Election Fraud Is A Dangerous Path

Dear friends,

It seems to me, Confucius said, “A fool walks a dangerous path when a safe one is available…” This sage advice applies to everyone, but especially, politicians. The dangerous path is the one we’re on. Where elections are subverted by mail in fraud, voting tabulators are programmed after the election, ballots appear from under a table and counted once counting had officially ceased, etc… Any politician who goes along with election fraud, like they all did in 2020 and 2022, are proving their utter, total and complete stupidity. If anyone can be defrauded of electoral victory, anyone can be defrauded of electoral victory. It’s common freaken sense. Moreover, once the fraud becomes undeniable, the people have two choices, march along to the tune of tyranny… or become disharmonious.

Election integrity should be the primary focus of every self interested politician. A politician that wins with election fraud wins in the short term but loses in the long run. When election fraud becomes the selector of who rules, favor of the fraudster becomes paramount. The trouble is, favor is ethereal, it comes and goes. Nevertheless, that victory over the rule of law, justice and mankind has a cost. It normalizes election fraud, erodes the social fabric, and rouses the rabble. All of which deteriorates the utility of rule. Rule over a prosperous, powerful and peaceful nation, is preferable to rule over an impoverished backwater. But since power is the goal to a psychopath, rule over anything is preferable to following. Which is why we have election fraud, most politicians don’t care about the long term.

As long as the fraudster doesn’t get caught, they rejoice, because most politicians have no conscience. Fraud unpunished is fraud rewarded though. Each time a crime is rewarded, instead of punished, you get more of that crime. Victory by fraud is equally as good as victory by election to someone without a soul. Moreover, they can reason to themselves, I can leverage my usurped power into staying in power. Who’s to stop them? They won’t give an inch when it comes to fairness. Once justice in elections is gone, so is justice in the courts, and in law. Enforcing a double standard is fruitless however. Punishing the other faction for anything, while allowing one’s own to get away with fraud, like now. Election fraud by it’s nature, is public, and public crimes are impossible to cover up. Making it self defeating.

January 6 false flag was all about protecting the election narrative. In other words… the election fraud. Now, with the latest revelations about the federal government being involved with the Jan 6 pipe bombs… the magnitude, scope and devilishness of the whole false flag comes into focus. It covered up a myriad of election fraud issues in a nice pretty package. The pipe bombs were the bow. Which means our politicians epitomize stupidity as Bonhoeffer defined it. Seeking only their immediate personal good, above that of the nation, society and mankind itself, they see victory by whatever means as good. No matter the cost. That they got away with all the other frauds, perpetrated on the American people, is what emboldened them to do the 2020 election fraud, and Jan 6th false flag cover up.

The politicians knew they had conspired in a coup against Trump, the American voter and the US Constitution, and like any villain in a typical PI story, they kept getting deeper and deeper. Having to Kill Epstein to shut him up, release Covid to lever in mail in voting, then widespread vote fraud, opening the boarders to change the electorate, and distract us from their usurpations, like hunting down innocent Americans and jailing them without bail, fair trial or due process, and more… to cover up their coup. Each of these are crimes sufficient to get the evildoer charged, tried and imprisoned for decades. Let alone all of them added together. Plus the “Vaccine” that isn’t. The politicians going along are certainly compromised. It’s indeed a dangerous path the politicians have chosen. Proving them fools.


John Pepin

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Scandals, Failure And Davos

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are so many scandals breaking, that it’s hard to keep them all straight. Which benefits the scandal ridden ruling elites. On the health front, there’s still Covid 19 and it’s implications, along with the bio labs found in Ukraine, the untold vaccine deaths and serious injuries. International affairs is marred by the Afghanistan debacle, the weapons left in the hands of terrorists, the Ukraine war, the Israel Gaza war, the pending Taiwan CCP war, as well as the open despotism in the EU, Canada and the US, coupled with the scandals around governance, like the 2020 and 2022 election fraud, weaponizing the laws against political dissidents, and controlled courts as well as openly flaunting our Constitution, and their own laws. The scandals are so many they’re hard to keep straight.

