
Dear Friends,


Law is a deterrent for little guy’s who fail,

But not the Alec Baldwins and the upscale,

Justice be done,

But not on this one,

Since Smollett has too much political favor to jail.


The elitist globalists are struggling to hold the line,

Standing before a dumpster fire claiming it’s fine,

Start the con,

The race is on,

But will the people wake up in time?


We maybe going for a ride,

Chaos from which we can’t hide,

Skleletor is calling,

If the nukes start falling,

You might want to have potassium Iodide.


The rampaging enemies of mankind,

Look closely at them and you’ll find,

Members of a court,

The globalist sort,

And they serve the same demonic mind.


Respect isn’t fear nor is it scolding,

It’s earned through acts beholding,

The despot said with a grin,

Respect me and not him,

As he discredited himself with scandals unfolding.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Merit vs. Favor: The Hidden Cost of Corporate Politics

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, every human interaction has an element of politics, and as such, political favor as well. Which goes a long way to explaining the Pareto distribution. Where upwards of 80% of managers provide negative equity to the company. I posit that’s because they advanced through political favor instead of merit. Those who merit advancement often don’t get it because of politics. Who loves the guy who produces twice what everyone else does? He makes everyone else look bad as he forces them to work harder. Thus he loses political favor with his coworkers. Who run him down to the boss. Driving down the meritorious’ political favor with the company as well. Meanwhile, the layabout who doesn’t ruffle any feathers, gets the promotion. Who then provides more negative equity to the company.

Political favor is the currency of human interactions. Those who have great wealth in political favor are sought out. Some seek them for the political favor that’ll rub off, by being associated with the politically favored. Others might want to trade on political favor… for favors. Still others might simply be mesmerized by the glitter of all the political favor. Think about it. Would you like to hang out with some celebrities? It’s in our nature to be drawn to the politically favored. Whether that favor came from actual politics, wealth, charisma or being in a rock band. Moreover, the Pareto distribution applies to political favor as well as wealth, traffic and sewage. Which means that those with political favor have a ready way to bypass closed doors. The Noticeable Ones… so to speak.

Companies need good workers who merit promotions not politically favored ones. Despite the many tools corporations use to weed out layabouts… political favor always provides a back door. The same attributes that got the layabout in the door then puts the ladder in front of her so she can climb it. She doesn’t work hard so she doesn’t make anyone look bad. So she has no enemies among the workers. As she schmoozes management. So she climbs the ladder in place of those who merit it. You may ask yourself why would executives fall for this trick? I think it’s because appearances are reality to a human being. We all think what we see is reality. Despite the optical illusions that amused us as kids. So we’ll promote the candidate that appears to be the best… not the one who is best.

In this businesses are tricked by their basic tendencies. The tools are insufficient for the job. Because of human nature. There’s a story about when Steve Jobs came back to Apple. The company was on the ropes and the executives needed a scapegoat. So they brought him back after pushing him out. Upon touring the company Mr Job’s asked about a guy in a corner working by himself. He was told the guy was a nutcase, his ideas were crazy, and he was about get fired. So Mr Jobs asked the guy what he was up to. The oddball showed the new CEO a crazy colored single box PC. After seeing what the guy was up to, Steve Jobs patted him on the back and said, We’re going to make millions. Then did. Saving Apple from bankruptcy. Because Steve Jobs recognized merit through the glitter of political favor.

This intractable problem might be solved with corporate culture. A culture that seeks out and rewards merit. It’s harder than it appears. Because, merit can be hidden, while political favor passes as counterfeit merit. Many executives have come up with thousands of algorithms to find merit… but they failed. The Pareto distribution is ruthless. In only a few firms does this trend break down. Space X might be an example. But I bet even in that innovative and merit seeking firm, the distribution of people that provide negative return is no lower than 60%. That small advantage, 80-60% amounts to a giant leap in productivity, and innovation. Making their culture one to emulate and improve upon. Maybe the trick is finding people, capable of recognizing merit, through the sparkle of political favor?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The Golden rule is one to live by,

The elite though don’t even try,

It’s reciprocation then,

Return it to them,

And it’s now time to fight or fly.


It’s time to give the bureaucrats the ax.

Cut red tape and make government relax,

It can be done,

Chant in unison,

No one wants a wealth destroying death tax.


Worried about going to jail are the elite,

So burning down the world is a possibility,

They have bunkers,

In which to hunker.

But the difference I’m not sure I can see.


Matt Gaetz has gotten the gist,

His own party gave him the fist,

They wont even try,

If you wonder why,

It’s because they’re on the Epstein list.


Double standards lies and pelf,

Puts elite ethics upon a shelf,

Starmer was banking,

On his numbers not tanking,

And has found out evil always destroys itself.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Innovation, Luxury and Necessity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one lens through which we could examine human history, is that of luxuries changing into necessities. Take bread for example. During the ice age, and even after farming had been adopted, bread was a luxury item. If it could be had at all. Then it was unleavened. Once wheat production became consistent and dependable, and leavening became known, bread became a necessity. It went from a total luxury item to a staple. Today bread has become a side dish. Every item you take for granted is the same. A sewing needle was a luxury item, until the peddlers showed up, selling them a dime a dozen. Then they became necessities. Imagine the labor saved using a metal sewing needle over a thorn to sew clothes? In fact everything we take for granted today was at one time a luxury.

The desire for a better life draws us to luxury, then industry drives down the cost, leading to widespread adoption. Which makes it a necessity. People are like water. We seek to achieve our goals with the least effort. Given several paths, water will mostly take the easiest path… as will people. Labor saving devices are an example of an easier path to a desired outcome. A washboard is easier to use than a rock, even as a washing machine is easier to use, then a washboard. Given the choice, most people will opt for a washing machine and detergent, over a rock and urine, to do their wash. Because it’s the easier path to the goal. Often we don’t consciously think of why we adopt a new means to a goal. That new means however is always the easier path.

Each generation building upon the past to make the world easier to live in. My grandmother had a Home Comfort wood stove, that she fed 13 children from, and heated their house in winter. I’m sure her mother looked at that huge wood stove, and tsked at it… How Florence was spoiled with such a luxury. Along with an ice box too! How many women today would like to have to start a fire in the stove hours before a meal? We turn a knob and a fire appears. The point being, my grandmother had it better than her mother, who had it better than hers… because each generation builds upon the last. Improving the lot of Man thereby. The luxury of the past becoming the necessities of today. A wall telephone was the acme of luxury at one time, even as cell phones are necessities today.

Far from endangering the worker, free markets accelerate this tendency, to improve mankind’s lot. By greasing the mechanism. Marx argued that the mechanical loom would lead to mass starvation of the working class. “Thus a forest of uplifted arms demanding work becomes ever thicker, while the arms themselves become ever thinner. .” Was the rhetoric as I recall. The introduction of the mechanical loom, however, led to the lowering of the cost of a wool coat. While other industries picked up the labor. Which raised the lot of the worker by increasing his pay and allowing him to wear a wool coat to work, instead of stuffing his shirt with straw, to keep warm. In this case, and in all others, industry improved the lot of the worker in both remuneration and comfort.

Regulations hinder and can even reverse this tendency of Mankind to better his lot. By tossing sand into the mechanism. Regulations protect entrenched industry at cost to innovation. Slowing and even stopping the inevitable march to creating new luxuries. As it did in the Soviet Union. Where Khrushchev had Nuclear weapons are more important than washing machines. Industry that’s mired in taxes and regulation is unable to drive down the cost of luxury, so it doesn’t become necessity. Showing us there’s one force in the world, capable of stopping mankind’s march to better lives… government. Despite the constant push by individuals to make labor more efficient by innovation, and those innovations becoming luxuries, and then necessities… the power of law and taxes can stop it.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Law, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Democrats chant fight fight fight,

Meeting in rooms lit by gaslight,

Step in line,

They’re doing fine,

And the foe is deemed evil by sight.


There’s a crowd of elitist drifters,

Egoist entitled private jet grifters,

The world is at stake,

They said eating cake,

As they handed cash to their abettors.


There once was a culture caustic,

Claiming to be fair and agnostic,

It created nut cases,

Like burrs on suitcases,

And Eleanor Rigby’s now autistic.


The ivory towers are quite a sight,

Gleaming in the dark lit by gaslight,

Looking down his chin,

The elite said with a grin,

You look like ants from this height.


First they ply you with hugs,

Then with dangerous drugs,

If that fails,

Don’t wail,

They can always make us eat bugs.



John Pepin

Posted in media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Globalist Ambitions and the Perils of Dissent

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… the republicans might be wise to put on a little extra security, and maintain situational awareness. Considering the assassination attempts the last time republicans won. There was the baseball game shooting and the train derailment of 2016. Obviously, Trump is in constant mortal danger as proved by the assassination attempts, we know about. Because, the globalist progressive faction has shown itself capable of any atrocity, to achieve utopia. Creating bioweapons and releasing them, like Covid. Making concoctions they claim to be vaccines for the disease they created, with side effects that dwarf the danger of the bio engineered virus, itself. One even wonders if they’re responsible for the Maui and LA fires? I wouldn’t issue life insurance to a republican in power today.

On a case by case basis. Failure is either due to incompetence or malevolence. Honest effort never leads to utter failure. If a competent person puts in honest effort they succeed. Unless they’re inept. Then they fail. If they are competent and fail… they failed intentionally. Making their failures malevolence. Then there’s the narcissists’ trick. Blame someone else for their failures. The narcissist and Machiavellian always have a ready scapegoat. While the hypocrite prefers censorship. Even as the sadist is willing to use both. Compound blame shifting with ineptitude, or malevolence, and you have people that need to be removed from power. They’re unworthy of it. Being willing to do anything in the service of their ambitions… including mass murder. Making them ideal politicians.

When election tampering, interference and outright fraud don’t work, there is always propaganda and finally, liquidation. As Marius did to Sulla’s faction… leading to a century of bloodshed and eventually, Caesar. People who’re so convinced they’re right, they’re willing to commit any atrocity to see it through, are like dross. Useless, they float to the top, and smother the whole. The globalist progressive faction has proved itself dross… capable of anything. Even outlawing political parties, protecting pedophile rape gangs, and canceling elections. Along with jailing citizens for wrongthink. In the US a man is in prison for a joke ridiculing Hillary voters. Even as the exact same joke was played on Trump voters to zero consequences. Proving political bias in the judicial system.

The globalist progressive faction thought it had won… until Trump came along. They thought they had him fenced in with a special prosecutor woven from a lie. That failed. Then they impeached Trump for a phone call…. and again for questioning their election fraud machine. That didn’t work, so they used lawfare against him. When that let go, snapped back and slapped them in the face, they started to become worried. Next, Trump’s helicopter almost crashed, a bullet grazed his head and another gunman was caught at Trump’s golf course. In this case I fervently believe the elite put in honest effort. Their failure was due to ineptitude and not intentional. Now, not only Trump, but the whole republican party stands in the way of the globalist progressive’s ambitions. Making them all a target.

The republican establishment would like to play along with their puppet masters, but Trump’s populism has mobilized the masses, into self interest. We see through much of the propaganda, limiting its usefulness. It’s hard not to notice the assassination attempts on Trump. Then there’s the ever loved, jailing wrongthinkers, outlawing parties, canceling elections and censorship. If those tools are too dull, there’s always liquidation. The utopia they envision is so glittering it blinds them to atrocity. The elite have made honest efforts to take care of Trump. They failed. Nevertheless they’ll work diligently to remove all obstacles in their path. Progress to a global elitist socialist system can’t be stopped. It’s inevitable. Unless meddling populists like Trump get in their way. To those in the way… Stay alert.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Reason, Experience, and the Mystery of Creation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what if God created the universe itself, out of the weakness of a priori “knowledge?” Because even God himself needed experience, a posteriori, to understand his own existence? The irony that this article itself is a priori reasoning, only means it’s a question, with a twist. There are any number of ideas why God would create a universe. Especially one such as ours. With the suffering and chaos of it all. But what if the suffering and chaos are part of the experience? That reality is itself chaos and our reaction to it generates suffering, advancement, decline or joy. Yet without those experiences, emotions, education and wisdom would be unreachable for us. If we are made in the image of God, then doesn’t it follow that God would have a similar need for experience?

A priori is the Kantian term that means to derive knowledge from reason. While a posteriori is to derive knowledge through experience. I don’t think anyone denies experiential knowledge. It’s knowledge derived completely from reason that we question. I admit, reason can very often find truths… when it’s based on experiential knowledge. Which is called… an educated guess. Then that guess is just that, a guess, subject to real world validation. The other weakness of a priori knowledge is, where do we draw the line between a priori and a posteriori? Since everything we know, in the sense we have personally verified it, is a posteriori, how do we know where that line falls? Moreover, how do we know we aren’t simply rationalizing our wants?

A child born into a sensory deprivation chamber, would be reborn, when taken out twenty years later. Lacking the experiential data their mind wouldn’t have developed. The poor victim would have existed in a semi dream state for their entire life. Waking up would make the world a jumbled mess to them. Experience providing the fundamental building blocks necessary for personality. They would effectively be a baby. Not one would emerge educated, with brilliant insights or as a sage. To achieve those things one must get experience for the mind to work with. Taste, touch, sound, vision, smell, education, disappointment, pain, achievement, hunger and all the other experiences that create a human being. These are necessary. So necessary God himself might have created the universe to get them.

The observer effect is recognized in quantum physics. Even leading to the quantum erasure effect. Which suggests that even the universe itself is experiential. In that, to collapse the wave function, there must be an observer, or in other words, it must be experienced to bring potential into reality. Even the most ardent materialist admits, a wave must at least be tampered with by measuring equipment… as they ignore the quantum erasure effect. Isn’t that odd? Real science isn’t a buffet where you pick and choose the science you believe in. It’s a cafeteria where you eat what your served. If observation says one thing, and is falsifiable, then it moves from hypothesis to theory. Which is still an educated guess. Suggested true by attempts to falsify it that failed.

The observer effect in quantum physics strongly suggests an experientially based universe. I think it’s pretty obvious, no baby born into a sensory deprivation chamber would emerge in twenty years as a sage… a priori. So the idea that God created the universe for experience isn’t as big a leap as one might think. Who knows the mind of God? Certainly not me! All we can do is surmise from experience what might be beyond our experience. A priori. Knowing that conjecture is simply that…. conjecture. Perhaps God created the universe for company? Maybe to have fellowship with freeborn agents? No matter what we decide, it’s a priori and thus at best… an educated guess. Any guess, until proven and falsified, is simply that, a guess. Including mine about why God created the universe.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Without an ID no one buys or sells,

We can vote on faith but nothing else,

So bow to the beast,

It was just released,

And accept the Mark or face Hells Bells.


There once was an elite who attacked the food supply,

Ever advancing never stopping and with a smile wry,

Ideologues all,

With plenty of gall,

And at the farmers uprising they couldn’t fathom why.


Intelligence isn’t a genetic vulture,

Nor is it an enlightened raptor,

Look and you’ll find,

It tends to a kind,

Because IQ is inculcated by culture.


Starmer’s gaslighting is truly epic,

Though the smell is lingering septic,

The idealist of idealists speaks,

A pragmatist makes the peace,

And Starmer’s nuclear war will be no picnic.


Democrat projection is astounding,

Making their hypocrisy resounding,

Pointing a finger at,

While three point back,

And confession through projection is hounding.



John Pepin

Posted in business, Group Politics, International Power, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

God’s Image

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re just seeing the birth of the atrocities that will follow our abandoning the idea, Man is created in God’s image. Materialists, obviously, don’t hold people are made in the image of God, since they don’t believe in God. Especially the Christian God, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Since all of human Rights as envisioned by Western culture is based on the Christian idea, we are made in the image of God. Outlawing crimes against the dignity of the individual are examples of this morality at work. Remove the foundational concept and all of those atrocities become, not only acceptable, but inevitable. As they were in the past. Some may call this a “functional myth” apology, and they may be right, I however see barbarism as the likely outcome of post Christian morals and ethics.

The reason slavery was outlawed by those who subscribed to Enlightenment philosophy, is because… how can a man enslave the image of God? That itself isn’t a crime against a man but a crime against God himself. It’s blasphemy. The same goes of torture. How can an image of God be subjected to torture? That again would be blasphemy. Indeed, all crimes against the dignity of the individual, are crimes only if the individual is an image of God. Because then they are crimes against God. If one holds that as a basic concept upon which their worldview is based, then atrocities are not only unthinkable, but crimes against God. In fact, any crime against humanity, and humanity itself, is a derivative function of the concept, we are all made in the image of God.

Earlier religions and philosophies didn’t outlaw slavery. No matter how righteous, human hearted or reasonable they were, and are. How do we know this? Because they didn’t. The institution has an unbroken record into prehistory. It wasn’t until the concept, we are created in the image of God, that such crimes, became crimes. Philosophically thus morally and ethically. It follows then that once that idea is removed from the culture, crimes against the dignity of the individual, will become legal again. Lacking a philosophical, moral or ethical argument against them. So we can expect such crimes to become more widespread, as the Christian culture is replaced by those that don’t have moral issues with slavery, torture, human experimentation… crimes against the dignity of the individual.

Atrocities are in vogue. In China, the materialist atheist CCP harvests organs from living political, and religious dissidents. Fresh. In the Christian worldview, such a thing is a crime against humanity, in that how can a man cut the organs from a living image of God? That’s pure blasphemy. To an atheist however… it’s harvesting organs from an animal. There are now slave markets in Libya. Because, while Christianity considers slavery an atrocity, other religions hold it as perfectly fine. In India they used to burn their wives to death. A British officer was told it’s a cultural practice. To which he replied, we have a cultural practice as well… its called, hanging for murder. We’re witnessing atrocities and barbarism, rushing in to fill the moral void, left by the retreat of Christian culture.

With the ebbing of Christianity and the Christian worldview, we can expect such atrocities to become more widespread and even normalized. As in Britain, where the elite are trying to normalize grooming and raping little girls, for fun and profit. With the police as the muscle. For good or bad, the atheist philosophy will bring with it crimes against humanity, atrocities that’ll make the CCP’s organ harvesting look like drunk driving. More and worse atrocities, that won’t be atrocities… if people are merely animals to be herded, bred and used at the will of their masters. Then again, how is a mere animal worthy to be, master of the animals, if there’s no God to bestow it? By coercive violence. Which means, materialism leads to barbarism, Christianity leads to civilization.


John Pepin

Posted in media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Now this will be a sour dour and bitter pill,

Democrats violate our Constitution at will,

Government’s a tool

For unlimited rule,

And law is a Genie their wishes to fulfill.


The left has lied and denied a lot,

Getting that with which they sought,

Slaves dare not speak,

We’re raided midweek,

And they’ve won without firing a shot.


What kind of scandal would justify silencing an British MP,

Discrediting to the politically favored and bad as bad can be,

But listen and hear,

The answer is clear,

The government must somehow have been involved you see.


The hypocrites are amazing at marching,

Talking out of their derrières by farting,

Oh what a sight,

Lit into gaslight,

As they speak without their cheeks parting.


The journalistic elite are so out of touch,

It’s power and wealth at which they clutch,

A monopoly on information,

Was lost by prevarication,

So maybe they shouldn’t have lied so much?



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Law, media, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment