Our True Enemies

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the lines of that old song were wrong, they should have said, “People are people so why should it be, you and I should get along [swimmingly]. Because if you think of it, how many people are you enemies with, compared to friends with? Everyone has one or two people they don’t care for, but by and far away, the largest percentage of people we know, we are on good terms with. That is part of our social nature. Yet, why are we at odds with so many peoples around the world, and they with us? Have you ever met a Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Japanese, Persian or Arab? I have met them all… and in my estimation, individually they are all good people. Just as Americans are individually good people. The problem is our psychopathic governments.

Take Imperial China. The Marxist regime, in name only, there meets the classic definition of an empire. Cut from the same cloth as Rome, Persia, Imperial Japan, Ottoman Empire or the USSR. They all used fear to control diverse people subdued by military power. Tibet would rather be a nation again, as it was before China invaded, and annexed it in the 1950’s. Who knows what the Mongolians think but we know what the Uyghurs want… independence. Moreover, China is in the process of annexing the South China Sea. They demand part of the Philippines, Taiwan, some Japanese islands, some northern states in India, part of Vietnam, and various other territories of other nations… and threaten the use of military power to get them.

Russia dreams of it’s glory days. The elite in Russia would love to become an empire again like the old Soviet Union under Stalin. The people would just like to have enough to eat, good jobs and low crime. Most would rather not have a reemergence of the gulags and gulags go hand in hand with empire. Empires cannot tolerate dissidents, that is why human life becomes so cheap and slavery by another name is so rampant. Empires all need a police state, if its name is not well known, that simply means it is good at what it does. Russia on the other hand is facing an expansionist empire to it’s East. One that in the future will threaten it. The Russian leaders are not fools. They know history all too well. Russian history is rife with invasions, often by allies, so Russia will never become too close to China.

Islam is not a nation but it is a form of empire. It is a philosophy that encompass all facets of life, religious, personal, social, criminal and political. A totalizing philosophy that demands absolute obedience, (as do all empires), the penalty for disobedience is usually death. Moreover, all others within it’s political boundaries are considered subhuman, (dhimmi)… for purposes of property, personal safety and freedom. Islam’s core tenet is that it will rule the world. This makes it an expansionist doctrine. One that is presently expanding into Europe. In Twenty to forty years, due to demographics, Europe will be an Islamic state, complete with Sharia law, and native Europeans on the way to extinction, as native Egyptians are now.

In every case above, the people are not the enemy, their psychopathic leaders pushing Lucifarian world views are. Yet it will be the people who go without to fund the war machine, who will suffer the casualties and deaths, morn the losses of loved ones… and face oppression from the psychopaths they helped to power. Meanwhile, those leaders who revel in the suffering, gore and death, will receive as their reward, more power to create more suffering, to control more people and expand their sphere of influence. No… the Russians, Chinese, nor Muslims are our enemies, their leaders however are. No matter how good we are individually, en mass we can be turned to evil, by psychopathic governments plying us with evil doctrines. People are not our enemies… evil philosophies and leaders are.


John Pepin

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