The Constitutional Appendix

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our progressive overlords have flipped the script on our Constitution, souping up our ride to oligarchy. Today the States regulate that which our Constitution limits to the federal government, while the federal government regulates everything else. The Tenth Amendment be damned. One example of states regulating interstate commerce is gasoline. Even as the Supreme Court opened everything else to federal regulation with Wickard v Filburn. Making peeing subject to federal control. This innovation has allowed the government to become a tyranny through regulation. Since passing laws is so slow and tedious, our rulers have invented the administrative state. Where thousands of bureaucrats work diligently to oppress us in every way imaginable. So much more efficient.

Regulation is much more efficient because it is law by edict. A bureaucrat thinks up an oppression then that notion becomes law with the stroke of a pen. No debate, no real public input and no justice, the regulation is just passed… by edict. That is how the administrative state has grown our aggregate law, from a few books in Nineteen Hundred, to a pile of paper that would reach the Moon were it printed and stacked. No legislative branch could pass that much law in a millennia. Edicts can target the smallest factor in everyday life. Law passed by a body of men and signed by an executive can never be so granular. That granularity of regulation makes it a tool to control individual action. While laws only control societal actions. So regulation is the ideal for any would be oligarch, tyrant or democrat.

The bureaucracy is a function of the executive which makes the legislative branch redundant. Why even have a legislative branch today? They have ceded their function to the Executive Branch. Now they are scrambling for a role in the new government order. So they will be holding trials to replace their former legislation authority with spectacle. Those hearings will not be an information gathering mechanism to pass laws. That would get them in trouble with the deep state. As I have heard politicians say, the national security apparatus (an arm of the bureaucracy) can get you six ways to Sunday. Moreover, the administrative state’s enforcers, the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, etc… have the Epstein videos, so have a long lever on the Constitutional government, through blackmail, extortion and fear.

Even the courts fear the bureaucracy and its power. They find themselves in the same situation as Doctor Frankenstein when confronted with a monster of his own creation. That monster will turn on them eventually, but as long as they can placate it, they are safe… for now. Anyone who seeks a redress of grievances from a crime of the deep state, vaccine injuries or election fraud for example, are denied “standing.” An extra constitutional un American principle introduced during the progressive era to create arbitrary rule. That is one progressive notion that has worked perfectly. That way, even the democratic element of our republic can be stolen from us. Protecting the most corrupt politicians and judges from consequences. Those who starred in feature length films on pedo isle are assets.

At some point the Constitutional appendages of our government will have to go. Like an appendix that has become infected. In some nations, where the Constitutional government understands its new role, it may hold on, although diminished in authority, like the “monarchy” in Britain. Once the administrative state has become the behemoth it is supposed to be. Astride the planet, with unlimited power wielded by expert oppressors, our new global corporatocracy will be sublime. The people will own nothing and be happy, because the elite will own everything and anyone not happy will be beaten, until they are. Flipping the script has worked well for our overlords. Their oppression will be remembered as long as people live. If humanity survives the oligarchical administrative state’s expert oppression.


John Pepin

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