The Distraction Of Enemies

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, an age old strategy of despots in the process of ruining a society, culture and ethos, is to distract the people with a foreign enemy. The fear that a foreign enemy creates in the masses, is usually sufficient to keep our eyes diverted from our own lot, and how it is decreasing. This is one of the main reasons the entire national security apparatus exists. Magic operates the same way, the magician diverts the attention of the audience to one place, while he does his magic in another. It works because we are animals that focus. When we focus on a thing we see it to the minutest detail, but sacrifice all detail of anything outside that field of focus. Why else is a nerd getting hit in the glasses with a basket ball a meme? Yup… distraction is a tyrant or oligarch’s best friend, as we see today in the West.

I have to wonder aloud, why is Russia such a threat? So much so that NATO insists on marching to Moscow? What deep interest do I personally have in sending people’s children to die in the cold snow on the other side of the planet? I don’t see any. Do you? Nevertheless, the elite have some great need to send our kids to die or be maimed in Ukraine, and they appear unwilling to take no for an answer. The fact Russia has enough nuclear weapons to literally blow up the world is no impediment. In fact, the threat of nuclear annihilation is a benefit to them, for the fear factor. What we have in the Ukrainian situation is the result of the elite, making someone an enemy, who is rightly an opponent. When a three year old does this, we say they are unsocialized, when a government does it, we go to war.

The trouble in Taiwan is the result of piss poor planning on the part of the elite. I mean, seriously? Are they that stupid? Or are they malevolent? Either way, had we kept up with our relations with Taiwan, regardless of the Communist’s reaction, Taiwan, with 75% of the world’s semiconductor manufacturing, wouldn’t be facing imminent invasion by the CCP. Had we armed them to the teeth, the CCP would have whined, but all they would have sent our way would have been pointed words, acerbic sentences and foul language. Since the elite did nothing in the face of the CCP buildup of their war machine, mirroring the Nazis rebuilding the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine. In fact, in both cases, paid for by Wall Street. Which, you have to admit, makes the problem entirely the fault of the elite.

What would be the distraction the elite created foreign enemies to distract us from? Anyone asking this question proves the utility of distraction. Some might point to the crisis at the boarder. Which is a crisis for the people but apparently an opportunity for the hegemonic progressive faction. Others could complain about the inflation that exceeds Carter’s stagflation. The slowdown in the economy, the supply chain stoppage, opioid overdoses, unconstitutional covid restrictions and mandates, are other issues that the elite might want to distract us from. Then there is the open election fraud made possible by mail in voting. A practice that is banned in any sane country that actually values polity. These are a few examples of things the elite might want to distract us from… with a foreign war or two.

If you think about it, and most are loath to, any elite that would kill, maim and mentally hobble kids to hide their failings, don’t deserve mercy… since they have none. You have to answer for yourself, if the elite are in fact creating foreign enemies, to distract us from national issues. Moreover, lacking all those evil enemies, why would we need a national security apparatus, that violates the very foundational ethos of our system of government, as explained by our Constitution, the Federalist Papers and the Anti Federalist Papers? Good thing we have enemies then, else we could enjoy the freedoms set forth in the Constitution, unfettered by the utterly corrupt NSA, CIA and FBI. Call me provincial, but I think we should stay free of all foreign entanglements, they are distractions that lead to oppression.


John Pepin

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