What is the quality of Justice where the elite are not held to any standard?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the poor are held to a much higher standard of personal and public conduct, than the elite. You would think in a sane world, those with power to damage the economy, oppress us and even lead to the deaths of millions, would be held to a high standard while those with zero power to damage anything or anyone but themselves and their immediate associates, would not be held to the same high standard… but the reality is the exact opposite. While those with political favor, the elite, can get away with virtually anything they want, the poor go to prison for anything. Why is this? Because of the power the elite wield. The poor on the other hand are held to a very high standard, because if the hoi polloi were allowed to be as corrupt as the elite, the economy would collapse.

After Hilary was let off multiple felony charges, a 21 year old seaman was charged with a felony, for taking a selfie while aboard a nuclear submarine, and sending it to his girlfriend. He used the “Hillary defense.” Then went to jail because he was not a member of the ruling class. An even worse example is the famous pedophile Jeffery Epstein, with his Tiberius’ island, has hosted many elite, like Bill Clinton, Prince William, etc… who have been there and participated in sex slavery for fun and profit. When Epstein was arrested, he was given a slap on the wrist, and his island is still operating as far as I know. Yet if an average person asks a woman out on a date, who isn’t interested, he could find himself charged with sexual harassment and get sentenced to prison for it.

That the elite are above their own laws is a historical fact. What king held himself to his own laws? None ever. Leading by example is such a rare quality that it is basically unheard of. The elite never lead by example but by force and compulsion. One of Confucius’ main tenets, was that good leaders lead by example, while evil rulers use violence to force the people not to follow them into utter decadence. As Thrasymachus said in Plato’s Republic, (and I paraphrase), justice is a ruse so that psychopaths can rule the sane. This has been the paradigm from time immemorial. Given the long and established precedent of the tyrants held to no standard, while the poorer someone is, the higher standard of conduct they are held, is nearly impossible to break.

At it’s most fundamental level, the elite must inflict draconian punishments on the poor, for failing to follow any of the uncountable and unknowable laws and regulations on the books, because if the poor followed their rulers to corruption, the economy would crash. For any economy to work, Capitalist, socialist, feudal, or even hunter gatherer… there must be trust and chaos must be kept at a minimum. In a state where the people follow their leaders into corruption, there is nothing but chaos, crime, violence and therefore poverty. Machiavelli knew this and in his book, The Prince, he explained how a stable tyranny was better for “the people” than an unstable democracy. In a stable tyranny there is constancy and business can be done, but in an unstable democracy, there is chaos and people starve.

So we live in a world where the powerful can break the law at will, while the rest of us are below it’s protections… which was Madison’s definition of tyranny in the Federalist Papers. We have the entirety of human history proving this to be the case. Recent examples being even more heinous than ancient ones as in the pedophile to the stars. Rulers have always been reticent to lead by example, since that is hard, while bossing people by violence and force is much easier. Moreover, it allows the rulers to meet their every want and desire. Obviously, if the rulers allowed the economy to collapse, their own fortunes would follow, and that is unacceptable to a psychopath. As a result, we live in a world set up for the elite, by the elite, and for the elite… to allow them to do anything they want. Is that just?


John Pepin

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