive NATO is waging war on Russia. If they do manage to immolate the planet, that would make them the worse people to have ever lived. Wouldn’t it?

A decade ago, or so, George Soros penned an article that Eastern Europeans should be manipulated into fighting Russia, so the West wouldn’t have to experience body bags, delivered home. Very prescient of him. Today that is exactly what is happening. The Ukrainians have been manipulated into self harm by our globalist masters. Now they are bleeding so psychopaths can have more power, luxury and children to molest. Once again, German Panzer Kampf Wagons are steaming across the steppe, into Russia. Along the same path taken by Army Group South. The only difference is that Ukrainians are driving them instead of Germans. Soros, the Nazi collaborator and Judas goat, planned it perfectly, he manipulated young people into dying for that ninety year old’s pathological plan.

The elite tell us all the time how we are a pestilence to the planet. With our cars, heated homes and flush toilets, we are too great a burden for the planet. If only we could be exterminated, us masses, the elite would protect the planet in our name forever. Emitting plant food into the air, like it was campfire smoke, we are warming the planet leading to record cold. Our mere existence is an annoyance to the elite. That is why a nuclear war would do the planet good. It would be like using a lice comb on the planet. Combing us lice and our nits from their biosphere. The environment would thank them, in a few centuries, if all life is not extinguished in the process. But then again, if you are going to make a planetary omelet, you have to irradiate a few nits.

On the other hand, if Putin is not as insane, evil and egoistic as the Western elites who run NATO, the world will not experience a nuclear war, only global fascist oppression forever. The globalist elite are the type to burn it down if they can’t have it. You know those people. All or nothing types. They can’t be dealt with, and so become ever more angry that no one will play with them, even if the ball is theirs. Most people grow out of that behavior when they become teens, but the psychopaths who run the world, obviously never did. You can tell their mindset by their language. They speak in win lose, zero sum games and demagoguery. Whatever Putin is, a power hungry tyrant by some reckonings, but if the world is not ended in nuclear annihilation, it will be Putin’s fault.

We are not powerless spectators to our immolation. We have mouths to speak, hands to write and thumbs to text. We can even overcome the onerous censorship if we put our minds to it. As ANTFA burn our cities again, to distract us from the pending nuclear war, the utter corruption of the elite and the Project Veritas videos, we can do something. Call, email or write your senators, representatives, and state governors, etc… Let them know what you think about ending the world, so the elite can have unfettered access to little boys and girls, to molest. Get the word out what is going on and encourage others to pass it along. If the elite get enough input from us they will change plans. Even the compromised will have to back down. We can end WWIII, before the nukes fly, if we try.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment