The Stock Market and the DNC

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the timing of the stock market rout in November and running to Christmas, is telling. Immediately after the democrats won a few seats in the House, the market began shaking, and that trend accelerated as the democrats gained more seats after the voting was done. By the time the democrats were awarded 30 seats the market was in a full correction. We will have to wait and see how the markets react in the new year, but we have some powerful anecdotal evidence, that despite Wall Street’s assertions to the contrary, they believe that when democrats are in power… the economy is going to be bad. Shockingly, the same trend happened when the democrats won in 2006, then set themselves to destroying our economy… and succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations.

When democrats stopped a bill that would have addressed the sub prime housing market they effectively brought us the 2008 recession. It was common knowledge at the time, that repackaging bad loans with good ones, then selling the derivatives as mortgage backed securities, would sooner or later explode in our faces. Democrats saw no downside to the economy tanking on a republican’s watch, and so stopped that bill. They won and we lost. Once Obama was in office, the Federal Reserve began monetizing the debt, to counter Obama’s economically destructive laws and decrees. For several years printing 85 billion dollars a month! Giving it to the banks. That is enough money to make 85 thousand people millionaires… a month! Yet the economy never made it back to 2008 levels under Obama.

Why would Wall Street Executives get out of the stock market just because the democrats won an election? Because Wall Street Executives know that the democrat party is all about power, not authority or helping others, but naked power, to harm others without being harmed. Wall street executives understand that the democrats will tank our economy the first chance they get, to amass power and withhold authority from Trump. They are willing co conspirators to the democrat party’s crimes. Being the friends and allies of the progressives, corporate executives know they will be taken care of… just like they were after 2008, when the Federal Reserve was printing enough money to make 85 thousand ordinary people millionaires a month, and gave it to the already rich Wall Street Executives.

Democrats are all about gaining power. If ruining the lives of thousands or even millions of people is a path to that power, then ruining those lives is something the DNC will gleefully to do. Destroying the economy, is a bridge they are all too willing to cross, as we have seen in the past. Flooding our nation with unvetted immigrants, who we know will kill people, steal, rape and bring in drugs, but they are reliable democrat voters, so the democrats will shut down the government to keep them coming in. Moreover, the chaos illegals create can be used as a bludgeon against republicans. The party that booed God three times at their convention, goes to spirit cookings, has pedophilia art adorning their walls and cannot tell the truth, even when the truth would serve them better, will cross any bridge for power.

So, upon examination, it’s clear why the market has tanked in the last few weeks, the allies of the progressives know the fix is in, and are getting their money out, before the democrats obliterate our economy. The suffering, hunger and violence that will result, are prices the democrats are willing for us to pay, to amass power in the hands of people without empathy, a conscience or human heartedness. Their allies on Wall street know what they are and rightly fear them. Their own allies tremble, because they know the lengths the democrats will go, in order to get revenge, like they did Nixon, it took three decades, but they got him for prosecuting Alger Hiss. The democrats will use their ill got power to destroy and punish, it is in their nature. So… the stock market rout is a taste of things to come.


John Pepin

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