Can you imagine the outrage if cocaine were found in Trump’s White House? The impeachment would have come within a week, the republicans to a man going along, and Trump would have been ousted on his petard the next day. The made up scandals kept the man busy for his entire term in office. Biden’s real scandals, like the cocaine, Afghan debacle, bribery, boarder, money laundering, influence peddling scheme, exploiting power, election interference, perjury, denying citizens their Rights under color of law, exploiting law as a political weapon, amounting to a racketeering and corrupt organization… is given a pass by the utterly corrupt DOJ and mocking bird media. The clear and obvious double standard is proof enough of corruption, but the openness of it, gives it a phantasmal feeling.

As the Davos elite meet, filling their mouths with every delicacy you can imagine, and some you cant, wars rage across the planet with more in the works. War is proof of failure of the elite. Great job you bunch of hogs. Such swine couldn’t be more corrupt if they were laying dead next to route 30, in Arkansas, for the month of June. Meanwhile, instead of thinking how to bring peace on Earth, they’re conspiring to bring more war, disease and suffering onto mankind… to create utopia. Problem, reaction… solution, is their go to. All the problems faced by mankind at this point, is not only their fault, but thought up, and brought into existence by their will. I imagine “disease X” is the talk of the town. I wonder if Fauci is giving a keynote about population control?

Our experts are dangerous to our health. Any other time in US history, the complete, utter and total disaster that was Covid and the expert’s reaction to it, would have resulted in wide scale criminal charges, prosecutions and jail sentences, if not execution by hanging. Imagine holding Joseph Mengle to the same standard they’re holding Fauci? Mengle would be a household name… as a hero. Although, to be fair, Mengle did use thousands of human beings as Guinea pigs, often resulting in their deaths, making Fauci’s crimes much worse. Since he used a large portion of the human race for his mad scientist experiments. Creating covid, then backing an ineffective and deadly shot, mislabeling it a vaccine. Fauci’s crimes are orders of magnitude greater than a mere death camp doctor.

Any one of those scandals would unseat a government across time and space… except for here and now. Today, with a mockingbird media, captured bureaucracy and controlled opposition, they’re made into ice the elite can skate on. One has to wonder how thick that ice is. With the rise of Reform in Britain, AFD in Germany, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, etc… and proven by the elections of Javier Milie in Argentina, Geert Wielder’s PVV in Netherlands, and In Taiwan the election of Lai Ching-Te. (All of whom I congratulate for their victory over Marxist, fascist and despotic powers). Showing, even lacking any enforcement of the law on the elite, the people will act. The reek of scandal is difficult to contain. Even with a mockingbird media, and corrupt DOJ, people will smell it, and try to get rid of it.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Your individualism will draw a frown,

They’ll call you a misinforming clown,

Our thought is a crime,

Or will be in due time,

Because the elite prefer rule from the top down.


European culture is an archaic relic,

To be replaced by people not Celtic,

I see fear from the toads,

A mere bump in the road,

Because soon the EU will get to cleansing ethnic.


A lie here and failed prediction there,

Meanwhile propaganda everywhere,

Don’t look now,

A fart from a cow,

And from a private jet the fear mongers don’t really care.


White culture is evil and so taboo,

With other notions that are untrue,

Collective guilt,

Our view’s atilt,

And we fall for the same trick anew.


Upset the well crafted narrative,

It’s agitating and quite expensive,

Truth’s caustic,

Vindictive logic,

Which is a thing the elite can never forgive.


Kleptocracies need someone to steal from,

Once they’ve cleaned out their own fiefdom,

It’s about staying in power,

As their people’s lives sour,

And who cares of the people’s desired outcome?


Those private jets aren’t free,

Champaign and caviar is costly,

The MIC has needs,

So the world’s kids bleed,

And claim it’s for the greater glory.


The elite are certain of many things wise,

Replacement and cleansing they do advise,

Human pollution,

A final solution,

Because on this planet there are too many white guys.


A bum on the street peeing,

Socialism people are fleeing,

A human corral,

Destroy our moral,

Because the elite hate human beings.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Law, media, Mercy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the world is a pretty nice place, except for the people that run it. The elite’s priorities aren’t the same as ours. While we would prefer to live in a world where everyone has plenty to eat, land to till, a home of their own, a family, unlimited opportunity and freedom to live our lives as we wish… the elite’s priorities tend toward, unlimited power to manage the decline. With a dwindling number of us, sick, scared and shivering in the cold and dark. It’s a pretty stark difference. The elite are the ones holding the reins of power and so the world is moving in the direction they want. We have the final say though, if we can throw off the propaganda that keeps us separated, and come together. We could get the world we want instead of the dystopia the elite want.

There need be no hunger at all. Not because of some pie in the sky redistributing scheme, that’s sure to work this time, but because there’s no reason for everyone not to be well fed. Modern farming technology, with generous use of fertilizers, can produce more than enough food. So much so, the elite demand we burn it in our cars, as ethanol. The recent limiting of fertilizer and cattle to save the planet, will starve millions of people to death. The elite are willing for those poor families to pay such a heavy price, watching their children die before their eyes… for the elite’s ideas. Yet the elite aren’t willing to fly commercial. Makes me wonder if the death, suffering and poverty isn’t the real point? Meanwhile, the elite extol the virtues of eating pond scum and bugs, with their mouths full of Wagu beef.

There’s more than enough land available, so anyone who so desires it can have a piece to till, build a home or a business. The limit isn’t due to a natural scarcity but costs due to regulation and imposed scarcity. Hogs have always had the opinion that not everyone needs to own land. Because they themselves need to own it all. That’s why bureaucrats and the managerial ilk, so love national forests, parks and land set aside for wildlife. They now control that land, in perpetuity, and in many cases, are the only ones allowed, legally, to enter them. As bureaucrats on some bureaucratic mission, such as, studying the mating habits of the lone star tick. Regulations raise the price of land in a myriad of ways. Too many to get into here. Suffice it to say, if you want homelessness, drive up the cost of housing.

Unlimited opportunity comes from freedom. If your ability to think is limited by some political dictum, also called political correctness, then you’re not free to think. Your brain has a chastity belt on it. No matter if that lock is based on religion, politics or culture, a lock is a lock. With freedom to think, speak and act, along with opportunity… comes prosperity, and with prosperity comes more opportunity. If not for the elite’s taxes and regulations, to give politically favored groups and individuals a leg up in a commercial transaction, else to harm politically disfavored groups or people, then this virtuous cycle could continue indefinitely. This cycle however runs counter to the goals and ambitions of the elite. To keep us scared, ignorant, cold and hungry… peasants to their aristocracy.

The goals of the elite differ from the goals and aspirations of us hoi polloi. While you could care less if someone works harder and gets ahead, but care deeply if your held down, some people need to hold others down. They can’t be happy if there’s opportunity, prosperous families and freedom. These things sting the elite like a bark scorpion. The vision of the elite, as laid out by the Georgia Guide stones, the World Economic Forum, and other international organizations that represent the true elites, is one where the survivors, will “own nothing and be happy…” In the end though, we have the final say. Going along to get along hasn’t worked, maybe it’s time to speak up and act. You’d be amazed how a bit of legal civil disobedience, and a few thousand calls to a representative, moves the needle.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Factionalization And Unity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, elitists need factionalization, while populists seek unity. We must to reach out to our “progressive” friends, neighbors and blood kin, to guide them back from the cult’s brainwashing. In this endeavor, we have to be compassionate, empathic and follow basic rules of persuasion. All of our futures are at stake. Progressives know in their hearts something is wrong with their faction, it’s gone wrong somewhere, but they’re not allowed to mention it. First get them to admit to themselves, manipulating kids to self harm, lying, and arbitrary rule, are bad things. Once they admit these truths to themselves their hearts will follow. No one wants to stand for evil everyone wants to stand with good. They have to justify the evil as good, once that justification is ruined, so is the evil belief.

Most progressives have a bad feeling in their gut, but their hate of haters, Trump, republicans, fascists, white supremacists, colonizers, imperialists, bigots, etc… keep them from exploring it. Hate is an exceptionally powerful motivator of men. That’s why Biden just gave a speech that was pure demagoguery. To enhance and consolidate the hate. Get people cheering the jailing of citizens for demanding election integrity… for hundreds of years! Now that’s vindictive prosecution! Progressives have stood for the right to protest forever. Don’t think many of them don’t see this development as a worrying turn of events. If a conservative can be jailed for decades, for their belief in election integrity, imagine the prison sentences that could be handed down to a progressive rioter. The precedent is set.

Whenever anyone changes their minds about anything, even a small thing, it’s a death. We feel it as a loss, that’s why we’re so loathe to change our minds. Moreover, we have to rejigger our worldview, which is work, to make a new worldview so the new information is compatible with it. Ignoring information, to protect a worldview, is as foolish as it is progressive. The lock the elite use to keep our minds closed is factionalization. We’re supposed to hate them and they’re supposed to hate us. But that’s the elite’s paradigm… not ours. It’s hard not to be angry when a progressive spouts nonsense about drag queen story hour being good for kids. Pointing out, if drag queen is good for Christian kids, then the Holy Bible might be good for atheist kids, like I do… only engenders more hate.

Negotiation Mastery has a great deal to say about convincing people. Tactical empathy, mirroring, getting a “that’s right,” an accusation audit, and labeling are important tactics to help a progressive understand, how they need to update their worldview. Believe it or not, screaming in someone’s face calling them an idiot, is a sub optimal path to changing their mind. Progressives are human beings, deluded to be sure, but human nonetheless. They want a better future but their elitist masters don’t. No matter how they contort themselves to conform, to a nonconforming world, they never really fit. Open the door to their minds with tactical empathy, and your saving them from themselves, and their programming. Rest assured, those who do see the light, will be ardent allies.

The elite need to keep us factionalized. It’s imperative. Else we would come together and solve the world’s problems. Problems the elite have spent decades creating, to push us to their favored solutions. Your average Democrat, Labor, Green, etc… doesn’t want the world to end, they want to preserve it. Their not elitists at heart, their leaders are. Most progressives are populists. Expose their leaders as the elitist corporatists they are. Teach them what fascism actually is, corporatism, as Mussolini and Goebbels defined it. Use tactical empathy to reach them emotionally. We don’t have to convince all the Democrats, Greens, or Labor, but if we pick off a few, it’ll make the election fraud that much harder for the elite to pull off. Factionalization is their power, unity is ours… so unify. We can disagree later.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How To Succeed As A Creator Type

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if you only have a few shades of yellow on your pallet, no matter how talented you are, your paintings will be monotone. Talent lacking experience is unrealizable potential. The pallet gives a medium, talent the ability to use that medium. This is one reason so many creative types don’t do well. They want to create immediately, before amassing experience. Kids are the same in this regard. They, as did I, think they know it all. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons art is so derivative today. The writers have talent but have limited experience to draw on. So their creations necessarily paint on those same canvases. Lacking authenticity. People with talent often don’t embrace life’s lessons in the insignificant. Our egos get in the way. (Not that I have talent… only a old guy’s pallet and galactic ego).

The insignificant contain the most profound truths. Simple realities that are lost on most like, everything requires work, you do your best thinking when engaged in labor, honesty really is the best policy, diligence beats negligence, etc… these truths add to the pallet of the creator. The more truths a an artist understands, the greater the depth, and more subtle the differentiation of their rainbow. Truths can’t be replaced by group think, conforming to be non conforming, or being captured by an idea. Those captured by an idea can only paint in that color scheme. Even if they’re extremely talented, sooner or later, their sepia will become dated. The creative must have genuinely open minds, not minds channeled by a cult. Making their creations derivative of that cult. Not authentic.

There aren’t many people who would argue a brilliant four year old can beat an average twenty year old in a spelling bee. While the phenom may have ability, he or she lacks education. The same can be said of any venture. A brilliant sea captain on his first voyage, will be less safe, than an average grizzled old captain who’s seen it all. Creating is the same. The brilliant see their own brilliance, “close at hand while they see other’s at a distance…” – someone smarter than me. Which makes it such a shame so few artists embrace their time in the desert. That’s the time they’re gathering colors, truths and experiences to build their creations in the future. Which is why I advocate creator types to seek the mundane, quotidian and personal. Because it’s personal experience that gives an artist depth and authenticity.

No one is too good to do a lowly job, there are however, lowly jobs that are too good for some people. I had an able bodied neighbor who was on welfare back in the 1970s. One day he was bragging, a boss had told him to do something he thought was below him, and he told that boss, no way! He went on to explain, he wouldn’t work for the pittance they were paying anyway, being worth much more than that! I thought to myself, you’re too good to accept a pittance for your labor, but not too good to accept charity? Yet it’s common among people today… especially creative types. Every second playing video games is experience lost. Because what are you going to create from that? Something derivative of the game. Washing dishes while watching a kitchen, is an education worth having, and portraying.

Inexperienced artists allow manipulators to get into the zeitgeist through the backdoor. They accept the programming because, who wants to be ostracized, for an unpopular opinion? Despite the fact every time an artist accepts limits on his or her view, they’re erasing colors from their pallet. Every time a creative type accepts welfare, instead of works, they limit their experience of life… and thus block whole areas of possible creation. A life of partying and frivolity may be what every artist desires, but that life is as corrosive of their ability to create, as acid to limestone. Artists need to embrace life in the mundane. That’s where all the good material is. That’s where authenticity is. Derivative works from games, movies, partying, or propaganda are never true art, no matter how brilliant.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


A reasonable person himself must ask,

Why the tyranny and inhuman task,

Families are bad,

Trudeau is a cad,

And in a dystopia everyone wears a mask.


The elite believe mankind’s gone far enough,

Innovation, Rights and democracy are just fluff,

Oppress us they would,

It’s for our own good,

And it looks like things are going to get rough.


The innovation of mail in was grand,

Now election fraud strides the land,

Vote of you will,

Take this bitter pill,

Now our republic stands upon quick sand.


Mootness, latches and ripeness,

A way for courts to avoid politeness,

Standing be damned,

Your rights they will slam,

And now mail in is infamous.


Hey ho Rona’s got to go,

She’s as useless as snow,

She said with a wink,

As she swam in red ink,

I can be bought with Prada and blow.


Socialist policies don’t mean socialism,

Promoting free markets doesn’t mean capitalism,

Big government is small,

Limited doesn’t work at all,

And doublethink is just smart progressivism.


The fed’s not done squeezing your balls,

They’ll squeeze till there’s no feeling at all,

The consumer to squelch,

As government does belch,

And the economy does a Humpty Dumpty type fall.


A trial that’s political BS as we all can see,

Based on a flawed premise about property,

Can logic and wisdom win,

In a court that follows wind,

And they can lie to us but ours is a felony.


Discrediting used to be the sin of hypocrisy,

Shunned by all and hated by the plurality,

Times do change,

Attitudes rearrange,

And now we call hypocrites, your honor, senator and your majesty.




John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Nanny State Is For Children

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, people seeking a nanny state must understand, if the State treats you like a child, you’ll be treated like a child. There’s no free meal on this account. To have the State feed, clothe, house, maintain your health and provide you with employment, dependency… then you must accept being treated like a dependent. Your actions will be monitored, for your own good. You wouldn’t leave a toddler home alone would you? The trade off is, security for freedom. You can be taken care of, but you won’t be able to be a free thinker, entrepreneur or loud mouth. The punishment for being a nail that sticks up… will be the hammer. Those that seek freedom, over a State hammock, have trade offs too. We must accept that to be treated like an adult we must act like adults.

People who advocate for a State couch act like children. Have you seen ANTIFA or BLM protesting? They’re not exactly rational, thoughtful or mature in their rioting, iconoclasm or arson. Every time I watch CNN, at a restaurant, I feel like I’m watching children pretend to be reporters. Now and again they’ll burst into a full fledged whine. Bawling over something that prevents their despotism. Then there’s our appointed by the deep state, “President.” He’s as mature as a five year old but without the processing capacity. I have to ask, how many mature adults demand you change the rules of a game to suit them? Maybe they should get five strikes to your three before they’re out? Elitists mimic Eric Cartman… eating the skin from the fried chicken and saying, “Screw you guys, I’m going home.”

If the State is going to be your father and mother, your going to be the child… not someone else, you. A child has no rights. How can a dependent have rights? They have obligations, rules and allowances, but no rights. A child is obligated to follow their parents orders, like, be home by 10 pm. The kid must follow the rules, else be punished. The child gets whatever allowance the parents deem sufficient. You’ll own nothing and be happy… that’s an order. You’ll get the shots the state tells you, because a child has no say in their own healthcare. A tot can’t know better than the parent. If you don’t like GMO food, a “vaccine” with mortal side effects or constant monitoring by the State, tough luck. Kids don’t have the luxury of rights… they only have rules. Rules that apply to the kids but not the parents.

The other alternative is a limited state and a free people. In this option, the individual is treated as an adult, and so must act it. Making your own decisions whether or not to eat GMO food, etc… It would be your call, not a bureaucrat’s… where you work, live, and whom you marry. You would be responsible to feed, clothe, house, and take care of yourself. It would be up to you to decide what car to drive, if you want to have a family or to smoke cigarettes. Only adults make these kinds of decisions. Not children. You would have to answer questions for yourself without the orders of an expert. There will be experts to consult, but they won’t be your masters, they will be your servants. Enjoying the prerogatives of adulthood, come with responsibilities and obligations, if not orders and rules.

The elite are manipulating us into accepting their benevolent parentage, where our needs are met by the State… like the people in China, Cuba and North Korea. They’ll bring that level of prosperity to the world. Africa will have to get used to greater deprivation, but they’re used to it anyway. We can be kids and whine or we can be adults and act. Acting requires, speaking up, pointing out childishness and contacting our representatives. No excuses. Push back against the lurking net masquerading as a hammock. Fight factionalization. Those who think being a ward of the State is a good idea, aren’t our enemies, they’re our allies. They want to be adults… in a hammock. Let them know the only possibilities are, adult, or child. Lead by example, act like an adult and demand to be treated like one.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The WHO Pandemic Treaty

Dear friends,

It seems to me, its entirely logical to give unlimited power to nullify our Constitutional protections, to the people who brought us Covid, and then killed millions in their inept failures in preventing its spread, treatment and the catastrophic “vaccine” that isn’t. In our dystopian reality. The WHO pandemic treaty is an affront to all the people who died at the hands of the WHO and the medical establishment. Their ineptitude is only matched by Wily E Coyote and the Acme company… but only matched. Else they’re not inept but villains. Cut from the same cloth as Hitler, Mao and Tamerlane. Only a stupid fool would give them more power, instead of prosecuting them for crimes against humanity, and housing them in a super max for the rest of their lives. A mere fool would know better.

The WHO failed at every step in the Covid debacle. While Fauci and experts in the US and China created the bio weapon we now call covid 19, then released it, probably intentionally to oust Trump, and killed millions across the planet. Their exploding people’s lungs with ventilators was brilliantly stupid, or evil. If that little trick was common knowledge, and the media allowed us to be outraged by it… people would go away for multi decade prison sentences. Covid wasn’t killing enough so the doctors had to help. At thirty grand a death, they certainly had financial incentive. The WHO did succeed at one aspect of the crime, they were great at covering it up. Assisting in the cover up at every step, including turning a blind eye to the CCP’s executions to silence researchers.

The WHO are proven liars. When they returned from their “fact finding mission” to the Wuhan lab they were like the proverbial three monkeys, they saw no evil, they heard no evil and they spoke no evil… only lies. Once someone is caught in a lie, they can’t be trusted. Let alone trusted with the arbitrary power to nullify the US Constitution by claiming there’s an emergency! The corruptocrats would create another virus, and release it on the world, if that’s what it took. Hell, they’re working on dozens at various illegal bio weapon labs across the planet. (Illegal by the 1925 international treaty) How many labs were found in Ukraine alone? Project that number of labs, to other third world nations, and you might have an idea how many mankind killing bio weapons the experts are working on today.

The WHO is run by anti human globalists. Some call them Lucifarians, accelerationists or merely scumbags. People dedicated to ushering in the Beast system because they think they’ll set atop the beast. More likely they’ll be it’s first meal. The WHO is filled with people who consider themselves better than us. Because they’re smarter, have university degrees, have the right ethics, are willing to do the hard things to save the world, and are wise enough to think the right thoughts. Most of them know global warming is a swindle, to scam the human race out of our sovereignty, but go along because the goal of the lie is so enlightened. People who believe themselves to be gods, yet to ascend, generally lack humility. The humility to know they aren’t gods and never will be.

Giving the WHO the ability to arbitrarily overthrow the US Constitution, for some emergency, is stupid and foolish. Even if the WHO was actually a virtuous organization, sooner or later psychopaths would seize control of it and use those powers to their own ends. Moreover, the most important point to make is… why reward failure? Not mere failure, but epic failure. Costing millions of people their lives. Plus, all the demand the WHO made of us, masks, the “vaccine” and shut downs, exacerbated the pandemic. Are we to believe that people who made it worse, will do better next time? Maybe a better option, would be to shut down all the bio weapons labs across the planet, charge those involved at the WHO and elsewhere, prosecute them, and if found guilty, make examples of them.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Land Of Lies

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re flooded with a tsunami of notions that have political favor, but no substance, and as a result we don’t know the truth of anything. Examples abound… to fight hate you must hate, to fight racism you must be a racist, to be enlightened you must let others do your thinking, gender affirming treatment is sterilizing little boys and girls, the planet’s climate changed for billions of years without our help but now it’s all on us, to be a non conformist you must conform, etc… the list is endless. How can we know the truth when lies are so carefully melded into our media for us to consume? Discerning truth in the land of lies is like finding a needle in a haystack. Which is hard… unless you burn down the haystack, or use a magnet. Once we discern a lie, notice who’s selling it, and we’ve found a magnet.

Edward Bernays charted the waters for the elite to manipulate the masses. He is the reason women smoked cigarettes. He invented popular mind control. The nephew of Sigmund Freud. He applied individual psychology to groups. In order to manipulate them. His group psychology was groundbreaking when exploited by despots. It allows a tyrant to manipulate the hoi polloi into acting against their own interests. Despite their knowing better. Because of the power of group psychology to overwhelm the individual’s wisdom, intellect and ethics. That’s why a mob of rational, reasonable people will beat a person to death, on the orders of a demagogue. Bernays understood the effect of group psychology on the individual and created an entire science dedicated to manipulating the masses.

If someone is selling a lie, they’re probably shilling others. That’s how we can distinguish not only the liars from the truth tellers, but the lies from the truths. Liars tell lies, and once we catch them in one lie, it follows, nothing they say after that, can be trusted as fact. No matter how many times they claim to be the most honest politician, party or election in history. Because in reality the very act of claiming virtue almost always guarantees villainy. Therefore, we can look at other things the liars claim and presume they’re also lies. For example, everyone who claimed the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, claimed the Russian collusion story was fact, 2020 election was secure, and that Covid came from a meat market… are liars. Which, sadly, includes the entire bureaucracy. Liars every one.

When a statement contradicts itself, like, to fight racism you must be a racist, it must be false. So, when a politician says, only white people can be racist, they are indeed saying, “to fight racism you must be racist… against whites.” When something affirms another, it enhances and encourages that thing… affirming doesn’t means destroying the thing affirmed though. The statement then is self contradictory. The contradictions are always couched in politically favored terms and obtuse language. Gender affirming, one would think affirms the gender, but in the twisted double speak of today’s elite, it means ripping out a little girl’s vagina, or a little boy’s penis. Gender destroying. Language is manipulated to mean the opposite of what the speaker is saying.

Lies pervade our society, culture and especially government. The effect of those lies is to diminish our standard of living across the entire spectrum of domains. Our economic well being is eroded, our social cohesiveness is corroded, and our health itself is harmed. With the tools given to the manipulators by Bernays, those lies have all the more negative effect. How many times have you and I acted against our self interest because we were manipulated into it? The first step is always to admit we were tricked. Then establish how they did it. Making it critical that we discern those lies and that those lies discredit the liars. Because that will tell us who we can’t trust. It won’t tell us who we can trust, but eliminating liars wholesale, is a good start. We’ve been fooled, let’s try not to get fooled again.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment