Advantage In War

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, history records that in war, the side that commits the most war crimes, loses. During WWI Germany was pretty decent, as far as war goes, but they allied with Turkey, that committed genocide against the Armenians. Which doomed them both. In the war between the states, as much as I agree with many of the points of the South, their war crimes in Andersonville undid them. The crimes of the Nazis are well documented, and again, damned them too. How do I explain the historical examples? I’m not saying the side that’s good wins, nor am I saying the side that’s the defender wins… no, I’m saying the side that respects human rights, has an advantage. Because war is a complex system. In such systems subtle inputs often makes all the difference. Like the fluttering of wings.

My understanding of complexity theory is that it seeks to explain complex systems. Such as ecologies, economies, bird flocks, etc… as well as war. Complex systems have a few attributes in common spanning the multitude of regimes complexity theory is applicable. A complex system is made up of individual parts, interconnected, interdependent, with a lack of hierarchy and are self organizing. From these basic components arise an astonishingly effective analogue of reality. Complex systems are resilient, and adaptive. From them are born “emergence.” Explaining the wax and wane of species in an ecosystem, the boom bust cycle of the economy, and the uncanny movement of flocks of birds. In this analogue, war is both an emergent phenomenon and a complex system in itself.

When war emerges from the complex system of international politics, it is emergent and itself a complex system. We look at the obvious in war, winning battles. Yet wars have been lost with every battle won. Instead we should look at the intangibles. The will to fight largely depends on the justness of the fight. In the minds of the contestants as well as bystanders. Because in complex systems like war seemingly small inputs can have out sized effects. War crimes have a negative effect on the will to fight of the side that commits them, and enhances the will to fight, in the side that’s victim of them. Plus they turn public opinion against the criminal. To sharpen the point, in a fight between a wolverine and a grizzly, the grizzly will always back down, because the will to fight in a weasel is unmatched.

How can war crimes effect the will to fight of people who don’t know about them? Quite easily if you agree with Jung’s collective unconscious. In his theory of collective unconscious, Jung asserted that there is a deep layer of consciousness, the collective unconscious, or as the Kabalists call the unconscious, the super conscious… that’s the foundation of human cognition. We see it manifested in art, literature and iconography. A paleolithic fat woman statue for example. Crimes against humanity then, must be recorded in the collective unconscious… if it exists. Making the knowledge available to everyone. If only as a vague feeling of unease. Intuitive people will understand this more intuitively, than sensing people will sense it, but intuition is available to everyone.

What are we to make of this then? Was Jesus right in saying turn the other cheek? Even as he told his disciples to hammer their plowshares into swords? Righteous fighting in war bestows an advantage. An edge that’s subtle and impossible to quantify. Yet cuts like a razor. War crimes lurk in the collective unconscious… nagging at us. Not just at yours, and not only mine… but mankind’s. Every war crime is a butterfly’s flutter in the hurricane of war. As is every act of humanity. History agrees with me. The short term advantage of barbarity becomes a liability. When reality agrees with hypothesis, that hypothesis must have some merit. Else it wouldn’t agree with empirical examination. War crimes are detrimental to a war effort. Unless war crimes are the point. Which would make victory a secondary goal.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Make an example of those who stand,

Let notice go throughout the land,

Sue them all,

Screw the law,

And use lynching courts like the Klu Klux Clan.


Fairness is a concept wrought with confusion,

Justice is a different kind of conclusion,

Equal to a flaw,

Or equal in law,

Because Thrasymachus’ was a poor solution.


Depopulationist’s have such big designs,

There are too many of us he whines,

Cull the herd,

It’s getting absurd,

But I wish they would lead by example sometimes.


What an amazing sight,

Telling us wrong is right,

Lie to our face,

Be a disgrace,

Because the halls of power are lit by gaslight.


While politicians garner favor,

And tyranny the people savor,

I don’t understand,

No matter what land,

How could any sane person vote labor?



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Flawed System

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a system where what’s legal and what’s illegal, doesn’t rest on common sense, justice, or human heartedness, but on how a microscopic group of elites think it should be… is fundamentally flawed. Flawed in a way so deep and profound that the flaw is a feature. Human systems will naturally have a human element. Even in an AI system of law. Someone had to program the AI. Where a flaw must be introduced, that flaw should be kept as small as possible so it won’t negatively effect the final product. In law however that flaw is magnified not mitigated. Law rests entirely on a judge’s opinion. Certainly not on public opinion. Because, even had the public agreed with Buck v Bell back then, we would have certainly rescinded it by now. Judges, not so much.

The US system isn’t unique in this respect. All legal systems have at their core the opinions of a few powerful people. Who follow Thrasymachus’ version of justice… not that of Socrates, Confucius or Jesus. In what universe does it make sense, for an “International Court,” to fine a nation that produces under 3% of the world’s CO2… because it hasn’t done enough to stop global warming? While a pass is given to the nation that single handedly is responsible for over 30% of the CO2 emissions? Where are the rulings condemning the Armenian genocide in Nargono Karabackh? Would you say the courts in Iran are fair? Justice is a tool the powerful use to justify their avarice. Everywhere. How could I say such a thing? Judging by their actions above and rhetoric below.

The incessant assault on populism by the elite is an example of anti justice rhetoric. How could an elitist judge, who orbits the right circles, find for a populist over an elitist? In that case what is just isn’t expedient. Moreover, that inexpedience is because of the earlier rhetoric. Judges in the US today take stands on political questions all the time now. (As long as they’re politically correct stands). Judge Merchan had a literal monetary stake in the outcome of the Trump trial he oversaw. Yet the system had no problem with that at all. Giving up even the appearance of fairness. Very progressive. Destroying the appearance of justice for the exercise of power. Even as the rest of us are expected to cheer the innovation in despotism. All of which proves that judges are a flawed instrument of justice.

Then there’s the flawed idea of “standing.” A legal innovation to forbid politically disfavored plaintiffs from legal remedy. This flawed notion has been exploited to great effect, in the religious exemption vaccine cases, the 2020 election cases, and even disputes between states themselves! Which is the kind of thing that leads to literal war between the states. Nevertheless, the lazy experts in the legal system claim, standing is a vital doctrine to lower their case load. Because they would rather use their OP authority to step on the downtrodden, than to settle the big questions of law in the name of justice. That would be self harming, and no elite would do that. They didn’t get to be the rich and powerful by charity. Unless they ran a charity fraud like the Clinton’s red barn con in Haiti.

All systems of law can be turned on a dime by a court ruling. Constitutional Rights can be nullified, precedent can be overturned and whole new rights created. Like gold from base metal. All at the clap of a gavel. By people with a stake in perverting the system to their own benefit. Self interest goes a long way in effecting human behavior. We see this in cases like Wickard v Filburn, where the court gave the government unlimited power to regulate. Buck v Bell so the government can sterilize us at will against our wishes… and has been used as a silent genocide of Indians as well as the mentally deficient. Until the human element of the legal system is removed, all law will ever be, is the manifestation of the despotic power of the few, masquerading as legitimate authority over the many.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The wrong opinion is under attack,

Elites are pointing an accusing finger at,

The victim of crime,

Should probably do time,

But when the elite point three fingers point back.


Those elites that preach diversity,

Want us to have lives of adversity,

The privileged few,

Know better than you,

While they themselves live in a fraternity.


There once lived Thrasymachus the sophist,

His theory of justice and law quite alarmist,

Hypocrisy with ado,

Double standard too,

And he was prescient as a legal futurist.


Our despotic elites do fume,

There’s an opinion in the room,

Shut it down,

Truth must drown,

And maintain the world in gloom.


The mind numbed like to tell,

Sin and suffering are just swell,

Chant this here,

Feel the sear,

If you die in sin and go to Hell.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

This Is An Historic Election Year

Dear friends,

It seems to me, this is a critical election year for nations across the planet. Britain just had an election, where Reform received 4 million votes and 4 seats, while Lib Dems received 3.2 million votes and 71 seats. Proving the British elite have saved democracy. In France, National Rally is the biggest vote getter in the first round of elections, and their victory is met with riots from the left. Imagine the outrage if the conservatives rioted in Britain because they lost? Then there’s the US. The administrative state has its hands full. Since deep state Biden is failing at everything. Saving democracy from the voters this year is going to be tough. If they don’t though, and Trump should get elected, the elitists will have their storm troops riot, and make America ungovernable again. Like in 2020.

In France Marine LePen’s National Rally is set to win big. Which is a shocking result if you think about it. They’ve faced decades of wall to wall propaganda against their policies, slandered in the press without mercy, and the elite have even talked of banning them. Like they’re talking openly about banning the AFD in Germany. In Europe, nothing speaks of defending elections, more than democracy affirming banning of populist parties. Because everyone should only seek the best interests of the elite. This outrage, the election of National Rally, has so infuriated the left, they’ve called out their “Sturmabteilung” to burn France down. Punishing the French for their treachery. One wonders if the left will get away with it in France, under National Rally, like they have everywhere else?

In Britain, the people are so fed up with the communistic policies of the Tories, they’ve voted in Marxists to replace them. Labor will increase the migration crisis, raise taxes and regulations, while rejoining the EU, to insure the British people never get a say in Britain again. Should the conservatives riot however, the press would be quick to call for their arrests, and imprisonment without bail or trial, to make examples of them. Like American fascists did to Jan 6th protesters. Even as Islamists are given room to vent in London. Britain will be in a world of hurt in a year. It may not even exist as a sovereign nation in 10 years. Under Labor it could become the British state of Europe. Like Tibet is a state in China. Britain will be a vassal state under the wise and despotic leadership of Labor.

In the US this years election is shaping up to be a hum dinger. In every other avenue the introduction of digital computers has created huge gains in efficiency. Except elections. When we cast paper ballots, counted by hand, the results were known the next morning… now with digital, it takes sometimes weeks. Which is handy when it comes to election fortification by fraud. You don’t want to introduce too many votes into the system, else it becomes obvious… and too few, loses the election. So they need the delay to figure out how many votes are required to win by 10k. With 8 million illegals poised to cast votes in the election the democrats thought they had it in the bag. Except, with Biden crashing and burning, 18 million may not be enough… let alone 8 million. Causing the deep state to panic.

What is becoming obvious though, is that where populists win, there will be riots, arson and iconoclasm. To punish the voters. Where the elitists win, there will be despotism, poverty, war and suffering on a national scale. Regardless of who wins an election, the progressive elitists are determined to lower the lot of humanity… whether in power, or out. It’s the left that’s pushing the agenda of chaos, war, socialism, crime and migration. We see it in France with the riots, in Britain with Labor’s policies and in the US, with deep state Biden dismantling our Constitutional system. Yup, this year will show if elections have any ability to change the direction of a nation, despite the wishes of the elites that run it. Giving our votes unprecedented power to make history.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

I have a few observations:

Why do politicians lie when we all know they’re lying? I wouldn’t be surprised to hear Biden say, “I killed Hitler in single combat in the Thunderdome several years before I was born…”

We all know when elites are lying. Yet they do it all the time. An elite will look us straight in the face, and say, “I can’t tell the difference between a boy and a girl,” and expect us to consider them wise?! I suppose it does work on those who ache to be lied to. But since most toddlers can tell the difference…

All an elite needs to escape criminal charges is “Plausible deniability.” While the average citizen needs a great lawyer. The politically favored get a pass even if they record themselves intimidating a mark, write the con down, accept a check, and abandon the incriminating lap top at a repair shop.

If a conservative is charged with malfeasance, the question rests on the severity of the charges… but if a democrat is charged, the legal question becomes… how did they find out?

Why do politician’s suits have pockets? It’s not like they carry anything. Lackeys do it for them. What, are they going to pat themselves down and say, “I was certain those nuclear codes were in here someplace?”

When an elite flies a private plane to stay in a swanky resort, to demand we tighten our belts to save the planet… is that a lack of self awareness, hypocrisy or pure malevolence?

When was the last time you heard someone who favors censorship… allowing themselves to be censored?

What do you call a group of cows? A herd. What do you call a group of crows? A Congress. And what do you call a group of congressmen? Idiots.

Government is a system where the least capable order the capable to be inept.

An egoist is someone who’s self centered. Because… to them, since the universe is infinite, any random place could be called the center. They just happen to be it.

Have you noticed elections these days are marred by propaganda, threats and violence? There’s even talk of civil war… if the elitists lose.

Speaking of elections, they say you can tell the character of a person by how they treat the help, how they talk about others when not around, and how they take a loss.

Trust is a tricky pet. Easy to hold on to, and a faithful servant, but once lost, it becomes rabid and turns on you.

Self sufficiency isn’t at all it’s own reward. It rewards mankind.


John Pepin

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Marxism’s Appeal

Dear friends,

It seems to me, Marxism appeals to the elite because communism and socialism empower the powerful, by justifying their authority. They need unlimited power to run the economy… for the best interest of the workers, then African Americans, and now, LGTBQ++ migrants. Abandoning, and eventually alienating each special interest group they used to pander to, as they evolve. Nevertheless, the elite who embrace the political might that communism bestows on them, assure us they only serve the interests of others and never their own… even when it looks like they’re serving themselves. “While it was illegal for an animal to sleep in a bed, the pigs had started…” -George Orwell’s Animal Farm. The elite need luxury and opulence to magnify their power. Justified by Marx himself. No wonder they love him.

The very term command and control economy says it all. How can one command anything without the authority to? Control, well, the word says it all, doesn’t it? There needs to be people with the authority and power to command and control the command and control economy, ie, a communist or fascist one. It’s like telling a pretty girl she’s pretty, flattery will get you everywhere, because the flattered want to be flattered. Like telling a would be despot, the power and authority he or she lusts after is rightfully theirs, and justified by how they seek to use it! Any counter arguments are mere details to be ironed out after the revolution. That’s why the elite, who openly seek power over us, are so drawn to Marxism, it justifies the authority they seek to usurp and makes them heroes for doing it.

The naked exercise of political power requires a distraction. As long as the elite can claim they’re acting on someone else behalf, they can oppress at will… and call it just. As Thrasymachus said they would. The despotic Marxist or Fascist for that matter, never tyrannizes for their own benefit, far be it! They tyrannize for the benefit of a politically favored group. Never mind they created that group from whole cloth, decorated it with patterns of victim hood, and then draped it over their naked despotism. Hiding themselves from the world and appearing to be what they aren’t. This masquerade has worked for over a century now. The con has swindled many a nation out of prosperity and into want. All it takes is a victim group to be created, made politically favored with propaganda, and voila… a costume.

There’s no way to get someone to agree with you faster or more completely then to convince them they’re great, wise and deserve unlimited power over others… for their own good. As Marx and Hitler did. The totalitarian despotic Marxist or Fascist can simply use the same argument on the people that’s so enamored them. From the Bronze age on, kings, tyrants and presidents have told their people they deserve to rule the world. All they need do is grasp it and it’s there’s. The same strategy that justifies unlimited power of the elite… justifies conquest. Do you think the Mongols conquered half the world, in an hour and a half, because they didn’t think they deserved it? Flattery works as well on a plebeian as it does on a patrician. Maybe better since plebeians aren’t used to it.

