
Dear Friends,


The globalist elite are hell bent,

Believing they’re heaven sent,

Chaos fraud and hate,

Whatever it takes,

And it’s clear proof of ill intent.


It isn’t that the science is baseless,

But results are needed by scientists,

The pressure is on,

It’s just a little con,

The real problem is that math is racist.


The elite claim democracy is precious,

Of power though the elite are jealous,

We’ll not get ahead,

As Mark Twain said,

If voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us.


I’d like to make an observation,

A dragon’s an able phenomenon,

Breathing fire and gall,

But beware us all,

Lest we’re beset by an echinemon.


The first amendment is flipped on its head,

Government and big tech are at the hip wed,

Misinformation that,

Keep it under your hat,

And soon enough they’ll be censoring the dead.



John Pepin

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The Elephant In The Room

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there’s an elephant in the room that we’re not allowed to notice. Those who notice it are immediately canceled. Especially in Europe. That elephant is… the elite’s use of Islamic terrorism. The only reason I can write this is because it’s my own website. Otherwise the elite would have canceled me long ago. Like they did Parlor. Even as the elite abet Islamic terrorism, then after a few kids are stabbed, some folks are beheaded in Spain or a bomb goes off in Sweden… the elite wring their hands, the far right could use it to vilify Islam. While claiming our outrage to the outrageous is proof we’re intolerant. Holding two opposing ideas in their heads… without a bit of cognitive dissonance. Proving a lack of cognition. It’s time to expose the elephant and discuss what we’re going to do about it.

If the problem is the far right, why do they only riot when children are stabbed to death? Every time the elephant steps on someone, the left decries any reaction to it, as racist. The people who don’t want to be crushed under an elephant’s foot are the problem. Not a rampaging elephant. Especially since their fear implicitly exposes the existence of that elephant. Which makes me wonder if the problem the elite have with the “far right,” or in other words, us grazing masses, is the threat of exposure. The elite are insistent that Islam isn’t a problem… but nationalism, populism and self interest are. All apparently are attributes of the far right. Could it be, the outrage the hoi polloi show at the outrageous, exposes the malevolent plans of the elites? Is it possible that’s the real problem the elite have with us?

Terror is a tool of Islam and has been since day one. It’s not like Muslim leaders are shy about it. They call openly for Jihad. Only a fool ignores it when someone declares holy war on them. An ignoramus of the highest order else someone manipulated into stupidity. The liar elite expect us to believe them, when they say Islam is a religion of peace, and to consider the Islamic clerics who say otherwise… apostates. Then again, atheists love to put false words in the mouths of other religions. It’s a form of communist dialectic. Nevertheless, the elites are exploiting the violence they know Islam will bring to all non Muslim nations, that Muslims are settled in. That chaos and violence serve their Hegelian plans in the most wicked way possible. A cruel and vicious elephant indeed.

Meanwhile, when Islamists riot in their global jihad against the West, the police stand down, but when Brits protest against the outrageous, they get the jan 6th treatment. Proving a double standard. Double standards are proof of no standards… only the naked application of power. Destroying any legitimate authority the authorities claim to possess. It’s not the Islamists that control the police… it’s the elite. The Islamic riots that are allowed, are allowed by the elite. The protests, social media posts and praying that’s not tolerated, is not tolerated by the elite. The police do the bidding of their superiors… not the people. So the chaos is the result of the elite’s actions. Because it’s not the Islamists that are the real enemy… it’s our own elites. The Islamists are merely the elephant’s feet.

Why would the elite not only tolerate riots against their own rule but encourage them? What are we to make of it? Clearly the elite want to overthrow the present power structure. What are they saying? The UN, NGOs and think tanks agree that capitalism, freedom and individualism have to go. The population needs to be culled and we need a global totalitarian government. Obviously, using language that’s more manipulative, but that’s the essence of it. In order to make globalism happen, they need chaos sufficient to move us from this steady state, to the one they want us in. Islamism is the tool they’ve chosen. Once the Islamists have done their job, and overthrown the West, the elephant will step on them as well. Maybe we should expose the elephant and usher it out of the room?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

War Is The Driver Of Innovation… Or Not.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the fallacy that war is the driver of innovation, is merely an idol of the marketplace. An idol of the marketplace is a philosophical idea of Francis Bacon. In it, he suggested that people harm themselves by ideas that are false, but accepted as true, because they are talked about. In the modern lexicon they could be called an Urban Legend. One such Urban legend is the notion that war drives innovation. While it sounds plausible, even likely, it’s simply loose talk. Because necessity is the mother of invention, not destruction. War generally lowers a nation’s science by killing its scientists. It lowers innovation by slaughtering potential innovators. Moreover, war stifles research into anything but how to kill people… which isn’t really progress at all.

My understanding of Bacon’s idols, the Idol of the tribe, Idol of the cave, Idol of the theater and Idol of the Marketplace, is that they are ways to describe the fallacies that people fall into. In each idol we are trapped in false thinking that keeps us from advancing. His idol of the marketplace is the idea that there is loose talk that misdirects us from truth to falsity. The more we believe these falsities the further they take us from truth. Therefore, knowledge, wealth and health. Since these qualities are based on right thinking and action. Wrong thinking and action lead to bad results. Suggested by William James Pragmatism. Judging truth by result. If an idol is good it will result in good outcomes but if it’s bad it’ll result in bad outcomes. What does a belief in alligators in the sewer result in… good or bad outcomes?

Necessity is the mother of invention. The difference between a human and a crow or monkey, is that we not only make and use tools, but we save them for later. The next time the need arises we have a ready tool and skill at hand. Moreover, we connect other needs with the use of that tool. Expanding our abilities. Weapons first came of the need for meat. They were used after as a way to defend that meat. Then finally as tools of war. To take someone else meat. If a tool is changed slightly to make it a better weapon for war, that is indeed an innovation, but not paradigm breaking by any measure. The only time technology could be claimed to advance during war was WWII. The Cold War wasn’t war, it was a standoff. The advances of WWII were already baked into the cake before the war.

Had the Germans been able to carpet bomb the US, as the allies carpet bombed German factories, the technological advancement of WWII would have stopped. Germany was engrossed in making better tanks to effectively combat the innovative T-34. They built rockets to retaliate for Britain’s bombing of Nazi factories. Those rockets were already on the drawing board though. The war provided slave labor and the funds. Funds that might have been available in greater quantities, had there not been the drain on the coffers, for slaughtering innocent people. The same goes for the US. The huge expenditures for war squeeze out those for R & D. No, rather than create a bed for innovation to grow, war salts the ground of science, innovation and humanity. Did the killing of Archimedes advance or hinder science?

While it sounds reasonable that war drives innovation, like it sounds reasonable that the government can make everyone rich, but both are fallacies. Moreover, they’re dangerous fallacies. Both are idols of the marketplace. The loose talk that becomes common knowledge though it’s the opposite of truth. One danger in the fallacy that government can make everyone rich, no matter one’s effort, is that it corrodes the work ethic. A danger of the fallacy that innovation comes from war is that it makes war less repulsive. Such idols of the marketplace lower the lot of mankind… they don’t raise it. These aren’t the only idols of the marketplace that lower our lot though. I bet if you think about what passes for common knowledge today, a bit… you’ll notice other dangerous fallacies many of us believe.


John Pepin

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Social Experiment

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the human race has run a social experiment many times, always with the same result. That social experiment is, giving totalitarian power to arrogant ignoramuses, to rewrite the world as they think it should be. The result, so far, has always been human suffering and death on a munificent scale. The more power the arrogant ignoramuses are given, the greater the suffering and death. Even as the opposite social experiment has been run a few times, always resulting in scientific advancement, economic wealth and social progress. That experiment was free enterprise mixed with Christianity and limited government. Despite the outcome of the two experiments, the elite demand we run the failed one again. Globally. Proving the elite haven’t reached Piaget’s formal operational stage of development.

The social experiment the elite prefer, is where egotistic arrogant fools, who confuse their lack of wisdom with brilliance, are given despotic powers to reshape a nation… to make it more fair. The parameters of this experiment are; unlimited power, thought control through censorship, and an enemy. They need unlimited power to reshape the culture. Were we allowed to think for ourselves, we would slow the process by asking questions… that’s solved with censorship. Of course, for all this to work we need to be distracted and motivated… by an enemy. Hatred is as motivating to people as gasoline is to a car. The miscellaneous inputs can be changed, the enemy could be Jews, Kulaks, the far right, etc… the censorship can be justified any number of ways, and the people oppressed could be anyone.

The social experiment the elite detest is where the people are given room to invent, improve and advance. In other words… we’re free. The very idea of us hoi polloi doing what we want, and stinking up the place with our sweaty striving… triggers their sense of superiority. Why? Because our liberty is their limit. For humanity to have the freedom to advance, the elite must be limited, in their ability to hinder. For mankind to be able to understand and solve problems we need to be able to talk among ourselves. Which is dangerous to the elite’s privilege. Moreover, the greatest of all sins that capitalism brings, is it’s ability to settle old scores, because there’s money to be made. This attribute of free markets alone undoes centuries of efforts by the elites to alienate us from each other.

History records the result of both experiments. Lenin started one such experiment, where an arrogant ignoramus was given unlimited power, to change a nation to be more “fair.” Lenin used the Bolsheviks to great effect… terrorizing the community. They enforced the speech rules with torture and execution. The enemy he chose were the Kulaks. Then he liquidated all of them, ushered in famines that killed millions, and began a century of suffering, for the Russian and other people to survive. Mao tried the same experiment… resulting in tens of millions dead of famine, a collapsed economy and outright genocide in Xinjiang. Hitler was another run of the experiment as was Idi Amin. In each run the result was the same, human suffering on a scale unknown and unimaginable before.

Wouldn’t wise people, able to understand formal operational stage thinking, choose the winning experiment instead of the failed one… every time? They would. Proving our elites aren’t wise. Then again, how could they be? Having failed to achieve Piaget’s final stage of intellectual advancement. Which suggests… giving people who have yet to reach the final stage of human intellectual maturity, total power to rewrite the law and culture, without limit or consequence for failure… leads to a bad outcome. History proves it and common sense supports that conclusion. So why don’t our elites? Who think themselves our betters in intellect, learning, and wisdom? Because the elite are the problem and always have been. They could care less about the result, they just like running the experiment.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Corruption as thick as pea soup,

Making us all the conned dupe,

Fraud by commission,

Lies by omission,

And the elite keep us trapped in that doom loop.


The elite worry about far right populist.

Dangerous to democracy they attest,

Now don’t fret,

A dirty secret,

That the elites are oligarchs despotic and elitist.


It’s past time for vacillating and debate,

Because they’ve taken over and its too late,

Government’s evolved,

Be it resolved,

The three branches are replaced with the administrative state.


Elitism versus populism is at stake,

The elites use Thrasymachus to take,

Justice is theirs,

No one cares,

Because oligarchy is baked into the cake.


The elite think democracy a fuss,

Much ado without a bit of trust,

I’ll say it again,

So said Twain,

If voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Stack Of Human Knowledge

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, everything we take for granted is composed of thousands of clever little inventions. Take my pocketknife as an example. The thing is all steel design, with a nub to open it quickly, it’s a lock blade, has a belt clip, an eye for a lanyard, and that’s only what’s immediately apparent to my eye. Considering the machinery it takes to create it, the thing is a miracle. Which means, our ability to combine innovation is perhaps the single most important attribute of our technology. The capability to stack innovation was itself an innovation. To sharpen the point further, look at the magnificent stonework of the ancients. The ability to do such work is lost to us. We can brute force stone, to do what we want, but not like they did. That technology wasn’t added to the stack of human knowledge.

No one man or woman no matter how smart could invent a car from scratch. During the Second Punic War, there was a fellow named Archimedes from Syracuse. His inventions were world renowned. Archimedes was probably smarter than Tesla, Newton or Einstein… but lived when the stack was short. So he was limited in his ability to exploit his intellect. Nevertheless, many of his inventions are in our stack today. Especially his math. As smart as old Archimedes was, he couldn’t, because he didn’t… invent even the steel necessary to build a Model T. Let alone invent a Stutz Bearcat. Because the stack he stood on was too low. His additions to it however helped Ford’s and Stutz’ ideas come to life. We live on the stack of human knowledge. Showing the foolishness of modern arrogance.

