Civilization Is A Process

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is our responsibility to add to human civilization, not replace it. Our elite are mesmerized by the notion of building the world again from the ground up. Redefining everything and in doing so, make themselves gods. Like Robespierre and his bunch. Today’s elite think themselves so much more wise, learned and smarter than the sum total of human history, it would be criminal of them not to rip the whole edifice of human civilization down, and replace it with their version. In the past, people were born into the world and contributed to the sum total of our knowledge, wisdom and humanity. Each generation adding something. Those additions building up to the point where 8 billion people can live on this planet peacefully and with little hunger. Today’s elite are going to fix that.

The wisdom the human race has built up over the millennia is hard fought. In the paleolithic (early stone age) people lived by their wits. By the neolithic (late stone age) people had built trading communities like Gobekli Tempe. With the introduction of agriculture, these trading settlements grew into cities, then city states. Each successive age collapsing then being replaced by the next incarnation of humanity. Learning a bit each time. The Romans sweetened their wine with lead oxide, middle ages Europeans spilled raw sewage onto the streets, and in the 1970s scientists demanded we stop eating eggs, because eggs have cholesterol. Today we know better. Not because we reasoned it out, a priori (using only logic), but because the daily beatings over the centuries taught us the hard way.

The knowledge our species has accumulated is the result of continual adding to it, generation after generation, until we were able to create the philosophy of the ancient Greeks, the Renaissance and the industrial revolution. We struggled at first using only observation to discern the world as it is. Even with that imperfect tool we made advancements. Then the scientific method was developed. We added experiment to observation and broke the game. Using hypothesis (an idea), experiment (testing the idea against reality), then writing down the results, we were able to accelerate our understanding of the world exponentially. Our knowledge today makes us arrogant though. Our elite believe they could have invented it all in a generation, since they are that smart. Doing it all… a priori.

Our morality is the result of our religious doctrines. Ideas that today’s elite seek to do away with since they are convinced religion is the opium of the masses. They judge our religions against a utopian vision only made possible through the ethics religion teaches. The elite believe with all their hearts, that they could independently invent the morality that religion has given the world, without the mumbo jumbo. Ask any committed progressive. If he or she, and other progressives, had their minds wiped, then set down naked on a tropical island, in an hour and a half they would have reasoned out all the morality religion has given us, the wisdom of the ages and in another hour or so, they would have operational nuclear fission reactors, using nothing but coconuts, seaweed and clam shells.

The elite today are cut from the same cloth as Robespierre, Lenin and Hitler, they are not only willing to break a few eggs to make an omelet, they relish breaking those eggs. Their egos dwarf a red giant. People who are inept at everything, think they should be allowed to replace the entirety of human wisdom, knowledge and ethics, because they are so smart. Too stupid to know how stupid they are, they would visit calamity on humanity, and blame us for it. If we let them. The elephant in the room is, the elite are not that wise, ethical or smart. They are fools who believe their own propaganda. Stop allowing them to redefine the basics, like boy and girl, point out and laugh at their stupidity, then let’s put the half witted elite in their place… the unemployment line.


John Pepin

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