Empire By Another Name

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we should start calling the Chinese Communist Party, the Imperial Chinese Communist Party, or ICCP. That is much more fitting of their reality. Since the ICCP is an empire in all but name, (due to the bad press). We should call the leader, Emperor Xi. If Alexander, Caesar or Aristotle examined a map of the world today, and their questions about it answered, they would all conclude that China is the modern world’s empire. Even recognizing the communist system as what they would have understood as the prerogatives of aristocracy. Once we understand this, it is not a great leap to acknowledge that the only reason we don’t call the CCP, the ICCP, China an Empire and Xi as an Emperor, is optics. Everyone would see it if we did, and the mortal danger of it… themselves.

Empires and emperors do not concern nor subject themselves to morals. According to Herodotus, Xerxes ordered entire populations moved. Orders which they were bound to follow else face genocide. Plutarch claims Alexander had the population of a city killed to a child. Then there is Troy, razed so effectively, archaeologists still debate the exact location. These are the prerogatives of emperors, kings and the aristocracy. Would Xerxes have done involuntary organ harvesting, thinned the herd by 45 million through forced starvation, or Genocide by rape, victimizing people like the Uyghurs? Of course he would have, and so would Caesar, and obviously Agamemnon as well. That is the cloth such men are cut from. The same fabric Emperor Xi is sewn of, (and Winnie the Pooh too).

Empires have life cycles just as everything else. They rise, tyrannize, then fall. As they rise, they conquer new lands. The newly conquered people and lands never thrive… they serve the empire. As Tibet, Mongolia and East Turkmenistan serve Beijing’s interests and not their own. The punishment for disobeying is death. Heck, in Imperial China, the punishment for being born the wrong race, such as an escaped North Korean or a Uyghur, is death, just as worshiping the wrong way will get you on the involuntary organ donor list. Hong Kong has just been pulled under water by the Imperial Chinese Communist Party leviathan. We just witnessed a death struggle as Hong Kong drowned in oppression. Now the monster has its sights on Taiwan. First there is growth, a coast, then collapse.

Empires were a problem in Xerxes age. Psychos wielding armies marching across the land. Stealing crops, killing people and generally making a muck of things. Then they would go off to march, steal and kill somewhere else. Now however, people can be oppressed at arms length. Technology allows a despot, not only to kill arbitrarily, like Mao, but to steal people’s very organs, experiment on our genes and create actual chimeras. Instead of being able to burn a single person to death for entertainment, Xi can burn Taiwan’s millions, at the drop of an atom bomb. Or better yet, a neutron bomb, then move a trained workforce into the vacant factories. To minimize the economic disruption. After the bodies are removed of course. Because our technology in the hands of psychos, makes the unthinkable, possible.

That China commits crimes against humanity, is an expansionist empire or has no morals… is bad, that it would drag mankind to new depths, makes it evil. The technology that freedom, capitalism and Christianity gave humanity, in the hands of psychopaths like Emperor Xi, and the ICCP, will usher in new crimes against humanity. Unleashing planet wide epidemics, corrupting the gene pool, nuclear war, weaponized AI or any number of other extermination level threats, for example. Unlimited power, as wielded by an empire like the ICCP (or a global government), in a technological age such as ours is an existential threat to our species. A hidden threat, until we recognize it, and call it for what it is. In this case that China is an Empire and then say it. Meanwhile… Boycott Beijing 2022.


John Pepin

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