
Dear Friends,

I find it amusing, when the Davos crowd talks about conspiracy nuts, causing people not to trust our lying government and our devious institutions. Perhaps if our governments and institutions had not lied to us we wouldn’t have lost that trust? Doubling down on the lies, open election fraud and calling for more censorship though… are sure fired ways to win back our trust! The kind of people who demand trust, even after they have proved they are liars, as our elite have, are afflicted with the dark triad personality disorders, narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. Then again I am being redundant. The pathology in Davos is there, for anyone to see and hear, who has eyes and ears. The real conspiracy is happening in Davos Switzerland, it’s called, “Confession through projection.”

Trust is earned not inherited. The elite think we owe them our love, loyalty and lives, because they are such great people. Regardless that they hate us, have zero loyalty to us and wouldn’t lift a finger to save any one of us. Leaders eat last… but rulers eat first. By that definition we have rulers not leaders. Rulers are Machiavellian. Leaders lead by example and thus inspire trust. Rulers are narcissistic hypocrites and thus inspire distrust. No one follows a hypocrite, they do what a hypocrite orders, because of fear. Hypocrites wield power not authority. People who have had power used on them, by people who are themselves above the law, learn to distrust such despots, they despise the dastards. Authority however, which the elite confuse with power, is built on trust.

Trust lost is near impossible to win back. Only a fool instantly trusts someone who has betrayed them. How much more foolish is it then to trust someone who has a long and storied track record of betrayal? Psychopaths, who betray not only their spouse, their oaths and their nation but humanity itself, are the acme of untrustworthy. Every time they victimize us, like with gain of function pathogens, they expect we will turn the other cheek? Even as they imprison political dissidents without bail or trial for years? Held for trespassing on public property. Justin, the septic tank Trudeau, literally stole money from the bank accounts of political dissidents. How can any sane person ever trust such people ever again? No amount of intimidation, violence, or calling us names will change that paradigm.

Trust is indeed the basis for government, and once lost, those in government are lost as well. If everyone follows their rulers, and thinks law is a means for the elite to stay ahead of the commoners, no matter how corrupt, inept and stupid the elite are… no commoner will willingly participate in that system of laws. Without the willing participation of the people, laws lose all meaning and become a mere exercise of power over the weak. Once the law is merely the powerful oppressing the public the whole affair breaks down. “What makes a king a king? Public opinion…” when public opinion decides our rulers are despots, the public will soon despise their rulers. Then everyone will engage in constant acts of rebellion. Those acts may be small or even passive aggressive… but they add up.

Our elites have earned our distrust, loathing and contempt, having proven themselves villains. Getting our trust back is the least of their worries. That train left the station three years ago. Now the elite, the Davos crowd, should be worried about trials, for the slaughter of millions from their gain of function, denying palliatives and the clot shot. Let alone threatening the world with nuclear oblivion. With runaway inflation, crashing standards of living and making election fraud more efficient with mail in voting, the elite have made themselves criminals. Our trust in them is gone, and soon everyone will consider them despots… the Davos crowd would be wise to lawyer up, for the pending charges of crimes against humanity. Belmarsh, Alcatraz or Guantanamo bay would be suitable lifetime jails.


John Pepin

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