
Dear Friends,


The fall and total repudiation of communism,

Led to the rise of inhuman post modernism,

A philosophy of hate,

That will not abate,

That seeks to put the world under its totalitarianism.


Those who control by fear,

Are heartless, soulless and sere,

Their life is a flood,

Of gore and blood,

And their eternal reward will be in a brazier.


A declining culture is easy to tell,

By the way everything goes to Hell,

Crime becomes rife,

Chaos characterizes life,

And is caused by a corrupt elite as well.


We follow our leaders they say,

The elite show us the way,

Ours are just gross,

Inept and verbose,

And they’ve show us that crime pays.


Once the only money we can use is CBDC,

Our taxes will be denoted in them you see,

To keep your land and out of jail stay,

Participate or else they take them away,

And then the Beast system will fully engulf you and me.


Hark hark here comes the oligarch,

Serving the enemy of light, the dark,

As dross does rise,

Worthless and unwise,

Since censors lack a brain, ability and heart.


Middle class working whites refused to join,

So our future the progressives must purloin,

Don’t go along,

You don’t belong,

So get ready for another kick in the groin.


Success is the baring upon which the world turns,

Anyone can achieve anything is what we have learned,

Your success,

Is my duress,

And so in the hearts of the lazy, inept and ignorant does envy ever burn.


One thing the enlightened elite can’t abide,

Is too many people striding the world wide,

They stink and drool,

And most are fools

So trick the masses into committing suicide.


An expansionist empire is the dreaded CCP,

If ever conquered by China it belongs to thee,

So take it they must

Else return it to dust,

And every neighbor subject will soon be.


The words of politicians are cheap,

We judge by the promises they keep,

What justice takes,

Release the tapes,

And what they’ve sown let the politicians reap.


You have to ask yourself why,

The oligarchs don’t even try,

Blaming evil fate,

As they prevaricate,

Because a corrupt State’s default is always to lie.


Trust the complicit authorities,

For their utter lack of consistency,

Pedophile elite,

An MP’s seat,

And in Rotherham the police protect the pedocracy.


The omniscient the truth they carry,

Though with reality it be contrary,

And so they become censors,

Remarkable logic dancers,

But the hubris of arbitrary rule is so ordinary.


The elite’s war humanity is going swell,

Nothing we’re told is truth or rings a bell,

We’re dazed,

Their amazed,

The Hegelian manipulation is going so well.


One thing democrats can’t resist,

Is an emblem with an upraised fist,

Respect their violence,

Excuse the ambulance,

If only they gave Maga people the same respect as Islamic terrorists.


Idiots filled with hubris and arrogance,

Who express nothing but intolerance,

Demanding from us,

We get off the bus,

As they live in absolute opulence.


The elite are insuring there’s no place to run,

Believe foolish things like rights for everyone,

Our betters in control,

We’re on parole,

Because everyone knows you don’t lets slaves own a gun.


Down the track the crazy train does rumble,

As the civilization holding them up crumbles,

The elite decry,

Our very lives,

Because the rule of the insane is never humble.


In an economy the State’s made weak,

There’s only one deal you can’t beat,

Lobby them hard,

Use the race card,

Because under these regulations the only profit is to rent seek.



John Pepin

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Do Elections Make A Difference?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the US election of 2020 proved the truth of the phrase, often attributed to Mark Twain, “If elections made any difference, they wouldn’t let us have them.” While this paradigm is increasingly true in the US, with mail in voting, ballot harvesting and outright fraud by officials, elections are becoming merely the chiffon nighty covering our elite’s naked tyranny. Meanwhile, in other places, where the democratic element hasn’t been tamed by such measures, the will of the people is becoming apparent. In Argentina, a man was elected that appears to embody all the virtues of the International Capitalist Party. In The Netherlands, of all places, a Euro skeptic party has received a literal majority of votes. Along with other sane parties gaining ground across the planet… like Reform in Britain.

