Taxation Without Representation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have gone back to taxation without representation. How can I say that? Because the democratic element of our republic has been nullified. Therefore, we are not represented, only the elite are represented… in spirit, interest and in person. Mail in voting without signature verification was the nail in the coffin. While republicans were worrying about singular vote fraud, they allowed wholesale election fraud. The courts have done nothing, to stem the election fraud, and so it will get worse. Moreover, there is the Durham report that castigates the administrative state, for their partisanship. With government like that, no sane person can believe we are the least bit represented by the oligarchy. Therefore, since we pay taxes and have no representation, we are taxed without representation.

If your company sent you a paycheck in the mail and allowed anyone to sign it, and cash it, you would have a problem with that, wouldn’t you? Anyone could intercept it and steal it. Plus, if those caught were not punished, you would have to be on constant watch for the mailman, lest lose your paycheck again. Mail in voting is the same. The government mass mails ballots to everyone, past present and future, then tallies the returned ballots, without regard to signature matches… abetting wholesale election fraud. At least if a bussed in fraudster claimed to be Eggbert Slokum, and placed a vote in their name, the process was slow and expensive. Busses are not cheap, nor are the cartons of cigarettes used for payment. Mass mailing fraudulent votes is easy peasy compared to that.

Losing the franchise is bad enough, but the administrative state, the real power in the US today, is utterly corrupt. We all know it, but it is the administrative state that would need to punish itself. Again, we all know that is not going to happen. Mail in election fraud is an example of the administrative state putting its greasy thumb on the scale. We can tell by the grease print. When a plethora of top deep state bureaucrats signed a letter, claiming the Biden Laptop (and thus the crimes described in it) was Russian disinformation, just prior to the 2020 election, knowing all the while they were lying, the administrative state had more than just a thumb on the scale, they were leaning on it… and why not? There was no punishment for the election lies the deep state told us in 2016 or 2018.

The Durham Report is pretty damning. What makes it worse, is that Durham is a deep state operative, who took as long as possible to expose the corruption, and rest assured, he soft peddled it. The FBI engaged in a fraudulent investigation, prosecution and perjured themselves over it. All to destroy a candidate they didn’t approve of. Because he wasn’t in the pocket of the administrative state. The DOJ came out of it smelling like a Carrion flower. Partisan courts are a sure sign that a government is utterly corrupt. Moreover, they are not a just sign it is corrupt, exploiting law as a political weapon is the literal manifestation of government corruption… and obliterates the concept of equal treatment under law. The only sane reaction would be to jail every bureaucrat involved. Else it will get worse.

The American revolution was kicked off because of taxation without representation. Representation came with a republican government. That republican government is gone. Because a republic is the blending of the three right forms of government… monarchy, aristocracy and polity. Bureaucracy is not one of them. In the West bureaucracy has replaced Republicanism. Which means we don’t have government but oligarchy by bureaucracy. Appointed elite that are increasingly unhinged, censorious and violent. Law is no longer protection, because law has become their weapon. We still have the appearance of a vote, but the franchise is negated by wholesale election fraud, and taxpayer funded propaganda. So, we indeed have come full circle, back to taxation without representation.


John Pepin

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