Gridlock is good

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that the best thing to come out of the healthcare bill was the gridlock that prevented the government from enacting even more statist policies.

Progressives, socialists and communists are Statists. They believe that the State should make decisions for the people. That is at the core of their belief system. It is obvious in every policy and law they propose. From putting sterilants in our drinking water to control our population to seatbelt laws their philosophy is that the State must make every decision for the people. Peter Shumlin, a Progressive candidate for Vermont governor said on VPT, “What the legislature does best is make the decisions for the people…” What does this statement say of this candidates attitude to his constituents?

Government always makes decisions at too high a level. It is the nature of government. Political appointees need cronies. Cronies need henchmen and henchmen need something to do. Since they are usually half wit cousins of the Elite they are incompetent. That is why they have been given cushy government jobs. So some half witted incompetent, who knows nothing of what the people do under him do, decides how many paper clips to put on a piece of paper.

During the Second World War the Soviet Army launched a counter attack on the city of Khrakov. The Soviet forces had detailed plans. They were told to be at certain locations at these times… else be shot. The Soviet Army Launched the attack with overwhelming forces.

As the Plan rolled out opportunities that presented themselves were not taken advantage of. Flaws that presented themselves were not repaired on the scene. The plan was the plan and they had to stick to it.

The Germans however were not so tied to their plans. As opportunities presented themselves officers on the ground took them. As flaws were shown officers on the scene closed the flanks. The result was the loss of 207,000-240,000 Russian soldiers lost killed or wounded to 20,000 German. The efficiency of the use of the forces was what made the difference.

Illustrating in human lives the difference in efficiency of what level of management decisions are made. Yet Statists staunchly disregard history and empirical facts and kneel to their religion. A religion of the State. They worship the power of the State. They seek to wield it’s power as theirs.

They all believe that if only…

The “right” people are put in charge it will work great…

The if the people have the “right” attitude to government guidance it will work great…

The “Right” Elite and or the “right” people do not exist… and never will. The congenital nature of man is evil. Yet we all have within us a seed of goodness. As Mencius said. “there is no one who is not disturbed at seeing a child fall into a well.”

History shows that there is no bridge Statists will not cross. Just communists, according to the Black Book On Communism, have murdered between 80 million to 100 million people in the 20th Century. The Progressive Adolph Hitler was responsible for another 60 million human lives. Statists have spilled much blood in the name of the State. Why would anyone think that a movement that is responsible for so much violence in the past is not capable of it now?

Early 20th Century Progressives in the USA cheered Mussolini and Hitler and the feelings were mutual. The writers on American text books praised the new Communist government in the USSR. Eugenics was in vogue in the USA under the Progressive philosophy.

The nut is that to have the basic philosophy of the Progressives, Communists and Socialists you must believe that your fellow man and indeed yourself are nothing but lab rats for the Elite to experiment on as they see fit. Without oversight…

No way that could go wrong… Again…

So the longer they are gridlocked the better.

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