We Have More Power than a Rioter… If only We Use It

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, nothing focuses the mind of a corrupt politician, better than a tsunami of angry letters from their constituents. They have no fear of the silent majority, for our silence implies agreement, but our vociferous objections, written, not spoken, carry the very real threat of derailing the gravy train. There is one thing we all can agree on, those riding the gravy train never want to get off. So the best way we can effect the world around us is to write letters to our congresspeople and Senators. Each letter carries the weight of fifty people. Because the theory is, for everyone that is sufficiently incensed to write a letter, represents fifty that didn’t but are mad as Hell. Like Harry Truman said, “I don’t give em Hell, I tell the truth and they think it’s Hell…” Start telling the truth to power, and give em hell.

Do you agree with the wholesale destruction of our history, culture and economic system? If not, then why not act? I feel most of us are angry about this open coup but don’t know what to do. We are dispirited by the media with their narrative of doom. As our children are indoctrinated into Marxism by the public education system, which is why the voucher system is a non starter, because then our children would get an education that would empower them in the world, improving their life outcomes… instead of making them cannon fodder for their soon to be overlords. The culture becomes more toxic by the day, while we stand in both shock, anger and disgust. Vote fraud that will come of mail in voting will dismantle democracy itself it we don’t speak up now.

Using an RCBS press with .308 die isn’t going to fix the problem, only speaking truth to power will. Preparing for a SHTF scenario may be comforting but it is wholly insufficient in avoiding that SHTF scenario. Isn’t it better to not get cancer in the first place than to treat it effectively once it has metastasized? I am not saying that it isn’t wise to prepare, not at all, I am saying it is wise to prepare… but do everything in your power to avoid ever needing those supplies. Stewing in a blind rage, smoking a cut cigarette, in a creaking rocking chair and chewing bile is no way to live. Not only is writing a letter effective at change, but it is healing to the soul as well. It may feel good to press those 150 grain Nozzlers into cut grain powder filled cases… but it doesn’t serve to prevent the use of them after.

People complain it’s too hard to write letters, well, I would make the same argument as Mo Ti, how much harder is it to watch your daughter raped, your store burned, your life threatened and your son brainwashed into cannon fodder? If composing a letter yourself is too difficult, use a form letter. That is the easiest way to be heard. Silence is acceptance, while speaking up shows you are not a puppet but a human being, with a voice, will, and agency… but most importantly, it shows you can use them. Nothing is more terrifying to a gravy train riding slime ball than a populace that is not submissive but active. The simple act of writing a letter or filling out a form letter strikes terror in swamp monsters. Letting them experience the disquiet we have been feeling for our families and our nation.

By all appearances, the shelf life of our Constitutional Rights is near the end, unless we turn the refrigerator of limited government back on, they will spoil. You are not powerless, they just want you to think you are. One letter to a dirt bag congresswoman makes far more difference than you imagine. Even the most devout progressive, who has pledged themselves to the overthrow of the US Constitutional system, for a Maoist one, will have to take pause if inundated with a tsunami of angry letters from constituents. They are on that gravy train themselves, and as long as the tracks are smooth, they will burn it all down, the only stake they have is that gravy train… that’s why the moment the train starts rocking, they will start balking. All it takes is ten minutes to write and send an email.

Find your congressperson… https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

Find your Senator… https://www.senate.gov/senators/How_to_correspond_senators.htm


John Pepin

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