
Dear Friends,

It seems to me…


There are those who just like to boss,

and will do so no matter the cost,

How do I know this,

being a novice,

Because the elite are the likeness of dross.


Every problem we get,

Are caused by the worthless jet set,

They’re ignorant and droll,

Often acting like trolls,

It’s unlimited power they expect.


January 6 was a false flag,

Patriots were left holding the bag,

The feds did insurrect,

As if on a daring bet,

That’s why the truth they did gag.


When a nation is ruled by bureaucracy

That nation is under oligarchy,

The constitution a sham,

Justice be damned,

Which will eventually lead to anarchy.


The globalists play a dangerous game,

For power, wealth and a great name,

They lie and usurp,

And after eating they burp,

Own it, or burn it, its’ all the same.


Destroying a child’s life is a charm,

Mutilating them without alarm,

Chopping off parts,

Of kids ala carte,

For fiends who pledged no harm.


We all have a role to play,

We do it every day,

We act like robots,

And whether we like it or not,

We make the world that way.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged | Leave a comment

On The Impeachment Of Ken Paxton

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson just won a huge victory against truth, justice and the American way. The impeachment of Ken Paxton was a brilliant move. Making an example of the only AG to stand up for the people, against the criminal corporations, will be heard by every AG in the US. No one will stand up to them again. Allowing big pharma to escape consequences for killing tens of thousands and disabling millions of people. Now that is why you buy republicans as well as democrats! The return on that investment paid off in gold plated corruption! You have to hand it to republicans, the only people they are willing to impeach… are republicans. You would never see one vote to impeach a democrat for anything. A Soros Prosecutor for example. They know who owns them.

There is a uniparty in DC and in every state capital. The two parties in the US are only there to give us a team to root for. They are both progressive parties. The one is full blown fascist and the other is crypto fascist. Both bought and paid for by the elitist progressive faction. Put it this way, if you were a republican politician in Texas, and your constituents want you to vote to protect Ken Paxton, meanwhile, Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson called, and threatened to pull the millions they donate to your campaign… who would you obey? The sad truth is, our “representatives” represent the globalist interests that bought them, not the people who voted them into office. Mail in voting removes us from the equation another step. Any politician who bucks the system will get Paxtoned.

The progressive faction, the faction of the experts, administrative state and global fascism, has a monopoly on all three branches of our Constitutional government, and the administrative state (the true government) as well. The progressive faction is exactly what Madison claimed would never happen, over and over, in the Federalist Papers. Even as the anti federalist papers warned us of this very thing. Nevertheless, one faction now controls them all. Not only the two branches, Sauron controls all three, and the bureaucracy, with a gold ring. Totalitarian in nature and implementation, the progressive faction, exploiting nihilistic post modernist philosophy like an epee, has become hegemonic in the West today. Those who stand against it are ruined, as Ken Paxton is finding out now.

Being owned by the corporations is very lucrative for a corrupt politician. Let’s face it, power is its own reward, but a little prosperity never hurts. One thing is obvious, getting elected to political office is a sure path to wealth, even if because it’s the will of God himself, and even if they are clean as driven snow, empirically, elected office is a ticket to prosperity. On the other hand, if our elected “representatives” are human beings, subject to all the failings of human beings, then the likelihood is that they are utterly, completely and totally corrupt, given the set of facts. The possibility they could be of a higher order than the common run of humanity notwithstanding. So, I believe a rational conclusion is that our representatives do not represent us, they represent the globalist progressive donor elite.

Texas is clearly as corrupt as any other state. The impeachment of Paxton is proof enough, but add to it the blatant violations of jurisprudence in the Alex Jones case, and you have a government in Texas that has stabbed its constituents in the back… and will be paid very well for it. People who seek esteem and affection, are better served to act virtuously and kind, rather than be as corrupt as a swollen dead hog, beside the road… then use the threat of law, to hold the rest of us in line. That is called arbitrary rule and is practiced by hypocrites. Back when Plutarch was writing his Parallel Lives, to be called a hypocrite was the worse insult anyone could cast on another. Today, the hypocrites that run the world have normalized it, as they are normalizing pedophilia. Backed by republican politicians in Texas.