Of course, to the global elites, anyone who doesn’t zealously believe in a world government, run by a totalitarian despot with unlimited power, accountable to no one… is a radical right winger. Someone to whom no one should pay any heed. Because only a crazy person would think regular people should be allowed any freedom at all… especially the freedom to think for themselves! Like when Darius I discovered Smerdis was actually a Magi and murdered the impostor. Then argued for arbitrary rule for Persia… and was rewarded kingship, after cheating in the contest for the throne. That’s the caliber of man that typically ascends to power… a murderer, cheat and narcissist. Today, that’s the cut of the jib of our elites, they all epitomize corruption, psychopathy and thirst for power. Anyone else is a radical.

Democracy is the buzzword of all would be tyrants, who immediately suspend elections once they have power. How many elections have there been in the West Bank or Gaza since the first? How many vibrant democracies did Obama’s Arab Spring birth into the world? None. How many tyrannies did it raise from the corpse of democracies it killed? Several. The reality is, the elite like democracy, only as a legitimization mechanism. If it stops legitimizing their usurpations, corruption and oppressions, with the appearance of popularity, they’ll drop democracy like a hot potato. I already see it in the mockingbird media. They’re discrediting election outcomes they disagree with, with propaganda, claiming only the elections of globalist Marxists are legitimate.

If we measure failure as a declining standard of living, war and rising crime, and success in a rising standard of living, peace and a lowering crime rate… by those measures, our elites are failing miserably. Trump had the US and part of the world turning around and getting on the right track, so the elite released the Kraken, Covid 19, to upend the success. Because the elite in the UN, Europe, China, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and especially the US, are selling us poverty. They want us to get used to a declining standard of living, high crime, and constant war. Generational poverty driven by the welfare state is a feature, not a bug, in their new world order. That’s why examples of success are to be stopped at all costs. Even a pandemic. Because failures can’t allow the example of success.

If Geert Wilders gets a coalition government together, and stops immigration, sends back the terrorist element, NEXITs from the EU, lowers taxes and cuts regulation… Wilders will be wildly successful. That can’t be allowed. His majority party will be shut out, politically or by the court. Even as Javier Milei’s policies, if he’s telling the truth, will result in amazing economic prosperity in Argentina. Which will get him framed and arrested. The example of Argentina abandoning the fascist corporatist rent seeking system, for a free market one, can’t be tolerated by the rent seekers. There is the chilling possibility they could change the paradigm though. Despite the forces that’ll be arrayed against them. We’ll see if Wilders, Milei, and Meloni’s elections actually make a difference. I hope and pray they do.


John Pepin

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Ruled By Fools

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a point I have been trying to make, is that people who become enraged at debate, silence others by claiming truth is misinformation, using the power of government to promote one point of view, while exploiting that same power to silence others, demand we tolerate the intolerable, while they themselves can’t tolerate disrespect, even as they claim the moral high ground… are immature brats. Our leaders for example. People who lack the basic maturity we see in teenagers, invested with unlimited power, without accountability. We all know this to be true. The answer to this problem, according to the elite, is to give them more power, with less accountability. I propose a different solution… take away the power they have, and severely limit the power they’re left with.

More evidence, as if we need it, of the immaturity and lack of wisdom of world leaders today, is their lack of veneration for the systems, laws and constitutions, that give them authority. The authority they’re busy abusing every chance they get. From the courts denying states a day in court to deeming criminal defendants guilty, and holding trials to decide how guilty they are, like Alex Jones and Donald Trump, is the epitome of abusing authority and undermining the very institutions that give them the authority to do it. Only people utterly lacking common sense would do such things. Such wisdom is inculcated by years of living through the consequences of actions. Strip consequences from action, and there’s no limit to actions, because there’s no learning from life.

What the childish elite demand we get outraged at and what we are not allowed to get outraged at, is another sign of their total lack of wisdom. Imagine, the elite in Ireland can’t understand why Irish people would be outraged, at children being stabbed by an immigrant. A guest in your home attacking your kids. Yet the protests against the stabbing of school children is called outrageous by the elite. Should immigrant children in Ireland be targeted in a similar stabbing attack, by an Irishman… those same elites would condemn all Irish as evil and encourage the riots, bloodshed and arson that the immigrants would visit on Ireland. The obvious hypocrisy of the elite is proof enough, our elites are not the caliber of people to run their nose, let alone the world. They’re not the geniuses they think they are.

