Apperances Trump Reality

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that people the world over, generations from now, will be paying for the poor decisions that the party in power in the United States are making. Decisions that will inevitably lower the lot of Mankind.

Not the least of which is the way the democrats and the administration deals with critics. A question about the costs of a given policy are answered by calls of racism. People who make legitimate policy points about the role of government are called, tea baggers, hate mongers, racists, Nazis, and other such vitriolic names by the unbiased media.

Look at the reporting of race baiting some Senators and Congressmen claimed were made by opponents of the health care bill. Utterly unsubstantiated, no video, no audio, in a place where every person there had a cell phone capable of recording the event. Yet reported as fact… without question.

Vilifying political enemies is old hat. But in the past in the US once a party is in power it lowers the rhetoric to maintain a sense of propriety. This group has taken political rhetoric into the gutter. The constant ad homonym attacks come like bullets from a gattling gun. They have taken it to the point where they even call opponents potentially violent. Intimating the use of the State monopoly on violence to their political end.

Like the arrests on the Hutaree. I hope and pray they are glistening turds. Because the alternative is so alarming. The arrests send a message to opponents. That message is, “You better watch out, we control the apparatus of power, and we are not afraid to wield it.”

The history of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty first, teaches us that violence comes from the left… not the right. Look at Europe during their recent troubles, (any meeting of international leaders). Youths wearing communist red and carrying communist banners burned businesses and threw Molotov cocktails at riot police. How may times have you seen references to this behavior in the press. The unbiased media are loathe to focus on violent demonstrations that come from the left.

Earth First is a violent faction that is responsible for bombings and arson in the US. Millions of dollars of damage to business and infrastructure have been destroyed at their hands. William Ayres of the Weather underground is responsible for murdering a police officer in a terrorist attack… IN THE US! Yet he walks free, due to a technicality, and is a big supporter of President Obama. In fact the President announced he was running for the US Senate from Ayres home. Could Mullah Omar be released on just such a technicality?

Now if I associated with a known, admitted and unrepentant violent terrorist, society would shun me. I would be ineligible for political office. I would be watched and monitored by the FBI. If, God forbid, I got mad and ranted on a tapped phone line I would do such and such. I would be arrested just like the Hutaree. Yet the American people have elected a president that is exactly such a man (is best friends with an American home grown terrorist). Lets file this under, no way that could go wrong… like setting off a cherry bomb in your underwear.

The unmitigated expansion of government, the party in power proposes, is staggering. The last bill they passed is the biggest intrusion in the personal lives of it’s citizens the US government has ever made… (and withstood constitutional muster). But what they have done is the tip of the iceberg. What they want to do is alarming. They want to set up nothing short of a command and control economy. They know once an entitlement is started it is never stopped. Like the Mohair subsidy, (for World War One uniforms).

Some people might be thinking, “Too bad for Americans.” But, think of this. If the American economy’s growth slows a mere 1%. (And that is the best case). That translates into slowed growth for the rest of the world on the order of 1%. If this is the case that slowed growth will lower the income of people for the next few generations and possibly for eternity. Cumulatively a small drop in GDP growth over time is what made Argentina go from parity with US citizens in 1900, change to the Argentinean citizens personal GDP of $7,508.00 to the US Citizen’s $46,716.00 (measured in US dollars) in 2009. This small difference in GDP growth compounded over a century has amounted to this wide disparity.

Imagine the choices of the party in power in the US will amount to this same drop in the growth of the world economy. Not only the great grand children of US citizens will be greatly harmed but those of the African, European, Asian and South American will be harmed as well.

But… he does speak well… and he got a Nobel Prize.

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