Can You Smell That?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have become so inured to the notion that the strong should be able to oppress the weak, with impunity, that it falls under the heading, that which we don’t know, we don’t know. Just as someone who lives in a sewer doesn’t smell it. Examples abound. If you reached over a bank counter and took a quarter, the government would send you to a supermax. Meanwhile, if that bank steals money directly from your account, as Wells Fargo has been convicted of multiple times, no executive responsible goes to jail, the innocent shareholders get fined. Rosanne Barr ridiculed the wrong person and was ostracized for it. That is an epic imbalance of power. Imagine what they could do to you or I if they can do that to her? How can a society remain upright with such an imbalance of power?

Imagine if you told your father a few decades ago, that the courts would force children to undergo hysterectomies and castration, for their own good? That hospitals would be cutting off the breasts of pubescent girls and those who are offended would be called haters? Sometimes the sheer absurdity of what the elite are doing is so great one cannot really comprehend it. It is like something we would see in a comic book done by a super villain. Reading it is exciting but when we close the cover, we are glad not to live in a place where such evil can exist… but we do. This is not a comic book… it is real. The elite really are that evil, and they really are cutting the vaginas out of teen age girls. Like some psycho killer in a horror movie. If that is not oppression, with impunity, I don’t know what is.

The rich, politically connected and government grifters will always have more power than the average person at large, but if this imbalance is too great, it will tip over the society. In all cultures, the people have power and matches the elite’s power. The power of the people, according to Machiavelli, is greater than the elite but is diffuse and hard to marshal. The power of the elite however is concentrated and so usually able to over match the people. When the power of the people is so diminished, through censorship, unwarranted surveillance and political courts, that the elite can order us to take a clot shot, knowingly and with malice… that society is not long for this world. The balance of power is tipped too much to the elite, and so the society can only capsize and sink, from such onerous oppression.

Clearly it is morally wrong for anyone to steal. Moreover, it could be argued that it is a greater moral infraction, for the rich to steal from the poor, than from the poor to steal from the rich. Because the one is taking from the surplus of the other while the other is taking meat from the table. When we are not secure in our property, we do not secure the property rights of others, everyone becomes a thief and therefore, capital is channeled away from profit making enterprises, to security. To protect the property of those wealthy enough to buy security. Increasingly, as that society crumbles into corruption, capital will be used exclusively to protect itself, until those who are paid to protect it conclude, why protect it and get a pittance, when they only need turn around and take it all. As the Huns did to ancient Rome.

Which makes me think our society is nearing a collapse like Rome, for the same reasons, the arrogance, stupidity and the elite’s oppression of the weak. The strong can steal from the weak, and instead of enforcing the law and charging the criminals… the government abets the crime. The elite are so powerful they can reach down and destroy the lives of any one of us, should we come onto their radar. Then there is the fact we have become less than human. Because no one would rip the vagina from a little girl, that is something so terrible, it could only be done to a lab rat… not a human being. This is proof the elite have grown too powerful. That galactic imbalance of power is tipping our culture, society and governments over. Do you smell it now?


John Pepin

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