The elite across the world prove beyond a reasonable doubt every day, every time they open their mouths, and whenever they censor, that they’re retarded toddlers with too much power. Biden is riddled with dementia, the man can’t find his way off a stage, and he thinks he is qualified to run the world with unlimited power? Only a fool is stupid enough to think their smart enough to do that. To think oneself capable of running the world from a central authority is proof of a complete lack of wisdom. Anyone who actually thinks the centrally planned economy is still feasible, after the twentieth century, is too dumb to learn. Yet our elites, the world over, are so moronic they actually believe themselves capable of it. Could there be people so stupid they think their that smart? Yes. Our leaders.

The more they screw up the world, the more power they demand from us, to fix it. Never for a second thinking they’re the problem. Lacking the wisdom to even consider such a thing. Narcissists don’t have the ability to understand they could be wrong about anything ever. So far, giving them unlimited power has resulted in, inflation in a world reserve currency, world war and a collapsing world economy. Failures by any measure, except in the minds of the fools that did it. I think it’s time not only to replace them, but to cut the power from the governments of the world, so that in the future, when the next crop of fools, simpletons and retards rise to power, they won’t have the ability to screw things up as bad as our elites have. Limit the power of fools to destroy the world and the world might not be destroyed.


John Pepin

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Are You A Superman?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one thing January 6 has taught us, is that the cost for a pro constitutional conservative to protest… is exponentially higher than for a Marxist, Islamist or any other anti American. The recent attack on DC by pro Palestinian forces, necessitating the evacuation of the House, Senate, and DNC headquarters, where the rioters won’t be charged with insurrection, despite calling for the replacement of our government with a sharia compliant one… for example. In fact, since they’re anti American, using barbarism to get their way, our government will treat them with kit gloves. It would be just wrong to treat them as harshly as an American, ushered into the House chambers on the arm of a Capital police officer. Americans must mind their P’s and Q’s, while barbarians don’t have to… their barbarians.

One could argue this higher standard of enforced conduct is a racist throwback. Racist because the people allowed to get away with anything, are being told, “You’re too stupid, weak and barbaric to be held to the standard of a civilized human being… you’re subhuman, a lesser, untermenschen.” In most circles, calling someone a subhuman, in so many words, or by insinuation, is a great insult. Often resulting in barbaric actions. When the slight is subtle, the person offended stupid and the culture dumbed down, the person who should be offended, thinks he or she is being elevated. They don’t know any better. They’re after all, subhuman barbarians, in the eyes of our elites. So they are treated like people without self control, who the elite want to continue to be, out of control.

An American is assumed to be civilized to the Nth degree. An American then who steps the least bit out of line is acting in a way the elite find utterly despicable. If a subhuman tries to burn down a church, that’s to be expected, but if an American marches peacefully between velvet ropes to protest a stolen election, now, that’s out of control. Judged through the lens of the expectations of the elite’s view of civilized people versus uncivilized barbarians. You would never allow an American to get away with the things you would a barbarian, otherwise Americans would become barbarians! We can’t have that. The economy would well and truly collapse, in no time, and who would the elite rob then? There has to be some civilized people, if for no other reason, than to keep the trains running on time.

The elite are willing to tolerate barbarism, in order to have barbarians enhance our culture, but find any protest by civilized people, who should know better, to be beyond the pale. The elite want to live among barbarians, as long as their barbarism is applied to regular people. Who shouldn’t speak up if we’re the least bit civilized. If not, then we should be treated like barbarians, to keep us in line. They consider us supermen. Geniuses, rhetoricians and machine like in our ability to accomplish. No matter how hard they make it for us, we’re so smart we can thrive. Those poor barbarians, on the other hand, are so inept they couldn’t make it in a welfare state. The elite then must believe mankind is two tiered, with us wunderkind conservative Americans, and the subhuman barbarian progressives and Islamists.

When put in this context, the elite’s disparate treatment of conservatives and anyone else protesting makes perfect sense. The elite are telling Islamists, Antifa and BLM, they’re subhuman barbarians, and civilized behavior from them is impossible, so they can be barbarians. Even as they’re telling conservatives, You’re supermen with super human capabilities, able to do the impossible, pay double the cost for everything even as you take a cut in pay, maintaining our economy, even if you have to go into credit card debt to pay for it. They think pretty highly of us… and pretty low of themselves and their charges the Islamists. I would be pretty offended if I realized the elite in Europe and America was calling me a subhuman barbarian incapable of self control, but then again, they think I’m a superman.


John Pepin

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Be Careful What You Wish For…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for…” is being lived by the CCP, the deep state and Europe. They all wanted Trump out and Biden in. The deep state had to win. So they manipulated the 2020 election to get their way. Biden’s in, and the world is melting down because of it. The CCP could have weathered quite a mess had Trump’s raging economy kept on… but their release of Covid and the democrat’s election fraud stopped that. The deep state was terrified their crimes would be exposed, and they might have to face consequences for their pedophilia, corruption and bribery. So they murdered Epstein. Fortunately, they managed to get mail in election fraud going, so they got what they wanted, Trump gone. Now the results are in, and the elite are suffering for their stupidity.

The CCP is near buckling due to their stupidity. Despite Biden bailing out Xi last week, China is in a world of economic hurt. Their export driven economy suffers when demand for their exports crumble, and Biden’s economy is entirely State driven. The consumer has been ravaged by inflation, job insecurity and our crime ridden streets are unsafe at any speed. All this suffering by the American people translates into less demand for Chinese stuff. With every federal Reserve interest rate increase, to stem government spending driven inflation, wealth was wrung from the consumer and transferred to the government. So, China’s economy is being hit with at least three simultaneous disasters. The housing price crash, the implosion of their housing sector and a collapse in exports. Because they won.

The deep state has been exposed far more than Trump could have, and now there are calls for their being charged, tried and punished. With the release of the Jan 6 videos and the resulting exposure of the outright criminality of the government, in that false flag, the criminals are being shown in a whole new light. Like Nixon once said, It wasn’t the break in, it was the cover up… The Russian collusion fraud has gone down in the history books and no one will be punished for it. The 2020 election was rife with fraud, open and hidden, and some on video exposed to the courts, then suppressed by those courts. The elite went all in to get Trump out, because he was an existential threat to their perversions and power. Now their fraud won, and their crimes are undeniable, they’re looking at criminal charges.

European leaders were glad to be rid of Trump, demanding they pay for their own defense, pointing out their stupidity and cutting them off the American teat. Europe’s economy was humming along under Trump and his surplus in energy. Especially Germany, with their demand for natural gas, as a feed stock for their industry. The cheers went through the European elites like electricity through a wire when Trump was defrauded out of office. The elites were ecstatic. In only a few years of their total control, backed by the Biden administration’s wise leadership, Europe is in a world war, their economy is devastated and their elites are looking at losing their elections in landslides across Europe, to Reform, The AFD and other Euro skeptic parties. Not what they hoped for I’ll bet.

The elites got what they wished for and are regretting it, but they’re way too stupid to back down. The stupid only advance. The suffering their policies are inflicting on mankind, are only a down payment on the real suffering it’ll take to pay off the debt, economic, societal and cultural, of their stupidity. The really stupid though, never learn. That’s why the elite, stupid as a rock, double down on all their failed policies. In their fevered delirium, they believe, if it doesn’t work this time, we’ll try again with more money, power and oppression… then it has to work. Results be damned, progressives aren’t pragmatic, they’re idealists who call themselves pragmatic, to manipulate others to thinking their open minded. Well, the elite may have got what they wanted, and God willing, soon they’ll get what they deserve.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Groupthink is the only way,

For a progressive to spend the day,

The experts agree,

Like a devotee,

And in the echo chamber stay.


Liars live in a state of constant fear,

For the truth may be drawing near,

So censor they must,

The narrative to trust,

Until we hoist them on their rear.


There once was a corrupt and sinister DOJ,

Serving the bad and like a dog’s Moon bray,

Has it gone too far,

Buff out the mar,

Only if a turd can be reformed back into a steak.


To think this is Biden’s fault is just wrong,

He’s a weakling, corrupt and goes along,

Not a free agent,

His mind is bent,

The real villain is the deep state and it’s throng.


Seems like the Brits are out of luck,

Their wheels spinning they’re well stuck,

Subhuman by law,

Elites hate you all,

And they’ve done it ’cause you have no pluck.


Plato was probably real nice,

But was he really all that wise,

True wisdom shows,

When a life is exposed,

Yet he fell into the hands of Dionysus the tyrant of Syracuse thrice.


You can tell when a President’s slated,

To change history and be fated,

For lack of a better rhyme,

To change the paradigm,

By how much the elite he’s hated.


Listen to these words and give them heft,

Of hearts the post modernists are bereft,

Power is their god,

From the land of Nod,

Because hypocrisy is a sacrament to the progressive left.



John Pepin

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Fundamental Imbalance’s Of Power

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, fundamental imbalances of power can only lead to tyranny, oppression and unreasonable demands. Why? Because of human nature. “People, like animals, all seek their own best interest.” -Carneades. Self interest is only balanced by consequences for actions. Without consequences almost everyone would become a predator. When the weak are silenced the oppressors don’t even know they’re causing pain. Ignorance of the suffering only increases the powerful’s willingness to increase suffering… for their own benefit. This paradigm holds true on the small scale as well as the large. A husband who beats his wife with impunity, will continue to beat her until she dies, a corporation with a captured bureaucracy can get away with anything, and a government unlimited creates Hell on Earth.

Maturity is the ability to recognize the humanity in others, subvert one’s own interests for greater interests, when it makes sense, and put off instant gratification. When someone has all the power in a relationship, there’s no need to learn any of those things. So the powerful never grow up. Even mature people, given out sized power, become as children eventually. Because that’s who and what we are. We can hope to surpass our limited humanity, but to build a system that depends on us not being human for it to work, is stupid as it is absurd. Imbalances of power then create immature people without empathy. Immature people without empathy invested with total power are unlikely to improve the lot of Mankind, it’s far more likely they’ll lower it… and molest children.

Government’s power is supposed to be balanced by constitutional limits. Before constitutionalism was invented, all governments were unlimited. The historic recounting of the total insanity they did proves my point, far better than I could in a single page essay. The recent history of crimes against humanity, like the Armenian genocide, the Holocaust and the Fauci flu, are nothing new. Herodotus gives some fine examples of tyranny in action. Like a deposed Libyan queen, upon returning by force of Egyptian arms, had the breasts cut off every woman in the city as punishment. Unlimited power leads to unlimited atrocities. Now that governments across the west have abandoned constitutional limits on their power, expect the crimes against humanity to increase in scope, nature and sophistication.

Corporate power is supposed to be limited by regulators. I say supposed, because the reality is, corporate regulators are captured by the firms they regulate. The bureaucrat making well over 100k a year, gold plated benefits, and with an 80% retirement, needs that corporate job when he or she retires from public service. The corporation will pay a former regulator six figures the rest of their life, in bribe money. A great deal for the corporation. That’s why insurance like State Farm, is going up 100% this year and if you cut coverage to worthless, the rate increase is a mere 50%. Corporations are unlimited and so act it. How else could Wells Fargo get a billion dollar fine a year from the SEC and no one ever goes to jail? Because corporations are effectively unlimited in their power over the consumer.

The reality is, our system, one where the elite must be saints for it to work, isn’t functional. For the same reason perpetual motion machines don’t work. They operate outside the laws of physics, or in the case of our political system, outside the laws of human nature. No matter how many times an above the law elite pedophile swears on his pinky finger, that he won’t abuse his power, or kids… he will. Unlimited power makes people children, liars and monsters. When the government including police and the courts, can lie without consequence, and we’re held to the truth by the letter of the law, there is a fundamental imbalance of power. In all spheres of life. Those fundamental imbalances of power is a fatal flaw in our systems. A defect we’re obliged to address.


John Pepin

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Energy And Our Standard Of Living

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason thorium is not explored as an energy source, is the same reason if cheap, safe and efficient nuclear fusion came to the market today, tomorrow a trillion dollars would be mobilized to stop it… because it’s not about pollution, it’s about keeping us down. Cheap safe energy is acid in the face of the elite. That’s why they can’t allow it. Shutting down the Keystone pipeline wasn’t about lowering greenhouse gas emissions, natural gas is one of the lowest green house gas emitters per megawatt produced, it was about raising the cost of energy, to lower our standard of living. Everything the elite do lowers our standard of living. Any other reason provided is simply theater. It’s the snake mesmerizing its prey before the attack.

Thorium is essentially an inexhaustible energy supply. The brainiacs that run the world could mobilize the trillions at their disposal to build thorium reactors around the world and end our dependence on fossil fuels. We have the technology, and the ability, but lack the will. Why? It would lower the cost of energy so much the lot of man would be raised accordingly. There are thousands of years of natural gas under the oceans in the form of methane hydrates. Not that we need to tap them anytime soon. What with directional drilling, and fracking, the supply of accessible natural gas in North America dramatically increased. The biggest problem with getting at it is, the government. Why? Because lower energy costs translates to a lower costs for everything, and that’s not acceptable.

There is a claim a company has broken the break even fusion barrier and can produce 5 times the energy taken to initiate the reaction. I’m a bit dubious but hopeful. Nevertheless, the moment a company does breach the break even point, lawyers will crawl out of every crevice and crotch in the legal system, to fight its implementation. Billions of dollars will disappear into the legal mire that will have been created to stop it. Many attorneys will become rich in the process, even as innovators will be bankrupted, for trying to improve the lot of Man. Pollyanna would think investing in a company that created safe, cheap efficient nuclear fusion would be a good idea. A wise person knows better. Because if it succeeded, the standard of living of the hoi polloi would be improved.

None of these energy supplies will be tapped… because it’s not about improving the lot of man, it’s about lowering our standard of living. Why else do they want us to eat bugs? The reason the elite want to keep us down is multi fold. The utility of wealth depends on wealth being able to buy that which the grazing masses can’t afford. A high and raising standard of living diminishes the utility of wealth. Poor people struggling to feed themselves are not prone to political machinations. North Korea charted the waters in that world. The people’s impoverishment can be exploited as a tool of manipulation. “Your poor because this or that group keeps you poor! So whatever you do, don’t try to get ahead… Because if you do, we’ll break yours…” is the chant of every demagogue.

Every action of the elite in the last few decades has been to lower our standard of living. From the unending wars, importation of an anti American ideology and enough supporters of it to cause decades of problems, to lowering our access and increasing the cost of energy. Increasing the costs of energy has the add on effect of increasing the cost of everything. Since everything is created by energy. Somethings, like fertilizer, is made from natural gas as a feed stock. Intentions can be judged by actions. You reach for food when your hungry. Since our elites do everything in their power to lower our standard of living, to keep us hungry, ductile and angry, it’s clear they want us that way. That’s why thorium will never be implemented and fusion will be sued to oblivion.


John Pepin

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Emotional Channelization and Political Power

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, woke, political correctness and the ostracism, are channelization devices. They steer our emotions in the direction that the elite want. Are you outraged? At what? Whatever the elite tell you to be outraged at. That’s what. The elite want us livid at Make America Great Again, Christianity, and white people. Those are the enemies as defined by our elites today. Islamists slaughtering people at a peace concert, whole villages in Africa and the continuing Armenian genocide, are nothing to be alarmed at. Our elites fret about Islamophobia instead. As protesting a stolen election is the greatest threat to democracy since Solon established the Athenian system. Our outrage is channeled by political correctness, outrage and fear of social ostracism, to serve the elite’s desire for unlimited power.

The media is the propaganda arm of the ruling elites. They tell us what to hate, love and be outraged at. Those things that the elite don’t want us justly angry about, are covered up with censorship, distracted from and lied about. People would be justifiably outraged if the media reported accurately about the deaths and side effects of the Covid vaccine. That they haven’t, shows the elite don’t want us outraged at those deaths. The deaths of Hamas terrorists however, are of great concern to the international elites, so their deaths are front and center in the propaganda machine. Heck, reporters were embedded in the Nov 7 terror attacks. Abetting the beheadings, rapes and torture… very progressive! Yet your not outraged by that, because you haven’t been told its okay to be outraged, by the elite.

We are largely controlled by our emotions. Those who can channel our emotions, control us. To a degree we would never believe possible. Add the innovation of mass media, and you have the perfect recipe for despotism, masquerading as democracy. All the elite need do is channel us to feel whatever they want. Ostracism is crushing. People need to feel included. So, the mere threat of ostracism is enough to hold most people in line, with even the most absurd thought rules. Because to be ostracized is to be cast out, alone and without friends. A state of affairs that’s intolerable to all but the most introverted, independent and disagreeable. That’s why the ostracism is so effective at controlling people. The emotional toll is so great folks will do almost anything to avoid it.

Then there’s that wonderful tool of manipulation… demagoguery. High unemployment? Blame employers. High inflation? Blame retailers. Demagoguery is a form of political correctness. The politically correct… the in crowd, the right kind of people, or the “woke,” are above reproach. While those not in the group are incapable of virtue. The incorrect are all racists, filthy, slave material, etc… No one wants to be one of those people. The west’s version of Dalits. Untouchables. To stay out of that group, people will do anything asked of them. How many Jews are “self loathing,” and despise Zionists because of this? How many white Christian’s hate white supremacists, maga people and the basic tenets of Christianity? Notions imposed by demagoguery, the threat of ostracism and political correctness.

It’s not possible to disconnect from our emotions. The solution to political correctness and ostracism then, is to point them out, and ridicule the people who use them. Turn the tables on elites who would manipulate us with our emotions. Be outraged at political correctness, censorship and ostracism. Use your emotion to the opposite of what the elite want. Instead of hating the vilified group, call out the demagogues. Keep your eyes open, and don’t rely on a single source of information… they’re all biased, all trying to manipulate you in some way, and so untrustworthy. That being said, some are better than others, legacy media being the worse. If you find yourself in a channel of the elite’s making, climb out, look around and act accordingly. Let’s stop being patsies to their manipulation.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Swimming in a eugenics pool,

The genes we have aren’t cool,

Can’t replace us folks,

If they stop the boats,

To make a utopia diverse enough to fool.


Conservatives only eat thin mints,

Not to offend nor take any risks,

Cucks one and all,

I the midst of a fall,

Because controlled opposition doesn’t care if it wins.


Government can’t solve inflation or balance it’s checkbook,

It’s so inept it doesn’t know a boy from a girl but look,

Though what’s really fortunate,

Is they can change the climate,

Of course they can it’s not like the State’s a swindler or crook.


During the Covid pandemic the people saw,

The elite’s heartlessness is a universal flaw,

Finding the viral slime,

An international crime,

And despite the perjury there’ll be no punishment at all.


Lucifer’s people want the Jewish people gone,

Because of their innate connection to God,

Hate is blind,

And so unkind,

Especially when ethnically cleansing the land of Nod.


Andy ended up in a prison cell,

His boss got great story to tell,

Crime does pay,

Each and every day,

The criminals profit while the patsies go to hell.


Republicans don’t take a principled position,

Their rhetoric and actions do juxtaposition,

Won’t mirror democrats,

Way to principled for that,

Especially since they’re controlled opposition.


On the elite we can depend on their cupidity,

Changing course depending on humidity,

Power’s the goal,

No matter the toll,

Since there’s no accounting for their stupidity.


The elite’s war against us isn’t local,

And their intentions just aren’t noble,

Lacking basic wisdom,

They build a Beast system,

Because they want the End Times to be global.


Those who the problem they created,

Now want us to hear what they’ve stated,

We’re with you,

(And the aliens too)

But it’s the dustbin of history for which they’re slated.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment