
Dear Friends,


There once was a hoax so large,

It was run by the people in charge,

Help win the fights,

Give up your rights,

And they say the terror you feel is only a mirage.


Assassination of republicans is just not that big a deal,

As when a gunman tried to slaughter them on a ball field,

A political refrain,

Derail their train,

And laughing off Trump’s shooting as propaganda concealed.


The elite sell us chaos poverty and strife,

Be a cad and sleep with another man’s wife,

We’ll own nothing and be happy,

The elite will make us their patsy,

But all people really want is a better life.


Mortality scares us we know,

Powerless we go with the flow,

Dust to dust,

What it does,

Is that death puts a limit on Pareto.


We’re all shocked witness,

Of elites that are witless,

No sense of humor,

Like a brain tumor,

It could be called the antithesis of Britishness.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tools To Change Action

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are three tools to change people’s actions, one is culture, another is societal and the last is legal. Few people smoke today because the anti smoking crowd used the culture to ostracize smokers. Societal pressure has been used to silence people in the face of the outrageous. Legal means are the go to of the elite when they want to change actions. Simply pass a law, and voila, people change their actions else go to jail. Changing social and cultural norms is a slow and tedious process, and if the people resent the changes, then it becomes impossible. Plus, the elite want to retry an experiment that’s failed every other time it’s been tried, and they know the hoi polloi won’t willingly go along. Making law the most efficient way to hammer us into self harm.

Using law to control people is the acme of “power flowing from the barrel of a gun.” Law is like a hammer. Because it’s literally the State using violence to force its will. If you get a parking ticket and you refuse to participate… the State will escalate the issue to violence. If a police officer shows up at your door… violence is implicit. Should you say the wrong thing, state violence will be “justified” in the Thrasymachian sense. Regardless of the irrelevance of the initial infraction or if there was no infraction at all. The State feels compelled to escalate any smart mouth, to violence, like an abusive parent. Both are insecure in their power over their charge. Which is why laws should be used sparingly, and only in cases of actual harm to humanity, and not as a means to control us.

Culture is a powerful factor in our lives. It operates like a screwdriver. The ancient sage, Mencius, called following the culture the “Golden Mean.” He said that a human hearted person would always be upright in whatever land they found themselves. Because they would follow the Golden Mean. The path that’s not too righteous nor too vile… but the center path of that culture. I think wise people do this innately. If you live in Sodom, it’s best to be evil, and if you live in Victorian England, it’s best to be good. The culture, or in modern parlance, the “Overton Window” of right action, is based on cultural norms. As the culture changes so do the norms. It used to be perfectly acceptable to light up a cigarette in someone’s house, without asking, but sterilizing their child would get you shot. Today it’s different.

Social pressure is something everyone knows. It pinches like pliers. Often goading us into things that are against our nature. That’s why many people started smoking cigarettes, and weed. Social pressure is why so many kids today don’t know if they’re a boy or girl. Coupled with chemicals in the food and water that feminize the boys and masculinize girls. As an aside… Perhaps micro plastics, BPH and other chemicals are fine, but we should have long term testing before filling our bodies with them… else we run the risk of sweetening our wine with lead, as the Romans did. While cultural pressure comes from afar, social pressure is close at hand. It’s the taunting, ribbing and cajoling we all do to each other every day. That banter has great effect not only on us but mankind as a whole.

Of course, to want to change someone else behavior is the epitome of arrogance, soaked in egoism, and iced with brilliant stupidity. Especially when the would be demi god exploits law, to nail shut the door of actual societal and cultural innovation… free speech. Given three tools to drive a screw, a hammer, pliers and a screwdriver, the elite choose the hammer every time. Once it’s in, the pliers will rip it out easy enough. Since the elite don’t care if they mar humanity. The screwdriver is too difficult in both directions. There are times when a screwdriver is best, times when pliers will do a better job, and times when a hammer is needed. To use the wrong tool for the job, is the hallmark of a poor carpenter… or elite. Making our elites, arrogant egoist idiots, in the way, and who perpetually use the wrong tool.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Censors Arresting Billionaires

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, with the arrest of the billionaire founder of whatever a gram, the elite have gone all in on censoring our speech… how Orwellian of them. The very people who slandered those who said Covid came from a lab in Wuhan, as conspiracy theorists, and demanded people take a shot with deadly side effects, are jailing those who told the truth… to protect us from “misinformation.” We all know where this is going…. they want to terrorize other rich guys, so they’ll censor us. Zuckerberg’s mea culpa was as honest as a con man’s pitch. Distributed knowledge be damned. You have to admit though, anyone so omniscient, smart and wise, they can effectively censor for the best interest of humanity… are few and far between. And they ain’t our elites.

For anyone to censor another requires the censor be omniscient. The censor must know all things even those items that are within the realm of distributed knowledge. To be that aware would take a “brain the size of a planet.” One would think such a feat beyond the capability of any human being. Even any group of human beings… no matter how intelligent and learned. They can be as smart as a burn but omniscience is beyond us. Moreover, anyone that smart, would be smart enough to know better than to assume to be the arbiter of truth. Especially since in a hundred years or less, everything we take as truth will be laughed at as witchcraft. Like we laugh at the experts of the past who used leeches and mercury as medicine. So even today’s omniscient sage will be tomorrow’s fool.

If we look at the history of censorship, not only is it always used to promote a political faction, but the censors are always tragically wrong in their assessment of disinformation and misinformation. Costing human lives. Even one error from a censor discredits them as a censor. In the case of Covid, the censors called any talk of the Wuhan flu coming from a lab as dangerous disinformation, racist even. Now we know the Wuhan laboratory doing gain of function on bat corona viruses was probably the cause… not a randy pangolin. Then, the same people jailing what’s his name, forced us to take an untested shot with untested technology… no way that could go right. Turns out, it didn’t go right. Millions are dead and wounded from the side effects of that “mistake,” of the censors. Utterly discrediting them.

Can you imagine the absolute arrogance, self blindness and stupidity of a censor that, after being so drastically wrong before, costing millions their lives, would double down and arrest someone who refused to censor at their demand? The arrogance of such a person is off the chart. Arrogance driven by a lack of empathy. It’s not like they didn’t know what they were doing at the time. The he she public health commissioner, a four star admiral, removed he she’s mother from nursing care… before infecting it with Covid patients. They cared enough about their own parents to protect them… just not yours. Most self aware people would shrink away, ashamed at being exposed as so mortally wrong in their censorship… they wouldn’t arrest someone who refused to go along. That’s just stupid.

Most people require the media’s permission before being outraged at the outrageous. With the media’s urging however, even the normal can trigger outrage. Which is one reason the elite so like censorship as a political tool. The arrest of some rich guy to force other rich guys to participate in their censorship, shows arrogance, self blindness and stupidity, that astonishes the sane. It’s irrational. We saw how wrong they were about Covid, the “vaccine,” ivermectin and Jan 6th. Now the censor’s lies have caught up with them and they’re lashing out. One has to wonder the magnitude of the crimes they’re covering up… since they’re willing to cause millions of deaths worldwide, to cover it up. What worse things are the censors hiding, with their lawfare and censorship… that they’ve become so unhinged?


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Moral High Ground

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, leftists consider themselves on the moral high ground, as they defend the gutter. On every question the progressive faction takes the Malthusian anti human side. While claiming to defend humanity. A normal person can’t imagine acting and speaking in such opposition. It would psychically rip a regular person in half. The elitist progressive elite however have evolved beyond the mere need for cognitive resonance. They consider themselves to be Nietzsche’s Ubermen. Morality is what they say it is, enforced by their willingness to use violence to silence. Because in the fevered fantasies of the favored, whatever they want is moral, no matter how heinous it is. Since they’re the elite and anything the elite want, is by Thrasymachus’ definition… moral.

If the goal is a utopia that’s so great, it makes the dead in heaven want to come back, no atrocity is out of bounds. In that case, defending the immoral, to create the super moral, must be moral? Wouldn’t it? No way such an argument could be considered circular could it? Nevertheless, that’s effectively the justification a myriad of tyrants have used to rationalize their atrocities. “We’re getting our hands dirty today but the future will thank us.” Is as circular as a tire. Who considers the Nazis heroes? Or the Young Turks? Other than psychopaths who want to repeat their atrocities. Because no theoretical future utopia justifies atrocities today. The means taint the ends. Moreover, only evil ends require evil means, no matter how pretty it may sound. The ends never elevate evil means to the moral high ground.

The self justification of the progressive movement is amazing in its lack of self awareness. The self blind self justifying is like the blind running a steeplechase full bore. There’s no way it doesn’t end in an emergency room visit. I suppose that’s what becomes of a person who lives in an echo chamber atop an ivory tower. Without input from society they become ever less rational. Thus forcing go alongers to go along. Openly avowing the things they once claimed they despised. To go along with the elite’s self justification. Meanwhile, the rest of us look at them and the elite leading them to absurdity, with absolute astonishment. Like when they take private jets to Davos to discuss how to limit our use of fossil fuels. Believing that gives them the moral high ground. Talk about a lack of self awareness.

In every question, the progressive globalist faction takes the anti human one. They staunchly advocate for the sterilization of children on a whim, abortion to birth (and after to be honest), making people dependent on the state, claiming there’s over population, etc… There’s not one stance of the left today that would result in more people, less war and more wealth. Every position they take drains the wealth, population and humanity from the world… in an effort to make it better. Their foundational ethos is, the less people the better. They as much as said so on the Georgia Guide stones before someone blew them up. Right under the watchful gaze of 24/7 cameras. Like Epstein’s “suicide.” Let’s face it, taking the position there needs to be less people… isn’t the moral high ground.

If you or I had pushed for more taxes our entire careers in government, then were caught cheating on our taxes, the hypocrisy would make us flee the lime light, like Golum. Were we to find ourselves in the position of defending pedophilia, you and I would reassess our position. If we demanded people get a shot, and prove it before traveling, then discovered that shot had killed millions with little if any protection… you or I would not only be shamed to oblivion, but prosecuted to life in prison. Then there’s the censorship, in the name of stopping mis and disinformation. Censorship that killed people because it stifled the truth. In each case the elite defended the immoral, as their lackeys in the mockingbird media knighted them, as taking the moral high ground. Showing who we can’t trust.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends, 


You can walk around talking till you have a great tan,

Speaking from the heart and earnestly man to man,

They dislike what you say,

Though you keep at it all day,

But you’re not in the sun when you’re under a shadow ban.


The elite are swaddled in sweat and fear,

Making the world like a cigarette in beer,

Try to be wise,

Don’t believe the lies,

And they won’t stop till the End Times are here.


There once was an elite hypocritical,

Claiming banning their foes apolitical,

Don’t live in a cave,

There’s a coming wave,

Of outlawing ideas and that’s not hypothetical.


People follow their leaders or so Confucius said,

Into virtue or vice by the elite the people are led,

Do as they say,

The despot’s way,

But nature can’t be denied since our world to it is wed.


As long as weak innocent people are murdered it’s fine,

It protects democracy leftist power and the narrative’s line,

Here them roar,

Stab some more,

And it’ll be just great until progressives taste their own wine.



John Pepin

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Power Without Consequence

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, elitists are fervently making the claim, giving a tiny cadre of people unlimited power over the rest of us, power without consequence if you will, globally, will result in a good outcome for humanity. Resulting in a global utopia like Star Trek. I disagree. If anyone is given unlimited power without consequences, it will result in Hell on Earth. Moreover, history suggests I’m right, and the elite are wrong. I’m sure there are plenty of elites, and experts, who earnestly believe that elitism is the solution to the problems elitism has visited on us. People who are driven by the goal of a Star Trek like utopia, and for such a worthy destination, would commit any atrocity. Because heaven is on the other side of that door. I’m arguing hell is on the other side… not heaven.

Human nature is like water, it takes the easiest path into the ground. Only when it sets in clay does it stay puddled. Clay represents consequences for wrong action. Sand is a total lack of consequences. No drop once landing in sand can resist immediately seeping into it. Even the saints, like Augustine, admitted this. Our nature is to seep into the ground. Staying puddled at the surface, or in other words, moral acting, takes clay. Consequences for actions, cultural, social and legal. Cultural first, social next and finally after much deliberation, legal. The elitist would like to fashion a stainless steel bowl for the rest of us while lounging in sand. Yet fail to understand the power of leading by example. Their example is our goal… into virtue or vice. Regardless of the vessel holding us back.

People aren’t angels and unlimited power always proves it. Power without consequence is like sand to the soul. Moreover it’s hydrophilic sand. No matter how honest the drop is, the moment it hits the sand it seeps in. No human being can resist the sponge of power without consequence. History is nothing but a litany of examples. Nero, Tamerlane, and Mao to name a few. To not understand this basic quality of human nature exhibits a supreme lack of wisdom. It’s in fact stupidity writ large. So the people who believe in elitism, earnestly, pathologically or manipulatively, are too unwise to run a race, let alone the world, economy and everyone’s life. Allowing such people to have and keep unlimited power without consequence would be stupid of us.

What we have then are stupid people, willing to commit any atrocity to get their utopia, in charge of the world today. We know they’re elitists because they denigrate and vilify populism. Using the term as a pejorative. Further, proving their stupidity by censoring opinions they disagree with. Exposing their utter lack of self awareness. Only someone self blind, arrogant and stupid has the supreme egoism to presume to censor another. Then there’s the pragmatic argument of outcome. The results of the last few years of administrative state rule have delivered war, inflation, crime, a drug overdose death crisis, invasion and cultural collapse. Pragmatically, the people in charge have failed. They’ve failed by every measure, so pragmatically, they need to go.

Cultural, social and legal consequences are a feedback that keep us from becoming too pathological. They’re the clay. Unlimited power by definition turns it to sand. As consequences have been removed from our elites today. They’ve become stupid people who censor the opinions of wiser people, to further their aim of a Star Trek style utopia. A goal that’s so great it justifies any atrocity. The elite today exist in sand as they fashion a steel bowl of surveillance for us. Believing it’ll hold us, while they fulfill their most heinous fantasies… like Caligula. Let’s use some bentonite… to limit their power without consequence. There are cultural consequences for pedophilia, social consequences for narcissism, and legal ones for crime. Apply them to get rid of the stupid criminal failures.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Unrealized Capital Gains Tax

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, passing an unrealized capital gains tax would do to the economy, what a person guzzling a gallon of drain cleaner would do to their body. The damage is unthinkable. Yet we have a political faction that claims such a tax would somehow benefit mankind. The people who epitomize hypocrisy as a virtue, believe themselves the best arbiter of what everything is worth… not mark to market, but their learned opinion. As they did in the Trump trial charging him with over pricing his assets put up for collateral. Presumably they would value the assets the same if he would be taxed the assumed capital gain? Probably not though. Trump wouldn’t be the only victim of this abuse… you and I would be at the front of the line, while the elite wouldn’t be subject to it. Pigs get to sleep in beds.

The tax would be utterly subjective. Because without an actual sale of an asset, by a willing seller to a willing buyer, no expert can reliably come up with an actual cash value for anything. All assessments are guesses and not actual value. Only the free market can assign an objective cash value to anything. Any other assessment is subjective. Therefore any tax on unsold property, capital or assets, will by definition be subjective… not objective. Thus open to political favor. What an unrealized capital gains tax would be then, is a way for the politically powerful to steal the wealth of the weak, for their own use. Because, under any subjective system of taxation the politically favored will avoid the tax and only the disfavored or ignored will be subject, to a subjective tax.

Such a tax could only be arbitrarily applied. What property is subject to the tax? What capital is subjectively valued by the government for taxation purposes? Moreover, Who’s assets are taxed? You can bet, there will be so many loopholes for the favored to get through, the law will be more of a noose than a barrier. A noose that snags small fish but allows the big ones to pass through. Because the wealthy will use accountants, lawyers and fraud to get around it. The government has already got rid of the once a lifetime capital gain exemption. In their greed the elite want to take our property and profits, before we have even made them… forcing us to sell them to pay the unrealized capital gains tax. Which creates a negative incentive to own property… which may be the plan all along.

Taking what hasn’t been earned, to pay for interest on borrowed spending, is lighting a funeral pyre from the top. Taking money that hasn’t been made requires the taxed to come up with the money… like a flunky for the Salamanca family. If we don’t have the money, in their magnanimous charity, the bureaucrats will take a pound of flesh instead. Which can only result in waves of bankruptcies. As property floods the market to pay the tax, the value of property will drop. The tax still must be paid, even on property that’s dropped in value, because during the period of assessment it had a subjective gain. Resulting in people paying more in tax then their property is worth. Which will cause more waves of bankruptcies, triggering even more economic collapse.

The only reason to do such a suicidal thing, as pass an unearned capital gains tax… is to bankrupt the people, wipe out businesses and burn down the economy. To manipulate us into socialism maybe? Once the initial wave of bankruptcies runs through the economy, (to pay the tax) and the value of property has been eroded by the negative incentives of the tax, government could use the money they collected before collapsing the property market… and buy all the property for a song. No one will own anything. Except the elite. Who will own everything under the guise of collective ownership. So I guess the idea of an unearned capital gains tax, does make sense… to a demon who seeks to be the despotic ruler of the world. Rational people on the other hand… don’t drink drain cleaner.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The left riots if they win and riot if they lose,

It’s chaos and fire no matter what you choose,

Beware the far right,

Embrace the fight,

And as civilization explodes know that you lit the fuse.


The smack is hitting the floor,

And people are getting poor,

Go with the flow,

What do you know,

You get what you voted for.


The elite will not be derailed,

If lies, fraud and lawfare fail,

Hit the fan,

Get that man,

Ply the outrage and to utopia set sail.


The Secret Service was once worth a hoot,

Protecting Presidents was their branch and root,

Except for junior RFK,

Denied protection to this day,

And Trump well they let the gunman have a chance to shoot.


There once was a press so politically alight,

Their double speak and antics were a sight,

Don’t believe your eyes,

Instead believe our lies,

And we’ll report propaganda in the warm glow of gaslight.



John Pepin

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Lurching Towards Outright Despotism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the world is lurching towards outright despotism, in the name of democracy. The elite, think tanks and experts, who are absolutely certain of the rightness of their cause, need totalitarian powers else they could be stymied. Their tyranny is our redemption. The ruling class believe that absolute government is not only just, but needed, in these times of chaos, technological wonders and potential. Rapid advances in technology threaten to free mankind from the need of government, creating chaos in the halls of power, that require extreme measures, else inhumanity can’t reach its fullest potential. Willing to use violence, lies and bio weapons to further the cause… our elites have the stomach to make the hard decisions… dragging us to a Star Trek like globalist utopia.

Many innovative ideas are fluttering through the heads of our betters today. They’re mulling such notions as, global nuclear war is survivable, male and female are interchangeable, and that despotism is a legitimate form of government. Moreover, when the elite are convinced of a thing, they impose it on the rest of us, by whatever means necessary. For our own good of course. Modern rulers look back at history and see slavery was eliminated by the elite of the time. That those elites were religious, not secular elites, isn’t important in their chemically enlightened minds. So, the idea that despotism is a legitimate form of government makes perfect sense… if the despot(s) are as wonderful, flawless and wise as our elites are. Humility is for the lessers.

The end justifies the means, or so Machiavelli said, in his letters to the Medicis. If the end is noble enough… then much evil is justified. Imagine a world where human nature itself had been overcome and Shangri La was established globally. No war, poverty or suffering of any kind. A world of peace and prosperity unrivaled even in the minds of our wisest sages. Eden if you will. If someone really truly believed that notion, they would be able to do the most heinous things, and sleep well at night. Because the work they’re doing is so wonderful. I’m sure that’s how the death camp guards, Young Turks, Khmer Rouge, and Red Guard justified their evils. The work may be dirty but the goal is beautiful. So goes the mental process that allows fiends to consider themselves saints.

To people so driven, using biological weapons against their foe, is not only justified, it’s an obligation. Creating Covid and the vaccine that wasn’t was only the opening salvo. The experts are assuring us Monkey pox is next. If the future Star Trek utopia is at stake, isn’t subverting democracy worth it? The consent of the governed is a nice idea, but if it stands in the way of progress, then it’s just an idea. An idea that can be resurrected once the public agrees with the elite again. Law and justice, as Thrasymachus said, are cons the strong use to abuse the weak. To claim the weak deserve it. Our experts agree wholeheartedly, except they use law against their political foes, not the weak. Law is now a weapon in the hands of our rulers to protect the weak, themselves, from the strong, us.

So, the world lurches step by shambling step towards global despotism, in the name of democracy. “Democracy” being a euphemism for a Star Trek like global utopia. A goal worthy of absolutely any atrocity. Things like free speech, consent of the governed and blind justice are road blocks to the goal, so must be subverted. The end justifies the means… or do the means taint the ends? Is any goal that requires atrocities to bring about really human hearted? What if the goal is impossible? The crimes against humanity wouldn’t be justified, they’d be crimes against humanity. Moreover, evil done is evil, regardless how the evildoer justifies it in their own spastically mental minds. In despotic governments, a crime is only a crime if the elite say it is… and the elite can’t be criminal, they’re the elite.


John Pepin

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I’m Back

Let’s hope I’m not going away,

Though there be no posts today,

It’s no head fake,

For heaven’s sake,

I just went on holiday.

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