What is a wonder then, isn’t that the elite adore Marxism, but that it’s ever been eschewed by any elites. Offering Marxism to an elite is like offering candy to a toddler. Few have the wisdom to deny themselves. The elite will never give up on them no matter how many times Fascism and Marxism fail. The elite’s love of Marxism and Fascism isn’t contingent, it’s absolute. Because it tells them what they want to hear. Their lust for power is good, because they can command and control the economy, to help some politically favored group. The luxury bestows magnificence to the ruler in the eyes of the ruled. Moreover, the same flattery that so beguiles the elite, is used to justify wars of aggression. And so… Marxist and Fascist ideology in truth, appeals to all egoists, big and small.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Biden Is A Deep State Asset

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, since the deep state is so protective of Biden and his criminal enterprise, it leads me to conclude, he’s a deep state asset. Why else would they go so far to protect the man? The Biden laptop lie letter, signed by top intel bureaucrats, proves they will even destroy their own reputations to defend Biden. Turns out many are actual spooks on the payroll! Obviously this breaks a multitude of laws protecting our bureaucracies from being partisan. Which proves the point all the more. Why put yourself in jeopardy for no reward? Unless it’s a function of your already dangerous job. Then there’s the obvious unindicted disclosure of classified information the Biden docs case proves… I, and any rational person can only conclude, Biden must be a deep state asset.

People don’t do work to help another unless they have something to gain. That’s simply human nature. When was the last time you put great effort into helping someone for nothing? Even charity gets the laborer a ticket to heaven, goodwill or a tax write off for a donation. Moreover, those who signed that letter put themselves at risk for it. Both reputational and criminal. People who rise to great heights in a bureaucracy don’t put themselves at risk. Certainly not those who’ve scaled the heights of the signers of the Biden laptop lie letter. That’s not the way the game is played. Plus, many are still on the CIA’s payroll! Making their signatures a literal criminal offense. Since the action is apparently so against logic, precedent and self interest… there must have been a powerful reason for it.

Those in the national security apparatus are prickly about national security. At least acting as if they are. Going to great lengths, to jail anyone who discloses even the most mundane fact to the public, let alone our enemies. They raided a former President’s house with orders to shoot to kill anyone who balked, even Secret Service agents. Despite those documents being in a secure location and the legal property of that former President. Showing how serious they must take national security in general and secret papers in particular. Which is in stark contrast to the way the same people didn’t lift a finger, to get top secret documents out of a Delaware university, the Penn Biden Center and even Biden’s garage next to his corvette. Until we found out. What explains this disparity in action?

Both examples, the lie letter and allowing our national enemies to have access to top secret papers via Biden’s bribery scheme, makes any sense… is if Biden is a deep state asset. The national security apparatus must want that top secret information to be fed to our enemies. They need to protect him at their own risk, maybe because he’s part of a disinformation campaign against the CCP. The huge bribe to the tune of 30 million is simply smoke to cover the operation. Spooks are willing the throw themselves on their own sword to keep a CIA operation going. No matter the cost. Which explains their zealous defense of the criminal… because he’s their criminal. Is that the whole story though? While it wraps up the enigma in a pretty blue bow… there maybe more to it.

We have to ask ourselves, “who’s really in charge up there?” Clearly, it’s not Biden. There was no question to anyone with their eyes open before the debate. Now even those with their eyes firmly closed and humming the Star Spangled Banner, see and hear it. It’s the deep state that’s in charge. So, while the deep state may or may not be protecting him because he’s an operational asset… it looks like he’s an actual asset, like a rental property. He pays dividends. Which brings the circle of logic to its start. Of course the administrative state loves Biden, whether or not he’s an operational asset… because he allows them to run the show. They’re not selflessly protecting a disinformation operation, they’re serving themselves. Adding political to their already mighty bureaucratic power.


John Pepin

Posted in International Power, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The elite these days are queer,

It’s absurdity that they hold dear,

The elite don’t jest,

And they won’t rest,

Until the Beast system is here.


The Trump trial and conviction is merely a distraction.

Law being exploited to break up political compaction.

A jury cesspool,

Law is a tool,

And the damage is done because the democrats can’t get traction.


The courts are corrupt as hell,

Politics and the DOJ as well,

Play us for a fool,

The law is a tool,

As Thrasymachus to Socrates did tell.


Stealing money from out of your pocket,

The billionaire’s trick you can’t knock it,

Take from the poor,

Then take more,

Until the villains end up on a court docket.


To progressive mouths it tastes sweet,

Justice has now gone down in defeat,

Our eyes they’ve sewn,

We’ve always known,

Anyone could be targeted and now even the elite.



John Pepin

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Goals And Results

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the world needs idealists, but it can’t be run by them… for that it needs pragmatists. Moreover, idealism is best when the idealists idealize human goods, not the means to them. Because an idealist thinks in terms of ideals not reality. So, when reality diverges from their theory, its reality that’s the problem to be solved… not their theories. They’re ideal. That’s why we have so many people committed to the administrative state. They idealize their imagined outcome… and ignore the reality it delivers. So an idealist will claim regulations make capitalism “fair.” By fair, they mean a politically favored person or group will get an advantage, in an otherwise free and fair exchange. Because idealists focus on goals and ignore outcomes. So they make the same mistakes over and over.

Idealism isn’t bad or good, it simply is. When idealists focus on human hearted goods they serve their purpose exquisitely. When they focus on the means to those goals, however, they become single minded despots. Why wouldn’t they? To an idealist their ideal is the wharp and whoof of their life. Climate change zealots honestly believe the world will burn up any second and we’ll all die. If you believed that, wouldn’t you destroy a painting, if you thought that would save us? If you honestly believed communism is the ideal system… it just hasn’t been tried yet, wouldn’t you be a communist? A true sycophant of the administrative state, only sees their ideas of what it could do… not what it has, does or will do. Because they’re not pragmatists, they’re idealists.

Pragmatists don’t focus on goals they focus on results. If an action results in a bad outcome, a pragmatist will eschew it in the future, for a different strategy. An idealist will try again and again, because they could care less about results, they’re goal oriented. That’s why we need pragmatists having a say. To control the headlong rush of idealists. Protecting us all. Since pragmatists judge by outcome, when given a goal by an idealist, the pragmatist is in the only position to make the idealist’s dreams come true. Because pragmatism allows us to understand what works and what doesn’t. If a plan doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, no matter how many times it’s tried, or zealously applied. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results… is the bailiwick of idealists.

Pragmatists/realists and idealists are on opposite sides of the philosophical spectrum. To the unwise pragmatist, idealists are insane, and to the unwise idealist, pragmatists are killjoys. Because the unwise don’t see the world as it is, therefore they don’t understand it. A wise idealist will recognize the value a pragmatist brings to the table as a wise pragmatist understands the value of idealism. Both are required for mankind to advance. Idealists set the goals and pragmatists achieve them. When pragmatists are shut out of the process though the process fails. Because, idealists can’t be bothered with results, the world is at stake! A functional society and culture then, needs both idealists and pragmatists… with no one having unlimited power.

The end of slavery, civil rights and indeed all the advances of the Enlightenment were born of idealist minds. It was pragmatists that realized those dreams though. Idealists however don’t see the value in pragmatism. The pragmatist is a wet blanket. “Socialism doesn’t work…” a pragmatist tells an idealist, who thinks, “What an idiot, how can we help the poor without socialism, he must hate the poor!” So an unwise idealist will censor, beat down and even jail a pragmatist who gets in their way. The world is at stake! Never understanding, being idealists, that both are needed. An unwise pragmatist on the other hand will try to hold the world in stasis. Which is another fools errand. A healthy civilization needs both idealists and pragmatists, staying in their lanes, and recognizing the value of the other.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment