When Election Fraud Fails

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now that the progressive elite have been called out, they will become even more dangerous. Lashing out like a wounded animal. I am both astounded and happy to have been partially wrong. I predicted Youngkin would lose by a few thousand votes, just enough to make it convincing, but he actually won. In New Jersey, the midnight addition of 40,000 votes in a city that had already reported 100%, pushed Murphy over the top with a 20,000 vote win… as of now. Republicans won across the board down ticket. We’ll see how swimming in a sewer effects them. Nonetheless, this large scale repudiation of progressive policies, echoes the election of 1920 and the end of that progressive era. Progressives are keenly aware of this as well, and will act… according to their nature.

That democrats are still conjuring up votes to keep their man in, in NJ, is shocking. We all know the election fraud must have been titanic, endemic and coordinated. So Ciatarelli must have won in a landslide, to have wrested that level of deceit to a tie. The magnitude of Youngkin’s victory in Virginia must have been geological. If we look at the down races, the results are even more dismissive of progressive policies. One has to wonder why so many people only voted for governor though? I thought most people vote the whole ticket. Probably nothing. One thing this shows, is that election fraud can get a candidate ten points or so, but the ability to manipulate more than that becomes problematical. That may be a huge roadblock for the democrats in 2022.

Now that people have a taste of what the progressives are really selling, they find it revolting. Open boarders, critical race theory taught in the classroom, empty shelves, high energy prices, an opioid epidemic that kills more per year than covid does, and is growing. The media that calls itself unbiased can whine all they want, that critical race theory is not taught, but once parents saw it, it simply cannot be unseen. Claiming to a parent, who has seen it with their own eyes, that it is not taught, only discredits the liar and further infuriates the mother. Everyone wants a just world, but now that the true injustice of what progressives call social justice, is apparent, that lie has discredited itself. As it turns out, the greatest gift to republicans the democrats could have given them, is to be themselves.

Warren Harding won on his campaign theme, “Return to normalcy.” The American people had a taste of progressivism, and they liked it as much then, as we do now. Wilson’s eugenics had left a bad taste in people’s mouths, but was later elevated to Constitutional by the Supreme Court in Buck v Bell. Let’s face it, you don’t get more elitist than promoting eugenics, the epitome of arrogance. The real problem is that the cancer metastasized, even though the US immune system suppressed it, like the human immune system suppresses chicken pox, it spread to Germany and manifested as the Nazi movement. Another corporatist/socialist ideology who’s leader praised Buck v Bell. Then went on to commit atrocities of his own, justified by progressive logic, bringing about WWII.

The progressives will act according to their nature, which history shows is arrogant, clutching and aggressive. Original progressives were allowed to go on with their crimes against humanity for two decades. Crimes for which they later tried Nazis at Nuremberg, some of whom cited Buck v Bell in their trials. Hopefully this cancer hasn’t metastasized again… although, Canada, Germany and Australia are looking a bit sickly. Today, progressives are being stymied much faster than back then, probably because of the internet. Nevertheless, the progressives, who arrogantly show no sign of realizing it was their policies, as they attack suburban women for their election loss, will become more aggressive in clutching at power. Wrath makes people dangerous, stupid… and likely to get caught in misdeeds.


John Pepin

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