John Pepin

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On The Cultural Rot

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason film and television is so bad today, is that they portray people as worthless, stupid and weak… like the cultural elite. Back in the day, TV depicted people as heroes, not useless. How many emotional breakdowns did Captain Kirk have? Did Hogan whine about being a POW? How many times did you see Frank Cannon retreat into an emotional cave? They didn’t. Back then culture told us we are heroes, all we need do is act it, and that we all have that capacity. Today the message is that we are all useless, stupid and it’s normal to be emotionally weak. Back then we could save a world from itself, escape a POW camp to sabotage a train then “escape” back in again, and win a game when we are the mark. No wonder we hate modern films, TV and media.

Everyone recognizes that movies today are horrible and getting worse. The woke producers who make films and television only want drama. Everything has to boil down to emotional breakdowns. Studios want drama that pushes the envelope of what is acceptable. Not because it makes money, since it clearly doesn’t, but because of some innate desire to change the world for the worse. Our exemplars today are emotional wrecks. They are not a Kirk, Cannon or Matt Dillon. There are no real heroes in today’s culture. “Heroes” are people with severe mental illness, fighting to promote their mental illness, and have it promoted as normal. Instead of protecting widows orphans and light, movie heroes today fight, to make the wrong appear right.

Theater is about elevating us, not lowering us, Hamlet elevates the viewer, while Naked and Afraid lowers us. That is another facet of modern culture that is so destructive. There are no great themes in Survivor, no awe inspiring depth in Dancing With The Stars, and no intelligent content on CNN. When Aristophanes wrote The Clouds, he was creating a work of art that was not only topical in his day, but carries with it a sense of ethics that is lost in the world today. Plato’s Pheado then ties that great play with literature and philosophy. Theater used to entertain, awe, distract, inform and enlighten. The greatest works combine all those elements. Creating such works takes depth of character, intellect and wisdom though… and our cultural elite have the depth and clarity of a mud puddle.

No one wants to be told they are worthless, even if they think they are. We want to be told we are heroes, because in truth, we all can be. The post modernists see film as a means to manipulate, not elevate. So they teach us we are useless, stupid and rely on luck for our daily bread. There are no go getters on TV today. Everyone is a mental midget, subject to emotional breakdowns, for any slight. The toughest people are always small women, who have the superhuman ability to beat up much larger marshal men… adding absurdity to weakness. No one wants to watch that. We want to watch shows that tell us we are better than we are. That we can achieve greatness if thrust into the right situation. We want to identify with a smart hero, who earns his reward… not a loser who gets lucky.

The fundamental problem is, the cultural elite who control the purse strings, and thus what is made, seek to lower mankind through the culture. They see plays, film and television as impactful enterprises that can change attitudes, intentions and thus… the paradigm. Teaching people to be heroes is the last thing someone who wants compliant serfs would do. Instead, they would discourage people, through that media, to be emotional weaklings, incapable of thinking and who believe all good outcomes are pure luck. Such people serve the wants of an oligarchy intent on domination. Heroes are the ultimate enemy of a tyrant. So movies today suck snot from a sewer. Not because there are no good scripts, but because those who choose what is made, want film, TV and plays… to orally vacuum effluent.


John Pepin

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What Politics Is And What It Is Not

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, power is about people, not about ideas. The best ideas in the world will be ignored… if they come from the wrong source, lessen the power of the elite, or get in the way of a bad idea. Ideas may be all well and good, but people have to be convinced of them, else they are nothing but hot air. Politics is the art of convincing people. The ideas they convince us of, are irrelevant, the ability to convince, is paramount. That is why good ideas about government are DOA, while terrible ideas, proven evil over and over… are immortal. Good politicians are good at manipulating people, not good at leading. Moreover, being good at manipulating people takes a certain kind of person. The best are psychopathic Machiavellians, who convince us of ideas that lead to unlimited power… for them.

It’s much easier to discredit a person, than the truth, that’s why those who seek power use slander instead of argument. Because we see with our eyes, we don’t listen with our minds. Appearances trump substance in all things human. The classic example is the Kennedy Nixon debate. Regardless of the merits of their arguments and intentions, John Kennedy appeared better on TV, and Nixon sounded better on the radio. When the deep state went after Trump, they didn’t call his policies into question, they attacked him personally. He was not only a hater, racist, climate denier, and misogynist… but a traitor, because he was in league with Putin! All lies… but they had the effect of starting a special council investigation, that hobbled Trump’s Presidency, for three of four years.

The administrative state that has taken over our governments is all about power. That’s why the best ideas in the world will always be ignored, if they come from the wrong source, or lessen the power of the elite. The elite agree that we are fools. They, on the other hand, are the smartest, most ethical and wisest people on the planet. How do they know that? Because they are the elite. Not through merit, they despise meritocracy, but by machination, which they adore. Since they know they are so much smarter than the rest of us, why shouldn’t they run everything, in a centrally controlled system? It only makes sense that the best people make all the decisions. That’s why they need ever increasing power over us idiot masses, and it’s why they cannot abide ideas, or people, that go against that goal.

Those in power, in politics and in the bureaucracy, have skin in the game. Every increase in the totalitarian state, gives them a bigger slice of a shrinking pie. From their perspective, since their slice is growing, they are winning… who cares about the rest? Destroying people has worked for them so why change now? Ideas are too hard to control anyway. They have a way of opening up possibilities. Too many possibilities, especially coupled with freedom and capitalism, will inevitably cause the grazing masses to start thinking for themselves. Thinking plebeians will cause the ball to spin out of control and the elite will lose the game. So, ideas that open up possibilities, are out. While ideas, like fascism and Marxism, that close down possibilities, are always in vogue… as are those that promote them.

This is the fundamental problem with representative democracy, it promotes egoistic manipulators, instead of good ideas. Yet elections are the only way devised to give the people a say in their government. Because a government that rules against the interests and will of the people, is by definition, illegitimate. As ours is today. Proven by the open election fraud of mail in voting. As long as the elite control who gets power, by personally attacking anyone who is a threat, they will have power forever. Mail in voting has made ad homonym attacks almost redundant today, except, even fenced in sheep need to be terrified of what’s outside, else they will jump the fence. So… there are a lot of good ideas out there that would solve our problems, but they’re ostracized, as are those who promote them.


John Pepin

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The Rise In Divorce, Molestation and Trans Teens

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the decoupling of sex with procreation, has led to an astonishing rise in mental illness. Instead of sex being a loving act between man and wife, leading to beloved children, it has become a distraction from the quotidian. Pope Pius, the something or other, wrote an encyclical about the “pill.” In it he predicted all the societal ills we are now experiencing. For his topical, accurate and portentous piece, he was roundly criticized and vilified. Just as Edmond Burke was viciously attacked for predicting the outcome of the French Revolution, with such uncanny accuracy. The elite, even today, have not forgiven Burke for being right. They will never forgive Pope Pius for it either. Because those who foist mental illness on our children, and call it good, are themselves crazy.

The Trans thing is as crazy as it gets. Manipulating children into self harm? What kind of subhuman monster does such a thing? Then the elite make suicide legal, so when those kids realize what has happened to them, and they want to end their lives, the state will be there to lend a hand. The only other time and place where this absurdity was acceptable was Sodom and Gomorrah. Which was destroyed by God in an instant. We will not be so lucky. Our perversions will slowly sap the life, health and vigor from us and our society. Until eventually we die in agony, hopelessness and disease. In an unrelated note, the administrative state is warning the LGBTQ++ community, that monkey pox is going to become a real issue this summer, when they open up the gay bars and bath houses. Odd…

The sexualizing of children is one reason they need abortion on demand. If a fourteen year old girl is pregnant, it tends to generate questions of who is the father? If the baby can be slaughtered instead, the questions are headed off, and the abuse can continue unabated. Very progressive. No wonder the progressive faction that runs the globe today is in such an uproar about making abortion illegal. They might have to face consequences for molesting little girls in the future. The elite murdered Jeffery Epstein in prison to stop that stuff from happening. If they are willing to do that to their friend, what would they be willing to do to the children they molest? Or the people who would seek to defend them?The elite agree, across the spectrum, that they are above the law and we are below its protections.

The rise in divorce is a direct consequence of people following their leaders. Back in the day there was no divorce. It came into vogue in the nineteen fifties, when the beautiful people in Hollywood were making it all the rage. Movies about how great divorce was, came out in the nineteen sixties, glamorizing the single life. Added to the mix was the birth control pill. Then, in nineteen seventy three, the Supreme Court made abortion legal in all fifty states, by unconstitutional fiat. That was the final saw stroke, that separated sex from procreation, and opened the trap door to our fall. Today we have taught the kids hopelessness, so why not distract yourself from the spiritual Hell the elite have made… with drugs, video games and sex? That is what they were taught in school at great expense.

Our culture, in separating procreation from sex, has made sex merely a distraction, and in doing so has elevated mental illness to a right. Even as our innate Rights are subjected to tyrannical government, for our own good. The elite today write books about the sex drive of infants. Could there be anything more perverted than that? Seriously? ANYTHING? The only conclusion we can come to, is that the elite have gone crazy. Only a psycho think babies are sexual, it’s a true wack job, that confuses children if they are boys or girls, and what mental midgets are we, to participate? It is time to stand up and enforce sanity around us. We don’t run the world, but we run a portion of it. In our portion, lets call boys boys, and girls girls, and connect sex with procreation again. Enforce sanity around you.


John Pepin

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A Redress Of Grievances

Dear Comrades,

Our talking point is now, citizens seeking a redress of grievances with their government, is a seditious act. Which has made questioning authority illegal. As it should be. We have no patience for them and their incessant whining. Crying about their children being sterilized, daily mass shootings, the twelve fentanyl deaths an hour, nations being flooded by illegal immigrants, waves of crime fraying the fabric of society, the complete failure of the education system, inflation, our insane pandemic response, heck the pandemic itself, then of course there is our open and obvious election fraud… The grievance the Jan 6 protesters were gathering to get redress from. When they were arrested, held without bail and are now passing through a kangaroo court… to their decade plus prison sentences. Now that is just us.

We elites have our hands full, with all the problems mentioned above, plus the ones we are trying to create. If we ease up even a moment, some of the problems will clear up on their own. That is the issue with complex systems. They self repair. It takes constant toil on our part to keep everything broken. Regulations help, but left alone, the marks will find a way around them. That’s why we have to keep the regulatory environment a constantly changing landscape. Keep the ground moving under their feet so that no one, without forewarning, can stay upright. Then there are the problems we are adding to the mix. Confusing children if they are boys or girls for example. Now that one will pay dividends far into the future. Imagine, a whole generation suicidal and riddled with mental illness, how glorious!

The reality is, social collapse, national disaster and economic obliteration are good things. They clear the underbrush of the deadwood… human Rights for example. Making way for a new world order. Nothing focuses the mind like a little famine, chaos and oppression, and our new world order will be nothing but, chaos, famine and oppression. For their own good of course. We are not the bad guys here. We stand for freedom (to oppress), justice (just us) and the Amerikan way (Fascism). We are the people fighting to protect the grazing masses from misinformation, and thus, committing thought crimes. From the ashes of the pyre we will fashion a new world more to our liking. For that we need to torch the old world order. We have it in a pile, now all we have to do is fan the flames.

Elections have only one reason to exist, to give legitimacy to our illegitimate rule. Let the fools think some of their countrymen voted for it and they will go along like the sheep they are. Because, as Hitler said, people will recognize a small lie, but a big lie is always believed. Even when pointed out, the people will balk at disbelief, because no one would lie so extravagantly. That is why the idiots still believe their vote counts! The fools! As long as we can maintain mail in voting, we don’t have to pay the piecemeal costs of buying votes and bussing people around to commit vote fraud. We now have wholesale election fraud! Utterly eliminating the democratic element. The same is true of their “constitutions.” As long as we enforce the provisions, on ourselves, they exist in name only.

Patsies will be patsies, as long as they are kept in their place. Allowing extravagances like petitioning their government for a redress of grievances, especially legitimate grievances, is unacceptable. Now that we have made examples of the “White Supremacists” who “stormed the Capital,” the rest of the hoi polloi will think three times before opening their yops. Making an example of Tucker Carlson for pointing out our lies will keep the rest of the mockingbird media in line. If Anheiser Bush goes out of business, no problem, we will give the executives who destroyed the company even better jobs. What is most important though, is to keep a death grip on the elections, information and law. Should the people’s self interest prevail, not to be enslaved, we are sunk.


Commandant John

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Taxation Without Representation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have gone back to taxation without representation. How can I say that? Because the democratic element of our republic has been nullified. Therefore, we are not represented, only the elite are represented… in spirit, interest and in person. Mail in voting without signature verification was the nail in the coffin. While republicans were worrying about singular vote fraud, they allowed wholesale election fraud. The courts have done nothing, to stem the election fraud, and so it will get worse. Moreover, there is the Durham report that castigates the administrative state, for their partisanship. With government like that, no sane person can believe we are the least bit represented by the oligarchy. Therefore, since we pay taxes and have no representation, we are taxed without representation.

If your company sent you a paycheck in the mail and allowed anyone to sign it, and cash it, you would have a problem with that, wouldn’t you? Anyone could intercept it and steal it. Plus, if those caught were not punished, you would have to be on constant watch for the mailman, lest lose your paycheck again. Mail in voting is the same. The government mass mails ballots to everyone, past present and future, then tallies the returned ballots, without regard to signature matches… abetting wholesale election fraud. At least if a bussed in fraudster claimed to be Eggbert Slokum, and placed a vote in their name, the process was slow and expensive. Busses are not cheap, nor are the cartons of cigarettes used for payment. Mass mailing fraudulent votes is easy peasy compared to that.

Losing the franchise is bad enough, but the administrative state, the real power in the US today, is utterly corrupt. We all know it, but it is the administrative state that would need to punish itself. Again, we all know that is not going to happen. Mail in election fraud is an example of the administrative state putting its greasy thumb on the scale. We can tell by the grease print. When a plethora of top deep state bureaucrats signed a letter, claiming the Biden Laptop (and thus the crimes described in it) was Russian disinformation, just prior to the 2020 election, knowing all the while they were lying, the administrative state had more than just a thumb on the scale, they were leaning on it… and why not? There was no punishment for the election lies the deep state told us in 2016 or 2018.

The Durham Report is pretty damning. What makes it worse, is that Durham is a deep state operative, who took as long as possible to expose the corruption, and rest assured, he soft peddled it. The FBI engaged in a fraudulent investigation, prosecution and perjured themselves over it. All to destroy a candidate they didn’t approve of. Because he wasn’t in the pocket of the administrative state. The DOJ came out of it smelling like a Carrion flower. Partisan courts are a sure sign that a government is utterly corrupt. Moreover, they are not a just sign it is corrupt, exploiting law as a political weapon is the literal manifestation of government corruption… and obliterates the concept of equal treatment under law. The only sane reaction would be to jail every bureaucrat involved. Else it will get worse.

The American revolution was kicked off because of taxation without representation. Representation came with a republican government. That republican government is gone. Because a republic is the blending of the three right forms of government… monarchy, aristocracy and polity. Bureaucracy is not one of them. In the West bureaucracy has replaced Republicanism. Which means we don’t have government but oligarchy by bureaucracy. Appointed elite that are increasingly unhinged, censorious and violent. Law is no longer protection, because law has become their weapon. We still have the appearance of a vote, but the franchise is negated by wholesale election fraud, and taxpayer funded propaganda. So, we indeed have come full circle, back to taxation without representation.


John Pepin

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The Future

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if someone wanted to create a dystopian hellish future, the path we are on is ideal. How could it turn out differently? The powerful have total control of the media, censor at will, therefore control all narratives. They pass the laws, enforce the law arbitrarily, have such a cannon of law that no one understands it, and so law is no defense against oppression… it is a tool of oppression. The elite are flooding the US and Europe with replacements that have no connection to the culture and indeed despise it. Which can only lead to chaos. Regulations have elevated every decision to the highest level possible, to the most inept. The ability of the people to defend themselves from criminals and their own governments is being systematically disassembled.

The attitude of the elite today is that they are so smart, wise, and dog gone it, just better people than the rest of us, so they don’t need our input. The echo chamber they live in totally answers all questions. Someone that smart doesn’t need anything from the hoi polloi, not in ideas, reactions or votes. Such people could recreate a better society, science and culture than ours, in a single lifetime. Even if they had been born as Neanderthals. Imagine where we would be today, had George Soros, Klaus the varmint Schwab or Barak Obama, been born forty thousand years ago? We would be Asgard, Nephilim and angels wrapped up in one by now. They believe it is to our great misfortune they weren’t. The problem is, they are not the geniuses, sages or saints they think they are… judging by results.

What if they are the smartest, wisest and best people to have ever lived? Such singularly exceptional people could only usher in a golden age for mankind. They would be the Mao who made it better. Instead of murdering millions. The Stalin who fed the world. Instead of creating an artificial famine, and the good Hitler, who loves mankind. Instead of exterminating large swaths of mankind to purge and “evil” race. Such people could be easily discerned by the results of their actions. They would lead by example, eat last, and be honest to a fault. Another way to put them, might be to say they would be… harmless as a dove but wise as a serpent. Using wisdom and intelligence to promote the betterment of the world. Such people would never use violence to force their ideas on us. They wouldn’t have to.

That is how we can tell the people who run the world today are not the sages, geniuses or saints they think they are. Their lack of morality suggests they are villains instead of saints. Their liberal use of violence exposes them as cads, lacking intelligence as well as imagination. Their arbitrary enforcement of law, is not the action of a sage, but of a fool. Only someone stupid beyond imagining, would sit at the top of a pyramid, and set the bottom on fire. Yet that is exactly what the elite have done. So, far from being smart, wise or moral, they are the least wise, the least intelligent and most immoral people to ever live. Yet in their stupidity and hubris, they believe themselves gods, and therefore right in censoring wiser people, silencing their moral superiors and shouting down those smarter than them.

That is why I say, there is no more effective path to a dystopian hellish future, than the one we are on. We have the most stupid, immoral and dumb people to have ever lived, usurping totalitarian power. Every day the news is filled with examples of the failures of the buffoons that run the world today. Every war, economic disaster, child sterilized, rise in crime, illegal that crosses the boarder, and law that is arbitrarily applied, is another failure. At this point, the elite have failed so much in the last three years, one can only conclude they are either too inept to breathe, else too stupid to think. This nonsense has gone far enough. If you want to stay on the path to hell on Earth, do nothing, it is guaranteed. If you want to change the course, become intolerant, loud, boycott, and practice civil disobedience.


John Pepin

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The Show

Dear Friends,

It seems the world’s mad, but that’s not quite true, it’s the elite that made it bad, and their target is you. The press is a cheater, as normal people know, the news is only theater, and the elite run the show. They censor the truth, and lie through their teeth, showing one tooth, as they rule from beneath. White knuckles curled, they abandoned the myth, now wander the world, licking at spit. We are manipulated to harm, by those not sage, to save the planet, and usher in a new age. Results don’t lie, is what pragmatism dares, and the disasters that arrive, are the stuff of nightmares. The elite are egoistic,  when they hear a truth told, they throw a conniption fit… which exposes them as toads.

Our elite have now fell, as if under a great spell, of witches and warlocks, as post modernists tell. They poop where they eat, then feast on our rights, writhing in heat, then throw up all night. Like a drunk who can’t quit, binging on unjust rule, while staggeringly unfit, they treat us as fools. Breaking all that they touch, hearts calloused from power, a greedy little bunch, above us they glower. They think themselves our betters, without a single clue, and see themselves go getters, while they steal from us too. That spell is so strong, those under it have no sway, it is such a tight bond, they will never get away. Until they hit rock bottom and then realize, even crashing into the sod, they will stay mesmerized… until they find God.

As oppression goes up and wages go low, a tsunami of illegal immigration looms, and justice is slow, no one can’t see… that nation is doomed. Law is a joke, used only to harm, it acts as a cloak, for the elite without charm. Debacles are foreign policy, while we are censored and distracted, losing wars with alacrity, and the past is redacted. 1984 was a prophecy that, not a warning, caution or vaccine, a manual for autocrats, and so we are living that dream. The dream of the woke, where only the elect have wealth, the rest of us broke, in person, body and health. Kids sterilized by the school nurse, how else could they know, told they are trans from birth, never to have kids of their own. The great wheel stops with us, killed in the womb, and tossed in the dust, inscribed on our tomb, is a bust of Camus.

We had been warned of this thrice, by Kipling, Mises and Kant, yet we ignored their good advice, now flounder in want. No matter how often it fails, the elite will never give in, because true zealots avail, of lies, fraud and sin. Logic will not abet, the elite cannot hear, their hearts are set, and their eye’s lack tears. We see what they are, we know what to do, but fear holds us apart, and trapped we feel too. Voting did fail, they had it in hand, protesting the fraud landed many in jail, and mail in voting was their master plan. Nailed to the floor, without succor or reprieve, we can’t get to the door, or so we believe. So why struggle against chains, that we ourselves forged, that hold us in pain, in our minds and no more. Our bonds made of ether, cruel and unkind, not of iron or steel neither, only in our mind.

Free men are not robotic, nor held in thrall, by expert, bureaucrat or mystic, not even by Baal. We are sovereign human beings, with hearts minds and souls, we know what we are seeing, so we need not go it alone. Our power is manifest, against the darkness that smothers us, our power back we must wrest, else we fall to the dust. Stand up to the insanity, break with the lies, call out stupidity, and rupture the tide. Together we stand, divided we fall, the future is at hand, are we men after all? The elite tremble at the thought, of us seeking our good, because the power they bought, becomes flotsam made of wood. Carried by the tide, of history manifest, and then cast aside, so mankind can beget. Unlimited potential, wealth and success, by limiting the elite, and allowing our greatness.


John Pepin

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“Bad Guys”

Dear NPCs,

We are ordered to believe, calling criminals “bad guys,” is a practice that has to stop. Shame naming people lowers their self esteem. Just because someone has decided upon a career that involves home invasions, rape, murder and violent assaults, doesn’t mean they are bad people. So calling them bad guys is wrong. Especially if they are minorities. Then it is racist to call criminals bad guys. Moreover, the term wrests language from our control. It allows the racists a handle on their fate. This simply cannot be allowed. That’s why we need to go into an instant conniption fit, anytime we hear the term, “bad guys.” Use your legendary intolerance of other points of view to shut that one down. We need not think for ourselves, we have the wise and all knowing experts to lift that burden from us!

No single mother wants to have to worry her son’s victim might be armed. What if the girl has a gun and shoots her son? The only way to prevent these kinds of tragedies is to disarm the victim pool. If a minority teenager breaks into a home at night to rob and terrorize a majority family, like Spartans did of old, what right does the family have to resist? If guns are widely available, as they are in the US, that majority family’s mere existence is a mortal threat to the minority home invader. Calling him or her a bad guy only adds insult to injury. As long as guns are available to the victim pool, as well as the virtuous minority criminals, single mothers will have to worry every time their kids wake up at seven PM, and go out to prowl the streets all night. Focus on her worry. Not your selfish interests.

George Soros is keeping our streets safe for criminals to work. With his Soros prosecutors, violent crime is not punished, only crimes against criminals are. Thank you Mr Soros. Clamping down on free speech is even more important than gun control. If the victim class gets riled up enough, they could do something about it. That’s why Soros prosecuting people for standing up to us is so important. You should send your next welfare check to him to help the cause. Remember when Rudy Giuliani was mayor of NYC? What a disaster that was. Crime was nonexistent, no one was shoved on the subway tracks in front of the train, and the streets were clean. Good thing we got him out of office. Now NYC can reach its true potential. Abetted by the Soros installed prosecutor criminalizing self defense.

The throngs of better people that are now flooding the US and Europe, thanks largely to the elite who are initiate, are the ones we are protecting here. They are risking life and limb, traveling across continents and seas, to replace the evil natives of Europe and America. If we let the natives call criminals, bad guys, what about all those virtuous illegal aliens who will be committing crimes? Are we to allow them to be called bad guys? Of course not! The lessers have no right to call their betters, bad guys. That is absurd. You can’t criticize those who rule you. The undocumented rightful heirs of America and Europe have every right to take what they want, because their wants are their needs. Those of us who are being replaced, if we are to be good people, have to help them.

Criminals are the downtrodden, not bad guys, they deserve respect and indeed admiration, for doing a hard and difficult job. A necessary job. If necessity is the mother of invention. The criminal introduces chaos into society, and that chaos creates, necessity. Rather than call criminals bad guys then, we need to force everyone to call them “Chaos Conquerors.” Soros can’t do it himself. Prosecuting the victims of crime for defending themselves can only go so far. We have to step up. Be loud, violent and obnoxious. It has worked for us in the past, and will continue to work for us, as long as we are shrill enough. As you shout down anyone who as the audacity to call a criminal a bad guy, keep the NPC motto in mind, “Thinking is a sin, it leads us away, break heads for the win, and be a hero today!”


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment