Energy And Our Standard Of Living

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason thorium is not explored as an energy source, is the same reason if cheap, safe and efficient nuclear fusion came to the market today, tomorrow a trillion dollars would be mobilized to stop it… because it’s not about pollution, it’s about keeping us down. Cheap safe energy is acid in the face of the elite. That’s why they can’t allow it. Shutting down the Keystone pipeline wasn’t about lowering greenhouse gas emissions, natural gas is one of the lowest green house gas emitters per megawatt produced, it was about raising the cost of energy, to lower our standard of living. Everything the elite do lowers our standard of living. Any other reason provided is simply theater. It’s the snake mesmerizing its prey before the attack.

Thorium is essentially an inexhaustible energy supply. The brainiacs that run the world could mobilize the trillions at their disposal to build thorium reactors around the world and end our dependence on fossil fuels. We have the technology, and the ability, but lack the will. Why? It would lower the cost of energy so much the lot of man would be raised accordingly. There are thousands of years of natural gas under the oceans in the form of methane hydrates. Not that we need to tap them anytime soon. What with directional drilling, and fracking, the supply of accessible natural gas in North America dramatically increased. The biggest problem with getting at it is, the government. Why? Because lower energy costs translates to a lower costs for everything, and that’s not acceptable.

There is a claim a company has broken the break even fusion barrier and can produce 5 times the energy taken to initiate the reaction. I’m a bit dubious but hopeful. Nevertheless, the moment a company does breach the break even point, lawyers will crawl out of every crevice and crotch in the legal system, to fight its implementation. Billions of dollars will disappear into the legal mire that will have been created to stop it. Many attorneys will become rich in the process, even as innovators will be bankrupted, for trying to improve the lot of Man. Pollyanna would think investing in a company that created safe, cheap efficient nuclear fusion would be a good idea. A wise person knows better. Because if it succeeded, the standard of living of the hoi polloi would be improved.

None of these energy supplies will be tapped… because it’s not about improving the lot of man, it’s about lowering our standard of living. Why else do they want us to eat bugs? The reason the elite want to keep us down is multi fold. The utility of wealth depends on wealth being able to buy that which the grazing masses can’t afford. A high and raising standard of living diminishes the utility of wealth. Poor people struggling to feed themselves are not prone to political machinations. North Korea charted the waters in that world. The people’s impoverishment can be exploited as a tool of manipulation. “Your poor because this or that group keeps you poor! So whatever you do, don’t try to get ahead… Because if you do, we’ll break yours…” is the chant of every demagogue.

Every action of the elite in the last few decades has been to lower our standard of living. From the unending wars, importation of an anti American ideology and enough supporters of it to cause decades of problems, to lowering our access and increasing the cost of energy. Increasing the costs of energy has the add on effect of increasing the cost of everything. Since everything is created by energy. Somethings, like fertilizer, is made from natural gas as a feed stock. Intentions can be judged by actions. You reach for food when your hungry. Since our elites do everything in their power to lower our standard of living, to keep us hungry, ductile and angry, it’s clear they want us that way. That’s why thorium will never be implemented and fusion will be sued to oblivion.


John Pepin

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