Election Fraud Is A Dangerous Path

Dear friends,

It seems to me, Confucius said, “A fool walks a dangerous path when a safe one is available…” This sage advice applies to everyone, but especially, politicians. The dangerous path is the one we’re on. Where elections are subverted by mail in fraud, voting tabulators are programmed after the election, ballots appear from under a table and counted once counting had officially ceased, etc… Any politician who goes along with election fraud, like they all did in 2020 and 2022, are proving their utter, total and complete stupidity. If anyone can be defrauded of electoral victory, anyone can be defrauded of electoral victory. It’s common freaken sense. Moreover, once the fraud becomes undeniable, the people have two choices, march along to the tune of tyranny… or become disharmonious.

Election integrity should be the primary focus of every self interested politician. A politician that wins with election fraud wins in the short term but loses in the long run. When election fraud becomes the selector of who rules, favor of the fraudster becomes paramount. The trouble is, favor is ethereal, it comes and goes. Nevertheless, that victory over the rule of law, justice and mankind has a cost. It normalizes election fraud, erodes the social fabric, and rouses the rabble. All of which deteriorates the utility of rule. Rule over a prosperous, powerful and peaceful nation, is preferable to rule over an impoverished backwater. But since power is the goal to a psychopath, rule over anything is preferable to following. Which is why we have election fraud, most politicians don’t care about the long term.

As long as the fraudster doesn’t get caught, they rejoice, because most politicians have no conscience. Fraud unpunished is fraud rewarded though. Each time a crime is rewarded, instead of punished, you get more of that crime. Victory by fraud is equally as good as victory by election to someone without a soul. Moreover, they can reason to themselves, I can leverage my usurped power into staying in power. Who’s to stop them? They won’t give an inch when it comes to fairness. Once justice in elections is gone, so is justice in the courts, and in law. Enforcing a double standard is fruitless however. Punishing the other faction for anything, while allowing one’s own to get away with fraud, like now. Election fraud by it’s nature, is public, and public crimes are impossible to cover up. Making it self defeating.

January 6 false flag was all about protecting the election narrative. In other words… the election fraud. Now, with the latest revelations about the federal government being involved with the Jan 6 pipe bombs… the magnitude, scope and devilishness of the whole false flag comes into focus. It covered up a myriad of election fraud issues in a nice pretty package. The pipe bombs were the bow. Which means our politicians epitomize stupidity as Bonhoeffer defined it. Seeking only their immediate personal good, above that of the nation, society and mankind itself, they see victory by whatever means as good. No matter the cost. That they got away with all the other frauds, perpetrated on the American people, is what emboldened them to do the 2020 election fraud, and Jan 6th false flag cover up.

The politicians knew they had conspired in a coup against Trump, the American voter and the US Constitution, and like any villain in a typical PI story, they kept getting deeper and deeper. Having to Kill Epstein to shut him up, release Covid to lever in mail in voting, then widespread vote fraud, opening the boarders to change the electorate, and distract us from their usurpations, like hunting down innocent Americans and jailing them without bail, fair trial or due process, and more… to cover up their coup. Each of these are crimes sufficient to get the evildoer charged, tried and imprisoned for decades. Let alone all of them added together. Plus the “Vaccine” that isn’t. The politicians going along are certainly compromised. It’s indeed a dangerous path the politicians have chosen. Proving them fools.


John Pepin

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