Unbiased Media

Dear Friends,

It seems to me the disinterested media does itself a great disservice by taking sides. Especially considering the side it always takes.

To be unbiased a reporter must believe in total government. Take George Stephanopoulos. He was a member of the Clinton White House. Now he is an unbiased journalist. The average consumer of news is made to believe that he or she can take what he reports at face value. When in fact… that is exactly wrong.

Unbiased journalists deplore entertainers like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Howie Carr and others like them. They, according to the unbiased journalist, are biased. In fact they even admit they are biased and as a result let the unwitting consumer of news know the bias and let them consider the information carefully. The unbiased reporter however wants the unwitting consumer of information to be ignorant of his bias. So he can have more sway. Which is more honest?

The unbiased journalist always leans to statism. They are enamored with the potential of government to solve problems. The fact that government only creates more and bigger problems is of no concern. Because they themselves would be far more enlightened. The Elite that control the unbiased press should take heed however.

Look at the state of free speech in Venezuela. Hugo has closed all the media outlets that are unfavorable to him. The last one Hugo sent to jail on some trumped up charge. This could be the fate of the present unbiased media if they keep to the path they have taken.

But they honestly believe that the Statists they help are utterly virtuous. The Elite media, who have the lowest possible opinion of you and I, feel the Elite statist is incorruptible. Ignoring the weight of human history. Just like the muskrat that steps in the #2 leg hold. He has no ability to imagine what is about to happen to him. The Elite media however are not so ignorant. Unless they will it. Some even seem to worship the power of the State. They hold it is the greatest power on Earth.

Now take the average man and woman. He or she is busy producing. The average person only wants the government to keep off his or her back. Being compassionate some misplace their compassion and advocate programs that seem, at face value, to help the poor. But in reality have pernicious incentives that not only lock the poor in poverty but drive an ever expanding impoverished class.

The average person must rely on the unbiased media to glean information. For years there was no alternative to the unbiased media. Very few people had access to less colored (yellow) information. With the rise of new media people are beginning to see that those who call themselves unbiased are in fact insidiously biased.

Look at the coverage of any policy initiative. If it is intended to reduce the power of the State the unbiased media dwell on negative aspects of the proposal. If the initiative increases the power of the State it is welcomed as a much needed breath of fresh air. Absolutely no critical reporting of it is allowed in the unbiased media. Only flowery rhetoric. Costs are of no concern.

The facts the unbiased media do not report are telling. Look at the violence at the US Mexico border. Drug gangs have invaded the US and fired on the US military. Where is the reporting? It would seem this is a news worthy story. At least as news worthy as Tiger Woods infidelity.

With the power of the unbiased media waning they are becoming more radical. They know the are far to the left of the American citizenry. So they pulled out the stops to get the government we have. The vilification of Bush was unending. Regardless of it’s merit. The result is the government we are now floundering with. On Bloomberg Radio the other day I heard a interviewee say that the job situation today at 9.7% unemployment is better than it was under Bush in 2002. “The jobless recovery.” She didn’t mention that the unemployment rate was around 6% then and GDP growing. Yea… much worse.

With this caliber of reporting on the economy I am amazed that ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC… etc (unbiased media) are still in business.

Oh, That’s right… I hear viewer ship of the unbiased media is dropping off the table…

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