This Is Why Republicans Are So Weak

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if republicans had a one person majority, in both the House and Senate as well as the Presidency, the democrats would stymie them at every turn. That the republicans are “powerless,” shows they are quislings, not opposition in any real sense of the term. Though one cannot judge a group only individuals. Democrats are nearly united in their elitism, with a lone holdout. Republicans are equally divided between collaborators and constitutionalists. By Constitutionalist, I include liberals in the classic sense, conservatives in the modern sense, and anyone else with a real allegiance to the US Constitution. So, our Republic is run by people, ¾ of the political elite, who hate it and would see it overthrown for something else, global government by the elite, for the elite, perhaps?

With such a slim majority, republicans would be fortunate to get a budget passed, let alone constitutionally questionable republic changing legislation. Even with a huge majority in the House and Senate under the first half of Trump’s first term, republicans couldn’t even muster the votes to overturn the much despised Obama care, stop a special investigation over a known hoax, or secure the 2020 election. Because not only democrats opposed them but nearly half the republicans as well. Those wedded to the system, like Graham, McConnell and Cheney, only pretend to be conservative, out of expediency. When it comes to ruling however, they are every bit as elitist as Biden, Pelosi and Schumer. That is the real reason republicans are so weak… half or more are quislings.

Can you imagine democrats not calling for a special investigator if Donald Trump Jr, left a lap top full of incriminating evidence at a computer repair shop? Democrats would NEVER STOP whining. They impeached Trump for implying in a phone call something Biden admitted doing! If Trump’s daughter left a diary in a hotel room, with such horrible claims in it, whether or not they could verify it, the media would have run with it. With the full support and legal backing of their progressive masters. Trump slipped on a wet ramp in flat soled shoes, and the media went agog, but when Biden struggled to make it up a flight of carpeted stairs, they remained silent. Because democrats would excoriate them for exposing Biden’s dementia… while republicans congratulated them for smearing Trump.

We see this elitism/constitutionalism divide in democrats and republicans in their Supreme Court picks as well. No democrat ever changes from an elitist anticonstitutionalist, to a populist constitutionalist, yet about 50% of republican choices, despite “pedigreed conservatism,” switch to become zealous elitists. Like Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett. Creating more friction to any attempt to bring the US back into line with our Constitution and its ideals. When no matter what the candidate we vote for says, 3 out of 4 times, they will turn out to be an anti constitutional elitist… it limits ones ability to use the ballot box to put the elite back in their place. Especially, when those tasked with preserving our Constitution and its ideals, have been brainwashed to think it “racist” and therefore want to see it gone.

If republicans want to become an actual opposition, to the tidal wave of elitism flooding our government, academia and corporations, they need to replace their progressive members with actual fighting constitutionalists. Moreover, utmost care needs to be taken in their selection, because, once someone is a member of the elite, it becomes easy to convince them the elite know best. Which means, we cannot count on the republicans to save our republic. They can be an ally but they will not lead the charge. We need to do it. Replace as many progressive establishment republicans with rock ribbed constitutionalists, as possible, get rid of every democrat, except Manchin (until they regain their sanity) and write our representatives to let them know we are onto their game. Be the leaders we need.


John Pepin

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