We Are On A Crazy Train

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we live in a time when what is allowed to be known, or even discussed, is based on its political ramifications to the progressive globalist movement. I, for one, think such thought control is a very bad development. Especially since our new and innovative thought laws are policed by crazy people who are capable of anything. That is what woke cancel culture is all about… controlling speech, language and thus thought. Everyone alive today knows this whether or not they admit it. Those who agree with the progressives must think censorship, cancel culture and ostracizing people is the correct thing to do. Since progressives are so much smarter, wiser and prettier than the rest of us. At least, they think so, and so it must be. Crazy people have a tendency to believe their delusions are reality.

One example is the Wuhan flu. Initially we were told by the “experts” that the kung flu started at a wet market, by someone eating a bat. It sounded a bit lame at the time, I mean, who the hell eats bats? Apparently no one… since bats were not sold there. As a few brave people reported that there was a gain of function research lab in Wuhan. The medical establishment led by Fauci, went full retard, discrediting the survivors of the CCP’s retaliation, for exposing the CCP’s crimes against humanity, not addressing their claim, as big tech censorship went into overdrive. Since the release of Fauci’s emails, we see why. He was sending US taxpayer money to Wuhan, to fund the CCP’s bio weapons lab which created Sars 2 Cov 19, by laundering money through NGOs, very progressive.

The trans movement is another example. Everyone knows it is a crime against humanity yet we are too afraid to speak up. The courts bend logic, rationalizing how giving a child puberty blockers on a whim.. is a good thing. Then magnifying the tragedy by forcing trans boys to compete with real girls in girls sports. Extending the victim list, to not only those who were manipulated into self harm, but the entire female population as well. The Bible says, Lucifer will have perpetual enmity with women, and this is just another manifestation of that truism. The primary way they keep us silent, even when they target our children, is by swindling us into thinking they are the majority. When they are 18% at most. That swindle worked in 1917 for Lenin, maybe it will work for them today.

Those who speak up are destroyed by the Twitter mob. As Mark Dice says, “Twitter is the engine that drives the crazy train.” Another scam they have played on us is thinking we have to be on Twitter. We cannot go without it. What a great swindle. We fell for it hook line and sinker. So much so we got lead poisoning. We stay on their platform where they can censor, cancel and shadow ban us. That way, we have no voice at all, but have the illusion of a voice, because we have a million Twitter followers and there is no other platform with as big a user base. Ignoring the fact we don’t have access to that base and our being on Twitter gives them a handle on us. A lever they can use to move us just by the threat of suspension. All of which makes us complicit in our silencing, censorship and oppression.

Human advancement requires as a prerequisite that thought be allowed. Now that we have strict thought laws, what we will be able to discover, will be strictly limited as well. Our society has become an echo chamber for the worst ideas ever thought up by malevolent men. Which means we will soon get to experience the interesting times of oppression, want and turmoil. Like a chicken, those of us who go along think they are a part of the family, until they become the main course. This will be the case as long as we allow it. Voluntarily staying ignorant, keeping silent and mouthing their anti American, bigoted, critical race theory at our indoctrination classes at work, helps them subjugate us. Maybe its not such a good idea, to let crazy people decide what we can discuss, learn and know?


John Pepin

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