While people used writing to record the psychopathic actions of kings, instead, they should have recorded their technology. Wouldn’t it have been awesome if the ancient Egyptians had recorded on their stele, how to cut stone, transport such immense blocks and light the interior of their tombs as they worked them? Those are only the inventions they took for granted that we know about. There are probably thousands of inventions we have no idea even existed. Had all those little innovations been added to the stack of human knowledge, it would be much higher today. The same goes for the fire at the library of Alexandria. That knowledge would have added texture, context and foundation. Not only technology, philosophy would be helped as well, but instead, they recorded wars.

Imagine how advanced Mankind would be, if all the lost technology… wasn’t lost? Had the stacking started at the dawn of mankind’s awakening, we would be as gods now. As if to a caveman we aren’t already. Showing godhood is perspective dependent. Nevertheless, we might be traversing the stars now, had we started stacking 40,000 years ago, instead of 2500 years ago. Then only sparsely, until the printing press was invented, less than 600 years ago. So, we stand on a stack of human knowledge that our ancestors have only really piled for 600 years. The printing press makes knowledge like mosquitoes. So many books are produced, that only a few need survive, for the knowledge to survive. That relies on civilization sustaining itself though. Since books are made of friable paper.

It’s our duty to protect our stack as best we can. Strangely, ancient Mesopotamian writings are still accessible to us, because they were written on clay tablets. The clay survived the millennia where papyrus, wood and bamboo didn’t. Digital media will degrade at the same rate as a book maintained in a library. As long as the library has a roof and the digital media isn’t exposed to sunlight. We stand atop a huge stack of knowledge, that’s been piled for 600 years, and look how high it’s become. Our technology has nothing to do with our intellect, wisdom or creativity… it’s from those that came before us. Should we allow that stack to be toppled, it could take thousands of years to pile it back up. If ever. Maybe we should consider ways of preserving the stack of human knowledge… for the future.


John Pepin

Posted in media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if someone worked hard to promote the extinction of the Blue Whale, they would be vilified. If someone tried to exterminate the sand piper, they would be considered evil. Moreover, those that advocated for the whales or sand pipers are lauded as heroes. Except when it comes to mankind. Those who demand we go extinct are acclaimed as progressive thinkers, even as anyone who stands against the extinction of humanity, is called a speciesist. The classic definition of a double standard. How someone can hold such opposing points of view without brain crushing cognitive dissonance is beyond me. It’s the epitome of relativism. I suspect, those who hold that mankind should go extinct, but the kangaroo rat shouldn’t, are actually entirely consistent. They hate people. They’re genocidists.

Calling someone a speciesist is like calling a rabbit selfish for not hopping into the pot. Moreover, those who so despise humanity they seek its extinction and replacement with AI, are never the type that lead by example… are they? There’s another word to describe the wholesale slaughter of people… genocide. So the elites who seek to replace us with AI or just get rid of us altogether are calling for planet wide genocide. People like Bill Gates, Larry Page and Dave Foremen among others. They gaze at us sweating masses and consider the rest of us less worthy to exist than the spotted owl. That’s why they never lead by example and jump into the pot themselves. They have no intention of jumping in after forcing us. So, if we’re speciesists, what does that make the anti humans? Genocidists.

Glaring double standards can only exist when their glare is covered by bull feces. Like going to great lengths to save endangered species while seeking the extermination of another species. As we all innately understand, when there is a double standard, there really is no standard at all. The “standard” is a means of control. As Thrasymachus said, a way to facilitate the strong taking from the weak. Until the strong have everything and the weak have nothing… and are happy about it. Or else. Fulfilling the Pareto distribution’s prophecy by conniving instead of merit. In this case, I suspect, the empathy the anti humans show the bengal tiger, isn’t empathy at all, but a spectacle they put on to distract us from their true purpose. To exterminate humanity.

Sometimes, what appears to be contradictory ideas are actually quite mutually supporting. The desire to protect all species, while seeking the destruction of humanity aligns perfectly… if you consider people with such positions, actually seek the destruction of mankind. The “protection” of others is a means to that end. It’s not all humans they want to rid the world of, just us unenlightened stinking legion. The new Eden they create for the few that survive the culling, won’t need to endeavor to get to heaven… they’ll already be there. That’s why the elite calling for depopulation wouldn’t lead by example. They don’t want to share our fate. They only want rid of us. So the world can be better for their children, and they’ll be lauded as heroes who made the hard decisions for the best of everyone… left.

There’s something diabolical about the whole anti human faction. Hypocritically coming up with words to vilify self interest, like speciesism. The genocidists. Claiming that advocating for the expansion of humanity is bad, because it makes a moral statement about the existence of mankind. While ignoring they themselves are villains of the highest order. Proved by their anti humanism. The genocidist will wisely advocate for the extermination of mankind to save the sand piper, that hasn’t the moral capacity nor intellect to understand what they did for it. It’s not for the Sand Piper though. They do it for themselves. To fulfill their sadistic lust to manipulate people into self harm. Genocidists for all intents and purposes. Their hypocrisy, villainy and diabolic nature can’t be overstated.


John Pepin

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Races To The Bottom

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in races to the bottom the good are hobbled, and the corrupt get a head start. That’s why insufferable scumbags like to start them. Take for example, the efforts to undermine election integrity, the importation of unlimited illegal aliens, and the use of riots as a political weapon. Each of these are effectively a race to the bottom. The faction that starts it always gleefully runs ahead. Gaining an unfair advantage. Which is why humanity is always hobbled. Because the corrupt win the races to the bottom. Especially the ones they start. We’re not mere spectators of the spectacle though. We’re participants whether or not we participate. The answer then, is to participate… and call off races to the bottom. For our good and the good of posterity.

Election integrity or more properly, the lack of election integrity, is a race to the bottom. How? The more shenanigans effect the outcome of elections the more politicians will have to use them. Eventually every faction will have to use mischief else become irrelevant. That’s why the republicans in the US have to ballot harvest, encourage mail in voting and are hiring lawyers by the gross. US elections, and indeed elections across the world, are increasingly becoming races to the bottom. The most corrupt win. France proves that. The more fraud becomes normalized and wins elections, the more it will be used. Which clearly, hobbles the honest and gives the corrupt a post advantage. Then again, it’s only a race to the bottom, because we’ve allowed it to become a race to the bottom.

Allowing unlimited amounts of illegal aliens to enter the nation is a sprint to the bottom of a snake pit. The chaos they bring alone is civilization destroying. Though that chaos, crime and resulting outrage justifies despotism. Which is the ribbon they want to run through. Eventually, those factions seeking to preserve the civilization will have to resort to, importing people who like and want to preserve the civilization as well… to balance the importation of criminals, terrorists and welfare cheats. In that race, those seeking chaos are rounding the second turn while the other faction hasn’t even left the gate. Crime has become normalized in Europe and the US now. Only “racists” are outraged when little girls are stabbed, bombs go off, or people are beheaded in Spain. Because we’ve allowed it.

The summer of love 2020 saw the widespread use of riots as a political weapon. The rioters were given room to vent. Arson was tolerated by the elite as was iconoclasm. Anything was justified to get Trump out of office. Even releasing a gain of function chimeric virus on mankind followed up with a shot that killed more than the virus. But that’s a different story. Here, the use of fiery but peaceful protests, against the overdose death of a drug addict in police custody, was an obligation. The medical experts assured us marching, crowding together or rioting wasn’t a vector for disease, but going to church was. Then when the other faction protested over the election fraud race to the bottom, the faction that started all of them, arrested and jailed the peaceful protesters. While allowing violent leftists to go free.

Races to the bottom are spectacles that everyone sees. They’re undeniable. As are the ones we’re participating in right now. While entertaining, these races to the bottom will lower not only our lot, but the lot of mankind perhaps forever. As participants we could make a difference. We could speak up and demand election integrity. We might call our representatives, and point out we’re displeased with the importation of unlimited illegals, in their race to the bottom. Else some of us could request criminal consequences for those elite guilty of criminal offenses. Like election fraud, bio weapons research, rioting, and openly breaking immigration law. If we did these things, these races to the bottom would have to stop. It’s our cheering them on that gives them wings. So stop cheering and start booing.


John Pepin

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Ecology As An Analogue Of Economics

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the world’s ecosystem is an example of perfect competition. Habitats are an analogue of an economy. Or more appropriately, free enterprise is an analogue of an ecosystem. Each entity vying for the same limited resources. In doing so they increase the stock of resources, winnow out the weak and constantly improve in production and efficiency. Free enterprise is the same. In it people compete for limited resources, and in doing so increase the stock of resources, winnow out weak companies and constantly improve our standard of living… by increasing production and efficiency. As life has invaded every nook and cranny of Earth, the market system has opened every avenue of profit. Why is this important? Because any other view of capitalism is flawed and leads to error.

The entities within a capitalist system are people and firms, while the entities in an ecosystem, are the plants and animals. The entities in both are producers, consumers, and innovators. How can a plant or dumb animal be an innovator? By “evolving.” Panda’s are looking into the future… when bamboo will take over traditional forests, as modern trees took over the ancient conifer forests, and conifers the fern forests before them. In a million years bamboo will probably make up a huge percentage of the available edible biomass, and so Pandas are forcing themselves through an evolutionary choke point, to develop the ability to efficiently eat bamboo. Thus shoring up their dietary needs for perhaps millions of years. What does it matter if they’re doing it intentionally, accidentally or driven by a morphic field?

Left to itself free enterprise will seek the most efficient means of production as does an ecosystem. A habitat will have every possible area of habitation taken up by some species. Moreover, with a line of others looking to take that spot, if it should become available. In an environment then, each niche is taken by the most efficient. The moment a more efficient player comes along, that place is taken away. The nature of nature is to be efficient, reward the productive, and punish the sick. In nature, economics and human affairs, “To whom much is given, everything will be given, and to whom little is given, everything will be taken away.” In other words, in business as well as nature… it’s dog eat dog. Fairness however is a mammalian innovation. Which seems to give a strong advantage. Given our success.

The market system has critical industries like an ecosystem has keystone species. If a keystone species is taken out the system collapses to a new equilibrium. A far less productive one. Over time, if conditions are right, a new species steps in to fill that empty niche. There are critical industries as well. If the steel industry disappeared for some reason, there would be ripples of industry collapses across the economy. Everything that relies on steel would go away. Critical industries, like keystone species, are subject to the stupidity of mankind. Oil is a keystone industry yet the elite are hell bent on its destruction. Judging by its analogue in ecology, would result in the destruction of every industry that relies on oil. Should oil be taken out, the economy would collapse, to a new less productive paradigm.

If we want to understand free enterprise then, we have to look at its analogue. That’s how we discerned the collapse of the wave function. By judging the interference patterns as like the interference of waves on a lake. The analogue then was water. The analogue of the collapse was that of spray paint going through a nozzle. That’s how science is often done. By analogue. So if we apply this paradigm to economics we can better understand them. Both the economy and ecology are complex systems. So Mount Fuji type rules only apply to them in the most general sense. That’s why economies can’t be controlled by governments. It’s like a government controlling an ecosystem. Sooner or later a bad decision will eliminate a keystone species, and collapse the ecology… or economy.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, International Power, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Anti democratic is the far right,

Against them the rest must fight,

Riot for heaven sakes,

Do whatever it takes,

And only see them by our darkened gaslight.


I had something succinct to say,

But now it’s gone clean away,

Clever and wise,

Cutting to size,

So now I’m just left to bray.


We’re ruled by the arrogant few,

Who know better than me and you,

Egos on jumbotron,

Despots in chiffon,

And with a complete lack of self awareness too.


The political capital of the left is spent,

Leftists have no idea where it all went,

Make it ungovernable,

Freedom is intolerable,

But when they do give them the Jan 6th treatment.


Censorship is done by the unwise elite,

Born by an emotion from deep underneath,

Try to blind,

And you’ll find,

Rip out our tongues and all we have left are teeth.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Law, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment