The Future

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if someone wanted to create a dystopian hellish future, the path we are on is ideal. How could it turn out differently? The powerful have total control of the media, censor at will, therefore control all narratives. They pass the laws, enforce the law arbitrarily, have such a cannon of law that no one understands it, and so law is no defense against oppression… it is a tool of oppression. The elite are flooding the US and Europe with replacements that have no connection to the culture and indeed despise it. Which can only lead to chaos. Regulations have elevated every decision to the highest level possible, to the most inept. The ability of the people to defend themselves from criminals and their own governments is being systematically disassembled.

The attitude of the elite today is that they are so smart, wise, and dog gone it, just better people than the rest of us, so they don’t need our input. The echo chamber they live in totally answers all questions. Someone that smart doesn’t need anything from the hoi polloi, not in ideas, reactions or votes. Such people could recreate a better society, science and culture than ours, in a single lifetime. Even if they had been born as Neanderthals. Imagine where we would be today, had George Soros, Klaus the varmint Schwab or Barak Obama, been born forty thousand years ago? We would be Asgard, Nephilim and angels wrapped up in one by now. They believe it is to our great misfortune they weren’t. The problem is, they are not the geniuses, sages or saints they think they are… judging by results.

What if they are the smartest, wisest and best people to have ever lived? Such singularly exceptional people could only usher in a golden age for mankind. They would be the Mao who made it better. Instead of murdering millions. The Stalin who fed the world. Instead of creating an artificial famine, and the good Hitler, who loves mankind. Instead of exterminating large swaths of mankind to purge and “evil” race. Such people could be easily discerned by the results of their actions. They would lead by example, eat last, and be honest to a fault. Another way to put them, might be to say they would be… harmless as a dove but wise as a serpent. Using wisdom and intelligence to promote the betterment of the world. Such people would never use violence to force their ideas on us. They wouldn’t have to.

That is how we can tell the people who run the world today are not the sages, geniuses or saints they think they are. Their lack of morality suggests they are villains instead of saints. Their liberal use of violence exposes them as cads, lacking intelligence as well as imagination. Their arbitrary enforcement of law, is not the action of a sage, but of a fool. Only someone stupid beyond imagining, would sit at the top of a pyramid, and set the bottom on fire. Yet that is exactly what the elite have done. So, far from being smart, wise or moral, they are the least wise, the least intelligent and most immoral people to ever live. Yet in their stupidity and hubris, they believe themselves gods, and therefore right in censoring wiser people, silencing their moral superiors and shouting down those smarter than them.

That is why I say, there is no more effective path to a dystopian hellish future, than the one we are on. We have the most stupid, immoral and dumb people to have ever lived, usurping totalitarian power. Every day the news is filled with examples of the failures of the buffoons that run the world today. Every war, economic disaster, child sterilized, rise in crime, illegal that crosses the boarder, and law that is arbitrarily applied, is another failure. At this point, the elite have failed so much in the last three years, one can only conclude they are either too inept to breathe, else too stupid to think. This nonsense has gone far enough. If you want to stay on the path to hell on Earth, do nothing, it is guaranteed. If you want to change the course, become intolerant, loud, boycott, and practice civil disobedience.


John Pepin

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