What Globalism Really Is

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in all ways, other than name, our elite are trying to establish a global fascist state. Today, almost no one really knows what Nazism was. The progressives, although they know better, claim it is Constitutionalism and it’s ideals, conservatives believe it was simply national socialism, and many have a nebulous idea of a racist ideology run amok. None come even close. To know what Nazism was, you have to listen to what an actual Nazi said it was. Just like to understand masonry, one must actually be a mason, and lay bricks for the future. Only a Mason can really tell you what it is to be one and they will likely not be completely truthful. The same goes of Nazism. The best thing we can do, to insure we never lay a foot on that cursed path again, is to understand what Nazism was.

Goebbels was touring Britain before the War. On his tour he sat for several interviews. In one he was asked what Nazism is. To that he responded, “Nazism is corporatism.” This in the time he was actively recruiting from the British aristocracy. Making me think this is as true a definition of Nazism as there is. Goebbels was talking to the people he was trying to recruit. Initiates so to speak, and so he was probably being as truthful as a propagandist can be. Now, what the hell is corporatism? Corporatism is a melding of government and corporations. Everyone works for a corporation, and the corporations work for the government, or maybe the other way around? Nevertheless, corporatism is the flavor of the day in the West since 2008, and obviously, globalism is synonymous with worldwide corporatism.

Back in the day, and by that, I mean back when I was a youth, two decades after the War, we were taught socialism was privately owned publicly controlled, and communism is, publicly owned and publicly controlled. Our teachers went on and on, some of whom had fought the Nazis, about the evil of Nazism. Yet, we were never taught what Nazism was. Other than that it was evil, racist and totalitarian. Our schools didn’t protect us against that pernicious ideology with a proper education against it. Why? I suspect it is for the same reason Hitler thought the progressive FDR would come to his side. Since FDR’s ideology was closer to his than with Churchill. Plus, to teach what Nazism was, would open up uncomfortable topics about the progressive era, eugenics and Buck v Bell.

Nazis had a scapegoat group as progressives do today. The Nazis blamed the Jews for profiting from WWI, the hyperinflation, disease, and anything else that irritated people. Today, critical race theory posits that racist white Christians are the source of all the world’s problems, and all white Christians are by definition, racist. The same ideology, aimed at a different scapegoat, to the same end. If you can dehumanize a group, get them even to hate themselves, that is a powerful motivator of the masses. It silences the little voice in our heads for good, and replaces it with orders, dogma and ideology, that “immunize” us from the moral responsibility for our actions. How many Antifa and BLM thugs, that rioted and beat shop owners summer 2020, do you suppose… think they are the bad guys?

The Nazis had an armed street gang to inject fear into the political mix. They called their first group of thugs, Brown shirts. The democrats had the KKK. Both armed groups efficiently instilled fear into the target populace but outgrew their usefulness. The Brown Shirts were replaced by the SS, and the KKK replaced by BLM and Antifa. Both are ruthless, in that they are willing to exploit then kill those exploited, for political gain. What is the “Green New deal” other than privately owned publicly controlled totalitarianism? Then there are the corporations. In the West today, corporations have bonded with their traditional enemies, to create a super State. No matter what they call their global government. If it looks like a buzzard, flies like a buzzard and smells like a buzzard… it’s probably not a unicorn.


John Pepin

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